23 days, 11 states, One minivan, 4300 miles…


Queen of the 5 Castles
Oct 10, 2008
Ok guys. Well a friend/nemesis PrincessinOz ;) asked me to write a trip report about my latest adventure across the Midwest as it is somewhere Aussies might have on the long distance radar...but not many have actually been to.
And certainly isn't somewhere Disney nut Aussies go to until they have done all the Disney Parks...over...and over...again. :lmao::lmao:
No Disney Park there :confused3 :scared1:

So...I have started
I will warn...IT MAY TAKE A WHILE!!! :surfweb: :coffee:
I'm still sorting photos...not to mention my mind...:crazy2:
But I'll do my best.
I'm gradually adding photos here. But bear with me.

This is the beginning of the trip report.

Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah...and California
23 days, 11 states, One minivan, 4300 miles…

There are times in life when one plan gets replaced at great speed and snap decisions have to be made. This is the shortest notice international holiday I’ve been on. In some ways there was already planning in place…but only in terms of spending October somewhere other than Sydney.

The original plan was to go to Shanghai for the World Expo. Travelling to China had always been ‘on the list’ but never a priority. But as I looked more at the Expo it did seem like a nice thing to see and perhaps enough to warrant going to China soon. So initial planning started. How long overall? How much leave could we get? What can be fit into that time frame? Which stopover? Universal in Singapore or Disneyland in Hong Kong? Can we get a fare incorporating the USA? Is that logistically possible or madness?

So…we looked and looked and looked at flights. :surfweb: Waiting for something on sale. Waiting for anything that resembled good value. The only Airline offering anything significantly under $1000 was Air China. Hell would freeze over before I flew Air China. :scared1:
China Eastern, Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airlines were all being watched closely. But nothing was coming out that I would deem good value.

But there was another airfare war going on. The Pacific route. United, Delta, V Australia, Qantas (and Air NZ I suppose) were all at war. How low can we go? :scratchin Now as I say above one of the considerations was can we visit the USA as well. You see we mainly travel December, January and February. This was always a combination of it fitting into work and school/university schedules. But now that university wasn’t a consideration, there were more options. But there wasn't a major reason to change that tradition…mainly because I adore skiing and Christmas.
But there are certain destinations which are not accessible in Winter…and they kept entering the thought processes because there was a long resident of the bucket list in that category.

I love buildings. I love big cities. I appreciate good Architecture. And there is a very special city in Architectural history which has an airport known for getting snowed in. It is called Chicago. Chicago has been on the ‘to do’ list for a long time. But those O’hare horror stories had kept us from even passing through there as we travelled around the USA. As many know I am a United Airlines gal ;) …and O’hare is one of their hubs. So trust me when I say we always had to consciously REMOVE an O’hare stop from any flight itinerary research. :lmao:

But if we travelled in October???? The scales were tipping... :scratchin :surfweb:

More and more reports were coming back about the World Expo. Insane crowds, terrible heat, not much to see once you get into a pavilion. Taking days to see much of anything. *So take the Expo out of the equation and you don’t have a reason to go to China then.

Then the October fares came out. $1150 to Chicago and back!!! BARGAIN!!! So mad scrambling of calendars and pens and brainstorming. :scared1::crazy2::surfweb::coffee::chat:

When, where, how long??? Much head scratching later we had a plan. There was a quirk that made open jaw lower the price slightly. Syd-LA-Chicago…Salt Lake City-SFO-Syd. Another dictated that Oct 1 was cheaper than a Sept 30 departure. And then there is the issue of what is actually available to book at the sale price. This determined the final piece of the puzzle. So we booked that.

Then came the rest of the head scratching. The China brochures got mothballed and Project Midwest USA began. Now there had been original thoughts of what we wanted to do in the area before. But actually mapping it and fitting it in was going to be tough. We had a start date and an end date for getting from Chicago to Salt Lake City. For those uninitiated get a map of the USA out. Got it?? Find Illinois and find Utah. If they have the cities marked find Chicago and Salt Lake City. Get a ruler. Draw a line from point A to point B. It’s a long way isn’t it. :eek:

Step 1 – Bucket List.

