A little less housekeeping would be nice

Disguising an advertisement as "housekeeping"
I don't think they are disguising anything. The podcast is a show produced and presented by people who own and run a travel agency. They do it partly out of their shared love of Disney but also to promote their business. I think the problem is that a lot of listeners/viewers either don't know that or tend to forget that part. Their business is not producing a podcast. Their business is selling travel. The show is an extension of that business. Of course they're going to talk about upcoming trips they have to promote. That's what pays the bills, not the podcast itself.
I dont get the negativity one tiny bit... i think Craig and Ryno bust their butts for that company and for people to say that they arent prepared? I have a feeling that Craig has a million things on his plate and once in a while maybe he does forget what Tom Bell is talking about that week. But look at all those great vids about dining and D23 and maybe you will understand.... and dont dare speak negatively about my Ryno. He just seems so talented and has an outstanding future ahead of him
Also, keep in mind that these folks are not professional performers. When the podcast first began, Pete hired pros to read the script and it was a disaster. It was when they all started doing it themselves that the show really caught on because it was real and genuine. Sure it isn't super rehearsed and polished but that's the charm and appeal of the show. It's spontaneous and sometimes someone isn't prepared when the camera turns on them. Sometimes people mispronounce things or make up new words. But they are all passionate about the information and that comes across in everything they do.
And then there are people like us. I was at the Richmond DIS meet when Pete announced Podcast Cruise 6.0. I texted my wife right away and asked what she thought about going and we booked it as soon as booking opened. Had it not been mentioned on the show, we probably wouldn't have been on that trip.

Sometimes it is hearing about a trip on the show that gets people interested who might not have otherwise gone seeking info on those trips.

Advertising works. :)

I tend to agree with this for one reason. I don't necessarily mind them advertising for their businesses. I get it. However, it should be it's own segment or a type of "commercial break" in the middle of the show. Disguising an advertisement as "housekeeping" or a "rapid fire", is kind of...and I'm struggling for the right word here, because I think words like 'deceitful' are far too strong/negative for what I want to say...so guess I'll go with misleading (best word I can come up with).

Oh, sure sure. I understand WHY they're there. They just don't appeal to me. That's what I meant when I said I wish they weren't there. But it's no big deal ... I can just fast forward like I do with my podcasts that have ads in the middle.
I hate to sound like a jerk, but do you think they are doing this for fun at this point? Come on, it's about growing their business and making money. Back in the early days it was getting anybody to listen and they were doing it for the "love" of doing it. Now it's cause it's a money making tool. That's OK!

Unless you want to start paying a monthly subscription no one and I mean NO ONE should complain about anything.
There was always this myth about podcasting, that it was this amazing medium, because anyone with a microphone and a computer can do it, which then leads to content being produced by people "purely" because of their love for the subject of their podcast.

I find the reality is that any popular and/or well done podcast these days is being subsidized in some way, either by advertising directly in the podcast, or because the podcast is in someway promoting another revenue stream of the podcasters (I.E. a travel agency). To have a podcast be successful today, it needs to be a quality production (the podcast must have the technology to produce good quality audio etc.), the content has to be fresh and relevant and the content has to be produced on a regular basis. To do these things requires a large investment of time and money. It really cannot be done without some form of subsidy.

