2010 Tri Thread


<font color=red>Has three great loves: Mickey, Po
Mar 30, 2004
OK, nowhere near tri season in these parts yet (at least not outdoor), but I did have my first swim clinic MOnday. Woo hoo!

Now, I ran Princess Sunday and flew/drove home Monday. Ha dno sleep over teh weekend. Last thing I wanted to do was go swim, but had already missed one class and I really need swim help. I thought I'd die. I knew we'd do Total Immersion drills. Didn't think it'd be too hard. Wow! Just holding myself right engages the core so much. And my core was already a bit tender. She said my feet were kind of stiff. Yeah, didn't surprise me, so was everything else. She had me go in deep water and kick to hold myself up to get my ankles flowing right. There was a High School life guard right there. I felt like an old whale. She commented that it didn't look like I was working. I replied that I really was (wanting to die, but I guess my legs really are kind of strong). Get this, the life guard says. "Wish I could make a vertical kick look that easy!" Holy cow, I was just thrilled!

Funny, I ran a half marathon Sunday, but what am I more proud of? A random comment from a high school boy.

The instructor kept telling Scott (who is sick and just went to observe) that I looked really stiff. (duh) He finally said, "well, she ran a half marathon yesterday, so she kind of is stiff" She comes over when I finished that lap and was shocked that I was doing so well after the half. I had to confirm that the half really was Sunday. :) I felt so tired and stiiff that I wanted to explain that it wasn't my best night, but didn't knwo how without sounding like I was bragging.

The class is going to do wonders for me!! I have so much to work on. Funny how much more the drills do for you when there is someone telling you if you are doing it correctly or not. (OK, someone other than your husband. I must admit that I don't take criticism from him well)

Anyway, I can't wait ot get back in the pool and try some more. What a switch that is!

I've been doing the trainer once a week. Need ot kickk tha tup some. So excited that it's about time ot put the bike back on the road. yay!!!
Carrie, thanks for starting the 2010 Tri thread and congrats on doing the Princess. I'll try to be a more active participant this year on the Tri Thread. Swimming a couple days after a race is always a humbling experience for me, because I feel like it should be easy but it reminds me that I am in recovery when I can't swim as well as I'd want to swim. Good for you for going after the tri training.

I"m trying to rev up my training for a late April (4/25) 70.3 tri in Galveston. It'll be my second 70.3 and I hope to chop off a lot of time from my last effort in October. My swimming keeps improving--my biggest issue is lack of speed. My running keeps improving (ditto on the lack of speed). My biking mostly needs me to build extra endurance as I've only gone 30+ miles 3 times since October and none of them over 40 miles--although 2 of those 3 are my last 2 long bike rides, so I think I'll be OK to keep building from here and peak my distance on the 3rd or 10th of April.
Hey kids-

I just joined a tri class taught by a couple who have both done Ironmans. I think I'll get some good information out of the class and I like the people teaching and participating. It's very much a beginner class, which is good for me for swimming but kind of frustrating for running/biking (but I'll keep an open mind). I'm used to training on my own so it's strange to be in a class of 25!

We were in the pool on Tuesday for our second lesson. It felt harder than usual, and I kept wanting to casually slip in the whole "I did the Princess Half" this weekend, but I couldn't find an opening! I needed Scott with me! :laughing:

Anyway, we are working towards a tri in May- I'll probably do the Olympic distance. There is a 70.3 in June that I find intriguing, but it would be really hot and hilly and I'm a little scared of the swim. Before I stopped swimming in October after my first tri, I'd worked up to 1 mile in the pool; I can bike at least 90 minutes on my trainer (probably more if I wasn't so bored); and I just did the half- so maybe it's feasible?! I may up my training a bit just in case...

I love that I found tris. After this month, there are almost no races over 5k around me- it's nice to have something to continue to train for so I don't just stop moving (and judging by the fact that I haven't been in the pool in 5 months, I would totally stop moving without a race scaring me!)