As well as Chicago there were some other things on the list. One was Cedar Point. The Ultimate Coaster Theme Park. If you haven’t heard of it them you aren’t an adrenalin junkie. And explaining to you the importance of it I don’t have time for. Feel free to google it. If you still have your map out find Ohio. Found it? You notice it doesn’t lie along that line I got you to draw. It is to the east isn’t it. Oh dear…back tracking. BUT…so close…ever so close. It too closes for winter. So it couldn’t be part of a December trip. So it joins the itinerary. :surfweb:

The other main one was Yellowstone National Park. The first National Park. Somewhere quite amazing and unique in the world. It’s funny though. I’m more of a desert girl. I mean I always wanted to go there and it is stunning. And there are mountain ranges around which are also something I love. But I do love the desert and completing the areas around Zion, Bryce, Canyonlands etc is also high on the list.
So they were the 3 main things I would say. Chicago, Cedar Point, Yellowstone. There were gems to be found around these things (and MUCH empty space) but for now these were taken from the bucket list.

Step 2 – How…

I can’t take credit for much of the itinerary work but I did have my work cut out for me sorting out Chicago. You should have figured out by now this was and remained my priority. I had a few people who said why?? What’s there?? But to most people I know, especially co-workers, saying Chicago would light up eyes!

To most I’m sure Chicago is seen as the small version of New York. *And it sort of is. It’s a famous skyline with lots of tall buildings. It has fancy shopping streets and grandiose hotels and landmark department stores. There are nearby affluent suburbs. But there is a different history in this city, which makes it unique. And which may well be of little importance to you. I get it. What floats my boat may not float yours. But there is a wonderful organisation which does their best to help you understand what makes this city unique and so special.

The Chicago Architecture Foundation. http://caf.architecture.org/

I have never found and organisation quite like this. There are professional Architecture Associations in each country and chapters of it in each city. But to be honest they are a bit snooty when it comes to the public. Have you ever tried to deal with one before? Probably not…I get it…I’m a bit different.
This foundation however is separate to these associations. It runs walking tours, river cruises, bus tours etc. There are 65 different walking tours on offer in total. 85 overall including the bus and river cruise etc tours. The key thing is that the tours are guided by volunteer docents. 450 in total. They are made up of people from all walks of life. Many are retired locals with a passion for their city.

So my job was to nut out priorities within that selection.

Additional considerations were things in and around Chicago itself. A decision had been made to stay IN Chicago. Like NYC picking a good location within the city makes it much easier to get in and around the city. And you can either walk or take quick taxi rides to most places. BUT…there were things to see outside the city. We were hiring a car for the full time. We needed it before and after Chicago so the money and time saved by having it the whole time made up for the ripoff valet parking daily rate at the hotel .
[at this point I’m sure I’ve lost some of you…and some of this stuff should probably just go into the actual ‘trip report’. But given how much time was spent on this planning for the trip I have added this preamble. In lieu of a Pre Trip Report]

So those other destinations were *- The Farnsworth House, Oak Park (FLW home and studio and many of his buildings), the Robie House, and a few other things.
After much deliberation and research an Itinerary was nutted out and things booked.

***NOTE*** One thing I would HIGHLY advise if you are going to Chicago is signing up for: www.groupon.com and www.buyzooka.com.
Through these I got a Family (2A 3C) Annual Membership for the Architecture Foundation for 50% off which makes all walking tours free. And $20 annual passes for the John Hancock Tower (normally $79), which covers 2 people.
Now I guess it is unlikely they will have those on offer again soon. But every day there is an offer and for you foodies there are lots of offers for food discounts.

The rest of the itinerary…

Remember the map I got you to have a look at??? Well after allocating time to Chicago we had 11 days from Chicago to Salt Lake City. Much driving and long days were
ahead. There are places to see…but there a big distances between many of them.
And what about Cedar Point? Well that was where we began.

