2012? No Problem...but when?

My daughter does not like for me to post things where her inlaws can see... so I can't post on my FB page.

I am asking for prayers for Miss Mia. Without going into too much detail, she is on her way to Scottish Rite Children's Hospital in Atlanta. She is having some tummy issues they think might be related to her being a tad bit early. Mommy and Baby have not slept good in 3 days, and our normal happy baby has not stopped crying in almost 24 hours (including whimpering in her sleep).

Fighting Atlanta rush hour traffic with a sick baby is never fun.

Sending my prayers for Mia. I hate to hear that she is in pain. It makes me so sad to think about her crying in her sleep. I am sure mom feels so helpless.
Oh no Nini! Sending prayers for precious little Mia. Please keep us updated!

Update on Miss Mia...

They kept her until some time after midnight...when I finally went to bed. They ran several tests including an ultrasound on her belly.

The good news is they found no blockage and she was not impacted, but she was completely full and distended.

I won't get to detailed here, but Miss Mia was not happy with the tests, and after a while every time one of them went near her diaper she screamed! She goes back to her pediatrician in a week for her well baby check, so they will be getting a referral to a GI. They were advised to hold off on the solid foods for at least another 2 months.

(My daughter has joked that she will wait for Miss Mia to be able to cook her own food before she gives her solids again...she is NOT going through that again!)

She has gone back to being the happy baby she was before, so all is becoming great in her world...due to some acid issues she has a terrible diaper rash, but that is to be expected.

Also on the agenda today was our IEP meeting. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they held off sending me the official notification of the meeting to assure that Mr D's conservator was not able to attend, but in the end, we chose to go ahead with the meeting. We recorded the meeting so she can review it if she wishes.

I am glad to report it went 10,000 times better than I could have hoped! It seems that having him coded correctly made a world of difference. Even though I still have not gotten an apology from anyone as to what happened previously, I still feel vindicated. Not only did I get every thing Mr D needed, but THEY brought up the standardized testing. He will NOT be expected to do that this year and if they decide to do that next year he will get a modified test.

I seriously wanted to say something about how it wasn't THAT hard to do the right thing... but kept my mouth shut! (I was really proud of myself in my ability to keep my mouth shut! LOL) Even when the EVIL TEACHER's name was mentioned I did not say anything ...all eyes turned to me and they quickly changed the subject.

So now that that is behind us, I can concentrate 100% on the upcoming trip...

I am so happy to hear the Miss Mia is doing better! What a relief!

And I am so glad that Mr. D's meeting went well - it's about time, it seems that you have had to fight this battle for so long. Now, let's pray that they continue to do what is best for him.


After the successful meeting yesterday I was able to get some shopping done.

It was one of those rare times I went shopping for something for Miss B and did not give her any say in which item I got. I made her give me a list with sizes and I went shopping.

She needed some jeans for the trip, a couple of camis and a few headbands.

I got the cheaper versions of what she would have picked out.

I got three pair of blue jeans...within budget...she tried them on. Not only did they FIT but she loved them!!! That has not happened since she was TWO! She is very opinionated (like her mom! LOL!) but loved these jeans. They were not neon colors, they were not low rise, they were not skin tight, and they were not brand name. How did that happen?

With that purchase, the only thing left to get becomes the breakfast bars, juice boxes, Dad's snacks, and the stuff for the surprise bag for the kids.

I'm pretty much on target...in time. In money I am still way under budget! That has never happened for a Disney rip before...it makes me a little worried. I keep making new lists of budget items and comparing them to each other...so far, what ever I am forgetting has not made itself known.

The only thing that has not shown up is my favorite pair of shoes. One is exactly where it belongs...the other has ran off to join the circus! So now, with a little over 3 weeks I have to buy a new pair of shoes to wear to Disney and break them in. And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt the other shoe will turn up the day after I buy new ones!

I had planned on a productive day today in the house cleaning department...we ARE hosting a Christmas party just 10 days after we get back from Disney! But Miss B has decided the flu shot from Tuesday has gotten her under the weather a bot more than she wants to be... so she will stay home from school today.

