A new installment in the 'Lucky Kid Visits' series...Lucky Kid Visits Aulani ~UPDATED Day Three 6/14


DIS Veteran
Sep 9, 1999
A-LO-HA! Please, kick off your slippahs, sit a spell, and listen to the tale of our trip to paradise. Forgive us Hawaii, for it has been 12 long years since our last visit. Aulani wasn’t around back then and neither was our DS, whom we’ve dubbed “Lucky Kid” or L.K. for short. You see, in his 4 years of life here on this earth thus far, he has been to Disneyworld once, Disneyland seven times (with 3 more booked trips for the 60th celebration), and Aulani once. So yes, he is indeed, one lucky kid.

[I've only been able to complete Lucky Kid Visits the Happiest Place on Earth which you can find in the Disneyland trip reports board. I only got around to Day One of Lucky Kid Visits the World from our trip way back in January 2013 since I've yet to find my copious notes in order to someday complete it. Ha!]

I am the bigger Disney nut of the group as well as the trip planner and organizer. I did extensive research for our sightseeing but more so with the food because we live to eat! You shall see that we covered practically all of the drive ins and shave ice spots in Oahu. And, akin to Hobbits who have second breakfast, we usually have second dessert. You will also see us driving in circles around Oahu to make sure we cover our long list of dining establishments. The locals may laugh at us for seemingly backtracking here and there but the quest for onoliciousness was well worth it. For us, life is too short to pass up on good food.


Here’s us: Daddy Rob, L.K., and me, Mommy Lyn on the flight over.

I'll spare you the tedious details of my least favorite part of any trip, the long and boring flight and all that comes with it. Suffice it to say, L.K. did pretty well during the flight. We were served “breakfast” consisting of crackers, cheese, and grapes. I started on the POG already but it was airline quality POG so blech!

We must’ve landed at the other terminal because I didn’t see, and therefore wasn’t able to take a picture of the pink Aloha WELCOME TO HAWAII sign on the way down to baggage claim.

We took a very crowded shuttle to Alamo Car Rental. Thankfully, there was no line for the self-service kiosks. L.K. insisted on 'helping' me so the transaction took twice as long. We had our pick between a Jetta and Chrysler 200. We picked a white Chrysler 200 after comparing trunk space and went on our way. I drove to Aulani, anticipating that it would take us around 45 minutes to get there. We lucked out and got there in 20 minutes. This was midday on a Sunday so YMMV (pun intended).

When we arrived, no one offered to help us with our luggage so we left our bags in the trunk and proceeded to check in. My instinct to pick a rental car with a trunk big enough to hold at least 5 bodies paid off. A greeter did meet us and handed out our leis and directed us to the front desk. I wasn’t able to check in online as the system had been down several days prior to our arrival.

To be honest, my first impression upon arrival did not meet my expectations. It was like the WDW veterans who see Disneyland’s castle for the first time. To me anyway, the resort seemed bigger in pictures. No worries though, I grew to love Aulani fairly quickly thanks to the beauty of the resort itself and its cast members.

I reiterated our room requests to the clerk. She assigned us to a room that was ready but it was on the second floor. I asked her to check for one on the highest floor in our category. I explained to her that we had lunch reservations at Ama Ama that we’re trying to get to. She told us to go ahead and have lunch and then come back to the front desk to see if we could get a room on a higher floor.

We proceeded to Ama Ama for lunch. We still had a bit of a wait since it was Mother’s Day. We popped in to Aunty’s Beach House to ask a few questions.

We got a nice corner table at Ama Ama.
L.K. had the kid’s catch of the day, while I enjoyed a chicken salad, and Rob had the pulled pork buns with 3 sauces.


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The food and service were very good.

We took the scenic route on the way to our assigned room. We checked out the room and weren’t happy with the view nor the layout. I had requested and was hoping to get a studio where the bed and the sofa were parallel to each other. Off we went to the front desk. This is where it gets ugly. I explained to the CM the type of layout I was looking for. At first, he said flat out there are no such studios. So, I pulled up pictures of them on my phone and showed him. He said these may have been old units that they don’t have these anymore! He further said that these images should not have been posted publicly online. I was at a loss for words. Being that he works in the hotel industry, hasn’t he ever heard of trip advisor, yelp, expedia, hotels.com, oyster.com?