So without further ado…Project Chicago begins…
Nemesis??? Who me?


Marking my spot in the queue!

You're certainly taking your time round the 11 states; 4300 miles...23 days! Wow! That's such a L.O.N.G time (I did 2300 miles in 5 days!).

And next time we talk about United; I now know I only have to remind you about Air China. :teeth:

Sigh...always one step too slow. But I'm here! Oh and by the way, I really liked the photo of Mr Bison.
Ok guys. Well a friend/nemesis PrincessinOz ;)

Nemesis??? Who me?

Now you both have my singing, and I can't get it out of my head, from Phineas and Ferb...

My neme, neme, oooo... my neme, neme, neme
And I feel fine cause I've got a nemesis.
My neme, neme, oooo... my neme, neme, neme
My neme, neme, oooo... my neme, neme, neme​

Sorry.... back to the trip report.

Wow, I just told DH of your adventure, and he is really interested in it, opposed to the usual u-hu and mmmm when I tell him something.

I just did some quick maths, 4300 miles, about 6900 kms? Can't wait to hear more.

Edited: I really would like to go to Chicago, maybe when DD old enough to be interested or when she's "independent!" :rotfl2: I would love to do one of the movie style tours for the Blues Brothers, Ferris Bueller, how cool.
I'm in.....loving the read Queenie, you and princessinoz put my TR to shame. With three kids in the back ground here I often seem to get called mid sentence etc "mum where are you" rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Although I do love the little ankle bitters, but don't they know disboards means "leave me alone!".
Happy to be an amusement to you all :cool1:
It's nice to know your DH is interested kylieh. It was a very tiring holiday....very...but there were some absolute GEMS to see along the route. :thumbsup2
It's just a pity the very long drives between them. :drive:

And Chicago is just fantastic.

The most direct route to Chicago…seems perfect!!! What could go wrong…

I’m hesitant telling this tale as it will give ya’ll United haters another tale of woe to latch onto…but I don’t care anymore. I’ll still fly them. And I still think they are a great airline. I’ll be sitting in my Economy Plus seat near the pointy end and having a nice flight. While you sit on Qantas watching the engines to check on them

So as we were flying United and Chicago is a hub we thought we’d finally take advantage of it. The SYD-LAX flight is Flight 840. This flight number continues to O’hare. You do change planes and clear customs in LAX but you get to have a tight connection. About 1hr 20min. Sounds like a great plan doesn’t it? I mean tight connection so no hanging around in the hell hole LAX. And it is all the same airline and flight number so it is all allowed by them.

Time saved! Bonus! :woohoo: What could go wrong…:rolleyes1
Well...a combination of factors.

1 - The plane for the connecting flight was running late. Then there were lots of passengers on standby and running late and various other things. Late passengers for an already late running flight really piss me off. Late bag arrivals etc all delays the departure. :furious::furious:
2 - There was a rush in loading. And me thinks someone slammed the door a bit too hard on the cargo door to the area our bags were in. :headache:
After a longer than usual time waiting the bags still hadn’t arrived in the carousel. An announcement finally came through that the cargo door was jammed shut. That they were working on it. And it should only be a short time. Maybe 30mins. This repeated a few times. Still nothing. As the hours were ticking the offer of delivering the bags when they had them was being taken up by most passengers gradually. But that was going to be a big problem for us.

Long story short…we held out for hours…before finally giving up. 1/2 hr after leaving we get a call. :rolleyes2 We took a scenic detour through downtown Chicago to get back to the airport. Stormed in…grabbed the bags…chucked them in the car…and left. :mad:
Now why wasn’t getting them delivered going to work well for us??? We were off to Cedar point about 6 hours away. We got into O’hare at about 5:30pm. We got to Sandusky, Ohio around 11 and a half hours later. :faint::crazy2:
To say I looked like death warmed up is to be kind. It wasn't pretty.