The web is littered with interesting podcasts that were started by people who "loved" their subject and then realized how much time and work is involved and had to abandon it. In short, I just assume and expect any good podcast is generating revenue in one form or another.
I tend to agree with this for one reason. I don't necessarily mind them advertising for their businesses. I get it. However, it should be it's own segment or a type of "commercial break" in the middle of the show. Disguising an advertisement as "housekeeping" or a "rapid fire", is kind of...and I'm struggling for the right word here, because I think words like 'deceitful' are far too strong/negative for what I want to say...so guess I'll go with misleading (best word I can come up with).
I am going to use bullet points because I am lazy, plus I think it may receive better comprehension.
  • The commercial break comes in the first 45 seconds... they rarely mention Dreams after that.
  • Housekeeping is to announce the other FREE podcasts they do. I could go on, but I can't figure out how to make that any more plane
  • As soon as anyones "rapid fire" involves selling anything, please let me know. There may be exceptions, if they talk about bookings that become available they may plug themselves, but this segment is mainly about how Corey eats too much and Craig is grumpy cat.
  • Misleading is any statement that predicates itself on the word 'but'. If I can easily exchange any phrase used with the word but, ot's just as bad. Stop sugar coating things and just say what you feel. If you feel they have been deceitful then simply ask for a refund and I am sure Kevin will send it to you.
I am going to use bullet points because I am lazy, plus I think it may receive better comprehension.
  • The commercial break comes in the first 45 seconds... they rarely mention Dreams after that.
  • Housekeeping is to announce the other FREE podcasts they do. I could go on, but I can't figure out how to make that any more plane
  • As soon as anyones "rapid fire" involves selling anything, please let me know. There may be exceptions, if they talk about bookings that become available they may plug themselves, but this segment is mainly about how Corey eats too much and Craig is grumpy cat.
  • Misleading is any statement that predicates itself on the word 'but'. If I can easily exchange any phrase used with the word but, ot's just as bad. Stop sugar coating things and just say what you feel. If you feel they have been deceitful then simply ask for a refund and I am sure Kevin will send it to you.

Wow. That's quite an ardent defense to a very innocuous comment. My bad, I guess, for trying to convey that I don't consider that big a deal. Perhaps it had the opposite effect. Anyway, do you truly believe that no 'rapid fires' have ever been selling something?

And BTW, it's okay to be lazy today. After all, it is "National Lazy Day" (seriously).
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I have a strange reason for thinking they are not trying to sell anything, or if they are they are using a poor business model.

DisUnplugged is there to sell people on using Dreams Unlimited Travel.
The reason for using Dreams is because they have experts to help you with all of your Disney travel needs.
Every episode they produce informs people of what WDW has to offer and what is new.
If you pay attention to every podcast you know pretty much every new happening at WDW.
If you pay attention to every podcast you know what your Dreams agent is likely to recommend you do.
I don't really need a travel agent because I learned what I need by watching free youtube videos of 5 years worth of podcasts.
I watch every week because someone will make me laugh, same as the Stooges.
I use Dreams because they find me the best prices and keep looking for deals... I find out about those deals watching the podcasts but they do the work for me.
I am my agents favorite type of customer, an informed one who knows what I am looking for, so all she needs to do is the paperwork and find any new deals.

Telling me to watch another podcast they produce is like telling me that aspirin help headaches. I already knew that but thanks for the reminder. If they are trying to sell me things like going to Universal or eating at Boma they are going about it the wrong way, since they don't make more money by me doing so.
Also, keep in mind that these folks are not professional performers. When the podcast first began, Pete hired pros to read the script and it was a disaster. It was when they all started doing it themselves that the show really caught on because it was real and genuine. Sure it isn't super rehearsed and polished but that's the charm and appeal of the show. It's spontaneous and sometimes someone isn't prepared when the camera turns on them. Sometimes people mispronounce things or make up new words. But they are all passionate about the information and that comes across in everything they do.
Things generally come across better when it's more natural..don't we all get annoyed when we have to call someone like our bank, etc and they sound like a robot??

I only started watching the podcast since Feb 2016 but I would imagine from what you wrote I probably wouldn't like it as much if it was still like it was with scripts and stuff. As a whole I enjoy their spontaneity.
I think sometimes the housekeeping can be long. I don't mind them plugging for other shows. I got into the Universal edition because they mentioned it on the WDW podcast. I also got into the podcast after watching the DIS Daily Fix.

