A Curious Encounter, an Adventure Begins...

AZ JazzyJ

<font color=teal>The Talented One<br><font color=p
Dec 6, 2000
Nestled deep within the archives of the library of rare antiquities, an old gentleman sat alone at a table. He sat perfectly quiet without moving a muscle. The other patrons of the library, what few there were kept glancing over at the old man. It was not that he was out of place but quite the contrary. His appearance was impeccable. He was smartly dressed in a tweed jacket and woolen trousers. There was nothing out of place on his person. From his wire rimmed glasses down to his finely shined leather shoes. He had an air about him that portrayed quiet elegance. The one item about him though that seemed to draw attention was the item he had clasped tightly in his hands. It was a well worn leather bound book. It was obvious that this was his most prized possession. If one looked closely at the man they could see his knuckles were white from holding his book so tightly. The man seemed oblivious to everything around him staring straight ahead as if in a trance. Only once did he glance down at the table. What happened next was completely unexpected. On the table was the June 5th edition of the Daily Sentinel newspaper. As the man’s eyes darted from column to column, he suddenly let out a blood curdling scream that pierced the quiet of the normally solemn library. There on page one of the Sentinel below the fold was a single headline, Adventurer Reappears After Long Absence . The man leaped from his seat still grasping his book and rushed from the room leaving the other library patrons confused. No one could understand what any of this meant. Little did they know this would not be the last time they would encounter the man with the leather book.

The Adventure begins.
And I feel a mini meet is in order.
Can't wait to see what you have in store for us Arizona Jeff and Mean Laureen Peggie
Me and the whole tree of family are looking forward to it, and darn well excited too.

Let the adventure begin.

Pssst Jeff there's a buck in it for you if you get Mean Laureen to wear a speedo.

Hey a buck gets you 20 minutes of long distance dude. :p
umm.. Ed? You are asking for it mister!

So, what do I get if I get Jeff to wear a speedo? :D
You get anything you want as long as its a pin of some sort. :p

Or the buck offer is still good.
OK Ed.. I'll take your Wet Paint if I can get Jeff in a speedo. And since the pin would be for him he might just do it :D :D :D
Wait I have Jeff on the phone.... un-huh yep un-huh all righty then I'll ask.

Jeff says he'll wear the speedo, but would like your jail scene instead. :p

Oh dear oops you didn't want Matthew or Jeff to know you got two of those while down here huh... My bad sorry.

Hold on I have a call waiting... Its Jeff as well on both lines, says he has a split personality, and needs both your Jail scenes one each personality, but he will wear two different types of speedos.

Oh this is getting weird, what if we all just wear speedos? :D and we can all call each other on 10-10-220 for 20 minutes.
Did someone say SPEEDO??????
Hey, I'm sorry Lauri, I know that I said I am not picky, but I draw the line at you in a speedo. I will even donate a dollar if we can get Jeff and Ed in those. Perhaps the night we go to the Adventurer's club. that would even be worth a few Kungaloosh's
I can't wait now, looking forward to seeing someone in a Speedo. Peggie
Jeff that is great... Can't wait for more details.
It's great to see Arizona Jeff back in his natural habitat . .... a writing table. Go Jeff Go!
Since some of the new settings on the board don't show links in a different color and some people mentioned last night in chat that they didn't realize there was a link in the story above, I thought I would add another link to the trailer :)

Click here - The adventure begins!
I'd pay a buck to see Jeff in a speedo....:D

I'd go a buck for Raul in a speedo too....:D

I can go a buck on Matt in a speedo as well.....:D

And you can all keep your bucks, my DH isn't wear a speedo at the event or at any other time....at least not in public. :p

But here's the real question:

If they're all wearing speedos.....where do they put their pins????? :eek: :eek: :eek:
Getting my recliner out of the closet, brushing off the cob webs and oiling up the wheels and foot recliner lever. I'm ready!!!:D

Hey Cherry!!! Where are you????
Ok, Im hooked now!

Lookin' for more!

OK, I MUST be in the minority here... but I can't think of ANYONE I want to see in a speedo-- they are yuk, gross and outline and highlight parts I'd don't want to see quite that clearly-- just yuk!!!!!

