A May Disney trip we're STILL paying off! A young couple's report! NEW 12/6!!!!!

After we wrapped up on the set of Disaster!, we continued to follow our super efficient/no back-tracking allowed path to "New York". Home away from home! Sorta.


We stopped to get some Dippin' Dots, because they were just looking so enticingly inviting. Cookies n Cream for me and Cookie Dough for P. We sat on a bench and caught a bit of the Blues Brothers tribute band while we nommed. P couldn't finish his, so I got too. Yay! I never turn down extra Dippin' Dots, or extra food in general...


After we were all ice-creamed up, we "went on" Twister...Ride It Out! I use quotes because it's not really a ride. You stand and watch a tornado wreak havoc on a small farm scene. P was IN LOVE because Bill Pullman is his idol and weather is his life's passion. I thought the flying cow was cool. Yupp.

THENNN we headed to REVENGE OF THE MUMMY. Dun dun duuuuuun. Now, Patrick had done extensive, previous research on everything in Universal so he pretty much knew what to expect. I, on the other hand, didn't care and was planning to go with the flow. P told me this ride was kinda like Dinosaur. Coolz, I like Dinosaur.




He wanted to surprise me, I guess, and boy THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED. I had no flippin' clue that it was a roller coaster! OMG IT WAS SO AWESOME/INTENSE/JUST WOAH. I loved every bit of it, and not knowing what to expect added to the experience even more! A big ol thumbs up to ROTM! Definitely makes my top rides list @ Uni.


Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit or whatever it's called was up next.
Getting to pick your own song to jam to while you ride=awesome.
The ride in general=ehhh.

I chose a funky beat by Shiny Toy Guns and P picked some rocker song that was in a car commercial with half naked Victoria's Secret models or something...

I was not a fan of the 90 degree/no incline/straight up rise to the top of the big hill. I felt like it was just waay to easy to fall out (this ride doesn't have the harness-type thing loopy caosters have). I was scurrred. And then the actual coaster was just meh and painful. Movin' on!


Our last ride in da Studios was none other than Shrek 4-D. And what a bloody disappointment. First off, I learned that I hate 4-D. The constant rocking/bumping/jerking/vibrating of the seats was way too much for both of us. Maybe we're just old, but I was starting to feel sick. And I don't get motion sickness...EVAR. And also, the overall story they pulled together for this thing was just a snoozefest.

Thumbs down!


We were done in the Studios, but we had park hoppers so we skipped on over to IOA. After all, I NEEDED me some butter beer.


Behold! The second and last picture of the day!



We then proceeded to ride the Hulk until we were "so over" Universal. We made a stop at City Walk on the way out and decided to play a round of mini golf at the "Hollywood Drive-In" course. $14 buys you 18 holes of your choice of either Sci-Fi or Horror! I'm pretty sure we went Sci-Fi! What a hoot!


When we were all golfed out, we taxied on back to Pop and gladly snuggled back into the warmth and comfort that is the Disney bubble.


That's all, folks! Join me as I relive the tale of Day 6...comin' on up.
Aah ... the Disney bubble ... what a perfect world it would be if we could just live in that bubble forever ... at lease we can come and go as we please knowing the Disney bubble will always be there waiting for us to come home!

Glad you had a good time at Universal ... can't wait to read more!
I am loving this report! Started it this morning before my son's flag football game, and am now hooked, big time. More please!
Aah ... the Disney bubble ... what a perfect world it would be if we could just live in that bubble forever ... at lease we can come and go as we please knowing the Disney bubble will always be there waiting for us to come home!

Glad you had a good time at Universal ... can't wait to read more!

But if we always lived in the bubble...it wouldn't be as special! :thumbsup2

I am loving this report! Started it this morning before my son's flag football game, and am now hooked, big time. More please!

Aww thanks! There's plenty more to come! :woohoo:
After waking up and feeling refreshed after two long days in Universal, we were now officially in day six. Which was SAD because we only had four days left, but HAPPY because we were going to HOLLYWOOD! Time to suit up, my friends!


We arrived in style and had a lovely Photopass photographer snap a couple of us together before the entrance (and yes, getting fastpasses for Toy Story was right there on my mustdoimmeadiately list, don't worry).




Now, I'm assuming we ran straight to the Pixar section to do you-know-what. I mean, I have no substantial proof, but I know me...sooooo.

Anyway, then I was all like "Let's go do the Studio Backlot Tour, because it's awesome and you've never seen it!" It had been awhile since I've done this one, but I remembered the snazzy pre-show where they use real park guests in a demonstration, and I just felt P needed to see it. Weeeeell, they didn't do the pre-show this time around. I was pretty upset, thinking that they nixed that whole part forever. The tour itself is kinda just "meh", except for Hannah Montana's barn and that whole scene where there's rushing water and fire. WOOOOO!