But the only times where it actually makes me use the fast forward tool is when a cruise is in the future. Just because it's generally the same information presented again and again and sometimes it becomes too long of a focus...but then again people don't watch every single episode so I do understand plus sometimes they are giving updated information such as room categories left available, etc. I just fast forward when that occurs.
Just because it's generally the same information presented again and again and sometimes it becomes too long of a focus
That just makes me think of when we're watching some TV show on demand and they only show the same 3 or 4 commercials at every commercial break. That drives us nuts after the 2nd time. At least on the podcast, even if they're sharing basically the same info, it's being done fresh and live. It isn't a pre-recorded ad dropped into the show. It's part of the conversation and sometimes, as you mentioned, some details have changed. And there could be listeners who need that reminder to actually take action and book that trip they've been thinking about and hearing that there are only 4 spots left spurs them to act.
Thank you for bringing this up, OP. I've wanted to say the same things many times, but didn't have the guts to do so. I know it's a business, but I only know that because I've been listening for years. To a newcomer, it is not obvious that they are a travel agency promoting their own business. I have to say that I have been turned off at times by the sheer quantity of self-promotion in each episode... and I don't just mean the 'travel agency' promotion, but the promotion of the podcasts. The patreon stuff also turns me off. They make money off this and then ask for donations.. that is kind of skeezy to me. They aren't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, which is totally fine.. but they aren't very upfront about it.. They say they are 'brought to you' by Dreams as if Dreams is an advertiser.. they're not. They ARE Dreams.. That is definitely misleading.
They say they are 'brought to you' by Dreams as if Dreams is an advertiser.. they're not. They ARE Dreams.. That is definitely misleading.
Well, yes and no. Not everyone on the podcast works for Dreams. Corey, Julie, Craig, Ryno, Steve, and Charles, I believe, are not employed by Dreams Unlimited. They work for the Disboards which is a separate entity. I said earlier that the show is an extension of the agency, but that's not really true. I think the podcast started as an extension of the website, not of the agency.
Well, yes and no. Not everyone on the podcast works for Dreams. Corey, Julie, Craig, Ryno, Steve, and Charles, I believe, are not employed by Dreams Unlimited. They work for the Disboards which is a separate entity. I said earlier that the show is an extension of the agency, but that's not really true. I think the podcast started as an extension of the website, not of the agency.

I don't really want to get into their private business matters, but saying they are two separate entities is a technicality at best.
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I’ll have to put myself in the same camp as the OP. While I don’t have a problem with the premise of the segment, it needs some work to be tighter and shorter. A nice rule of thumb might be 10% of planned show length of ready content and then move on with the show.

Right now I tend to watch 50% of episodes live and as a result don’t have the option to FF thru this segment. On the episode recorded yesterday, that segment lasted close to 15 minutes which is 25% of the show length.
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Literally just fast forward through it. That's what the button is for.

I certainly can't speak for the others, but I don't think a lack of desire to fast forward is the problem for them.

Generally, Pete and the team try to keep the shows at around an hour, maybe a little over if there's some good discussion or topic. And that's perfectly reasonable, they all have other things to get back to doing for the site and the company. However, when housekeeping is taking up 10-15 minutes of that hour (even when done concisely with little banter), I've noticed that it can feel like the other segments are rushed through in order to adhere to that hour-long 'deadline'. Each case can be different (Slow news weeks, for example), but it generally feels like Housekeeping is kept intact at the detriment of other potentially interesting discussions.

Not sure how or if that can be rectified (Either moving housekeeping to the end, shortening it or only having one team member read what is happening for the week instead of multiple people), but yeah. Just my two cents, still love the show no matter how they format it.
I like the housekeeping-I dont always follow all of the shows that as closely so sometime in housekeeping I hear something that lets me know that I NEED to head over to the other shows. I get SSSOOOO many video notifications that I cant possibly watch all of the videos every week but I get in my favorites when I have time but when I know that something is of the highest interest to me I can prioritize it so for those of us in that boat I appreciate the info.The most recent DisPop episodes, for example, were right up my alley but I would have missed them if not for housekeeping because while I do like to watch them I watch them here and there and out of order. Please dont skimp on the housekeeping.


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