8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC #14

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So that means it's gonna be the Magic or Wonder in Alaska and through the Panama Canal then? And that implies they'll use both new and big ships in the Carribean and ... Europe?

There was a press release from DCL that both new ships will be at Port Canaveral
Thanks to everyone for the good thoughts about the strike. They are really appreciated. Of course I'm hoping it will be settled quickly, time will tell. It's really hard to understand the mentality of some of my fellow union members. Yesterday after it was announced the strike was on, a suspicious package was found in the building I work in. Building was evacuated until it was determined it was a pipe bomb.

:( Glad that noone was hurt. I hope that nonsense stops.
I read this to dh and his reply *That's pathetic.* I agree.

I left a larger gift for a few people and that was what I was afraid of. I know that Cheryl got hers but, I don't know about the others -- I didn't put our name on it so, they don't know it's from me.

I thought twice about doing that with a couple things we had and decided to have the kids present the gift in person to them so that there wouldn't be the chance of it disappearing in the FE. :(
There is no doubt in my mind that there were thieves lurking on the Magic as Fincantieri was one of the folks who said he did not get one when we were on the boat and I absolutely remember delivering it to his room - we dined right next to each other, live near each other, and I remember telling my DD (who delivered the FE gifts w me) that it was their room (as my DDs adore his DDs). There was no way I forgot his room.

Not to throw accusations out there - but I think there was some anomosity from folks from a competing board... and the STs were in full representation...

I delivered the FE to all the rooms on the afternoonon our first sea day. I will note those that say they did not receive my FE gift and I will PM you when I get my hands on some Panama stamps... Let me do an inventory of my other country stamps to see which one is my next fewest... but I think I should have at least 10-15 of all the other countries - I am sure I can score a dozen Panama stamps on ebay for a couple of bucks.
Hi All-just catching up and can't believe you all are still on this thread.
I see there's discussion about all the wonderful FE gifts. Thank you everyone for all the great loot. I'm still in the process of unpacking and never thought it could be so much fun. I'm finding all our FE over again cuz there all in different places/pieces of luggage. I feel like a kid in a candy store and can't wait to see what I find next. :upsidedow

It's sad that so many FE gifts were stolen before the true recipient could get to them. (I hope the thieves develop a concience and feel the guilt.) I still have a few pins left that we gave out if anyone didn't find them in their FE.
I don't know how to ask this while being tactful and not hurting the person's feelings but did anyone think that it was unappropriate for the one TA to put the card in with her FE gift saying that if they rebooked onboard and if they used the agency she was with you would get, etc. etc. I mean I thought, by reading and my cousin having a great time thinking up what gift to give, that the FE thing was supposed to be all for fun not to drum up business

I personally didn't do the FE exchange since this cruise was a strech for us $ wise but sailed with family that did and the day they received that I happen to be in their room and they did think it was unappropriate but didn't want to post here about it. I mostly lurk so I don't mind posting this question.

Before anyone attacks me with this being my first post. It really isn't. I haven't posted on the boards in so long that I forgot my log on and created a new one. I think my old log on was on an old email that is no longer in effect. I do read all the time just don't post much at all
Let me toss an wild question out there to the group.

Let me preface it with an interesting story.

The evening before the cruise we ate at Goofy's Kitchen in DLH and we overheard our waitress talking to another table about the upcoming repo cruise. I figured the people she was serving must be going...

So I asked her. And she said, "No those folks are friends of mine. I was telling them that I was going on the Repo cruise."

Suffice it to say, we hit it off with her from then on. Our respective DDs hit it off and we sat near each other at several of the shows in the Walt Disney Theatre.

She is not a Disboarder. We never got her contact info and never had a formal goodbye.

Her name was Laura and her DD (about age 9) was Madison.

I have great pictures of them. If anyone has contact information from them I would love to share the photos with them.

Alternatively, does anyone know some one that works at Goofy's Kitchen or plans to eat there soon?
There is no doubt in my mind that there were thieves lurking on the Magic as Fincantieri was one of the folks who said he did not get one when we were on the boat and I absolutely remember delivering it to his room - we dined right next to each other, live near each other, and I remember telling my DD (who delivered the FE gifts w me) that it was their room (as my DDs adore his DDs). There was no way I forgot his room.

Not to throw accusations out there - but I think there was some anomosity from folks from a competing board... and the STs were in full representation...

I delivered the FE to all the rooms on the afternoonon our first sea day. I will note those that say they did not receive my FE gift and I will PM you when I get my hands on some Panama stamps... Let me do an inventory of my other country stamps to see which one is my next fewest... but I think I should have at least 10-15 of all the other countries - I am sure I can score a dozen Panama stamps on ebay for a couple of bucks.