I still need to make/find a bag for Mr D to use for his DS, iPod and games... the one I normally make for him is too small. He now has the larger DS...can't remember what it is called, but it is too large for what I had planned on making him. I guess I will have to make a drawstring bag...just not overly happy about that because I foresee all his game, ear buds and probably even his new ipod being missing with in 2 days.!

And I need to make my pillowcase for autographs...I have it planned in my mind and it will only take a few minutes to whip it up...just trying to GET down to the studio is the problem. I am having a serious creative block lately and just walking into the studio is depressing me! I just missed my third launch in a row with my launch group and will be having to leave them.

Time to get Mr D up and ready for the day....

I am ready for Disney TODAY!!!!

I am just so happy that your meeting was successful! What a relief, and a great weight taken off your shoulders so you can enjoy these last few days of trip preperation!

Yay for finding clothes for Miss B... I truly understand your pain - LOL - Been there done that, story of my life.

I hope you find your shoe - but on the plus side - it's always nice to get a new pair every now and then... Shoes are my weakness... So are bags... And now dresses/skirts... Not to mention jeans... Yah - I just love shopping.

I hope you are able to find a bag for Mr. D's items... Have you browsed any patterns lately? There have been some great ones recently.

Good luck getting into you studio today... I sometimes joke that it's a rough commute - but people don't get it... 12 stairs and about 20 steps, sometimes takes me HOURS~! LOL

Have a great day!

So glad to hear your meeting went well. I know when we did Gavin's 504 I was nervous but in the end it was better than expected.

Also glad to hear Mia is doing better!

Sorry to hear you missed your launch and will need to leave the group. Will they allow you back in once life has slowed down?
hooray for a great IEP meeting. They always stress me out. today I have parent teachers that is stressing me.

I am so jealous of your Disney trip :) you are going to have a fantastic trip.

C is getting into clothing and she is so tiny jeans are a giant pain.

She is a 00 or a 0 and has very particular taste.
How is Mia doing? I can't imagine how worried her mom and dad are.

I am very happy to hear that you came away from your IEP meeting with a positive feeling and I'm glad that Mr. D is going to be getting everything he needs from the education system.

Yeah for finding Miss B some jeans that fit (and that she liked). Clothes shopping is not fun with a teenager. Casey doesn't want to ever go shopping but I insist on her coming with me so she can try everything on but she is so picky (only likes the basics) and she is so scared her clothes might be against dress code that it really limits what she will get.

Sounds like you've got everything lined up for the trip and under budget too. :cool1:

Good luck with the pillowcases. Sorry to hear about the launch group, do they ask you to leave if you miss 3 launches? I hope you get your creative juices flowing again - maybe a trip to Disney will be your cure.
I am playing with fire here...I have lots to say and I am typing directly on the DIS...instead of a word doc...hopefully it will stay where it belongs!

I am just so happy that your meeting was successful! What a relief, and a great weight taken off your shoulders so you can enjoy these last few days of trip preperation!

Yay for finding clothes for Miss B... I truly understand your pain - LOL - Been there done that, story of my life.

I hope you find your shoe - but on the plus side - it's always nice to get a new pair every now and then... Shoes are my weakness... So are bags... And now dresses/skirts... Not to mention jeans... Yah - I just love shopping.

I hope you are able to find a bag for Mr. D's items... Have you browsed any patterns lately? There have been some great ones recently.

Good luck getting into you studio today... I sometimes joke that it's a rough commute - but people don't get it... 12 stairs and about 20 steps, sometimes takes me HOURS~! LOL

Have a great day!


Yup...shoe is still missing in action...I had a glimmer of hope when I found one of the shoes in the shoe bag (of all places!) But nope...it was the one I had already found...Husband put it there...silly boy...he thought that is where it belonged!!!

I did manage to get a bag made for Mr D. It is not perfect, but I think it will serve its purpose. And I managed to get a small bag made for the Grand Princess to hold the goodies I got for her as well.

Now I need to make my pillowcase and a few small zipped cased for our ear buds and then I promise I am done! LOL!

So glad to hear your meeting went well. I know when we did Gavin's 504 I was nervous but in the end it was better than expected.

Also glad to hear Mia is doing better!

Sorry to hear you missed your launch and will need to leave the group. Will they allow you back in once life has slowed down?