So…I guess you guys now have another excuse to not fly United. But as bad an experience this was. The compensation offered after many hours of waiting was swift and very good. :cheer2:
And it is a very funny anecdote we now have. :lmao:
I tell this story with a smirk and sarcasm usually. At the time I wasn't happy obviously. I was ready to strangle someone. :sad2:
But I mean the accidental night tour of downtown Chicago was nice :thumbsup2 and it did all work out ok. I’d had a large coffee from the Starbucks kiosk so I was still firing and the drive was simple on good interstates.:hyper:
I still love United. :goodvibes
And Cedar Point wasn’t opening until 12pm because it was open until midnight so we still got there for rope drop.

Which is good…because Cedar Point was an adventure in itself!!! :rotfl:
Subscribing :surfweb:

Awesome Awesome report so far. Absolutely loved post one with the lead up. A jammed door with a little luggage delay :headache::rolleyes1 wouldn't actually stop me flying an airline either. Two engines blowing up mid flight on two separate planes, same airline may make stop flying :scared:, but even that wouldn't I don't think :rolleyes1.

Can't wait to read more about your adventures.

I haven't been on Dis for ages, must get back to finishing my TR. Will aim to do another day tomorrow. Off to look at some of your photos now.

Welcome back Queenie :goodvibes
Irrespective of what airline YOU CHOOSE to fly, I'm always sympathetic when I hear of missed connections, jammed doors and late luggage....:goodvibes

Death warmed up? Do you think it suits you?? :lmao:
Reading along! :cool1: I can imagine how frustrating the luggage scenario was at the time but sounds like the airline handled it well and you are still a happy customer :). Looking forward to hearing more!
Welcome Aboard...
After having had very annoying passengers at times I now have this rule if you wish to go on an adventure with me and I'm driving...

"Get in, sit down, shut up, hold on"
I saw this brilliant bumper sticker in the US and I plan to get one :thumbsup2

Working on my Cedar Point component gradually...
In the mean time 4 new photos from there are up. These are essentially all I have. And you'll find out why when I tell the tale :lmao:
And 2 of the photos assist in the description...of how quite some time was spent

Death warmed up? Do you think it suits you?? :lmao:
Well...it should by now. Nearly every hotel we arrived at I looked like death warmed up. It became my trademark. After some sleep and a shower it became pale zombie.
But when I got to Sandusky....that was a special edition. I could have had a job in the Halloweekends scare fest without makeup :upsidedow :lmao:
Cedar Point…the Ultimate Amusement Park. But there was an experience not in the brochure…

OK…so raise your hand if you have never heard of Cedar Point. I see many hands. Including Ms Shuttergirl and the fraidy family ;)
Right…you may put your hands down and I direct you to here: http://www.cedarpoint.com/. But I will also provide a brief description.
Cedar Point is the Adrenalin Junkie’s Mecca. It is called the Roller Coaster Capital of the World. There are 17 Roller coasters. Wooden, Steel and Hybrid. And then a whole heap of other rides. (Including one like “The Claw” at Dreamworld.) But the most important thing is that this park has cutting edge coasters. They are the latest and greatest. Added year on year.
At the Golden Ticket Awards (http://www.goldenticketawards.com/) Cedar Point took out…again…Best Amusement Park. [Yes Amusement Park. Not Theme Park. Disney isn’t competing in this field. They are in a league of their own. Although…Illuminations won “Best Outdoor Night Show Production”]
It’s coaster ‘Millennium Force’ regained the Best Steel Coaster title in the 2010 awards. And I found out why.
Right…so we all agreed? We are off to the best Amusement Park in the World.

So…the alarm goes off and if I had had enough strength the phone would have flown across the room. But movement was very slow. Think a sloth. I wasn’t going anywhere fast. I find snooze and remain a groaning lump.
We technically could have set the alarm to go off a bit later. But we mostly stayed at nice chain hotels with included breakfasts. So given we needed to eat at some point. We set the alarm to get up in time to grab some of that. So the others are all gradually rising while I curl up and hide. Denying the existence of daylight. And then comes the most wonderful offer. “Would you like me to get some breakfast and bring it back?”
YES PLEASE!!!:cheer2:
So I got room service!!! Score!!! As the designated driver I had scored this bonus deal…and this tradition continued many mornings.
So when breakfast arrived I crawled out of the fetal position.