When I was in line to leave (dh was with our luggage and children waiting at the front for me) the people behind me starting making rude remarks about *the people from the Disboards*. And that we were the reason it was taking so long to get off the ship -- because we had all of those *stupid door decorations*. I can NOT keep my mouth shut so, I had to turn around and say something to them..... Of course being the nice person I am I had a smile on my face the entire time and I spoke in a pleasant tone of voice. ;)
I don't know how to ask this while being tactful and not hurting the person's feelings but did anyone think that it was unappropriate for the one TA to put the card in with her FE gift saying that if they rebooked onboard and if they used the agency she was with you would get, etc. etc. I mean I thought that the FE thing was supposed to be all for fun not to drum up business

I personally didn't do the FE exchange since this cruise was a strech for us $ wise but sailed with family that did and they day they received that I happen to be in their room and they did think it was unappropriate but didn't want to post here about it. I mostly lurk so I don't mind posting this question

I must say I thought it was peculiar at best and inappropriate at worst (and I used the travel agency in my bookings). In full disclosure the owners of that TA also own/run this website...

That said I was happy using them as they gave an outstanding onboard credit...
OK so who's going to start the next thread? And what is it going to be called? Is it still Pirate's or are we going to rename it - M's Dummy cruise? :rotfl:
I must say I thought it was peculiar at best and inappropriate at worst (and I used the travel agency in my bookings). In full disclosure the owners of that TA also own/run this website...

That said I was happy using them as they gave an outstanding onboard credit...

Oh we used them too and do know about the connection but the FE wasn't the place to advertise about it
OK so who's going to start the next thread? And what is it going to be called? Is it still Pirate's or are we going to rename it - M's Dummy cruise? :rotfl:

I figured they already started it and forgot to tell us! :rotfl: I couldn't find it if they did! LOL!
OK... did my inventory... I have 14 Colombia stamps... that is my next lowest number... So I will get my hands on 14 Panama stamps... and will try to get those who would did not get my FE a new copy.

So far I have:
Joan1’s friend

on my list...
When I was in line to leave (dh was with our luggage and children waiting at the front for me) the people behind me starting making rude remarks about *the people from the Disboards*. And that we were the reason it was taking so long to get off the ship -- because we had all of those *stupid door decorations*. I can NOT keep my mouth shut so, I had to turn around and say something to them..... Of course being the nice person I am I had a smile on my face the entire time and I spoke in a pleasant tone of voice. ;)

:worship: :worship: It must of been one of those other ones starting trouble again. But service with a smile - thanks Steph!

Either that or we just don't know our own reach. And as you said, it was probably one of the ST's parents just upset at us for complaining about their ST's. I'm been absent but I'm sure you all have touched on THAT subject. :lmao:


I must say I thought it was peculiar at best and inappropriate at worst (and I used the travel agency in my bookings). In full disclosure the owners of that TA also own/run this website...

That said I was happy using them as they gave an outstanding onboard credit...

I can soooooooo picture you saying this with a smile on your face Sil! Thanks for the pleasure of meeting you. Hope Rosie (?) got to make good friends with Cpt Hook. Can't wait to sail with you again and for the start of a wonderful tradition. Hip Hip Hooray.
I saw the gnome two days before the cruise ended on someone's door but it never made it to ours. Great idea though and what a great souvenier to have

We saw this while delivering our FE gifts, but sadly, it never made it to our room either. I guess there were a lot of rooms!!

I thought twice about doing that with a couple things we had and decided to have the kids present the gift in person to them so that there wouldn't be the chance of it disappearing in the FE. :(

We did the same thing. We made sure a couple of the SM gifts were hand delivered to avoid them disappearing.

When delivering FE gifts, we also noticed one room that had several very nice magnets that you buy from the Disney giftshops (the ones that cost $4 to $5 each). I'm not sure we would have done that. We actually personalized our magnets and it seemed to work as nothing seemed to disappear from our room.
Cosas para hacer; means things to do

As for the waves we had 24-30+ foot waves for 30 hours or more on our first cruise. The pools looked like that but adults were still in them. It was when they started emptying all over the deck they were all closed. Walking was not that bad except going up and down steps. At least IMO. Although I felt like I was still on the ship for 2-3 weeks after that 4 day cruise.

