
Born 2 Fish

Jun 19, 2008
I would like to take this time to remind all that on this day in 2001 the largest murder ever committed on American soil, happened in New York in 2001.
It took the lives of people from all walks, colors, and backgrounds And who did these murders, Radical Islam groups that call themslves peace loving, in the name of their god they committed these murders.
It is my belief that people are starting to forget what happened on that day
in New York. Do you know where you were when it happened ? Do you remember what you were doing when it happened ? Do you remember the very first time you heard about what happend ? I do,,I remember,,and whats more is I'll NEVER forget.
It's bad enough that our leaders in Washington seem to have forgot, oh sure they are constantly talking about war, the lack of, too much of, getting out of,,,BUT there is very little mention of the actual event by Washington any more, almost as if they have forgotten. But I will remember.
My hat is off, I bow my head to those who died on this day in 2001.
I'll remember,, you can bet I will.
I was in the little town of Chipley, FL testing an asphalt plant. The operator came up on the stack and said a terrible accident had happened. A little while later he came back and said it was no accident, the other tower had been hit. I listened to the radio on the 4 hour trip back home trying to understand what was going on.

The song Alan Jackson wrote for 9-11 pretty much sums up how we all felt that day. Prayers to all the victims and survivors.
I too will never forget....I am sitting here now with tears in my eyes....both joyful and said. I have cousin who decided not to go to work that day that worked in the tower, and by the grace of god he was spared. I also remember that day it happened. I was watching the today show, folding laundry and my daughter was only one, sitting on the floor playing. My husband had JUST left that morning for a one week underway, but we had an emergency meeting that night to tell us they wouldnt be returning for "a while", he ended up being gone for a month. No one was prepared......So, NO, I will NEVER forget that day and many lives that have vanished and the many children with out parents.
I just saw recently declassified pictures from different angles taken by the military. Amazing. Those need to be plastered across the news so we remember that those people want us gone and we have to defend ourselves. Our hearts go out to the victims. I remember Alan and I were on a cruise ship without our daughter and I was a wreck. We went to breakfast with a firefighter, his wife and were seated with people not from America. They announced that we had it coming to us. We all got up and left.
I was folding laundry and went to put cartoons on for Matty, who was only a few months old at the time, and I hit 32 instead of 33 an ended up having CNN on just in time to see the report about the first plane hitting. Matt was taking the trash downstairs to the dumpster and I ran out to tell him- he thought I was mistaken or something was mis interperted. We got back inside just in time to watch the second plane hit... then it was the Pentagon and the one that went down in PA...

More than just the New York skyline changed that day.. the country was changed forever and its something we should NEVER forget....
Thank you for posting this Frank.

I was on an airplane that morning on a flight out of Philadelphia. They closed the airspace while we were in the air and we landed in Columbus, OH.

I hope people aren't forgetting, and trying to "move on". We can not forget and move on, because our enemies have not moved on.
I just have 2 words that sum up how I feel about that day, they are simple words, and out of context don't mean much at all. But too me, the will always symbolize the American spirit, that no matter what happens you can't can't kill our spirit.

Let's Roll!!!!
I was on my way to the eye doctor and heard it on the radio. When I go to the Doctors the TV was on and everyone was glued to it.

God Bless everyone who was involved in rescuing and taking care of our people.

It is something that is inbedded in my mind forever. SO SAD

Our flags are out today in Hershey and it a very gloomy day with rain. Just seems right to be that kind of day.

I hope people aren't forgetting, and trying to "move on". We can not forget and move on, because our enemies have not moved on.
How true this is Dave! (I just wish all the peace yuppies could comprehend it.)

I was eating at The Pancake Pantry in Gatlinburg with a friend celebrating her birthday. My Mom called me on my cell phone and I rushed back home to hold my babies. Like you all, those images will forever be embedded in my memory and heart.
At this time 8 years ago I was with my frantic neighbor as she anxiously tried to contact her husband who then worked for Morgan Stanley in the second tower. He finally called her to tell her he had been uptown for a meeting and had not yet made it downtown. Her relief was short lived..as he began to tell us that he had received calls from his co-workers about having seen people jumping from the first tower hit. That they were evacuating. Yet, he was unable to contact anyone else. When I knew she was okay, and knew her husband was safe..although he didn't know how the hell he was going to get out of the city, I went back home.
Bob called me and told me the Pentagon had been hit also..I need to get the to kids, and get them out of school. He told me to stay in the house. To take them down in the basement. I couldn't believe it. My daughter had just started high school days before. I got to the high school and asked for my daughter. No one asked why I wanted her...no asked for an excuse note. I sat and waited in the office when I noticed some kids waiting as well. There were kids there that had been trying to call their parents who worked in the city. Several of the girls had tears running down their faces..and the boys were very nervous and pacing. Suddenly, they didn't look like high school kids..they looked liked babies...just little kids. Some of whom never did see their mom or dad again.

