A Pink Pixie Princess...FINALLY! A 2017 Tinker Bell Half Marathon Weekend Trip Report!

I'm happy you enjoyed your Dole Whip! yum, yum! And I have to say I'm pretty excited about riding the GotG ride. Those movies are definitely among my favorite in the Marvel movie cannon, and I can just picture my kids having a blast on it. But I definitely hope WDW keeps ToT the way it is. I like that there are different things to experience at DLR and WDW!
That's too bad about the menu change. As if there needs to be any more fried food opportunities haha
OK so I made those comments above before I read the new stuff about the 5K!
It really sounds like runDisney made a colossal mistake in the way they ran that race. I can't believe they would "experiment" like that with no warning. I guarantee a LOT of people run these races for the character stops. They had to have know that would not go over well! It also kind of blows my mind that the rD employee at the expo was giving you pushback?? That is super weird and unprofessional to me.

It looks like you got some pretty tasty food in the parks though! That's a definite plus! And some great character photos.

Excited to hear about the 10K!
I bought PhotoPass. I’d like to actually USE it rather than take a selfie).
N0 kidding. And what about the people who ONLY ran the 5K-no photos for them :confused3

And then used my fastpass to go on again!
RIDE WARRIOR!!! That's how you play the system!!

somehow it made me feel a bit better that runDisney would be getting a little less money from me since I was displeased with them
Did your snack box not have any sort of bar? It looks identical to our Dark Side boxes but we had a Yummy Bar except my half box had a nature granola bar instead.
Nope, no bars for us. We got the Clif bar in our gEAR bag but no bar in the snack boxes.
Glad to hear Disneyland still had benches, the lack especially at Magic Kingdom Main Street was humrous to us a few weeks ago!
Yeah, it's something I never really paid attention to before but really stuck out to me on this trip!
Great pics even with the lack of characters, that open 5k course once you got around people looks rather lovely!
It was very open! I did enjoy that!
I'm happy you enjoyed your Dole Whip! yum, yum! And I have to say I'm pretty excited about riding the GotG ride. Those movies are definitely among my favorite in the Marvel movie cannon, and I can just picture my kids having a blast on it. But I definitely hope WDW keeps ToT the way it is. I like that there are different things to experience at DLR and WDW!
I am definitely in the camp of liking different things on either coast - for example, I really LOVE Cars Land, but I hope they never bring it to WDW. WDW deserves something different but just as great!
That's too bad about the menu change. As if there needs to be any more fried food opportunities haha
OK so I made those comments above before I read the new stuff about the 5K!
It really sounds like runDisney made a colossal mistake in the way they ran that race. I can't believe they would "experiment" like that with no warning. I guarantee a LOT of people run these races for the character stops. They had to have know that would not go over well! It also kind of blows my mind that the rD employee at the expo was giving you pushback?? That is super weird and unprofessional to me.
Yeah, I think they used our weekend as a chance to "experiment" on quite a few things - less characters, apparently the security/bag check set-up was different, the paid temp workers instead of volunteers for the first time...seems like maybe they should have rolled this stuff out over a few weekends, so much potential for things to go wrong!

And yeah, maybe I was being oversensitive, but I didn't want to argue about my 5K experience - you can't tell me my *opinion* that it wasn't up to par is wrong, ya know? I do sort of feel for her because I'm sure a lot of people stopped by complained. It couldn't have been a fun day for her.
It looks like you got some pretty tasty food in the parks though! That's a definite plus! And some great character photos.
Great food and great character photos are always fun!!
Excited to hear about the 10K!
the 10K was MUCH better!
N0 kidding. And what about the people who ONLY ran the 5K-no photos for them :confused3
Yes!! That would have been so disappointing!!
RIDE WARRIOR!!! That's how you play the system!!
:rotfl2: My own tiny form of protest that I'm sure didn't matter to them at all!
I got behind, but oh my I don't blame you for having mixed feelings. Definitely not Disney standards. Thank goodness the medal is cute!
Ok where I was the rum
Dole whips? Was it so yum?

I was so worried and upset about that 5k test. There was a lot of "why me? Why now" feelings in my head about it. I didn't know about the Corral A weirdness and some of the other odd race things...gah. Not cool!

