A Few Interesting Photos from the Florida Gulf Coast

I really don't know what to say, except that this could possibly be the greatest vacation ever, and makes any vacation I have ever taken pale by comparison.
I'm not sure what you are implying about Charlie?

That he has bad eyesight?

What are you people trying to say about Charlie?!

He's married for gosh sake!

To a woman!

So there.

Let's just say that his beautiful wife is a front, and leave it at that. Charlie's S.O. does, so we should, too.
Topsail was pretty full. There was not alot of people on the beach when we went. the nice thing about Topsail is they have a pool!
We are trying to plan a beach trip before the summer ends but I'm really concerned about the oil. I'd love to drive over to Topsail or Henderson (never been camping there) but since my kids like to be in the ocean for HOURS with their boogie boards I think we better not risk it. I don't want to be cleaning tar out of their ears. We'll head in the other direction, towards St. Augustine.
The Vessels of Opportunity program provides local boat operators (commercial fisherman) an opportunity to assist with response activities, including transporting supplies, assisting wildlife rescue and deploying containment and sorbent boom.

GSP....Grayton Beach State Park, my fav local CG. Opps, guess I forgot the B!

BTW...don't mean to get so serious, but it really is such a sad, sad situation.:sad1:

Wow. I didn't realize that you were working on the clean-up. Thanks for doing that.

I thought maybe you were referring to Grayton Beach S.P., but I know that you aren't supposed to bring alcohol in there, so I second guessed myself.

Sad is a good word to describe how I feel about this, too. And angry. It is such a shame, and as news trickles out about how carelessly this industry is regulated, it makes me madder and madder.

I really don't know what to say, except that this could possibly be the greatest vacation ever, and makes any vacation I have ever taken pale by comparison.

You got that right!

Let's just say that his beautiful wife is a front, and leave it at that. Charlie's S.O. does, so we should, too.

Deb. You are so bad. Poor Charlie thinks that he has us all fooled.

We are trying to plan a beach trip before the summer ends but I'm really concerned about the oil. I'd love to drive over to Topsail or Henderson (never been camping there) but since my kids like to be in the ocean for HOURS with their boogie boards I think we better not risk it. I don't want to be cleaning tar out of their ears. We'll head in the other direction, towards St. Augustine.

At this point, the oil is a non-issue at Topsail, Henderson, Grayton, and points East in the Gulf.

But, the boogie boarding will surely be better at St. Augustine.

They have real waves over there.


When I read your TR about Grayton Beach/Seaside a few months ago, I just HAD to go there...
We go to Destin every year. I LOVE it there. Never even KNEW about Seaside...
Not to hijack your thread or anything... But I must tell you about my past two weekends...

My DH and I were splitting up... Signed divorce papers about 3 or 4 weeks ago and everything...
LAST weekend... We talked about it, I moved back in... We went down to Panama City Beach for the weekend and camped... It was one of those last attempt fix it trips... It wasn't fixed... We knew that Saturday morning... BUT Saturday night, he took me to Seaside, because we read your previous TR together and he knew how badly I wanted to visit, so we did...
We hung out at the Taco Bar... It was kind of bittersweet. We are sitting there together... My DH is a bartender so we always sit at the bar and interact with the bartenders... But the one bartender we had, his name was Chris... He kept telling us, You can't be splitting up. Yall will be ok. You will be back and you will be back together...
DH kept telling him that this was our divorce weekend, and we wouldn't be back and this was it... and he was a terrible husband and every few minutes he would have to regain his composure because he would just cry... Heartbreaking, really... Even if we were divorcing and that was it for us..
Chris was awesome. We tipped him $50 and went on our way. Left the next morning... When we got home, I moved out... AGAIN... And I got on with life, or so I thought... for the next week...
Something happened and Thursday night after a week of soon to be ex DH just being calm and patient and whatever with me... I really did sit down and think some things through...
While he was at work Friday morning I moved back in... It was the happiest day of our lives... I don't know why a few days earlier it wasn't the right time... But we both knew this time it was...
Saturday morning, the three of us, Me, DH and DS got up and went to Destin, FL... Our favorite place to be, besides FW in the whole world.
Saturday night, we went over to Seaside... just to tell Chris.. He was right... We were back... And we were back there together.
He remembered us. It was a great night. DS LOOVVVEEDDD the town. Loved the Taco Bar. Asked to go back the next morning.
We will ALWAYS return to Seaside... And are actually moving down to Fort Walton Beach on September 1st... That place will always be special to us... And we would have never known anything about it, had it not been for you!
It truly is a great place!! :lovestruc
Oh that is so awesome!:hug: I'm glad you all have worked thinkg out! Hey we will be neighbors!
That is awesome! I'm so glad that things seem to be working out for ya'll. I will be praying for you all.

On a side note, my best friend from high school lives in Ft. Walton Beach. It's SO pretty there. I know that you all will love living there! :goodvibes
Aw, what a great story! Good for you guys -- hope you have many, many more happy trips there in the future.
We hung out at the Taco Bar... It was kind of bittersweet. We are sitting there together... My DH is a bartender so we always sit at the bar and interact with the bartenders... But the one bartender we had, his name was Chris...

Taco Bar?

Did you say Taco Bar?

The TCD gang loves the Taco Bar!!!

Here we are from our last visit:



I'll bet I know Chris. It has been the same couple of bartenders there every time we have visited over the past couple of years.

Thanks for sharing your story.

I wish you and your DH all the best.



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