26 Nights, Triple Celebration Trip...NYC, RPR & HHN....and Irma has a go...A 2017 Trip

Great report! You did many of the same things I did with my kids in NYC in 2016.

I hope this isn't rude, but I thought it was kind of funny how well Tom's shirt matched the tablecloth in Bill's!

And I'm also an engineer and find the Flatiron fascinating.

lol.....not rude at all......we said exactly the same thing......it wasn't as similar in the flesh, but yep pretty close. We did call it his tablecloth shirt from that night on......yes it`s an amazing building. Have to sat that the architecture in that city is second to none.......so many variances of design.......love it.

The cost of that skimpy breakfast is appalling! I would have been mad,too.

Yep, we ate elsewhere after that, but did let management know our experience. Coffee was lovely.......lol.......
Prices in NYC in general for a lot of thing are ridiculous. Sounds like you had a great time with your family.

We slept like babies again, we both woke up around 3am and thought we might be awake for a few hours, but next thing we knew it was around 6.30. Now Tom wanted to go back to sleep, but I was in NYC and this was our first full day so it was C`mon......up!! So I first opened the blinds again then sent Kyle a Skype message to say we would be around 40 minutes then we`d be ready to chat........he wasn't in....but I knew he`d check the Skype as soon as he was in and would see it........

So I went for the longest shower and finally appeared out to see Tom had indeed dropped back off again........but woke him up with the hairdryer going......he kinda grumbled for 10 seconds then realized where he was and he was in the shower before I could blink.....and strangely asked what I was putting on.....he never asks this normally so I told him something comfortable.........

Sure enough after we were dressed I heard the Skype ring and there was Kyle........although it had only been a few days I was so glad to see him......Tom was worried at this point that I was going to miss him too much and be sad.....but no it was fine. We chatted for around 30 minutes and then he said he had somewhere to be later so we said our goodbyes and we headed out for food....never far from my mind........

We walked to 7th Avenue and headed up towards Central Park keeping an eye out for the type of deli that Tom could sit at the counter and eat good food, and it was so warm today thank goodness........we had passed a few places and one looked interesting till we saw it was Vegan........yuk.......we scuttled past that quickly and soon found The Astro Diner.......looked busy which is a good sign but we could get seated at the counter.......this was exactly what he wanted........coffee straight away while we decided what to eat......all around us were muffins, pound cake, pastries and seeing everyone`s plates everything looked good......so we had a decision on our hands......finally I decided on pancakes with bacon and Tom went for eggs, sunny side up of course, bacon, potatoes and toast......




We were happy bunnies again.........this breakfast was so good and so cheap, I think we were around $35 all in with tip.......and we were so full!!! We actually wanted to go and lay down for half an hour before going walking..........but onward we went......

I was desperate to show Tom Central Park and we were literally only a block or so away at this point........but another place he was keen to visit was The Plaza Hotel.......another building so associated with NYC in so many movies........so we decided to first stop off and get some pictures there. We had planned to eat here on Tuesday before Wicked, but they changed the menu and there wasn't anything we were overly keen to have so we changed our ideas there.....but we still wanted to visit the lobby and look around. Inside the lobby you are allowed to take pictures in the main entrance area and not in the check in area any more........mum and I did a few years ago and thought we were going to be scolded by a snooty Bellman........but....not this time. When we did go inside we were greeted by a smiling security man who we asked if we could take pictures and he told us where we could and couldn't and was so nice about it......very different from bellman from 2 years ago.........I can understand it of course....and now the check in area is blocked off slightly.......




Now I wished we had kept our reservation as it really is stunning inside.........but.....another box ticked.......we left to go back outside.......



We crossed over and walked down a little to the entrance to the Park. I knew the route I wanted to take him......the scene where Brenda Fricker stands in Home Alone 2 was one of the places I wanted to start......it was so funny really.......it`s surreal at times when you finally get to see all the places you watched as a child on TV and wondered if you`d ever get to see them.......but we were loving every second as always..........