So having gained sustenance, looked out the window to a seemingly ok, although overcast day, we gathered our things (including wet weather gear…because of the “30% chance of precipitation”) and were on our way. :drive:
By the time we got to the park it was raining and a bit breezy. So we all donned our jackets and our (highly fashionable :rolleyes:) spray jackets and proceeded to the gates. We had gotten the tickets online in a ‘4pack’ special and the printed off tickets were all that were required. The barcode scanned at the gate. Not that there was any queue for tickets…

So once through the gates we walked along past the shopping strip till we got the rope drop area. The best way to describe this park is that it is like Knotts Berry. So there is a shopping strip but those shops are after the ticket gates rather than being before the gates. And it has Snoopy. YAY!
If you haven’t seen Knotts…it is like a Six Flags in design as well.

Now if you are staying in one the actual ‘Cedar Point’ hotels we get in an hour early. And they are quite interesting hotels. But they are expensive and get mixed reviews so we went with a nice regular hotel. So we commoners were to be let in at 12pm.
All the rides have various approaches to rain. Some run pretty much anytime. Some will go with a bit but not much. And then there are the ultra sensitive which don’t go with ANY rain at all. Not even drizzle.
It was only sprinkling lightly so I still headed to the main ride I wanted to do. The Top Thrill Dragster. This is one of the coolest coasters I have ever seen. :goodvibes When I first saw it on a travel documentary about coasters I was so excited! But alas…it is the NO RAIN policy.


So off to Millennium Force. Because of the weather it augments the queues for rides. And with Dragster out of action Millennium Force takes on much of that audience. So it was a reasonably long queue.
(All in all I was REALLY surprised how busy this place was. It was only opening on Fridays and Weekends but still…I was surprised.)
So we split up. The fraidy cats went off to explore and meet us later, while the adrenalin junkies joined the queue. Out in the open. In the rain. There was a light canvas shade cloth type cover over part of it, which didn’t do much although it was something. But the final 20mins of the queue was pretty much out in the rain and wind. :rolleyes: When we got to the ride the rain and wind had picked up. Which while not ideal didn’t seem a big problem. But I had forgotten physics…

RAIN BULLETS!!! :scared1: This is a fast coaster with no shoulder harness, just a lap bar, so you are quite exposed. (which in fine weather makes it a superior experience)
You go up a steep hill at a nice clip. And then you go down at a very high velocity. Suddenly that light rain became nasty rain bullets. :eek: I’m not a big fraidy cat on these kinds of coasters. I prefer these newer faster ones that don’t go upside down. So I wanted to keep my eyes open. But I had to squint most of the way to avoid retina damage from the rain. :scared:

It didn’t wipe the smile off my face. It is a brilliant coaster. :woohoo: And deserves its title of winning best steel coaster. But the rain bullets…nasty…
So after that joyous ride we looked around a bit and did a couple other rides. Always keeping an eye on the weather and an eye on dragster. For any sign of activity.
After a while we decided to wander back towards the rides near the entrance and shop area and I needed a drink so grabbed a coffee. While I was in there the Parade was coming along. So when I got the drink I went out and caught the end of it.


After this we met up with the fraidy cats and as it didn’t seem to be raining (to me) we headed back to dragster. There was movement…things were happening!!!!!! We joined the queue which was starting to form in anticipation. And we stood there I would think for at least 40mins, maybe an hour?? While we watched all the test runs.....
You see this coaster is a marvel of engineering, but this means it needs to be calibrated depending on conditions. The concept is a launch (ala California screamin) to send you up and over and back down again. But the loading of the cars and weather conditions on the track affect how ‘successful’ the launch is. And so the car doesn’t always go up and over. It sometimes goes back down in reverse. [which is done in a controlled manner and can even happen on occasion even during perfect weather]
So sometimes it would go over, and sometimes it wouldn’t. The first few test runs didn’t go over. Then one did….a roar in the crowd!!! WOOHOO!!! Let us on!!!