Check out this...thing. From some...movie or somethin'.

So we get off the ride, and I'm still complaining about them not doing the pre-show when I decide to question the CMs working the ride about it.

APPARENTLY, it was just too early in the day and there wasn't enough people to do the pre-show. So they didn't get rid of it, THANK GOD!

Anyway, I wanted P to see it, so I was contemplating to go on again WHEN THE CM ASKED IF WE WANNA BE IN IT! Ummm, yes!!!!!


But who would take pictures??! I explained to P that he should watch and take pictures because he's never seen it before. I also kinda bribed him with promises that he would be able to get into the Indy show and when he did, I'd take pictures of him! In the end, he agreed!

He was brought to the viewing area with the other ordinary citizens, while I was brought backstage. I was given a trendy outfit that consisted of a rain jacket, pants and boots and I was introduced to my co-stars. They were two, cute and bubbly Southern girls and an older guy.

I was assigned "Ship Captain"! Wahoo!


Look, der we all are...gettin' prepped.


It doesn't look like we're paying attention too good...


Look at me! All stationed at my wheel of glory, d'awwww.


Hangin' out and waitin' for dem cues...


'tis show time, me hearties!


Look! Wha' be that up in th' sky?


We'll rip an' burn yer Jolly Roger, ye salty, pox-faced kraken...strike yer colors!


Grab ahold o' yer bloomers, th' ship be sinkin'!


'Wha be this curse?! Me deck was jus' swabbed!


Shiver me timbers, th' sea be like ice.


I reckon th' worst be o'er!


'T celebrate our winnin', grub 'n rum on me own Dubloons! Rum for ye! And ye! And YE! RUM FOR ARRRRRRRRRRBODY! YO HO!


Me reckon we deserve a standin' ovation!


That's a wrap!
Thank ye fer helpin' me re-live that tale.

Sorry for the excessive amount of pirate-jargon that didn't even really fit into our theme today. I couldn't resist. LOLZZZ.

See ya'll soon!
Nice update. I was the ship captain on my last trip in December! Always good for a laugh! Looking forward to more updates.
After my debut on the Backlot Tour's preshow, we pressed on.

Now, I have no clue of what time our TSMM FPs were for, so let's assume that they were for around now and we had a great time. Of course I won, because I always do. And of course P was angry at me and himself, probably for the rest of the day. Plus, he was dying to beat me after losing dramatically on his first time playing on the last trip. Oh yes, I remember...his accuracy was higher than mine. But my score (the one that matters) was significantly higher. Soooo woo hoo. Good for him. We just can't play games together...at all. Lemme tell ya, sheesh.

Then it looks like we hit one of my faves, the Lights! Motors! Action! Stunt Show. Does it only happen to me, or does it ALWAYS FREAKING RAIN during this show?? Actually, just in the Studios in general, good ol' Mama Nature tends to drop buckets every time I'm there.

And now for a montage of badbutt action shots courtesy of Patrick's camera...


Pew pew pew!






Raaaaaaaad. Love this show. Wish I could see it for the first time, every time! Words cannot express how awed I was the first time ever seeing this show (that I thought I'd hate because cars=meh).

NEXT, I guess we hit the Great Movie Ride! And guess what?! We got the COWBOY VERSION! And let me tell you, I was SO confused.


Because, you see, I had NO IDEA that this version existed. So, here I am again...thinking that Disney went and changed another great thing that didn't need to be changed!

This was P's first time on the ride, and once again I was kinda upset it was different because I wanted him to see the "original" version that I was used to.


Turns out I was upset over a super rare phenomenon that guests crave! LOL. Obviously, I enjoyed it. I was just miffed because it was "change". But not really. Haha. Looking back now and knowing that both sides exist, I now think the cowboy side is awesome and I'll definitely be joining Team Cowboy.

Plz enjoi our crappy flash free photos (that Patrick took).


Someone please enlighten me on this classic western? Because I'm drawing a blank...


John Wayne???


Some fire that I THINK is exclusive to the cowboy side?


ALIEN! (I've never seen this movie)


Annnd of course...Indy! (And I've only seen PART of only one IJ movie, Raiders of the Lost Arc. My bad.)


Literally these were all of P's faves were in this ride, so he was pretty darn excited!

Then apparently we had a grand ol' time judging park goers on their singing ability at...

(drumroll, plz)


I LOVE THIS SHOW AHHHHHH. However, I remember nothing noteworthy from this one, so movin' on!

I have no idea what we did after this, but I know at some point we saw Beauty and the Beast! I'm sure we probably did some things in between these two, but my memory fails me and so does my lack of photo-taking.

We got reeeeally close up seats, like 3rd row.