Tom was very taken with the park as soon as we stepped in.....so much so his first words were he wanted to come back.........it was so peaceful although there was a race for life type race going on that day.....but they had a set route and it was only The Mall area that was busier......but so beautiful.......







I could see Tom visibly relaxing today.....although he had enjoyed it so far, it had still seemed a little planned.......going out to LI, meeting friends last night......it was still a schedule......so today we had no one to please but ourselves......of course the warmth and sunshine helped too......he had quite a stressful year with one thing and another, so he really did need to wind down a little after the pressures of his position, and this was exactly what he needed.

As always we get chatting to people and offer to take pictures or someone asks us if we would like ours taken......most people I find are genuinely nice and it`s always nice to be thought of as kind too........one couple stopped and asked if we wanted a picture together.....well of course we did........


This guy ended up taking about 10 pictures of us, his wife eventually groaned he wasn't a photographer but laughed he wanted to be.......we took 2 of them and went our own ways......we were loving this so far.......relaxing didn't even begin to describe it. At that point someone said Woody Allen was sitting on one of the benches.......I didn't bother looking as I`m not a fan.




I managed to grab a picture of my husband before he took the camera from me and said he`d posed enough for the day........had this man just met me :P...we had a looooong trip in front of us with many pictures to be taken.......lol, I would manage a few more.........but we continued to amble around this gorgeous park wishing this could be our regular Sunday morning walk..........we were soon close the The Mall, again somewhere we had seen in so many tv shows and films growing up.......


Always surprised to see Rabbie Burns statue in Central Park.......he was from not far where from where we were born.........



We loved this. We headed down towards the Bethesda Fountain,, famous not only for being in Home Alone 2, but so beautiful..........the architecture again is stunning and I promised myself I`d look up the history of the fountain. Something I`ve yet to do..........the couple behind had just got married and were having a load of pictures taken.......a couple of times we tried not to get in their pictures, but the assistant said it was fine...they wanted the park as it was that day......with everyone that was there being normal.......I should add the bathrooms here are a real eye opener.......basic isn't the word, but if you need to go......you need to go. At least they were clean....ish.










We really could have sat here all day.....it was warm, very sunny and people were so lovely.......everyone chats to you......people who say New Yorkers are unfriendly should spend time with us. We never met one rude or unfriendly person the whole time we were there.......As we sat a lady who was there with her family said we looked so happy we must be newlyweds......awww......we told her it was our 25th wedding anniversary, she congratulated us and said it was wonderful to see a young couple so happy.......not sure about the young bit, but she was in her late 80`s maybe, so we were young to her. We waved goodbye to her and her family then after having a brief chat and told them how lucky they were to have this on their doorstep.........nice family. Then we headed out only stopping for a fruit cup and some water in the boathouse café before exiting the park.........it was just the other side of the little lake, so a few minutes walk......




So we exited the park and walked back up towards the Plaza.......Central Park was a real favourite place to visit on the whole trip......it is a real haven away from everything that is brash about the city, but that makes it so much fun too. We hadn't made nay plans for where we would eat, we thought we would eat when we were hungry and lets face it, you are never going to starve in NYC. We decided we would eat lunch in the food court downstairs in the Plaza, there were a few food choices down there. Tom said maybe we could pop into Trump Tower and see that on the way back down and maybe somewhere else...........

Cont in next post.......
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Prices in NYC in general for a lot of thing are ridiculous. Sounds like you had a great time with your family.

We really didn't find prices bad at all in the City........never have done. But this was one thing we really wouldn't do again......as I said we will pay whatever something costs if we want it, but this wasn't worth half the price.......