And for anyone undecided about the Princess Half next year, it was crazy fun! I've done it both years and like it better than the Donald (although it was more crowded this year, which is my biggest issue with the Donald).

Jen in GA
Jen? I missed you again? Bummer! I am hoping to do a 70.3 end of July. really need to speed my swim and bike up, though. We'll see. I bet you could do it. Yes, tri's are wonderful for me. EVen though MO is not as hot as GA, MI summer is hot for me. Much easier to do tri's. That clss sounds great. Can't wait ot hear more.

Richard - Yup, I really need to work on pace too. Swim adn bike are going to make it tough to do muy 70.3. We'll see.
Thanks for starting the thread, Carrie.

Well, as usual, I haven't signed up for anything. But there is a local series of sprint tris, so I can always do one of those. Plus this year they added an Olympic distance, which I think would be good to tri.

I bought a wetsuit, which I am returning for a bigger size. I feel like this one is painted on when I'm in it. I took it to the pool and tried it out, but it is super, super snug.

I also need to look into swim lessons. Right now I'm just swimming once/week as XT and biking/spinning once/week. I really need to sort out training if I'm serious about this--although honestly, at this point I have no concerns about being able to do a sprint. It's just being able to do it in a time I'm satisfied with.

Hi, Carrie!! :grouphug:
So you pulled me out of the woodwork for this thread...I don't get to the WISH board much these days.

How was the Princess half? My BFF did it and had the time of her life! She is new to running and it was a huge accomplishment for her. I'm so proud! :cheer2:
We're going to run the DL half together so we can get our Coast to Coast Medals.

What tri's are you doing?

I went straight from Goofy right into heavy training, as I am doing the Ironman in St. George, UT on May 1. Of course, since I pretty much ran myself to a stress fracture training for and doing Goofy, that has included a ton of water running and ellilptical with my biking and swimming, until last week I started running on the land again..oh, the joy! :goodvibes I need to get in some serious biking over the next month, with a big bike training weekend over Easter weekend to cap it all off.

Hoping to do a short sprint as a tuneup (to get the bugs out) in April...not sure, but Tiberius, I may be doing the sprint at LoneStar unless one other conflict comes up.

Then, after IM, will do mostly short races for fun, though I do think I am going back to the Kansas 70.3, since my role as Dorothy is pretty well set after the last 2 years. Toto would like to go back, too. ;)

Maura...wetsuits are supposed to be pretty darn tight. Make sure you have it pulled up all the way. As one of my coaches says, 'if it's not giving you a wedgie, it's not on all the way.' That said, you do still need to be able to breathe and move your arms. They do tend to loosen up just a tiny bit when you're in the water.
Betsy!!! Good to see you! :goodvibes

Princes was a ton of fun. Huge congrats to your BFF! Odd race, though. felt good, btu jsut could not go fast. (Maybe it's the insane amount of extra pounds). Disney pulled out almost all the stops, though. (No Pooh, but besides that) It really was great for signs and entertainment. Very fun. Good weatehr. My first solo half (amazing, as it was half #11.) Mentally, the race went quickly. :cloud9:
If I can get back in the pool, I'm gonna try this one:

Top Gun Triathlon

It's only a 1/4 mile swim which sounds good for a first time. I'm running a half at Ft. Desoto next weekend so will be able to scout out the water a bit.

Jen...I didn't know you were doing princess!

Betsy...good luck at St. George! That's an exciting one!

Carrie...I didn't know you were planning a 70.3...that's cool.

Richard...you'll be faster if you wear leopard :thumbsup2

Maura...what kind of wetsuit did you get?
Richard...you'll be faster if you wear leopard :thumbsup2

Mel - I seem to recall us having this discussion before...the trouble with it is that it just might be true. ;) Of course, I will also be helped by the fact that Galveston is flat, compared to my last 70.3 in the hills outside of Austin.

