"40 By 40"

Welcome Nancy. Yes, any age is welcome. I'm already 40 and just want to shed some post pregnancy lbs. (DD is 22 mos.) and firm up again. So we're here for you.

Sabine, I'm jealous that you will be in Fl. in a few days. Although I can't complain since we were just there last month and on the Disney Cruise. I haven't been to Universal in quite awhile. Actually not long after it was open and there still weren't too many things to do yet. They've added quite a bit since then so I'm anxious to go back. We've been to Universal in CA quite a few times, and the coolest part about that is the backlot where they make actual t.v. shows. Right now, Desperate Housewives is being filmed there. (well, at least the outside shots) We haven't been there since then though. I LOVE LA and stargazing.

Anyhow, today I did an amazing Bootcamp workout on Fit TV. I'm going to seriously be feeling it tomorrow and even the next day. Killer lunges and squats, not to mention some pretty tough ab work and weight training. The whole time I'm doing this, I'm thinking...hmmm..."Why haven't I been doing this for the past 2 years since I've had DD? No wonder I'm still flabby." If I keep this up everyday, I should be back in shape before the Holidays. I'm just mad that I didn't start it before the cruise. And yes, Sabine, bowling at least gets you off the couch!! lol! Just stay away from the beer and other junk food associated w/ bowling. Remember that late night eating will get you in trouble, so try to bring an apple or something with you. I know...BORING!! But you'll be glad you did!

Hello all you 40 by 40 members! I had my weekly Weight Watchers weigh in today and lost another 2 lbs. That is 6.8 in total. :woohoo: This week will be harder for me. I always seem to get bored or not as strict on myself in the 3rd week. I'm going to try and stick to the program and hope for another good week. Hope everyone else is still going strong!
Congrats on the 2 lbs.!!! Every little bit helps. Don't get discouraged and keep moving. I wish I'd lose 2 lbs. Although I did drop down 1lb this morning. I weigh in every morning. It keeps me from going up. I recently had a client that said his wife was very petite and walked and ate well, and as soon as the scale went past 105 she'd step it up a little and walk a little farther. I wish I did that 10 lbs. ago.

Here are a couple of easy to do changes that keep me motivated. #1...ALWAYS I repeat ALWAYS get dressed in front of a full length mirror. I had a boyfriend in high school who was Mr. Defense on the football team, pretty big guy. Well, after he graduated, he just let himself go and gained a lot of weight. Anyhow, what I'm getting at is, their shower was downstairs in the basement w/ no mirror, so he always got dressed down there and never saw the true weight gain and stretch marks he had on his stomach, etc. Even weighing in at about 100 lbs. back then, I always swore I would get dressed in front of the mirror. It really does make a difference. Even when I was pregnant I would and watch for any changes, etc.

#2...Subscribe to Shape or Prevention Magazine or both. I get both and learn so many great tips from them. My favorite is Prevention. Nice short articles full of good stuff. I'm always so motivated when I read them.

O.k. on a sidenote...my 20 yr. old neighbor had a baby in Apr., got married to the loser, moved in w/ him (out of her dad's house/our neighbor), he got arrested for starting fights, etc., now she's back...haven't seen the baby since. I'm wondering if child services took it away. I'm afraid to ask. Anyhow, I just looked out the window, and she's a stick! I think thinner than she was before she had the baby. When she was almost due, she said, "I've gained 125 lbs!!" I'm like "What??" She goes, "I mean, I'm up to 125lbs!" I told her I gained 45 lbs. so she wasn't doing too bad. Then again, I was 18 years older than she was when I had mine.

I did another workout from Fit TV today. Not too bad, and I'm not as sore as I thought I'd be from yesterday. Sometimes it takes 2 days to kick in.

Have a great day everyone!

Leaving for Universal tomorrow so I'm busy packing. Thought I'd stop for a moment to say Hi! Haven't lost anything this week, no big surprise. Jennifer you're doing great, keep going.

Keep communicating while I'm gone. Maybe we can figure out some art when I get back. I'm really excited about my trip, but I'm at that stress stage. We don't go away often enough for me to develop a travel routine. I can't promise to eat well, but I will promise to enjoy myself.

