A difficult confession


DIS Veteran
Jul 12, 2020
So... Hi.

I don't mind saying this because we are all Disney fans.

I'm an alcoholic. but I am not in recovery. I have had a drink for the last 13 months, every day, and counting. I want to stop, and these forums are helping me to slow. Disney gives me hope. Reading these forums gives me solace.

I have faith that I will stop someday. I just don't know how that will happen. The physical pain that comes with withdrawals is almost unbearable. I also run the risk of seizure and stroke. But, it only takes three days to get past the danger zone.
Rockbro I am sending you hope for your future. My husband was not able to survive a heart attack at a very young age due to daily drinking.
He was very good at hiding his health problems. I guess alcohol was a source of his self denial that masked his problems. Everyday I think of what he is missing because he should not have died at such a young age.
Please make the choice to stay alive. Disney is just one of many of the things you will miss. I hope you have friends or family to give you love.
Rockbro I am sending you hope for your future. My husband was not able to survive a heart attack at a very young age due to daily drinking.
He was very good at hiding his health problems. I guess alcohol was a source of his self denial that masked his problems. Everyday I think of what he is missing because he should not have died at such a young age.
Please make the choice to stay alive. Disney is just one of many of the things you will miss. I hope you have friends or family to give you love.
You're very brave to admit and acknowledge you're an alcoholic. That's the important first step. Go online and look up treatment places. You will NEVER regret getting help. But you will regret avoiding g help. There are ways to get through the first few days of withdrawal. And then everyday you will feel better. Do it!!! It will be the best gift to yourself! I'll say a Prayer for you tonight. But you need to get professional help. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Take that step tomorrow morning. Please. xoxo
You'll never regret it.
I just googled What can I drink instead of alcohol?
surprised to find there is a lot of advice and info within a few minutes reading online.
Maybe you will discover your struggle will inspire somebody else tonight. To search for the strength To overcome a problem .
I think you are not alone because of the daily fears and unbelievable stress. Let’s keep the conversation alive .
All the best to you. Please seek medical advice for the first days then any form of a support system for the days following. I have heard AA even online is wonderful. As are many other similar organizations which I am sure a medical professional could recommend.
And these boards can supplement all you learn from professionals. Community is so important especially now.
Wishing for you to find your way... Praying for you to have the strength, and perseverance to push through all this... While not a easy task... By coming here and saying it out loud... you have made the first step... now just one step at a time...then another step...

Call your doctor immediately, find a AA meetings, and go.... daily if you have to at first... perhaps professional counseling, -
Clean out your house, all the booze has to go... then clean your house, starting fresh, new beginnings....
Talk to your friends tell them, if they are your true friends they will support you, and will be there for you.... You will lose some along the way, and you will gain new ones.... Staying away from friends that drinking or partying...not saying to stop being friends just distance your self or see them in a different setting... like having lunch or at the gym, instead of dinner and drinks, or happy hour... Hit the gym, walk, exercise, both physically and mentally... stay away from activities were you drink at...
Maybe find a church, not pushing religion just a suggestion.
Change your routine, change how you drive to and from work, move your furniture around, create new patterns...
Volunteer, donate to charity..
Find a hobby, or some interesting that keeps you engaged!
Save the money daily that you would spend on drinking...Disney Vacation fund...

A very good friend of ours stopped drinking about 6+ years ago... and he had a BBQ to celebrate 5 years sober... and he said that the first week physically was hard, however the hardest part is afterward holding himself accountable every day not to drink...As well realizing that he had to take responsibility for the years he was drinking... and the casualties of what drinking cost him, his wife and kids, family... trying to repair the damage he did, and excepting the outcome... He has changed his whole life, and got married last year to a wonderful woman.

All the things above are what he did to climb out... he said by keeping busy mentally and physically it helped him focus on the goal...

There is alot of information out there for you.. We are here and cheering for you!...
From a daughter of a man who died a recovering alcoholic, congratulations on taking the first step and saying it outloud.

It's not going to be easy. In all honesty, there will be times that you fall of the wagon. That is going to happen and something you have to make peace with and be aware of. Compare it to losing weight. No one loses 100 pounds in a straight line. But eventhough it will be difficult and there will be bumps in the road, it will be worth it in the end.

Also good to keep in mind, there is not one way to recovery. You have to find what kind of therapy is good for you, and you might not find the right one on your first attempt. Give each method you try a fair chance (don't give up after the first day), if after a while it appears that a method isn't right for you, then that's not failure on your part. You have to find what matches your need. Same again as with losing weight, some diets work for some people.

Start with your GP and ask where you can go in your neighbourhood.

Good luck, and hang in there.
Thank you all, for your kind words. Someday, this thing is going to beat me, but if I try, I can put it off as long as possible. I'm 42, been drinking for 31.5 years.

Advice: If you're a new drinker, feeling as if you "need" it, stop now. I'm not perfect, but I do have some wisdom. There's what is called a "tipping point." It's when you are beyond repair. But not everyone has to get to it. I don't think I'm there yet. I still have ambition and pride.

I'm no-one to give advice on this, but if I can save one life, this is worth it. I spent my life saving lives... this is the most important.
As a fellow drinker (once a drinker always a drinker, they say) i can tell you you've got this, rockbro.

i have been sober for over seven years now, with a couple relapses in there. Trust me i was bad off too. I used to get panic attacks when i didnt have alcohol in the freezer on a friday that assured i didnt feel saturday and sunday.

But 1) dont feel embarrassed to confess to a love of disney and if it helps you it helps you! I am obsessed with sonic the hedgehog and have been since youth. So the new movie has been a repeated godsend of therapy that helps me battle depression. Legend of zelda does the same thing for me. And phantom of the opera! heck and disney!! We all have coping mechanisms we have put into place to help us out and we shouldnt feel shame for them. Im an adult that has a bed fullnof sonic plushies because i like to cuddle em, they help me in ways talk therapy doesnt.

this journey is yours and you shouldnt feel bad or embarrassed or shy about what helps to drive you to being a better you. I will say, 4 days and your half out of the woods. 4 weeks is the most fragile state and liable to relapse. Be sure to have SOMEBODY you can call in case you get the urge.

remember youre doing this for you: and you are worth it.

best of luck and if you ever need to chat to keep your mind off of it, pm me here and we can figure something out. :3

So... Hi.

I don't mind saying this because we are all Disney fans.

I'm an alcoholic. but I am not in recovery. I have had a drink for the last 13 months, every day, and counting. I want to stop, and these forums are helping me to slow. Disney gives me hope. Reading these forums gives me solace.

I have faith that I will stop someday. I just don't know how that will happen. The physical pain that comes with withdrawals is almost unbearable. I also run the risk of seizure and stroke. But, it only takes three days to get past the danger zone.
So, I'm up to around 8 hours. The aching and restless legs have set in. Another 36 hours and I'll be me again :) I want to sleep through this, but insomnia is the next step.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this, as it might be considered an advertisement, but but wife is out of state and sent me a link. It is Demi Lovato "Sober."
I have one hour and 6 minutes until I can recover from the long relapse. I'm not sure why, but I feel strong this time. But, also know this thing is lurking.

Thank you all for your support.
59 minutes... it may not seem like a lot of time. What can you do in 59 minutes?

You can watch an hour long TV show or 2 half hour longs (including commercials). You can take your dogs for a walk, clean a part of the house. You can shower and shave. You can think about the past, the present, the future.

Or, you can type aimlessly waiting for those 59 minutes to disappear.

Almost there. Down to 56.


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