And thanks yes, we did have a truly fabulous albeit short time with family :wave2:
I have been waiting to read your report. I was thinking you might be visiting during Irma. Happy belated birthday and anniversary:cake: The trip sounds great so far. We have only visited New York City once, but we loved it. That hotel looks beautiful. The architecture in that area is just amazing. Love the quip about parking the car at the airport. That totally sounds like us. We like to get what we call the low percentage spot, on the end next to the passenger side of the other car:) Neither of my cars, one being 17 years old now, have door dings. DH's car has one or two; he's not always as patient or OCD about it as I am. Your trip has got me to thinking that maybe we should go to NY for our 20th anniversary in April. We have a Southern Caribbean cruise out of San Juan PR already booked, but we aren't sure when things will be OK in PR. Looking forward to reading more about your trip.
Enjoying the pictures. Beautiful pictures of the buildings and park. Eek, the first breakfast does sound expensive. Yeah, our downtown would be close to that price at the nicest places.

Oh, and the gas price at the gas place you suggested was great. Only 3 more cents a gallon then I had paid at home before leaving. And it was very convenient too. Thank you.
I have been waiting to read your report. I was thinking you might be visiting during Irma. Happy belated birthday and anniversary:cake: The trip sounds great so far. We have only visited New York City once, but we loved it. That hotel looks beautiful. The architecture in that area is just amazing. Love the quip about parking the car at the airport. That totally sounds like us. We like to get what we call the low percentage spot, on the end next to the passenger side of the other car:) Neither of my cars, one being 17 years old now, have door dings. DH's car has one or two; he's not always as patient or OCD about it as I am. Your trip has got me to thinking that maybe we should go to NY for our 20th anniversary in April. We have a Southern Caribbean cruise out of San Juan PR already booked, but we aren't sure when things will be OK in PR. Looking forward to reading more about your trip.

Thank You very much...I still feel as if I`m celebrating even now reliving it.........Oh NY would be fabulous for your 20th anniversary......go for it!! Hope things work out ok for your cruise, yes doesn't look great down there at all.........

Hope you do enjoy reading along.........

Better late than never, I'm here @schumigirl and loving your report! I share your love of NYC!

Can't wait as the rest of your TR unfolds!

Yay.......glad you`re enjoying it.....and there definitely are a few of us NYC fans on here........:thumbsup2

Enjoying the pictures. Beautiful pictures of the buildings and park. Eek, the first breakfast does sound expensive. Yeah, our downtown would be close to that price at the nicest places.

Oh, and the gas price at the gas place you suggested was great. Only 3 more cents a gallon then I had paid at home before leaving. And it was very convenient too. Thank you.

Glad it was ok Lynne.....I have no idea what was a good gas price and what wasn't but we always fill up there as yes, it`s convenient.........the strange thing is we didn't mind the cost of the breakfast at all......we knew that's what it was going to be, it just wasn't worth it.........

Glad you`re enjoying reading too.........:)
Yea, another trippee from Carole! Know it's a daunting process, especially when you'll soon be packing for another trip :)

Nice to see Tom & you (incredible shrinking woman you are:thumbsup2, hair color suits you too)

All i can say is you have a distinct eye for making any subject matter look great. Not NYC's biggest fan but I almost want to go back & make sure:tilt:

Were the pics with 'our' camera or the good one? Very crisp. Finding every time i try to post a pic here I'm getting message it's too big??? Just shots taken on iphone, odd. Are you parking them first on smugmug?
SUNDAY 10TH.......CONT.........

I was thirsty now, so despite having some Snapple........oh forgot to mention.........how much do I love the Strawberry and Kiwi Snapple........I could drink it all day and night too.........we get a couple of flavours occasionally over here, and recently noticed it in a few places......but not as regular as over there........so I had some whenever I saw it.........so, we decided to go into The Plaza and have what was to become known as Prosecco Time..........it was maybe 11am, maybe just after..........but hey, it`s 5 o clock somewhere..........

I had never been down to The Food Court in the Plaza to eat, but I knew there were many nice options......we weren't hungry in the slightest, but for now we just wanted something sparkling and wet to sip for a while.......so downstairs and we wandered around......so many choices......pizza, sushi, cheesecake, sandwiches, Ramen place, pasta and then there were the dessert places.......so much choice......but we saw somewhere that had sparkly and we went and sat down and ordered two glasses........nice to see a fresh bottle opened.....I hadn't thought about that when we ordered......but fresh it was.........and rather nice too......