I'll give you a report when I get back. Onward and downward!!

Sabine :wave2:
Sabine have fun, we will be hear when you get back... maybe even a little lighter and a little more in shape... :banana:

Jennifer WOW you are doing great.

I think my treadmill is on it's last leg... it is really upsetting me. The belt itself works but the computer that tells me how long, far and how fast is all messed up. I am hoping it is just a fluke and it will go back to normal but it's been 3 days and it is still all crazy :crazy:

Talk to everyone later... hope everyone is doing great.
Lisa, I hope your treadmill "fixes" itself. I worry about mine too. Nothing is wrong yet, but I hate the thought of it ever going kaput! Too big to just lug somewhere to get fixed. Well, when I never use it, I don't have to worry about it breaking huh?? Actually ours is sort of broken. It has a little piece that makes it incline, that is stuck down permanently. So it is always on an incline. Grrr! I guess that's good, but I can't read or run because I have to hold on. If you haven't already, you might want to try Fit TV if your cable or satellite has it. It's a different workout every day, w/ all different types of programs on it. I'm really starting to see a difference and it's only been a week since I started. No weight loss, but starting to tone up a bit.

I just found a pic of myself today that was taken about 7 years ago. Grrr! I was a size 4 and my face was much thinner. It's sort of motivating as well as depressing. Although back then, I was a retail store manager, so I was on my feet 8 hrs a day, running back and forth across the store, lifting boxes, up and down ladders, etc. Even just walking to the bank and food court and across the parking lot. Now my butt's on the computer all day or in the car. Blah! Back then, I even went to aerobics 3 times a week. Geez to be back to those days. I was reading in Shape that once you are in your 40's that you pretty much absolutely have to weight train 3 times a week to keep your muscle tone up and metabolism up. I just have to make it part of my life again. Keep up the good work everyone, and have a ball Sabine.
Where is everyone?? I know Sabine is in Sunny Florida, but where's everyone else? I did a fun Latin/HipHop routine on Fit TV today. It was fun and didn't seem like I was working out, but I probably looked like an idiot doing it. I def. don't think I can be on Dancing w/ the Stars!! :rotfl: I actually worked up a sweat doing it. I was surprised. It's that time of the month, so my weight seems to have gone up a smidge. I'm also start to slack off w/ my salt. I need to lay off again. I'm sure that is retaining water.

:wave: I'm here... just a little busy... plus my 4yo has discovered nick jr.com so my computer time is limited :badpc: DIS vs Dora wars going on.

I am hanging in there but I little discouraged... I have exercised everyday for at least 30 mins and only lost one pound this month. I started journaling what I am eating because it is definately not the excercise. I do feel better with exercising but I wish the lbs would go away- Oh well heres hoping :banana:
I'm back! Yes Florida was very sunny, not a drop of rain the entire time. Flight arrived early and the hotel room was upgraded. All in all a great time was had. Lost Weight? Are you kidding. Maintained though.

Don't get discouraged Lisa. If you do I will. I'm with you, I need to write down my food because that is completely out of control. It was hard but I went to Spinning class this morning. I need a vacation from my vacation. I must say that all the exercise I did prior to my trip helped alot at Wet'n Wild waterpark climbing up to the really high slides. I did those scary body slides. I would have regretted if I chickened out.

I'm looking forward to Jennifers weigh in today. I must say that I am jealous of her but she really is working hard and I'm regrettably not.

Tara, sounds like fun doing the Latin stuff. I can't keep my hips still when I hear latin music. FitTV sounds like alot of fun. We got rid of cable a year ago because we wanted to watch less. Instead I've discovered the internet.

Hi Dawn and Nancy, Hope all is well going your way :wave:

I better get back to being serious. Maybe Weight Watchers will get a call from me. I need an Intervention!!!! :guilty:

Let me hear from you!

I did weigh in on Tuesday and lost again. I'm not sure how because I didn't follow the program very well last week on certain days. I lost 1.4 so that is 8.2 lbs total. I'm really trying to stay true this week.