I was getting frustrated so I asked him to check again and he turned to the CM next to him. She looked at the pictures and said that they did have studios with that particular layout. Both of them turned their backs on me and talked in private. The first CM typed a bunch of stuff in his computer and then voila, he found the very one I was looking for on the fifth floor. He then disappeared in the back for such a long time that I wasn’t sure whether he left for his break or what.

At this point, I asked to see a supervisor. I explained to the supervisor everything that has transpired up to that point. She types a bunch of stuff in the computer and then tells me that unfortunately, they are booked solid and would not be able to change our room after all. She said we could come back the next day and see if they can accommodate us then. I asked her what happened to the unit that the previous CM (who was now M.I.A) had offered minutes ago. She said, “oh, that one is being renovated overnight so it's no longer available.” I was flabbergasted! I was starting to feel like I was either in the Twilight Zone or Candid Camera so I called DH over. I asked him to take over and try to resolve the situation because (I had been calm, reasonable, and rational up to this very point and now) I was about to lose it BIG TIME!

L.K. and I went outside so I can calm myself down. We waited on DH for a looong time. Finally, he emerged and said the supervisor placed us in a hotel room with 2 queen beds. She would supply us with a microwave, toaster, plates, bowls, cutlery, etc. so we can still have the trappings of a studio villa. We ended up in room 530.
Looking directly out the balcony, we had a view of palm trees and if we stood on our tippy toes, we could see the ocean.

One of the bellmen, Sam, was so nice. He was the first of many CMs that really evoked the aloha spirit. He brought in the cart with the microwave, toaster, etc. He then brought us bedrails for L.K.’s bed and set it up. He said to ask for him if ever we needed anything else.

By the time we unpacked, L.K. asked if we could have shave ice but Papalua’s was now closed. We went down to Concierge and asked whether there were shave ice places still open. He said to try Two Scoops. We went over to Ulu Café to check their dinner offerings. Nothing appealed to us so we walked over by way of the parking garage to Island Country Market. We grabbed dinner from there. L.K. had grilled cheese, I had fish and rice, and Rob had a sandwich. They did have more of a selection than Ulu Café but the food was nothing to write home about, let alone on a trip report. We ate at one of the tables right outside the door. We went to Two Scoops and found that they only sell shave ice during the day. Thankfully, L.K. settled for a kid-sized scoop of ice cream. Shave ice crisis averted.

Now satiated, we returned to Aulani.

We met our second outstanding CM, Linda in Concierge. She was enamored with L.K. from their earlier encounter and asked him to pick a pin. L.K. selected a Test Track pin which he cherishes to this day because his friend Linda gave it to him. We went up to the room and retired for the night as our California bedtime had finally caught up to us.

It was a great first day in paradise [whispers] despite the earlier front desk fiasco that shall never, ever be mentioned ever again [end whispers]. Oh, and yeah, best Mother's Day ever--hands down, bar none!
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Day Two

I awoke around 5:30 a.m. My guys were still sound asleep so I stealthily grabbed my camera and took a self-guided tour of the grounds. I loved this time of day as it was peaceful and serene.
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I made my way down the lagoon and dipped my toes in. There were a few die-hards swimming laps in the lagoon. The yoga class was also starting up. I walked around the pool area then up to the lobby. By this time, I heard the morning chant which I loved. I went back to the room and my guys were awake as well.


Per L.K.’s request, we had room service for breakfast. It cost about the same as one week’s grocery bill but we sorta kinda promised L.K. he could have one room service meal.

We swim-suited up and headed to Aunty’s Beach House a little before 8 a.m. There was a line already. It was about 8:30 when we finally got L.K. registered and stayed for the open house. We toured all the rooms then played in the backyard. We made a game out of spotting the Menehunes. We went back inside and explored some more. We were playing the video fishing game until we got nicely kicked out.
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Beach time! We headed to the lagoons, dropped off our towels, and L.K. had his first full body immersion in the Pacific.

