
Oh, sweetie! Of course you are <b>not</b> being punished for anything. You have so much on your plate right now, I wish there was really something I could do to help, but there isn't :(

I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.

Oh C. Ann, my heart is just breaking for you. I pray that all of this gets better very soon. I wouldn't worry about your cousin's funeral right now, I think your husband needs your presence more. Please keep us updated when you can, and in the meantime, I'll keep praying for you and your family.
Hoping today brings some improvement in all these stressful situations, and some measure of peace and comfort to your heart!
C.Ann, I am so sorry about what is going on in your life. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Just try to take it one minute at a time.
C.Ann..hoping that today brings some better news for you. I shall keep you and all of yours in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs sweetie!
C. Ann, of course you still have my prayers. I can't imagine what you're going throught right now, but I know prayers will help. I certainly don't think you're being punished for anything. I'm so sorry for your pain, and will definitely continue to keep you in my prayers. {{{HUGS}}} for you.
You and your family are still in my thoughts and prayers (including your dog). You have certainly had more than your share of troubles. I suggest telling friends what is going on in your life. Tell everyone who is a willing listener. When my grandmother was in the hospital we prayed with another family who had a relative gravely ill. Sometimes you find a helping hand in unexpected places. You sound like you could use all the support you can get at this point in time. I'd have melted into a puddle by now!

Tell everyone you know to put you on a prayer list. There is so much power in prayer. The answers aren't always what we would like, but the support prayer lends a situation is indescribable. Let love carry you along while you can't seem to carry yourself.

Please don't think you are being punished. God doesn't do these things to us. However he does give us strength to face them. Lean on Him and anyone else that will lend a shoulder right now. Times like this try you to your limit, but they temper you like steel. You'll come out of the whole situation stronger.
C Ann, I am so sorry I didn't see this before now. I've been having computer problems.

Anyway, {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}

You are not being punished for anything you've done or thought of doing. It's just a lot of overwhelming things happening at once.
I wish there was some way I could help.

I'm going to re-read the posts to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Here's a link to her original post for anyone that missed it, like me.


More prayers and PD coming your way. I'm sorry you have so much to deal with! Please try and get some rest.
C. Ann, {{{{{hugs}}}}} to you. I wish I could do just one thing for you, like buy you a phone or care for your dog. No one person deserves even a part of what you are dealing with. Please come here often for support and to keep us updated.
{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}} Wish I could do something to make it all better. Saying prayers.
C.Ann, sorry to read about all you are going through. Please know that my prayers are with you and your DH at this most trying time.
I really wish we could all do something to make it better! Continued prayers for you and your DH...

I read your posts while I was at work today. I can't post from there but I thought about all that you're going through and I can't imagine dealing with so much. Please try to let us know how things are going as often as you can and keep in mind that we're thinking of you. Prayers for your DH.
You have our prayers! I am a firm believer that they work after all the wonderful DIS people sent them along for my hubbie too in June. Caroline
You will continue to be in my prayers.
So very sorry to hear about all the things you have had to go through. My {HUGS} for you. :(


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