Glad you are back Sabine and had a great time. I'm looking forward to our trip in January and hopefully I will be much lighter.
At this rate you'll be floating to Disney, Jen. Good for you. You've made the mind and body connection. That's the biggest hurdle to cross. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Sabine :thumbsup2
It is a daily struggle but I'm really trying this time. This is a great incentive. I can't believe I will be 40 soon. Thanks for getting us going!
How funny that I came upon this thread today!! This morning when I was exercising I made a goal that I would like to lose 40 pounds by this time next year. This just so happens to coincide with my 40th birthday! I hadn't thought about it as "40 by 40" but it is perfect!
I just rejoined Weight Watchers yesterday. I joined last fall had some success, but slowly just stopped attending meetings and following the program. The weight has been creeping back on and I really want to get back to my pre-babies weight of 4 years ago. (Though four years ago I thought I was heavy!)
I am looking forward to going through this journey with all of you. I wish you all success!! :cheer2:
Welcome Twins! :welcome:

It's great to have another future Quadgenerian(?) on board. I just made up that word. As you see, we've had some successes, frustrations and tiny steps forward. I am completely guilty of failing in the food department but I have been doing great exercising. I also have trouble getting to bed earlier, another thing I vowed to do. I'm the example of baby steps.

Please feel free to vent, rejoice, cry or laugh with us. Tell us a little more about yourself! We're here for you.

Nice to have you aboard!

Everyone else: OK I did my Spin class but I followed it up with a Little Debbie snack. Does that make sense? My god, How big would I really be without the exercise? I'm a psychological mess when it comes to food. Tara you need to duct tape my mouth shut.AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! :crazy:

I know we can do this!!

Welcome Twins... :wave2:

Okay, my pity party is over... I have decided that since the scale isn't moving I am ignoring it... not gonna weigh myself for awhile. The watch pot never boils mentality... reverse psychology, I don't care if it goes down... it doesn't bother me at all... do you think my scale believes me yet :rotfl:

I am being a little serious I am not going to weigh myself because it just gets me frustrated :furious: I have been very motivated with the excercise but got upset with the scale but bottomline is I am going to continue to excercise and eat right (I am counting my WW pts and journaling my food) and I feel better and think maybe I look a little better and the scale will have to move soon or later :lovestruc . Just not gonna get all stressed about it, I've been a little obsessive about it :blush:

Have a great day everyone...

PS-- great job Jenn :banana: are you counting pts or core?
Glad to have you back Sabine. Sounds like lots of fun. Those tall slides are a little scary. It feels like you are going to fall off forward. I've done those at Blizzard Beach and Geauga Lake around here.

Welcome Twins. Glad to have you. I turned 40 this past Feb. It's not so bad. The only thing that makes me feel a little old is that I have a soon to be 2 yr. old., my first. I feel old around some of the other moms w/ kids that age. But there are also quite a few older ones too. It took us a looongg time to have a baby, then one day...surprise. A little warning, it happened while I was doing South Beach the last time. That was the only thing that was different in my life. I was just getting protein and nutrients that I hadn't been getting before I guess.

No Little Debbies SABINE!!! Get 'em out of the house! DD has been on a Peanuts kick, which is good because she doesn't eat a lot of protein. Eat a handful of nuts instead of a little Debbie. It'll hold you over until your next meal. Just a handful though.

I have a friend of mine who just turned 41, and she is a serious yo-yo dieter. The BAD way. She just lost 22 lbs. and is down to 110!!! She basically just eats oatmeal for breakfast, an apple and diet Coke for lunch and then a small dinner. She also gets on the treadmill everyday. She really shouldn't do that and I try to convince her that is the wrong way to go about it. She gets down to the weight she wants, then just sort of maintains. Although this year she's like, I'm going to try to keep it off until the Christmas Party at work in Jan. Yikes! She usually does this around a vacation. Kind of scary.

Hang tight everyone, it'll happen.

r3ngels said:
PS-- great job Jenn :banana: are you counting pts or core?

I'm counting points. So far, so good. I'm participating in Relay for Life tonight so I will be getting my exercise by walking the track. :tiptoe: My DD said she is staying up all night. We shall see!
I'm having vacation letdown today, I hate feeling depressed. Back to the boring life again. Don't mind me I just get this way.

