3/29There's No Crying at the Guest Relations Counter..TheyTook Me Into the Back Room!

I have lurked my way through your trip report and wanted to say how sorry I am that you had to go through that with your DGD. My DS 7and I were down in the world over spring break and when we were done playing in the Dino playground he walked out of the exit about 10 - 15 steps ahead of me and the CM and the exit stopped him and would not let him leave until she knew a parent was with him. So I just wanted to let you know that I do think they listened to your concerns.
I have lurked my way through your trip report and wanted to say how sorry I am that you had to go through that with your DGD. My DS 7and I were down in the world over spring break and when we were done playing in the Dino playground he walked out of the exit about 10 - 15 steps ahead of me and the CM and the exit stopped him and would not let him leave until she knew a parent was with him. So I just wanted to let you know that I do think they listened to your concerns.

Wow, I am so glad to hear that! I really do hope so. I intend to check it out in a few weeks with my other grandkids, who are 11 and 8.
Just finished this TR. I usually don't read too many if these and your title caught my eye. Glad it did. Your report was so helpful in so many ways. You gave me things to do that I didn't know about and concerns that I took dr granted just like all did believers do ( I'm sure at one time or another) you made me laugh and groan. I thank you for taking the time to share your experience. I look forward to more of your reports (neighbor.... I'm in ny).
My best to you and your family
Thanks-- glad you enjoyed it! It's nice to have a record I can refer back to to see if things were really as good -- or bad-- as I remember them lol. I should have done one on my first trip with M&J and M's DH-- that would have been a doozy but if he ever found it I would have had to leave the country lol.
Thanks-- glad you enjoyed it! It's nice to have a record I can refer back to to see if things were really as good -- or bad-- as I remember them lol. I should have done one on my first trip with M&J and M's DH-- that would have been a doozy but if he ever found it I would have had to leave the country lol.

I was so hoping you would sneak that one in. The hints you made sound like a real page turner. Lol
I just finished your TR. It was wonderful. My husband actually saw it and recommended it to me. I don't read many TRs (neither does he). He actually read it while I was shopping and left him in the car with our sleeping 2 year old.

I can't believe the CMs at the Boneyard. I was a CM (about 14 years ago YIKES!!!) at AK and that was not how I was trained to deal with lost children, but I didn't work at the Boneyard. I worked at Flights of Wonder, the bird show you love so much. I was thrilled to hear you say that in your TR because it doesn't get much love. It is a good show.

Anyway, great TR. I really enjoyed it.
I was so hoping you would sneak that one in. The hints you made sound like a real page turner. Lol

There's probably less than a .0000001 percent chance that my son-in-law would ever read it if I wrote it, but if I did.... well, it's probably better left unsaid! Just as one example --- he was supposed to meet us at DTD. We were staying at Port Orleans. The boats weren't running due to wind restrictions. So he got on a bus. To the Magic Kingdom! And worse -- he went through the turnstyle, thinking we might be there, (why? I don't know) using up one of the 4 precious military days on his ticket on a non-park day!

It's important to know that he had been to both the MK and DTD once before on this trip and, I would think, could tell the difference between the two.

He had to buy himself a one-day hopper, since he'd wasted a full day's ticket on his 2-minute foray into the MK. I really enjoyed watching him buy it lol.

I just finished your TR. It was wonderful. My husband actually saw it and recommended it to me. I don't read many TRs (neither does he). He actually read it while I was shopping and left him in the car with our sleeping 2 year old.

I can't believe the CMs at the Boneyard. I was a CM (about 14 years ago YIKES!!!) at AK and that was not how I was trained to deal with lost children, but I didn't work at the Boneyard. I worked at Flights of Wonder, the bird show you love so much. I was thrilled to hear you say that in your TR because it doesn't get much love. It is a good show.

Anyway, great TR. I really enjoyed it.

Glad you enjoyed it! And Flights of Wonder is one of our favorites. People don't know what they're missing. We LOVE the one CM who plays the tour guide. When he's not there, we're bummed lol. In 10 days, we'll be at Disney with our other set of grandkids and my DGD 8 is an animal maniac. We'll probably see the show 10 times. And we'll definitely check out the Boneyard to see if they've changed the procedures. I hope so.
There's probably less than a .0000001 percent chance that my son-in-law would ever read it if I wrote it, but if I did.... well, it's probably better left unsaid! Just as one example --- he was supposed to meet us at DTD. We were staying at Port Orleans. The boats weren't running due to wind restrictions. So he got on a bus. To the Magic Kingdom! And worse -- he went through the turnstyle, thinking we might be there, (why? I don't know) using up one of the 4 precious military days on his ticket on a non-park day!