Carrie- I hear you on slow swim pacing, but nothing wrong with slow and steady. In fact slow and steady is my best pace. I was next to last out of the water for my wave in my last tri, although I did pass a few of those later on during the bike and run.
Mel I bought an Xterra Vortex3. They were running a sale and it was $99 instead of $300--seemed like a bargain to me! It's a nice suit--a sleeveless one.

Betsy I've had the suit on about 4 times now, and I did pull it up--that made somewhat of a difference, you're right. It still is very constricting. First time in I almost had a mini panic attack. I know they're supposed to be tight, I just have no clue if it's supposed to be this tight!

I figure I should chime in to report that all the triathlon training around here is being done by my DW Cheryl! She's going to attempt her first 70.3 at Buffalo Springs Lake at the end of June, and is about 5 weeks in without missing a workout. Since the full IM in Wisconsin last year was all about me, this one is all about her. I've been doing P90x to give my upper body some attention for the first time basically ever, and am still sneaking in some races here and there. I did the Roswell half marathon a couple weeks ago, and am doing the Bataan Memorial Death March a week from Sunday.

We might do some shorter stuff in the eastern NM/west TX area as the race gets closer to work out the kinks with her equipment, and then depending on how the 70.3 goes for her I've been eyeballing the Cedar Point 70.3/140.6...
Hey guys!

I am considering doing my first tri this year! But I am too scared to commit to anything :scared1: I don't want to lose any fitness over the summer and something to train for might help with that, since all the road races down here are basically over in May until Oct :confused: But my swim in BAD, I mean really bad! :eek: So I keep changing my mind. If I were to do one I was thinking the one Mel posted at Fort de Soto, it's a short swim (well the shortest I can find) and the bike and run would be a walk in the park (well a bike and run in the park but you know what I mean :lmao:) I am also scared about the transition stuff, it's just fear of the unknown but its still fear! But we will see. you are all very inspiring with your 70.3's I don't think I will ever be able to do that (hey deja vu... I said that about Goofy :rotfl2:)

Carrie - Good Job on all the exercise after the princess, I had the week off school so I managed to get in quite a bit too :) I also think the Princess is nicer than the Jan 1/2 :confused3

Mel - I just signed up for the Fort de Soto half today... see you next weekend :thumbsup2 I am excited about the starfish medal (and no overpasses)

Matt - The overpass just didn't look right this weekend at the princess without you cheering us on :yay:

I have one quick tri question.. How much more stuff am I going to have to buy if I do a tri? I have a bike and a swimsuit and obviously running stuff, but money is tight and I don't want to be forking out too much $$$ before I even know if I am going to like it.

Have a good weekend everyone

I have one quick tri question.. How much more stuff am I going to have to buy if I do a tri? I have a bike and a swimsuit and obviously running stuff, but money is tight and I don't want to be forking out too much $$$ before I even know if I am going to like it.

There's always more stuff you can get, but this is enough to get you started and I wouldn't recommend buying too much else until you know that you would stick with triathlons. A wetsuit is always a good recommendation for open water swims, but I didn't have one until my second year of doing tri's.
Hey, so for triathlons I dont have too much in the way of gear, a bike, helment, I recently bought a wetsuit (xterra runs sales all the time, I'll post when I get an email about one). I rented however last year, and the years before just went in my tri shorts. I'd recommend buying a set of triathlon shorts, they'll save you from being saddle sore but arent as bulky as normal biking shorts (so you wont feel like running/swiming in a diaper). Also goggles are almost always required. Other than that there's the normal just maintenance stuff you'll need.

I'm signed up for NYC again this year, does anyone know a good place to learn to swim (while I love catching and passing lots of people on the bike and run, I really could afford to shave off several minutes on my swim). I'm living near DC.
hey Kirsty! Definitely get some bike shorts :thumbsup2 They'll save your bottom, so to speak! Here are a couple more local races (du/tri) I got in email today:

Publix Family Fitness Weekend


Publix has one at Siesta Key and one at Ft Desoto. I think we could do a tri a month from May to Oct if we wanted. See you at Ft. Desoto next weekend! I'm going to try to do their Oct and Dec halfs also.