Kathi -- who is now reading the boards from between her fingers, because you never know what pictures someone may post!
A continuous rain fell from the sky as fog rolled along the street casting an eerie mist among those who were venturing about their business. Although it was still mid-day, the streetlights began to illuminate as the sky darkened with another wave of storm clouds rolling over the horizon. The continuous storm had taken its toll upon the residents of the city. Everyone huddled under an umbrella trying to remain dry as they moved from store to store; everyone that is except for one man. The gentleman in the tweed coat and the woolen pants had rushed from the library leaving behind his overcoat and umbrella. As he rushed down the street still clinging to his leather book, he was met with stares and whisperings as people pointed at the strange man who was now drenched to the bone. The glances and pointing were lost on the man as his mind was focused on the newspaper he had seen in the library and its meaning to him. The man’s eyes darted round about as he frantically searched for something or someone. Suddenly he found himself surrounded by a crowd of people attempting to make their way into the town auditorium and out of the rain. He was frustrated to be engulfed in people but slowly his nerves were calmed as he was led to the very room he had been searching for. He stood in the midst of the packed auditorium water dripping from his drenched clothing. Looking around, there was not an empty seat anywhere to be found. People lined the walls filling the room to capacity. The energy in the room was electric with excited whisperings and murmurings resonating throughout the crowd like the sounds of water flowing over a layer of rocks in a stream. This crowd was obviously waiting for the arrival of a guest of special importance. The man quietly made his way down the aisle still clinging to his leather book. He found an enclave along the east wall and slid into the shadows. Patiently he waited, hoping to catch a glimpse of the person everyone seemed to be anticipating.

The lights of the great hall within the town auditorium flickered off and on with each clap of thunder from the storm outside. The flashes of lightning and thunderous noise only helped to add to the drama that was being played out in this little town. As the storm outside intensified, the door to the right of the stage burst open from an unusually strong gust of wind. Startled audience members gasped while ushers hurried to close the door and stop the rain from entering the room. During this commotion, a man slowly and deliberately walked across the stage. The man was small in stature and walked with a distinctive gait. He was helped by the use of a cane. The cane was quite exquisite with the sparkle of polished alabaster. The top was made of solid gold with a ruby encased in the center. Each step the man took, his cane clicked upon the hardwood floor. The sound echoed within the hushed auditorium. As he reached the center of the stage, the man stopped. He stood there in the soft glow of an overhead light, which still swung from the wind entering through the opened door. The man’s appearance could best be described as controlled chaos. His clothing was well worn but very comfortable. His shoes were unpolished and scuffed from years of wear. The soles appeared to have been replaced and patched several times. His face showed lines and wrinkles that chronicled years of adventure, each one earned through toil and hard work. His hair was perpetually messy and the look gave him the appearance of being in constant motion. Although all these things were readily apparent, that is not what was most noticeable about the man. His eyes and their glance were what distinguished him the most. The steel gray eyes seemed to pierce the darkness. It was as if those eyes could see to a person’s very soul. He stood and gazed out at the hushed crowd then with a wry smile the eyes began to twinkle like the stars on a moonless night. This charismatic character immediately captivated the audience who eagerly awaited him to speak.

Oliver P. Phinnius was well known throughout the continent. Many a child had grown up to his tales of adventure as told by their parents at bedtime. Although his stories were legendary, few people had actually met the gentleman. Now before a packed auditorium in a small out-of-the-way town stood one of the greatest adventurers mankind had ever known. As Phinnius began to speak, everyone within the sound of his voice seemed to lean forward anticipating his every word. He did not disappoint as each word rolled off his tongue with excitement. He spoke of magic and enchantment peppering each phrase with extravagant arm and body movements to portray the emotion of what he was feeling at that moment. The crowd was his, he could sense it. Since those many months ago when he returned from the magical adventure to the land of pins, Oliver’s life had been one continuous story filled with intrigue and mystery. After a life time of toiling in obscurity, Oliver P. Phinnius was now a celebrity. He was admitted to parties and invited to speak at places that would not have given him the time of day no so long ago. Indeed, his life was now perfect. Well perfect, until tonight.

I for one have missed your wonderful pin adventures even though
I was left hanging on to Dumbo the Elephant but I am ready to enjoy the next adventure!

Your trailer is very cool!



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