I have to say it was refreshing.........and the place was so busy for being so early.......we thought we might be a little too early for prosecco, but we weren't alone I was glad to say.........we did have another glass each.......well the bottle was open so why not.........it was nice again to just sit and watch some of the world pass us by.........

The food court was nice and we thought we might go to Trump Tower and have a look in a few stores then come back for something to eat in a couple of hours.........plenty of choice........




Tom kept looking at his watch and I wondered what he was doing.........but being so used to clock watching it becomes second nature I think to some people......but back to the sunshine and we walked the short walk to Trump Tower. We had gone in there in 2016 before he became President and could just walk in........now we had to walk past some serious armoury and then have my bag go through the scanner and so on.......little different.......but it is a beautiful building inside.........mum had been a little unsure of going in last time.....I told her it was ok, but she wanted to go back outside so we didn't get a real look around........I thought I had more pictures but maybe it was last time..........one of the CIA agents asked us if we were going to have drink in the bar......I said maybe not as I`d just had 2 prosecco`s.........he laughed and said he was spending the day with us.......we told him......come along.......lol.......



We left there and now Tom said why don't we visit Tiffany today.......I had planned to visit tomorrow.......but hey ho......I was looking for a bracelet and a new ring for my right hand.......I had the double twist ring for a long time so thought I`d get a new one.......always love Tiffany as you are greeted warmly whatever way you are dressed and today I wasn't dressed at all......leggings and flats......but always have to pose outside my favourite store in NYC........



Nice welcome from the guy on the door.........and we head up to our usual third floor where the bracelets and trinkets are......it`s usually fairly busy as it`s the kind of normal priced stuff is kept........and today is no different. It`s busy. The lady who works the elevator asks where we are all going and yes, we are all going to the third floor.........we get off and I head to where I know the bracelets are........now, I know what I like usually.....and today was no different.....I spy the bracelet I want and immediately we are spoken to by a lovely young lady who will help us buy it........I tell her I`m also looking for a ring.......I tell her I like silver so she takes us over to sit down and shows us some around the $500.........then Tom says to her actually I want to buy a different type of ring........I look at him strangely.......he says something I don't quite catch and the next thing she`s on the phone........she comes back and says she'll take us down to the second floor where our personal shopper will be able to help!! Turns out Tom had planned to buy me a diamond Platinum ring for my birthday and wanted it to be a surprise.......well, it really was.......

So down to the second floor we go, I had never gone to the second floor before.......it is so peaceful and tranquil down there.........Tony greets us with a warm welcome........he takes us over to sit down and chats about what type of rings I like and what I don't like, he really got to know my likes and dislikes.....he shows us some pictures in a beautifully bound book and tells me to tell him if there`s ones I like or don't like......meanwhile we were served champagne......really nice champagne........and tiny little cakes shaped like Tiffany boxes......now I liked this........this was very nice......:D

Tony was so nice and did indeed bring a selection of rings that were to my taste......he chose well.........I tried on several and funnily enough the first one was the smallest and I thought I`d go for that........there was a larger row of diamonds that I liked but it didn't feel right on my hand.....so finally, and after some more champagne.......I chose the right ring for me.....it felt right on my hand..........

This pic was taken on another day when I actually opened it on my birthday.............it`s a Chanel set design and I loved it..........have to say I did tear up a little as I just didn't expect this for my birthday......I had said the NY trip was for both anniversary and birthday......but of course my wonderful husband had other ideas.........


It was slightly large for even my chubby fingers.......so Tony told us we could come back around 5pm and it would be fixed to the right size as they did it on the property.......ideal for us.........so Tom paid and even looked happy to do so.......he thanked us and asked if we`d like some more champagne......but to be honest......I thought I`d better not.......already had one or two and it was only around 1.30pm!! So we told him we`d be back later to pick it up and thanked him for his help.......they are just so nice in there, it really is a joy to shop in any of their stores.