I think I can I think I can


But one ain’t enough. 2 staff would sit in the front and do a test, sit in the back; and do a test; all the different cars were given runs. popcorn:: When something went over there was a roar from the crowd. If not…a booo…but with a ‘WE DON’T CARE!!! JUST LET US ON!!” attitude. :yay: The green one was being especially difficult. When it finally went over a couple times they finally started letting the queue in. :worship:

I was bouncing off the walls with excitement. :hyper: Edging ever closer. And it was edging. They were only half loading the cars. Only the front half. So it was really taking time. As each one went over there was a cheer. Moving closer and closer. Watching the weather. PLEASE don’t rain!! Closer and closer.
We finally got strapped into a car!! Headed slowly to the launch magnets. Head back. And then we were OFF!!! Twisting straight up to the sky. Up and over. And twisting straight down to the ground.
AWESOME!!! Very short…but brilliant! :jumping1:
They take a photo going up and down. But only the going down one came up at the end and the trajectory had flung my hair and hood of my jacket forward obliterating my face. So my temptation to buy as evidence of riding didn’t happen.

Bucket list ticked off. I was now happy. I didn’t care what we did next. We headed to another coaster, which had a ‘no rain’ to operate policy but it closed when we were nearly at the landing because it had started to rain. This was about 50mins after dragster had opened. So if we hadn’t joined the queue right as they were starting the test runs we wouldn’t have gotten on. I know the huge queue we left behind after riding would have mostly not gotten a ride. So although missing this ride wasn’t good…I was still happy. :cool1:

But the ‘nasty’ thing was that the rain that closed this coaster had come with a serious pick up in the wind. As the night drew on the wind got worse and worse. Even the less sensitive rides were starting to close. I think the last coaster we did was Corkscrew…which is IDENTICAL to Corkscrew at Seaworld in Queensland. Everything else was pretty much shutting down. We did head to Millennium Force but it had actually broken down about 5-10mins before we arrived.

So we started heading out. The rain was nearly horizontal as we got closer to the carpark. :eek: And by the time we got there it was horizontal. :scared1: It was gale force winds. We were parked where I would deem close to the gate. But 1 – finding the car and 2 – getting to the car were very difficult.
The brave team found the car but the fraidy cats went a different direction so we had to track them down and redirect them to the car. Getting the door open one side took brute force.

Now I knew there were lots of thrill rides here. But nowhere in the brochure did it say you could experience a Twister attraction. :confused3
I swear it was like a backlot tour where they simulate weather events. Except this was real. :scared:

After we ensured all eyes, ears, fingers, arms, feet and toes were all accounted for we left the carpark. That was fun. Swirling winds of rain and cars driving randomly towards what seemed to be the exit. You know how it is when you leave at the end of the day at a theme park. You just drive through empty carspaces etc. Always fun with low visibility. Of course…I couldn’t have told you where any of the lane lines were anyway. But still…
We finally got out and went on our next adventure. The Supermarket. I love American supermarkets. They are an attraction in themselves. But the wind and rain hadn’t died down. So after enjoying the serenity of the supermarket we had to get the stuff from there to the car. In a trolley. Which didn’t want to go the way we were going…and it had all wheels working just fine ;-)
We finally got to the car and while I braced the trolley the things were loaded.

Next stop…hotel.
I was so pleased to be back at the hotel. So very pleased.
What started as a day with 30% chance of precipitation…turned into a tropical storm! And it doesn’t help that the location of Cedar Point is in a very exposed area. It is sort like an Island. So any weather that comes in from the water smacks straight into the Amusement Park.
After dinner I fell into bed and slept…

[And this is why I only have a handful of iphone photos. In this weather...the cameras were staying tucked up safe and sound]
Great post Queenie. I think you've just given me my ticket to convincing DH that we need to go back and drive from Grand Tetons to Chicago (once was enough for him)....I just need to show DS Cedar Point :woohoo:

And I love Snoopy too.