I didn't take any pictures 'til the very end, because...
A) I love those pink ball gowns.
B) I had to get a picture of this super frumpy Belle for my friend Mitch back home because he'd get a good lawl outta it.

I just don't think she fit the part.





So basically we were comparing this staged version to the Broadway version we just saw the previous week. We had both seen this before, and I have always loved it. Like, chills and tears kinda love. But this time, I just wasn't feeling it and that made me sad. Maybe it was because I just saw B&tB on Broadway and maybe it was because I wasn't a fan of the cast in this one. I hope so, anyway! I'm always wowed by this show.

Join us next as we make a quick and needed detour to the Magic Kingdom!
Team Cowboy all the way! .... and yes, little lady that is John Wayne. OK ... bad imitation of John Wayne saying "yes little lady" ... insert here!

That was the same Belle when I was there ... and you're right ... she just doesn't seem to fit the part.

Looking forward to more.
Great update! :goodvibes

Thanks! :goodvibes

Team Cowboy all the way! .... and yes, little lady that is John Wayne. OK ... bad imitation of John Wayne saying "yes little lady" ... insert here!

That was the same Belle when I was there ... and you're right ... she just doesn't seem to fit the part.

Looking forward to more.

Hahah all I know about JW is that he does Westerns!

And glad someone else agrees!
Where I last left off, we were taking a break from the Studios and making a little detour to the Magic Kingdom!


To get our daily dose of Sorcerer's cards, of course!


We decided to play the game for a little bit too, because why not?? We met some serious, hardcore Sorcerer's. Like AP people who literally come to the MK every day just to level up their cards and kids with fat binders exploding with every card ever produced, "even the rare ones that were discontinued!". They don't mess around.


Juuuust waitin' in line @ Liberty Square.

And then we decided to hang out for a spell and see if we could help out some hitchhiking ghosts. #nbd


Gotta love the interactive queue option!


And then it was back to Hollywood!

You see, I have this little tradition of picking up a delicious malt shake from 50's Prime Time before I go wait in the 120 minute-long line at Rock 'n' Roller Coaster.

Somehow it always happens that I end up waiting out the line for this ride. Since it's usually pretty long and a majority of it is outside, it gets HOOOOT. So it only makes sense to get one of the best milkshakes ever before enduring that.

I usually go with my super safe vanilla malt, but on a recent trip, I had the pleasure of trying the PB&J. AND LET'S JUST SAY MY WHOLE WORLD WAS CHANGED.

Here's a pic, borrowed from Google.


Seriously. What a delicious concoction. I urge you to try it, if you haven't already! I always order them from the bar, and I always end up getting the same (and kinda cranky) bartender. He always takes forever actually getting to making the shakes and serves everyone's alcoholic orders first, even if they were there after us. Ahh, oh well! Won't stop me from ordering!

After a long wait...


P took my advice and tried the PB&J and it was looo000vee. However, they were really thick this time around and P had a hard time slurping his down. He had a sore jaw for the next couple days. LOL.


We hit P's favorite ride of all time next!
ToT! Whicccch we also waited in a very long line for. What do I do when I'm bored and waiting in line??

Fill my memory card with "surprise" shots of Patrick!


The first couple shots amuse him...


Then he just starts to get annoyed...


But how else would I get these gems??


Let's just say that the line moved so much faster...for me!



Aww I love when other park guests see that there's just two of you and offer to snap your picture together!


Because who doesn't love cobwebby baby angel butts?


Front row-in it.


And then I guess we rocked out again...
We must have had fastpasses one of the two times. No way would I wait in that line twice.


So I dunno what else we really did, but I know we saw Fantasmic. And then we probably went back to the room and went to bed. Annnnd that's about all I remember on this day. Tootles!

See y'all for DAY 7!
I had my first PB&J shake last time I was in HS ... now its a must do tradition ... who would have "thunk" to combine those two into a tasty shake ... definitely the best and a must do at least once every trip!
And here we are on DAY 7! And what a wet one it was, indeed. Rain, rain and more rain. That's Florida for ya!

I had discussed with Patrick the previous night about cancelling our last two dining reservations. Why?! Well, I had hit a food wall. And I know, it seems like I had eaten nothing on this trip...but believe me, I did! I just wasn't properly documenting it. ;)

I was upset with myself because my appetite wasn't as grand as usual. One of the biggest things I was looking forward to on this trip was the food, and I found myself not wanting to eat hardly ever. Ugh. (I would take this temporary problem back in a heartbeat nowadays, lol)

So anyway, Patrick agreed to cancelling our last reservation for the Whispering Canyon Café. I know, sad. I just read so many mixed reviews and I really just wasn't feeling that style of food at the time. However, I agreed to keep tonight's reservation, which I'll get to later.