I was so happy........I thanked Tom for the lovely gift, he said no problem but lets get some food.........lol.......always food!! So we headed back to The Plaza and wandered around to see what we felt like.......sushi looked good. I have to say the staff weren't the friendliest but the sushi looked fresh and so good......so we sat at a kind of bar area around the food.........I cant remember what we ordered but we both ordered different things......just in case usually me doesn`t like mine and we have to swap.......lol........



They were both lovely, and just enough as we planned to eat dinner later somewhere nice......we hadn't decided where yet.......but didn't think that would be a problem in NYC finding somewhere........we sat for a little while and had some cokes with lunch.....though we were tempted by some sparkly......we didn't partake then and there.......

We walked back down to the hotel which wasn't that far down between 50th and 51st street and Tiffany sits on 5th and 57th street.......so not far at all and drop the bracelet off.....we wanted to put it in the safe........as it was a birthday gift I wanted to keep it to open on my birthday come Wednesday.......maybe silly, but it would be nice to open it again..........it`s a nice walk back down and we are in no rush to do anything......we walk back into the hotel and chat to Maurice, our favourite security guy........he asks what we`ve been up to and our plans.....just a nice guy........

We get into our room and Tom opens the safe and puts the bracelet in.........

I pick up my ipad to see if Kyle has messaged us on Skype........and he has. I feel that expression in my mind.....calm before the storm........

I should go back first and explain we never bring our phone with us, so I had left my phone with Kyle as it has everyone`s number on it.......just in case......and meant he could keep an eye on any texts I might miss. So he could also see what emails I was getting........I will say I always want to do a warts and all trip report and I don't mind relaying the negative things that happened too, so apologies if it drags on a little........

This message simply had a sad face emoticon and "check your emails.....JetBlue flight cancelled" Well, I was dumbstruck. We had thought we would be lucky as we hadn't heard anything so far........my heart sank and and I called out to Tom who was in the bathroom.........what were we going to do.......I opened my email and saw yes indeed it had been cancelled, with a message we could reschedule free of charge or call them.........so I went into control mode and went online........nothing was available and it was showing $700 to change the flights when I did find one.....now I was panicking........it wasn't the cost that mattered so much, we would pay whatever it was........it was purely how on earth were we gong to get to Orlando. No way was I going to call JetBlue from a hotel room phone.......so despite feeling sick to my stomach and Tom reassuring me it would be fine we had to do something.

The strange thing was today had started off so well, we had been having a wonderful day and so happy, then the bad news.......we kinda smiled and said the whole year had been an identical replica of today......something good and then something rather not........but, we would deal with it........

I had the idea of going down to the Concierge desk and asking them for help........that`s what they deal with all the time I imagine........Tom agreed it was the thing to do.......so down we trundled with me fighting the desire to burst into tears we made it to the desk.......there were 3 people working and I remember thinking I hope we get the middle guy.......and we did. As soon as he saw me he instantly said Ma`am I will help you whatever it is........well that was me gone.......bless him, he got me a hanky and we began to tell him the whole sorry tale.......he looked at the email and immediately called the number.......he was on hold for 40 minutes waiting in line, all the time reassuring us he would fix it for us.......can you imagine the cost of that call from the room!!!! So he eventually spoke to someone and very long story short he got us booked on flights for Friday 15th at 9.30pm. We were so relieved.....and so grateful!!! The other guy to the side several times jumped in with unhelpful comments which I certainly didn't appreciate.......I was right to have hoped this guy would speak first to us........he printed off copies of the confirmation and made sure we had the emails........by this time I was crying with relief......so we were sorted with flights....and we couldn't thank this man enough.......his name was Vinmore and he was true star for us. Tom was constantly trying to reassure me to it would be fine......

