78 to 34


<font color=green>1000 miles to far from Disney<br
Dec 31, 2007
It was 78 today now its 34. Man the weather is nuts.:faint:
It was 67 here today. The high tomorrow is supposed to be 37 around sunrise. It will drop all day from there and have rain changing to snow.
22 here this morning, with a nice sheet of ice over everything. The kids have the day off. I think I probably won't be going in till after rush hour is over, or maybe not at all. We'll just call it a mental health day.
Expecting a foot of snow today, possibly ending as a few hours of freezing rain.

I'll take the snow, you can keep the rain - shoveling snow during a freezing rain is no fun.
It snowed here last night and is now freezing rain. I could use a little global warming right about now.... :rolleyes1
We started off with rain, then we had ice, and topped it off with snow. Nothing on the ground but water now which will freeze overnight and be a mess in the morning.
I had to turn the a/c on tonight. By Friday night it is supposed to be in the thirties. But hey at least no freezing rain or snow.

Is that a Chicago reference? As in

Waiting for the break of day
Searching for something to say
Flashing lights against the sky
Giving up I close my eyes
Staring blindly into space
Getting up to splash my face
Wanting just to stay awake, wondering how much I can take
Should I try to do some more?
We are at a whopping 26 degrees. Tomorrow we are supposed to be in the 30's. I better get out my shorts! :beach:

Yeah right, some heat wave here in wisconsin...

I LOVE that song.......

14 here right now - the high over the next 10days is supposed to be 33 - if it does that it will be the first time above freezing since 12/27.

If the storm hits on Tuesday we may get up to 28" of snow -CRAP! I can hardly see over the piles at street corners let alone the end of the driveway!
it was so great outside today :cool1: .

i wanted to pull out the lawn furniture and just sit outside in the foot of snow we have left. it was really nice and it should be again tomorrow. we hit 42 degrees as far as i know. we are ready, oh so ready for spring. :laundy:


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