He has only been able to wet his feet in Carmel as the water there is freezing cold. We used the diving platform for a bit. When L.K. got cold, we built a nice sand castle. L.K.’s favorite part was demolishing it right after Rob took a picture of it.

For lunch, we went to Ulu Café and we all had the catch of the day. It was mahi mahi but it was no great catch flavor-wise. It was dry and overcooked. It came with corn on the cob as the ‘vegetable’ for the day. It, too, was overcooked. L.K. was growing increasingly irritated because he still had sand all over so we went up to the room and hosed him down properly.

Once L.K. was sand-free, we got shave ice for dessert. I went with the tropical flavors: mango, coconut, lychee with ice cream and condensed milk topping. L.K. stuck with cherry, blueberry, strawberry.

We ate our desserts by the reef viewing windows. Another family next to us was also enjoying shave ice, that is until one of the kids dropped his on the ground. They walked away and left their mess right there. I asked Rob to alert a CM to clean it up and he ended up talking with another great CM, Shane, who was an avid fisherman. He reminded me of the character from Forrest Gump who talked about shrimp 24/7.

Next, we did the Menehune Adventure challenge.


L.K. loved experiencing all the special effects. He truly felt like he was super secret spy 007. His favorites were the water effects around the pool and the Menehune in the lobby who gave him a gift/souvenir. His least favorite was the cave. We did about 3 of the trails that day and then it was naptime. Sometime during the challenge, we ran into this guy.


For dinner, we went to Sushi Bay in Kapolei. There was a bit of a wait then we sat right at the counters in front of the conveyor sushi. Each of the employees we encountered was so very friendly, helpful, and efficient. We enjoyed the lobster balls, ribeye sushi, unagi and salmon skin. We had two rounds of misc. sushi before calling it quits. We loved this place. The food was good, affordable, and fast. We appreciated that the food came out fast because we wanted to make it back to Aulani for the Starlit Hui.

Rob went ahead to secure our place in line around 6:45 p.m. He was a good 30-40 people back already. We joined him and L.K. made friends with another boy his age. When we got closer to the spot where they hand out the mats, the boys raced to one of the palm trees and back. After lap one, one more kid joined in. After lap two, a few more kids got in on the race as well. It was pretty funny how random and spontaneous it was. All the parents encouraged them of course. L.K.’s new friend opened their bag of popcorn and offered some to L.K. They made plans to sit together and share more popcorn. Unfortunately, we got sat to the left of the stage and they got sat to the far right. Oh well, the best laid plans of preschoolers….(we did run into his new friend around the resort throughout our stay). We were three rows back and had a great view.


L.K. did the hula lesson then we went to Uncle Mike’s presentation before the show. We enjoyed the Starlit Hui and stayed for the entire dance party. The CM leading the dance party picked on grown-ups at random to show their signature dance moves. When he picked on Rob, Rob did –(wait for it)-- jumping jacks. It was so out of the blue that everyone laughed. Rob said it was because all the other moves had been taken. He really wanted to do the sprinkler but another guy beat him to it.

When the clock struck 9 p.m., we pointed out to L.K. that he has officially stayed up until midnight (California time that is). This was a big deal to him and made him think he was such a grown up.

As much as we wanted to go upstairs and go to bed, we had to go to Safeway and shop for our breakfast items for the week. We simply refused to have to obtain a loan to afford another room service breakfast ;)

Thankfully, Safeway stayed open late and we were able to shop for breakfast items and snacks as quickly as possible as L.K. was fading fast and begging for sleep. We appreciated that they still provided plastic grocery bags. We did the express bedtime routine for L.K. and then it was lights out after another great day in paradise.
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Day Three

Today’s the day we venture out of the Hawaiian Disney bubble. Today is also when the eatin’ starts gettin’ good.

I thought I'd start including a food tally and approval rating for those looking for quick references for places to eat.