At this point Vinmore mentioned checking if we could stay in the Palace for the extra two nights.......and as it was UN week, they were fully booked as was most other good hotels in NYC, wasn't it just typical...........so, before I could start panicking again, Vinmore immediately said he would find us a hotel for the extra two nights........he asked if we had any preference......we just said clean and safe..........so he went through the list of what was available......as he went through the list he himself excluded some saying he wouldn't send anyone to them........eventually he came up with a Marriott right by the Trade Centre......we would take it.......so he again booked it for us and gave us the email copy for us to have........we would have preferred to stay there, but we would make the best of it.........by now I felt so much happier and relieved.......we gave this guy a really good tip as he had really gone above and beyond for us and we were truly grateful. Now we headed back up to our room where we skyped Kyle a message saying all sorted would update next time we chatted........

I then emailed our very good friend at RPR to let him know what was happening and we wouldn't be arriving till Friday. So we knew that would be ok there thankfully.....he again reassured us it was absolutely fine and not to worry about anything.

We then had to freshen up and go pick up my ring........it was getting near closing time as they close at 6pm on a Sunday......so we walked rather quickly down and made it in plenty of time.........although all we spoke of all the way was the whole debacle and how bad we felt for worrying about to days lost in Orlando when folks were living through such devastation. But, that's what happens at times......you still have to deal with things as they come up regardless how unseemly it might be to complain.

But we went in and Tony was waiting for us with the ring to try.........it fitted perfectly.........and was beautiful........we thanked him again for his help in the purchase and how he had helped make it an even nicer experience. So we left and headed back down to the hotel to recharge and get ready for dinner.....wherever that may be.

And a picture before they went in the safe.......although then Tom said, why dnt you wear the bracelet tonight......I think he thought I needed a little cheering up......and I really didn't by now, but I wore it anyway.........


Tom asked where we were going to eat tonight.........by now it was around 6.30pm and we were indeed hungry........so I went online to check the address of DelFriscos Steakhouse.........it was indeed not far from us. I went to opentable and booked one for us around 8pm. Just in case it was busy.......

So into the shower and we were both ready in no time at all.......we were still reeling a little if I`m honest.......the best laid plans and all that......but we had to just roll along with it all........and after all we had an extra two days in NYC.......how bad could that be.......

Dressed and make up on we left the hotel again to take the short walk to the restaurant. I had seen one of these in Orlando and we had meant to go, so hopefully this would be a good one.........

We walked in and saw that we really needn't have booked, but it could have been the opposite........we were taken to a table near the back of the restaurant that meant we had a nice view of the place.......it was quite dark though........romantic I suppose would better describe it......but it was dark......

The menu was nice and I knew we would enjoy it.......our waitress was lovely and asked if we wanted to speak to someone about ordering wine, I told her I didn`t need to speak to anyone I knew what wine we would order........so we had some water while she ordered the wine........we kinda sat back and sighed at this point........it had been a heck of a day.......fabulous, then stressful........and we could laugh about it now......

But we were hungry........so I ordered Shrimp Cocktail and Tom went for the crab cakes.......something he doesn't usually order, but he thought he would get them for a change.........and by now our wine was here, so we were definitely ready for a stiff chardonnay!!!




They were delicious!!! Really delicious........we shared both between us and I think I may have gotten slightly more.......lol........we then ordered our entrees.......I ordered my usual 12oz filet medium rare......and Tom ordered 14oz NY strip.......she said they wouldn't be too long, we told her we were in no rush.....she asked if we were celebrating anything and Tom told her about the birthday anniversary........she congratulated us and said she was glad we had chosen them to have our meal........of course it wasn`t the actual date today and told her so, but she said the trip was still celebrating so that was ok.......


When the steaks arrived we were asked to cut into them to check they were to our liking......of course they were........we had opted to just have fries and a small jalapeno potato dish tonight for a change...........




Amazing!! They really were gorgeous.......well cooked and tasty.......we did say they weren't the best steaks we`d ever had, but they were pretty darn good......and the sides were lovely too........we had enjoyed it.