Bob and my brother closed both shops. He headed home..and I remember Timmy running up to him on the driveway. I was frantic because I heard a very loud plane flying extremely low...and I screamed for them to get into the house. That's when my husband grabbed Timmy and rubbed his head..and tried to calm me. "Whoa..whoa..it's okay..it's okay...that's one of ours". he said. He pointed and showed me. It was a fighter jet patrolling the shore headed to Manhattan.
I distinctly remember that about 3 pm...we started to smell the smoke from the fires.
I will NEVER forget.

In the words of fire fighter Mike Moran during the concert for NYC..he lost his brother in the attack on the trade center..

I will never forget.... I was home when the phone rang, It was my sister-in law. Calling to say my brother, a NYC Port Authority Police Officer, was fine.
I was not sure why she called until she said put the TV on.

I put the TV on and watched for awhile, I was to numb to move. After seeing the second plane hit and knowing this was not an accident, I went to the kids school to get them.

Like most people we decorated our car and hung the American Flag Proudly for a long time. I also bought an American Flag Pin and wore it over my heart.

My original plan was to wear it EVERY DAY, 1 day for each person killed on 9/11. (a little over eight years)
It has been eight years and I still wear the pin EVERY DAY!
I have since decided I will continue to wear the pin 1 day for each solider killed in the war.

Every morning I get up and get dressed. I put my pin on, Every night I go to bed I take my pin off. So I Will NEVER FORGET!!!

Good Bless America!!!
I thought about this before I went to bed last night and I wondered how "America" would act today. I prayed that we would all still have a sensitive place in our hearts and that the media would do this day the justice it deserves. I hope all those pictures DO get plastered everywhere. I hope the schools and workplaces DO have a moment of silence. It's terrible to think that I am praying for the pain of remembrance but we simply can't forget. I admit I felt somehow thankful when I turned on the news this morning, saw those images from 8 years ago and cried as if they were freshly made wounds.

I, too, was home with an infant, doing laundry when my husband burst through the front door and told me to turn on the TV. The first building had been hit, he was on his way to work and turned around to come back home when he heard it on the radio.

I recall sitting there, thinking what a terrible accident! How horrendous! Never suspecting for a second that it ever could have been done on purpose! Then the second building was hit....realization was like a slow, dark, downward flowing substance that covered me and left me with fear and uncertainty. I held Annalise and wondered what kind of world I had just brought her into. Fear crept in everywhere. Meija, who was only in Kindergarten at the time, had nightmares about Bin Laden hiding in the bushes near her school!

Some hope was restored when the plane went down in Pennsylvania and stories of the heroics were told. The way our country banded together was a sight to behold! We were ALL proud to be Americans! Over the last 8 years, that pride has slowly dissipated. Maybe today, if only for a day, we can forget party politics and simply be AMERICANS in all our splendor...in all our goodness.....excuse me for a few moments.....I'm going to go put out my flag.
Thanks for this post, Frank.

It is a shame that those responsible for this event are still out there, and yet the powers that be in the government/media have decided that it's too "uncomfortable" to keep playing the footage and reminding us of exactly what happened that day.

And because it's far too easy in our busy lives to push such unpleasant things out of our minds, too many people forget just how tragic a day that was and that those responsible ARE still out there.

IMO until every last person responsible for the attack on our country has been brought to justice, the footage should continue to play as a reminder that our country is not safe while such people are still allowed to walk the earth.

I'll never forget, as I was right here in this same chair working with the TV going in the background. I watched the whole thing unfold. I've been listening to some radio shows replay clips of their live broadcasts on that day, and it still seems surreal and yet far too real.

We just can't ever forget those people that lost their lives that day and that gave their lives trying to save others.

if only for a day, we can forget party politics and simply be AMERICANS in all our splendor...in all our goodness...