Well, if I asked nicely they might...the first launch I missed was because I was doing something for a friend that turned out to be ten times more involved than I thought... but the last two I missed were simply because I had zero inspiration. I didn't actually sell a lot during the launches, all my sales came from the exposure I got. I have to think about do I really have the time to do this any more...

hooray for a great IEP meeting. They always stress me out. today I have parent teachers that is stressing me.

I am so jealous of your Disney trip :) you are going to have a fantastic trip.

C is getting into clothing and she is so tiny jeans are a giant pain.

She is a 00 or a 0 and has very particular taste.

Well, Miss B is not tiny...she wears a size 6 in ladies...but in girls she wears a 14. In ladies they make then a bit tighter...and in stretchy fabrics that won't stay up on her bottom unless she wears a belt...and NO ONE in middle school wears a belt! I would scar her for life if I actually made her wear a belt to school!

How is Mia doing? I can't imagine how worried her mom and dad are.

I am very happy to hear that you came away from your IEP meeting with a positive feeling and I'm glad that Mr. D is going to be getting everything he needs from the education system.

Yeah for finding Miss B some jeans that fit (and that she liked). Clothes shopping is not fun with a teenager. Casey doesn't want to ever go shopping but I insist on her coming with me so she can try everything on but she is so picky (only likes the basics) and she is so scared her clothes might be against dress code that it really limits what she will get.

Sounds like you've got everything lined up for the trip and under budget too. :cool1:

Good luck with the pillowcases. Sorry to hear about the launch group, do they ask you to leave if you miss 3 launches? I hope you get your creative juices flowing again - maybe a trip to Disney will be your cure.

I usually have my older daughter take Miss B to do her clothes shopping. They have similar tastes and are both complete NUTS! But since Miss Mia has come along she has less time to go on shopping trips.

I used to say I was really lucky. Miss B had extremely modest tastes. Too tight, too short, too revealing were things she NEVER wanted. Her last year of middle school is doing horrible things to her tastes!

First a Miss Mia update.

Luckily she has a well baby check on Tuesday. She is still having some major problems with her tummy. She is back to being in so much pain she is screaming. While we know there is nothing the ER can do at this point, it is hard to watch your baby scream all night long. She won't nurse, because she figured out that is part of the pain...

Mommy is lucky if she can get a total of 5 hours of sleep a day... But she did have about 2 days of being happy... before the problem came back.

Now trip news...

You know I really want to go to MVMCP... well, as I was trying to find a way to tell Husband I wanted to go...he was thinking about how to pay for it. When he came back for Mr Max's interview at school (he was accepted by the way...he goes to boarding school while we are at Disney!) anyway he came home and I was watching the video fo the parade for the 15th time...and I was tearing up a bit... he said that since he had budgeted about $300 more for the school than it was actually costing...he would pay for the party if I figured out how it was going to work!

So...problem #1... how to tell my son and daughter in law about it without them wanting to come along. Long story, but I do not enjoy the party when they go with us. My DIL can be very demanding at times...

Problem #2..(remember I am cheap!) We have an ADR for Tony's at 6:45...I do NOT want to spend an hour or more of Prime Party time eating dinner! That time works great if you are having to leave directly after dinner, but if you are staying to midnight not so much!

For party nights, we prefer to eat a light counter service meal. So that would mean a table service lunch...except there is NOT a SINGLE thing available for the 3rd for lunch!

There are things available on the 8th for lunch...but that would mean giving up BOG for dinner on our last night...which I will not do!

Every year we end up with some sort of drama before we go...usually to do with dining. I really thought our drama would be that my daughter and her family would decide to go with us...but now they are more sure than ever they are not going. We do not want to take a chance of Miss Mia's tummy issue flaring up while at Disney. So now my problem drama is going to be because I get to do the one thing I really wanted to do this trip! LOL I guess if you have to have drama it is a good kind of drama to have!

....and do you see the ticker?

Because I was worried about loosing my post I did not post any pictures...but if you PROMISE not to laugh I will post a picture of the two bags I made for the kids... Pinky Swear!

First is Mr D's bag. It turned out ok...but the wonky stripes are about to drive me crazy!