At that point the manager appeared with two glasses of prosecco as a way to wish us a happy anniversary and happy birthday........well, we hadn't expected that.......how lovely.......we had enjoyed a lot of sparkly and wine today.........but what a nice touch......we appreciated that........and at that point our waitress asked about dessert.......we don't usually as we never have room for it, but we had seen coconut cake on the menu.......we love that.....so we ordered one to share and thank goodness we did as it was huge......and a nice touch was added too......


We thoroughly enjoyed as much of it as we could........it was lush!!!! And when we saw the check she had comped it as a birthday treat........now that was nice too.......we made sure she had an excellent tip too. We do always tip well, but for extra service we really do tip extra well.

They also took our home address, she explained they like to send out thank you cards for eating with them........so I did. And sure enough when we got back home there was a hand written card thanking us for choosing them to spend a celebratory dinner with. Nice touch again.

So we paid the check and by now we were shattered.......we didn't stop anywhere tonight for cocktails or any pictures as were just wanting to fall into our lovely bed...........we were at the hotel in less than 10 minutes and in bed not much longer after that.

It had been quite a day........although I did take a minute to say thank you to Tom for buying me such a lovely piece of jewelry and for being a wonderful husband........he did say of course I deserved it.......and I of course agreed........:P

Tomorrow we hit the city........
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Yea, another trippee from Carole! Know it's a daunting process, especially when you'll soon be packing for another trip :)

Nice to see Tom & you (incredible shrinking woman you are:thumbsup2, hair color suits you too)

All i can say is you have a distinct eye for making any subject matter look great. Not NYC's biggest fan but I almost want to go back & make sure:tilt:

Were the pics with 'our' camera or the good one? Very crisp. Finding every time i try to post a pic here I'm getting message it's too big??? Just shots taken on iphone, odd. Are you parking them first on smugmug?

Welcome Janet.......nice to see you too.........and thanks on the compliments......I`ll always take them......although come the end of the trip....different story.......lol.......

Yep, we love NY but can see the negatives too...but you should go back.......I`ll be your guide if you like.......:D

Pictures were a mix of "our" camera and Tom fancy one.......cannot for the life of me remember which camera was used when........yes, I load them on smugmug first.....really easy, you can choose the size you want then.......but anything more technical than that and I`m useless.......:-)

Hope you enjoy reading..........:wave2:
So glad to see this year's trip! I have been looking forward to it. I love your pictures and hearing your perspective on things. One of these days we'll get to NY. It looks so wonderful. I'm sure your son would've loved that chocolate cake! I can't wait to hear how the rest of the trip went. I love hearing about the restaurants you try. I'm going to try to take my husband to Teak next year while we're down. Thank you for all the work you put into these reports! You and your family are lovely.
Will put that NYC trip on the bucket list. Now, if only there would be a direct flight from PIT I could seriously consider it lol.

Wow, talk about a day full o highs & lows! You rolled well with it, good show (always wanted to say that btw:p).

Ring is absolutely divine! Love that style of setting too, easy to wear. As if Tom needed to up his game. That main is raising the husband bar. So nice to see a couple still romantic long into their marriage.:thumbsup2

That concierge was certainly old school, most do little more than sell entertainment tickets & make dinner reservations these days & a lackluster performance at that. Looks the Plaza is still living up to it's stellar reputation.

Had to be scary thinking of the logistics involved to work it all out. Nice to read you scrambled to make it happen & didn't let it ruin your trip. Hooray
Your ring is so beautiful! What a sweet, romantic gesture. I'm so sorry your lovely day hit a snag. I was glad to hear you had a sympathetic, helpful concierge and that you were able to recover with such a nice dinner. Gorgeous pics, too.

My favorite too!
Love, love, love your new additions, especially the ring. How romantic of Tom!
OMG! I would have been completely panicking about the flight being cancelled :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Beautiful ring. That hubby of yours is definitely a keeper:thumbsup2


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