Amen to that!!
We will never forget where were, we were getting ready to check out of Riverside and go to MCO when I just happened to turn on the TV while I waited for the DW to finish packing up. We had a noon flight. At first I though I had turned on a movie channel until I realized the horror I was watching was live. We finished packing up while all the time wondering what to do, stay put or somehow get home, it was the first time our 16 yr old daughter hadn't gone with us. Not knowing if things would get worse or not we went to see what other people in the resort were doing. We went to the lobby where the CM told us we could stay if we wanted to but after a lot of frantic trys to call home we decided to drive the rental car home. We went to the National rental car place near the Magic Kingdom tried to get a bigger car, I had gotten a small one because we were only gonna use it around the resort area, the lady told us, "If you didn't already have a car you wouldn't be able to get one" so we started for home just as they were closing the Magic Kingdom, people were racing out past us. We drove all the way home passing maybe 50 other cars in the 700 miles. It was eerie driving through Atlanta at 5:00 in the afternoon with absolutly no traffic on the road, it made me feel like things were gonna get worse. We finally got to the Nashville Airport and things felt even worse when there were military stationed there and the airport itself was deserted. The thing that did make me feel good that day was that at a lot of overpasses we went under there were people waving American flags, even now my hands sweat at the thought of that day.
Lets hope and pray that this country doesn't have to go through anything like that again.
8 years ago I was at home with the flu. It was a Tuesday and DW was off as I recall. DS was at school. I remember I came into the living room and turned on the morning news shows. I think it was Fox. Anyway they flashed the breaking news and one of their reporters was on top of their building and showing the smoke coming from the first tower. At first it was thought to have been an accident then the second plane hit and a few minutes later the Pentagon was attacked. It was no accident! DW and I were terrified. We called the school to find their phones were so flooded that we couldn't get through. Finally I called my DW's aunt who works in the school district's administration office and found out the schools were in lock down and there was no need to rush and pick up DS. The plan was to go forward with as normal a school day as possible. We fretted all day glued to the TV as the terrorism story unfolded. I said to DW that this was a day that would change America forever. Our DS would never know our country as it was. We figured with the nation and our economy at a standstill that we would not soon recover. That afternoon DW waited at the bus stop and brought him home so we could talk about what happened. The kids had no idea and I could see the shock in his eyes.

He and I had been planning a trip to an RV show in Pennsylvania the next Saturday to check out the newest version of the motorhome we hoped to buy the following Spring. Should we go? Should we not plan that far? Would there even be an economy as we knew it? Finally we decided to go. We called to verify it was still be held and DW went to work while we headed for Harrisburg. As we headed toward NYC to get on the Interstate we saw the huge plume of smoke still rising where we used to see those beautiful towers. I was tearful as I saw it in my rearview mirror while we headed westward. Then we saw something inspiring that gave us hope and a sense of patriotism I had not seen since the first Gulf War. Flags and signs were hung on nearly every overpass. Cars and trucks were flying flags and some also had signs vowing to not take this dastardly attack lying down. It was uplifting.

Once we got to Harrisburg and found the RV show it was swamped. If people were worried they sure didn't show it. DS and I walked around for hours and took in the different RVs on display finally coming to the Leisure Travel Vans. Finally we got to see their revised 2002 model and decided this was perfect for us. We took lots of pictures to show DW and grabbed a bunch of literature and headed back toward home that afternoon. Even more overpasses were decorated with flags signs flowers, crosses, etc. People were united for a change. It was great to feel the spirit!

We survived and unfortunately we seem to have forgotten that spirit. That's why I am a Disney fanatic I guess. I crave those hokey good feelings and wish all of us could live happy and peaceful lives.
I remember that day like it was yesterday and hope I never have to remember a day like that again...or my Children.

I remember driving in late to work from a meeting and hearing the breaking news of the first plane hitting, and it was initially being reported as an accident. Later that morning no-one in the office was able to get any work done and the company had installed a television in the cafeteria and a co-worker had brought in a satellite dish so we could get reception. From there on out, our office was equipped with more satellite televisions, phones with dedicated lines for emergencies and other communication features.

I was listening to interviews with some of the first responders on the Imus in the Morning show this morning and heard the sad news that many more deaths can be expected over the next few years of the people who responded in the early days in New York City. The air quality was so bad that somewhere around 300 of the rescuers have died already and many more are seriously ill. From the EMTs, other firefighters, police to the utility workers, food services, etc. are not doing well.
I would like to take this time to remind all that on this day in 2001 the largest murder ever committed on American soil, happened in New York in 2001.
It took the lives of people from all walks, colors, and backgrounds And who did these murders, Radical Islam groups that call themslves peace loving, in the name of their god they committed these murders.
It is my belief that people are starting to forget what happened on that day
in New York. Do you know where you were when it happened ? Do you remember what you were doing when it happened ? Do you remember the very first time you heard about what happend ? I do,,I remember,,and whats more is I'll NEVER forget.
It's bad enough that our leaders in Washington seem to have forgot, oh sure they are constantly talking about war, the lack of, too much of, getting out of,,,BUT there is very little mention of the actual event by Washington any more, almost as if they have forgotten. But I will remember.
My hat is off, I bow my head to those who died on this day in 2001.
I'll remember,, you can bet I will.

their is another posting on the borads
I was there for 6 weeks running security for the zone (our commander wouldn't allow it to be called ground zero). It was the most surreal mission I ever had. I never expected to be walking down Broadway in full combat gear. I'll never for get it. I still carry a penny I found on the pile when we were recovering a Battalion Chief's body. Damn - no combat zone I was ever in was as emotion charged as the WTC was....................

Thanks Frank


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