It's important to know that he had been to both the MK and DTD once before on this trip and, I would think, could tell the difference between the two.

He had to buy himself a one-day hopper, since he'd wasted a full day's ticket on his 2-minute foray into the MK. I really enjoyed watching him buy it lol.

Oh goodness.... ROFLMAO!! you could make money on these tid bits. I'm glad you all survived, and have a wonderful sense of humor.
Followed your link ( how could I NOT check out that great title !! LOL )from a thread about a ripped up ticket :sad1: hope that works out BUT I am joining in love your writing style very descriptive you put me right at the airport with you your DD and DGD When I read the line from DD "This is where HE dropped us off" :rotfl2: I was hooked , so something my DH has done in the past

OK going back to catch up :)



LOVED reading your report (glad you got good news about the ticket too) hope you continue to write reports I feel like I really know you & part of your family now
We leave tomorrow morning for a trip with my other two grandchildren, DH and my son and daughter-in law. They're joining us on Tuesday. Yes, they're giving us a whole park day with the grandchildren alone before they show up lol. Why they didn't just come the whole time, I'm really not sure!

But after trying to keep track of all the kid's stuff for just 5 hours, I have new appreciation for M's packing half of J's bedroom up for our Disney trips--and I totally understand why she forgot to pack any long pants last time!

I have no idea how we ever packed up and took five children anywhere. We must have taken less stuff. Not a DS or Kindle Fire in the bunch--that must have helped.

We'll see if it's a memorable enough trip to write about. Son and DIL already had a flat tire on their way back to CT after exchanging the children--and the dog-- she's not going to Disney, she's staying with my son -- today. And then they witnessed a deer vs. car accident on the Garden State Parkway. THEY may have a report worth writing lol.
If you do write a report, I would love to read it. Please post a link here

Thanks! :)

PS: Have a wonderful vacation!
I spent today reading your entire TR and loved it :love: Your GD is SO cute and the same age as my DD so it was great to see Disney through her eyes. We leave for our first on-site trip in 41 days and we are staying at BWV-can't wait! Thanks for sharing your experience, the good bad and ugly of it. We are also from NJ-Northern NJ so we get the pleasure of flying out of Newark or one of the NYC airports *shudder* Are you planning to write a TR for your May trip-I hope so, I'd love to read another one!
We had a great trip with some major drama involving the hotel thrown in lol. I'm mulling over whether I dare do a trip report that my son and daughter in law might read lol. Plus I have to increase my photobucket capacity and dump a whole bunch of pictures in it. But I'm almost ready to do it!
We had a great trip with some major drama involving the hotel thrown in lol. I'm mulling over whether I dare do a trip report that my son and daughter in law might read lol. Plus I have to increase my photobucket capacity and dump a whole bunch of pictures in it. But I'm almost ready to do it!

Lol. Go for it!!!! You are so good at keeping us entertained with your style of writing
If you do write a report, I would love to read it. Please post a link here

Thanks! :)

PS: Have a wonderful vacation!

OK, I'm going to do it-- if I don't lose my nerve!

I absolutely second this! Have a great time!

How can I refuse actual readers???

I'll third all that. :)

So glad you followed all the way through!

I spent today reading your entire TR and loved it :love: Your GD is SO cute and the same age as my DD so it was great to see Disney through her eyes. We leave for our first on-site trip in 41 days and we are staying at BWV-can't wait! Thanks for sharing your experience, the good bad and ugly of it. We are also from NJ-Northern NJ so we get the pleasure of flying out of Newark or one of the NYC airports *shudder* Are you planning to write a TR for your May trip-I hope so, I'd love to read another one!


Count me in! I loved your last TR; if you write another, please post a link. Have a wonderful time!

Ask and ye shall receive!

Lol. Go for it!!!! You are so good at keeping us entertained with your style of writing

Thanks--hope the next one brings some laughs too-- here's the link:
I'm only up to page 5, but I'm so glad I found your trip report! I'm really enjoying it. Now I have to go subscribe to your new report.... :wave2:


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