Next is the bag I made for the Grand Princess...I still need to put the button on so it will close...but I changed the fabric I was planning on using so I really want to find a different button... Again...not perfect, but she will never use it again so I didn't want to stress too much on it!


Now... this one is made by an expert...One of D~s original! I hope she doesn't mind me posting here...This one is for Miss B and I have to say I wish I could make bags a tenth as well as she can!


And then for fun...this is the bag I will be carrying...another D~ original! I love it! Would not trade it for a million dollars...


Now...if all goes well you should be seeing a total of 4 bags...if not...it was SUPPOSED to look like a jumbled mess of letters an numbers...

Bummer about the shoe... I wish it would turn up for you.

Oh no... I feel so badly for little Mia - I thought her tummy issue was resolved? Poor little sweetie - I hope she is able to get into the Dr. soon so this is figured out and she does not have to suffer unnecessarily for too long.

Hmmmm... Well, I think it's awesome that you get to do MVMCP... I would cancel your current ADR so that you can be at the party that night... Then I would stalk the dining reservations to see if something turns up for that day. Otherwise... Is there a counter service that could work out for you if nothing opens?

I've already told you on FB - but I think you did a FANTASTIC job on the bags!!! I love the little one for the Grand Princess too!!! So cute!

Thanks for sharing all the bag pictures. Mr. D's bag came out really nice and will be perfect for storing all of his DS goodies. The little Christmas purse is adorable, I bet she will be sporting that all season.

I didn't realize when D~ originally posted the Sebastian bag that it was for Miss B. She is one lucky girl. Your Minnie bag is one of my favorites. You will be a well-accessorized family. :)

:santa: Great news on the MVMCP. I hope you can find a Tony's lunch reservation for the 3rd. Was it going to be just the four of you for dinner that night or the larger group? I wouldn't be surprised if you could do a walk up for lunch there because the cancellation policy for that one didn't require the day before notice when most folks probably made their ADRs. I know Tony's is a favorite for your family so I hope you can switch your ADR.

I hope your plans work out and the guest list is "limited" ;) That would be the PERFECT night for a your son's family to do something together as a family. :rotfl:
WoW!! I love all the bags. You make me wish I knew how to sew!! Gain would flip over the car bag and Brenda loves ANY purse! :lmao:

I keep saying that someday I want to own a bag by D~. Every time I think about it though another expense pops up. I was just about to check out a new bag when Gavin needed surgery and now the stupid insurance isn't paying anything. As soon as I win the lotto I am getting 2... one for each arm! :lmao: They are beautiful!
I love all your bags they came out great and you know I love D originals.

I would scrap the ADR for party night and eat counter service.
Bummer about the shoe... I wish it would turn up for you.

Oh no... I feel so badly for little Mia - I thought her tummy issue was resolved? Poor little sweetie - I hope she is able to get into the Dr. soon so this is figured out and she does not have to suffer unnecessarily for too long.

Hmmmm... Well, I think it's awesome that you get to do MVMCP... I would cancel your current ADR so that you can be at the party that night... Then I would stalk the dining reservations to see if something turns up for that day. Otherwise... Is there a counter service that could work out for you if nothing opens?

I've already told you on FB - but I think you did a FANTASTIC job on the bags!!! I love the little one for the Grand Princess too!!! So cute!


We went to the PX yesterday and one of the things I got were new shoes! I now have 18 days to break them in. I wore them around the house last night...not the same I know...and for the 2 hours I could not even tell I had them on...so that is good...even if it is not a real test!

My daughter sent me a text during church services yesterday morning...She pooped! (then she said she was hoping my phone was on silent!) She is averaging a week between poops. With extreme miserable baby during those last few days. She was very happy yesterday...even to the point of allowing mom to stay during the entire evening services without having to take her out! She almost made it throught the morning service, until Mia started screaming very loudly "Nigh Nigh....Nigh Nigh..." Then once she realized Mommy was talking her out she started giggling! That's my girl...just like her mommy was! And in case anyone gets the mistaken idea she was wanting to go to sleep...that seems to be what all my kids (and now Miss Mia) say when they wanted to be nursed!

Thanks for sharing all the bag pictures. Mr. D's bag came out really nice and will be perfect for storing all of his DS goodies. The little Christmas purse is adorable, I bet she will be sporting that all season.