I'm not from Australia, but I live in the Chicago area (about 20 minutes from O'hare airport) and I will definitely be subscribing to this thread! I hope you have fun in the midwest! Definitely looking forward to the rest of your TR! I enjoyed Cedar Point when I went last summer and I'm glad you enjoyed it too! The Mall of America (It's in Minnesota) used to have a Snoopy themed mini amusement park in it. Now it's a different theme. :sad:

I can't wait to see what you have to say about Chicago! Be sure to stop by one of the Potash Bros. Super Markets. That's my family's business. :goodvibes
Nemesis??? Who me?

By the way....when I say the word nemesis...the thing that comes to mind is
"Do you know what nemesis means?" from Snatch :lmao::lmao:
A MUCH more adult approach than Phineas and Ferb ;)
[But I do mean it in the humour you have taken it in ;) ]

Great post Queenie. I think you've just given me my ticket to convincing DH that we need to go back and drive from Grand Tetons to Chicago (once was enough for him)....I just need to show DS Cedar Point :woohoo:

And I love Snoopy too.

Just check all the height restrictions but I'm sure he would love it. There is a huge range of rides. And even a vintage car track like the one at Dreamworld. :thumbsup2
[fun even in the pouring rain and fog at night] :rolleyes1

I'm not from Australia, but I live in the Chicago area (about 20 minutes from O'hare airport) and I will definitely be subscribing to this thread! I hope you have fun in the midwest! Definitely looking forward to the rest of your TR! I enjoyed Cedar Point when I went last summer and I'm glad you enjoyed it too! The Mall of America (It's in Minnesota) used to have a Snoopy themed mini amusement park in it. Now it's a different theme. :sad:

I can't wait to see what you have to say about Chicago! Be sure to stop by one of the Potash Bros. Super Markets. That's my family's business. :goodvibes
That is a real shame about Mall of America. We went there but the theming and rides really didn't inspire me to ride.
I loved Chicago.
I really did :cool1:
It is a shame! My sister LOVES Snoopy so I'm glad we went when we did!

And I'm glad you liked Chicago! It's a nice city. I love love LOVE the museums! Chicago also has the Lookingglass theater. :lovestruc
And Cedar Point wasn’t opening until 12pm because it was open until midnight so we still got there for rope drop.

Queenie! That's dedication!

Wow, what a park and what a day. I'm gobsmacked just reading about it. I generally like roller coasters but I'm not sure I could handle Dragster.
By the way....when I say the word nemesis...the thing that comes to mind is
"Do you know what nemesis means?" from Snatch :lmao::lmao:
A MUCH more adult approach than Phineas and Ferb ;)
[But I do mean it in the humour you have taken it in ;) ]

"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c&^t... me."

I'm so glad you see me as...........

an appropriate agent! :rotfl2:

I was thinking more along the lines of Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty. Either way works. :lmao:
Queenie! That's dedication!

Wow, what a park and what a day. I'm gobsmacked just reading about it. I generally like roller coasters but I'm not sure I could handle Dragster.
It is a unique coaster. It takes pieces from other rides...but it is something else.
Looking straight down at the ground... :woohoo:

Thanks Queenie - loving the trip report! Just curious, how many of the US states have you been to now?
Good Question...I'll get back to you :rotfl2:
I have to look more closely at the north east states to do a check in detail.
But for now add Nevada, Arizona, Washington (State), Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut...

I was thinking more along the lines of Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty. Either way works. :lmao:
Glad you have such a cracking sense of humour. :rotfl:
One of my best friends is a Sherlock Holmes fan so indeed...it is the way she thinks too. :thumbsup2
I just love the word as it is used in so many ways :goodvibes seemed appropriate


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