It appears we sailed on over to the Magic Kingdom first today! Most likely to get Sorcerer's cards.


And then it looks like we made our way on over to "The happiest cruise that ever sailed!"

You can get an idea of what the weather was like!


And yes, sometimes I force P to wear my sparkly Minnie ears.

Apparently we were all about getting used to our sea legs today, because then we hit the Jungle Cruise!


Lookin' a little more dry, at least.

Here comes the sun! Maybe?


And then it looks like we hit Space Mountain, always an excellent choice!


Somewhere along the way, I stopped at a little cart selling Brave merch and snapped a photo of this precious Merida doll!


I LOVE these Princess dolls! They're so freakin cute. I wish I had a reason to buy them all, but I feel like they'd just take up space and collect dust. Wooomp.

We soon bounded over to EPCOT!
See ya real soon!
I had my first PB&J shake last time I was in HS ... now its a must do tradition ... who would have "thunk" to combine those two into a tasty shake ... definitely the best and a must do at least once every trip!

I know! I was so hesitant to try it at first for some reason. I absolutely agree!
For the longest time growing up all I ever got was the cowboy scene on GMR so the first time I got the gangsters I was so confused! When I found out I had been seeing a very rare scene all those ears my mind was blown!
Glad you finally got to see my cowboys.
We arrived at Epcot and headed straight towards the "golf ball".

Ahhh, Spaceship Earth! A classic!


Don't mind the chunk missing from my neck and P's extremely creepy expression.


We then decided to brave the rain and explore the World Showcase! I don't know what's worse...walking the WS in the scalding hot sun and humidity or walking it in the pouring rain. Hmmm.

I know we definitely spent a little time in China because I wanted to look for the "bubble sandals" I bought on our last trip. That's not the official name, but I don't know what else to call them!

Here's a pic of me sportin' this stylish form of footwear from our September 2011 trip.


Needless to say, my friends back home fell in love and all wanted a pair for themselves. P, on the other hand, thought they were the most hideous things he's ever laid eyes on and proceeded to gag uncontrollably every time I wore them even though I did a survey at work and a majority thought they were "cute" anyway...LOL.

Unfortunately, they were no longer selling this style. The ones they had this time around had little plastic strawberries on them, and they were just not the same! Sad face.

The it looks like we spent a little time in Japan!

Another one of my favorite pastimes was making Patrick pose with random adorable things. Aren't I such a great girlfriend??



I love me some cute animal plushes!


Soon it was time for us to head to our ADR! Where were we going??


Borrowed from good ol' Google Images.

This place wasn't one of my top choices, since I didn't like seafood at this point in my life. However, P really wanted to try it and hellloooooo giant fish tank, so I was game.

While walking over, I was starting to get that confusing moody/depressed feeling again at this point, and I was texting my mom about it.

We got to restaurant and checked it. We were seated right next to the big tank! Yay!

We started off with an appetizer...the crab cakes with tropical fruit salsa.


Again, credit to Google Images.

I was feeling brave and wanted to dabble in some new foods. I tried these, and SURPRISE! Loved it. I was so happy that I was trying seafood on this trip, and LIKING IT!

For my entrée, I went with the safe dish. The chicken with spaetzle. It was okay...kinda bland. But then again, I'm not a huge chicken person. It was just the only "land" item that semi-appealed to me on the menu.


Thanks Google!

Patrick got the lobster orecchiette pasta.


OH MY GOD. I immediately regretted being "safe". I tried a bite of this pasta, and it was amazing. I don't even like lobster (and yes, I've tried it several times) and I loved this dish. I would totally come back here for it!

Anyway, throughout dinner I was texting my mom about my moodiness. Even though I told P this, apparently he was suspicious it was some random guy on the other end. Idk. So that put him in an off mood, too. Hooray. Like I've said before, our relationship was just not healthy at this point. So with that bit off tension looming between us, we paid and headed on back to Pop.

I was going to jump in the shower, and for some reason I had the feeling that Patrick was going to snoop through my phone while I was in there. (I've caught him doing it before. Once again, bad relationship, lol)

So, I set a "trap". Having an iPhone, I utilized the little close apps feature. I double pressed the home button, and closed out all apps, including messages which I usually leave there. That way, I could see if the app had been opened while I was in the shower. Sneaky, I know. But I just had to see if my feeling was right. I was just so frustrated with his lack of trust in me when I had told him I was texting my mom.

Sure enough, I got out of the shower and checked my phone to see that my messages had indeed been opened. I confronted him about it, and after continuously pressing, he fessed up since he had no way out of it. We had a big ol' fight, but settled it fast. It actually helped to clear up the tension a lot and we were able to get along much better for the duration of our trip!

Well it was off to bed for us!

Stay tuned, there are more brand new experiences to be had!


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