40 more days...Tips to pass the time


Elliot’s MiMi
Jan 9, 2001
I think I have everything done except packing clothes. I am so prepared, that I have nothing left to do but sit and wait. It is killing me!!

Do any of you have any ideas for things I can do to pass the time? I work part time so that helps, but on my days off, I sit here and read these boards which makes the time seem to drag!

I'm thinking of making a countdown calander for my DD's on the 30 day mark.
But what else?
How do you all do it when you have an upcoming trip?

If I shop anymore my DH is going to kill me ;)

I love coming on here and reading though. The trip reports are great. The pictures are great.

Is anyone else in my situation?

Ho hum...40 more days....:D :D :D
I made a countdown calendar for my boys. Went to diiferent internet sites and used the line art of Disney characters. Inserted them on the page with the days remaining. They loved to see who would be on the calendar each day. Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, and Goofy in different scenes....

It will certainly make a day or two of your time go by.


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