Matt...congrats to Cheryl! That's very cool! We really missed you at Princess last weekend!

crewmatt...I use http://www.trifind.com

Maura...the whole wetsuit thing kinda scares me, in a body-looks-like-sausage kinda way.
I'm in for two this year (so far). SheRox Philadelphia 8/1 (.8K/25K/5K) and The Nation's Triathlon 9/12 (Olympic).

It will be my first Olympic distance. My plan is to complete a 16-week Olympic training plan prior to my shorter race in August and then re-do the final weeks leading up to the second race. I found a pretty ambitious plan online (6 days a week, many 2-a-days) so I already know I will miss some training days due to vacations, work, life getting in the way.

Also if anyone has any good DC area triathlons I'd be all for it

The Nation's Tri is the only one I know of in the District. There are several options if you can venture in to VA & MD. This site has a lot of info . I did the 1/10 Ironman in Manassas last year because I thought it was funny. The shirt is great, but the bike course sucked - lots of out-and-back, so little chance for speed.
I'm signed up for SheROX Tempe (May 8) and there are a few others here that I'm thinking about. Like a lot of people, the swim is a huge issue for me. I hate it. Once I get out on terra firma I'm a happy camper (or cyclist and runner as the case may be!) Thinking about buying my own wetsuit, because despite the fact that I live in California, the water here is cold!
I'm doing Danskin WDW (May 9), and am looking at the Publix Family Fitness tri for Melbourne Beach (Aug 1). Training has been really sporadic thanks to the weather, but I think we have finally started spring here!!! :thumbsup2 I'm also doing a tri swim class at the gym, and loving it!

I'll check in later - I think we're off to AK for the afternoon. :goodvibes

Hi All,
Finally going to do some Tri's this year. After a few years of just running halfs, fulls and the Goofy a couple of times I wanted a change of pace.

So, I bought a bike (road bike) a month ago, bought a swimsuit and joined a Tri Club. Great group - there are folks like me that have never even done a sprint before - OK, only me right now - all the way up to many that have completed full Ironman, including 2 that competed in Kona this past year.

We meet Monday's for 2 hour pool session, Wednesday for a 1 hour pool and 1 hour running session, then again on Sat for bike ride and Sunday for runs. I don't go Sunday as that is my day of rest usually. Actually have not been on a ride with them yet as it has just been 2 weeks and I had a half marathon last week and the Komen 5k this week.

Like most of you my swim stinks! When I started a few weeks ago I could do 75 meters then I was dead. Hanging off the pool just gasping for breath. Next time I could do 10 laps. Next time 26 laps. Now I can swim pretty much the whole time although VERY slow. Last week she warmed us up with 200 freestyle and 100 breast stroke - 3 sets of that. Forgot what we did in the middle but cool down was 400 meters/20 sec rest, 300 meters/20 sec rest, then 200 meters. That was cool down. Heck that is an entire day for me :) I try to get over for a swim on Friday's at lunch too.

It is not a cheap sport. I haven't gone crazy but but between the bike, pedals and shoes, helmet, swim trunks, bike shorts, joining the Tri club, signing up for 2 sprints and booking hotel rooms, I've spent a fortune. They are gojng to let me borrow a wet suit for the sprint coming up. Don't even get me started on the cost of the Tri's. Makes Disney look cheap :)

I am going to Clermont in 2 weeks for a sprint - my first. I wanted to do St Anthony's an Oly distance but my coach said for my first one that it might be a bit overwhelming. Mainly due to the length of the swim and it is a huge event with thousands of people. I trust her.

Anyway, we need to keep up with our progress. I think a few more people have jumped to Tri's this year. My goal is this sprint, another in June then not sure but looking at an Oly in late October, after the Wine and Dine half. I haven't given up on all running :) Long term a few half's next year then a full maybe the following year.



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