I am looking forward to the Fall Kickoff of my local Mothers Club, tonight. We're a philanthropic group but I love and need the social aspect of it. I'm a very social being, Heck before kids I had the life of a performer. I do miss that alot. I've been in this group for 8 years and I've attained most of my current friends through it. When we left Chicago and moved to the far west suburbs I didn't know a soul. I've become close to a number of the women and quite a few live on my block.

I find that connecting with other women is so important. The internet is such an interesting avenue. I'm still quite new to it so I haven't figured out my role in it yet. I am astounded though that I started a thread and other people have actually attached themselves to it. We're on the 6th page. WOW! I wasn't sure that I would get any response let alone people returning and showing that they care.

If I had only gone to exercise today my endorphins would have kicked in and I wouldn't be experiencing the blahs. Yes, Tara my diet today has consisted of little Debbies, Pringles and a Caprisun. Did I mention the little cheese and cracker snack thing. Enough said. Before Terry Schiavo I would have eaten to my hearts content and then just gotten rid of it. But she scared the #$%@&(* out of me and I've been gaining ever since. Would I have considered myself a Bulimic, No. But I am a big migraine sufferer and I learned how to make myself throwup easily for relief of pain. I would have thrown up anyway from the pain eventually. It is always better to get it earlier than later. Now I usually can feel it coming on so I can medicate it before it gets bad. I had cycles of Bulimic tendencies. But those are over now. I sometimes curse Terry Schiavo but I know better. Not a good thing for a singer to do anyway.

All right I'm sorry I went on a Psycho tangent. In person I'm pretty much straight forward, what you see is what you get. I'm usually an open book. I've also been an optimist and a very positive person-I just sometimes get my moments.

Tonight I'll be laughing and joking. I'm good in a crowd. It's by myself that I'm not my best. There I go again. Where's that Duct tape Tara? I need it for my fingers now.

Ladies have a lovely weekend! Hopefully the weather is great by you so you can take a nice brisk walk.

Sabine :sunny:
Yikes! No wonder you're hungry, you're not eating anything of nutritional value. I pulled out my calorie counter book today and showed my mom. She was glued to it. She couldn't believe the calories in things that she was eating. Last night after our band played, we stopped at McDonald's just to get a Coke because we were so thirsty. Well, DH orders a #1, then says, "don't say anything" A #1 is a Big Mac Value meal. Dm ordered a strawberry shake. After we got home I whipped out that calorie book. A big Mac has 570 calories 32 gr. of fat, the fries were something like 470, and the Coke close to 300. So 1200 calories for a late evening snack. I had some of the Coke, fries and 3 bites of the Big Mac. We really move around alot when we play and I actually try really hard to jump up and down and run around like a nut. We're a silly band, so I can get away w/ it. I usually lose weight around this time of year. 2 years ago, I played up until 2 weeks before I had Ava. I was huge our last weekend there. But I was pretty toned. I was in better shape right before I delivered than I've been since. So back up there tonight and we're going to try not to eat after the gig. Although DH's class reunion is tonight too, so we may hit it after the show.

I did do pretty well w/ keeping up w/ Fit Tv this week and did that Cardio Blast that was killer again. My jeans are fitting better so that is good, but the scale isn't moving. I'm building muscle I guess.

have a good weekend!

Back to Monday. Exercise is not easy to get in over the weekend. Did a Spin class this morning and I think I'll go back this afternoon for a weight training type class. It'll stop me from eating or getting bored. I could always clean. Yuck! My parents are compulsive cleaners and it skipped a generation. It has to be done but I'll put it off if at all possible. It too gorgeous outside anyway. High in the 80's today in Chicago. September was so cold.

Hope everyone's doing well. I'm sure Tara's burning alot of calories performing. You certainly burn more in rock than opera. But opera makes you hungrier than anything else. It's using all those abdominal muscles. Pavarotti may have been fat but under all that blubber I bet you that he had abs of steel. Singing has very little to do with the throat. It has alot more to do with the lower abdominals and the sinus cavity. A piece of useless information to share.

Gotta take my daughter to Kindergarten then off to the gym again.

Toodles!! Sabine :sunny:


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