I didn't realize when D~ originally posted the Sebastian bag that it was for Miss B. She is one lucky girl. Your Minnie bag is one of my favorites. You will be a well-accessorized family. :)

:santa: Great news on the MVMCP. I hope you can find a Tony's lunch reservation for the 3rd. Was it going to be just the four of you for dinner that night or the larger group? I wouldn't be surprised if you could do a walk up for lunch there because the cancellation policy for that one didn't require the day before notice when most folks probably made their ADRs. I know Tony's is a favorite for your family so I hope you can switch your ADR.

I hope your plans work out and the guest list is "limited" ;) That would be the PERFECT night for a your son's family to do something together as a family. :rotfl:

Thanks...Miss B is not supposed to know about the Sebastian bag...it is a surprise...but she was snooping the other day and found it. Of course she hasn't admitted she found it...but all the evidence supports that assumption...LOL

The bags will be given to them when we go out to dinner on Friday...before we leave, and yes, it IS Black Friday. Looking for some place close to home that will not be CROWDED that night! They will contain some goodies (not the food variety) for the trip. I know MY kids will appreciate them...not so sure about The Grand Princess. She is becoming more like her mommy every day! LOL!

I still haven't told my son's family about the Christmas Party night...working on just the 'right' way to tell them...LOL...chicken?

WoW!! I love all the bags. You make me wish I knew how to sew!! Gain would flip over the car bag and Brenda loves ANY purse! :lmao:

I keep saying that someday I want to own a bag by D~. Every time I think about it though another expense pops up. I was just about to check out a new bag when Gavin needed surgery and now the stupid insurance isn't paying anything. As soon as I win the lotto I am getting 2... one for each arm! :lmao: They are beautiful!

You really SHOULD learn to sew! It is not that hard! D~ only started a couple of years ago...and look how fantastic she is! I taught Miss B how to sew when she was 6...she made a quilt for the Grand Princess and then a dress when the Grand Princess turned 1. She has made a few things since then...but lost interest because I would not get her a new machine...something about since she dropped it down a flight of stairs!!!!:confused3 She could not understand why that bothered me!!

Let me tell you...D~'s bags are 1000 times better in person than they are in pictures! No lie!

I love all your bags they came out great and you know I love D originals.

I would scrap the ADR for party night and eat counter service.

I am 99%
sure we will scrap Tony's and do a CS for dinner...Currently my only problem is that husband doesn't want me to purchase the tickets until I have the dining plan worked out...which means I can not just walk up somewhere...

The part that is making it so hard is the stupid dining plan! It we were paying out of pocket it would not be a big deal to just have an extra CS and one less TS... And I know the argument that the dining was 'free'...but regardless, I am paying for it one way or the other...

We thought about eating at someplace along the monorail for lunch...but the only things I could find were sandwich places...and while they are probably very good...husband will not go for it. The only place he will consider a sandwich is Earl of Sandwich. So... I did find something in Epcot...on the monorail...right?

Well, riding the monorail to Epcot, going through baggage check, walking all the way to Morocco, eating, the returning back to Magic Kingdom will take about 3 hours... Don't forget we will have a wheelchair... NOT happening!

Once again, the Disney site is driving me crazy this morning! Trying to do something simple for a client...and NOPE...not going to let me...so I need to get off here and actually make the kids something for breakfast... I am thinking toast and hot chocolate...meaning nothing! LOL... I sometimes hate when the kids are out of school for a day... I still get up the regular time, but they have no problems sleeping in....

But they only have NINE more days of school before we go...Mr D actually only has seven..he has two therapy days... And husband has only 6 days of work left....I, one the other hand have 18 days of work left!

Just as I was thinking Disney did not like me...(I've been on hold with them forever...and keep getting disconnected...grrr)

I casually went over to check the dining situation...and there was a Tony's available for lunch on the 3rd! I get to go to the Christmas Party!!!

Now to call Disney back again...

Thank you for saying such nice things about the bags I make, it's so nice of you Nini. :lovestruk

I am sooooo happy you get to go to MVMCP!!! How exciting!!!! Yay for securing that lunch ADR!

I can't believe your trip is soooo close!



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