I felt the worst for the juggler he was the entertainer that night and did a great job. At one point he jumped in the air and the ship dropped out from underneath him and he was like 10 feet in the air. He wanted to do it again.:laughing:

I forget not everyone's first cruise was like that. I continue to cruise in Hurricane season. So I know the risk of repeating that exists.
*note to self- if cruising and getting big waves- do not jump in the air!* Landing from 10ft in the air would probably have me landing with some injuries or something. LOL

My DH thinks that someone may have been lifting gifts from our FE. We did not get the watch or the postcard. He noticed one day as he went into the room that there were 3 pencils and left them for DS to take out since he would be back soon. When DS came 10 minutes later, there were only 2 pencils. He didn't think much of it at the time, but now that we realize that we didn't get some of the "stuff" it seems likely someone was taking it :(. BIP - I wonder if you had the same problem since you were just a ways down the hall from us (we were in 6076). We have plenty of stuff, but it is sad that someone would just take things that clearly are intended for someone else.


we noticed the same thing twice- then I started taking FE gifts in on the kids room everytime I saw any and putting them on their beds instead of leaving them in the FE. (what I mean is twice there were things in their FE, but we left them there for the kids to discover on their own- but when we returned later the gifts were gone)
We did get plenty of stuff- no complaints there at all! (and I love going thru it all. I put most of it-things that weren't magnets and such- in one of the mesh bags we rec'd in the castaway club bags- and it fills it almost all the way up and that's NOT counting the candy!) But it's sad that people took the time to make things and pass them out and then the person it wasn't intended for didn't get it because of thieves out there.. on a disney cruise! *sigh*
(also a couple of times our magnets were messed with- arranged differently than I had them and could have sworn some magnets were missing but since they weren't ones I'd MADE myself, I couldn't say exactly which ones were missing or remember who gave them to me. KWIM? I know a few people told me on the ship that my magnets disappeared off their doors and I gave them more magnets. What is wrong with people that can't keep their hands off other people's stuff? sigh......)

Sort of weird post for any who care :) My stitches are finally disolving and going away!!!! :yay: :cheer2:

My "dear" DH and DS have been telling nearly everyone they meet about my Disneyland accident :headache: :rolleyes:

SO THAT WAS YOU! I'd heard the story about the stitches but wasn't sure who it was. We all care. :) I'm glad they are dissolving and going away!

BIP--actually, the walking around wasn't all that bad. Decks 4 and 10 were closed for some time for safety reasons.
Cool. I was thinking with waves that big and the pool splashing around like that- that walking would be difficult!

Tell your DH that my kids agree. They said they saw an adult and a child take something out of ours as they were walking towards our room. DD said her and her friends saw a few people take things out of a couple of others and it was always adults
I don't know what stateroom you were in but I hope it wasn't me. Let me explain...
I gave out magnets on doors as my "official FE" gift... but I had lots of other little goodies for kids that I went around on some nights putting them in FE's. I was trying to match things based on age/gender that the kids on the FE map would like.... I was digging around in my big "santa" bag for things that would fit that child (or children's) age/gender and I can remember atleast twice (at most I think) that I put some stuff in the FE, then in digging around for another child in the same room or the next room on the list came across something different that was more "perfect" (for the age and/or gender) and so I'd I would remove the "less perfect" item and put in the "more fitting for age/gender" item.
I remember at the time thinking if anyone sees me doing this they are going to think I'm STEALING from the FE's- so I tried to pick the "perfect" item(s) from them on before putting them in the FE's to avoid people thinking I was stealing when really I was just switching the gifts *I* had put in the FE! LOL
Understand what I'm saying?
So if anyone saw BIP taking things out of an FE- you had to also see me with the big plastic bag of stuff and I promise I was just being indecisive about the gifts I put in there- not stealing! LOL


That happened to me! I got a great deal on the antennae toppers (3 different ones) and I bought 100....... So, I had to buy a few other things to fill in! LOL! If I had known I would have needed more I would rather have bought more toppers! LOL!

The 4boons were our tablemates!!! They are so nice! We had a great time with them!!!

I read this to dh and his reply *That's pathetic.* I agree.

I left a larger gift for a few people and that was what I was afraid of. I know that Cheryl got hers but, I don't know about the others -- I didn't put our name on it so, they don't know it's from me.

I agree with your DH.. defintiely pathetic!
I did not get a topper either!
Ohwell, I hope whoever took it enjoys it- we don't really have an antennae (that sticks out) to put it on anyway. So maybe whoever took it can actually put it to good use! hehe

If I'm remembering correctly- 4boons is the family that was behind us on the flight to DFW.... directly behind DH & Rita. ;) Agree they are super nice! :)
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