Today's food tally/approval rating:
Breakfast: in room oatmeal and cereal / solid and satisfying
Lunch: Giovanni's Shrimp Truck / onolicious
Dessert: Leonard's Bakery / onolicious, lived up to the hype
Second dessert: Matsumoto's / just a'ight, will do in a pinch
Dinner: Aloha Salads / middling, fell below expectation

First order of business was breakfast of oatmeal and cereal in the room. Next, we grabbed towels and wristbands at Rainbow Reef right when it opened. The guys dropped me off here.


It would be my lap pool during our stay. L.K. insisted on watching me do one lap before he and Rob headed to Aunty’s for open house. I am in love with this pool. I am a visual person so my eyes were feasting on the shimmering iridescent tiles during my workout. However, there were lots of leaves and other plant debris gathered on one end of the pool. A CM did come to clean the pool but only as I was on my last lap.

We all met up in the room and got ready. We stopped at the front desk so I can finally meet CM Keala. I wanted to be able to thank her in person for all the helpful advice she gave me.


Now, it’s off to the North Shore. Rob took over driving duty. We had a nice, leisurely drive. We kept pointing out the sights to L.K. like the pineapple fields and such. Our first stop was Giovanni’s Shrimp Truck.

Man, has this place has evolved from our last visit. We walked around and took pictures first since there was no crowd to contend with. Finally, we put in orders for shrimp scampi. I knew beforehand that L.K. wouldn’t want to partake in the garlicky goodness so I packed a sandwich and popcorn for him. The scampi was still as good as we remember.


Rob remembered how CM ‘The Fisherman’ Shane told him about the locally-sourced prawns at Romy’s Shrimp Truck so he insisted we have second lunch there. It was right down the road so we went for it. Unfortunately, right as we were going to get in line, I saw the sign right away that said they were out of prawns. Rob took it fairly well and said we’ll try again next trip.

It was now time to satisfy our sweet tooth so we drove to Leonards. We got 3 slices altogether: 1 slice of chocolate dobash cake, chocolate custard cream pie and of course, the infamous chocolate haupia pie.


All the tables out front were taken so we walked a few steps over to their extra seating to the left of the parking lot.
We actually preferred the seating area here as we were surrounded by beautiful ginger and birds of paradise plants.

The pies lived up to the hype. We decided to buy more slices to go. We ran into some firefighters who were grabbing lunch so L.K. chatted with them.

We went to Sunset Beach and enjoyed the water there. Since it was a weekday, we practically had the entire beach to ourselves.


Once L.K. got too cold, we drove further down in search of Laniakea Beach aka Turtle Beach. I stopped to ask someone who not only confirmed we found the right spot but she even pointed out where the turtles were. We spent a lot of time here and saw about 8 or so turtles. Some were parked on the beach, others were in the water.

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Our next stop was Haleiwa. We had no intention to stop at Matsumoto’s shave ice but it was too good to pass up. (7) This place too has changed since our last visit. It’s not even located in the store but a newer building in the back. They’ve also added on a bunch of shops and really clean restrooms around the perimeter.


We enjoyed some shave ice and then shopped before heading back to Aulani.

We all took a nap and then went to Kapolei for dinner and some shopping.

We went to Aloha Salads for dinner. We sat upstairs in the loft. The salads were just okay. I couldn’t pinpoint exactly why that place fell below our expectations but it did.

We went shopping after dinner. L.K. was looking for a particular toy at TJ Maxx but we didn’t find it. He got a Lego Star Wars AT-AT kit instead. I picked up a new pair of flip flops because they ones I pack were hurting my feet. The sun has long set so back to Aulani we went.

We thought about going to Uncle’s storytelling but L.K. was adamant about building his AT-AT so we hung back in the room and let him. Rob and I enjoyed our pies from Leonards.

L.K. went to bed without issue. We tired him out pretty good. Rob and I got our stuff ready for our workouts the following morning. Rob was going for a run first and then I would swim laps again when the adult pool opened at 8 a.m.
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