I will say that your character pics from after the race are pretty epic for the day and if Cove bar didn't have such long lines I woulda been there everyday. Another thing on my "I missed it but next time" bucket list :(
I got behind, but oh my I don't blame you for having mixed feelings. Definitely not Disney standards. Thank goodness the medal is cute!
Yep, theey definitely did not skimp on the medal! ::yes::
Ok where I was the rum
Dole whips? Was it so yum?
The Disneyland Hotel! And yes, it was SO yum. It did cost $10 though...
I was so worried and upset about that 5k test. There was a lot of "why me? Why now" feelings in my head about it. I didn't know about the Corral A weirdness and some of the other odd race things...gah. Not cool!
Yeah, I really hate that they did that. I guess the good news is that they got overwhelmingly negative feedback (from what I could tell), so hopefully it won't happen again. I have a loooooong email that I am working on to send them with my feelings on the weekend as a whole...most of it will focus on that 5K. ::yes::
I will say that your character pics from after the race are pretty epic for the day and if Cove bar didn't have such long lines I woulda been there everyday. Another thing on my "I missed it but next time" bucket list :(
That was the only day I went - I thought I was being ridiculous lining up early, but there were others that had the same idea. We were all ridiculous together. :grouphug:
I am sorry that the 5K wasn't that enjoyable :( I would have been so disappointed too! I commend you for actually acting on your frustration in a constructive way and filing a complaint though!
Those chicken fajita roll ups and doll whip pictures make me want a 2nd dinner tonight... Yum!!
Hoping the 10K was a better race!
“Yo ho yo ho” still playing on a loop...surely other pirate songs and/or songs from Peter Pan exist, runDisney?!
But.... but... what about "Following the Leader" that was looped with Pirate's Life last year.
Later I learned that EVERY bib given out for this race had Corral A printed on it…??? So every person thought they were assigned to corral A…??? Why even print the letter then? How many people were annoyed like I was, thinking they weren't being allowed into their correct corral?
Ewww. Why even bother. I liked last year's first come first serve. I ended up near the front and got some good pics because of it.
I am sorry that the 5K wasn't that enjoyable :( I would have been so disappointed too! I commend you for actually acting on your frustration in a constructive way and filing a complaint though!
Me too! I have an email to them in the works as well...I'm letting that one sit for a bit because I don't want to come off like a total lunatic. ;)
Those chicken fajita roll ups and doll whip pictures make me want a 2nd dinner tonight... Yum!!
Same!! Or second breakfast, I guess. What a breakfast that would be!
Hoping the 10K was a better race!
It WAS!! :yay: Probably my favorite of the weekend
Love all your photos in the parks!
Thanks! So many characters at Disneyland!
That drink at the Cove bar looks really good.
It was! Put it on your list for when you turn 21!
That whole safety is our #1 concern spiel thing is crap.
:rotfl2: My thoughts exactly! Thankfully I didn't say that to the rD employee (I think I just said "ok")
Excited to hear about the 10K!
But.... but... what about "Following the Leader" that was looped with Pirate's Life last year.
OMG...they saved "Following the Leader" for the 10K. :faint: Those two songs will haunt my dreams!! :faint:
Ewww. Why even bother. I liked last year's first come first serve. I ended up near the front and got some good pics because of it.
Yeah, I just don't even get what the point was. Someone on here posted that "everyone was in Corral A" and I sort of didn't believe it because it sounds so preposterous...but then I did an Instagram search and found a bib number that was 44xxx that also had an A printed on it. No way would the first 4000 runners be assigned to A if they were *truly* assigning corrals...I just don't understand. :confused3
Day 3: Saturday, May 13, 2017

2017 Tinker Bell 10K! Part 1

EEEEEK, a 10K at Disneyland! Yay!


Compared to last year’s course, I do think there’s a little less park time, but still - the course covers basically the entirety of both parks! I love that about Disneyland 10Ks.

The start time for the longer races was pushed back relative to the 5K...I had a 3:45 alarm set and snoozed a bit until 4. I was heading out of the hotel at 4:30...there was a security check point right behind Paradise Pier, how convenient!


This line wasn’t big, but it was slooooow. There were 2 security guards searching bags (though they were not interested in looking in my SPIbelt, which I thought was weird) and two who were wanding everyone.

I got through after 20 minutes, made a porta-potty stop, and headed to corral B. The corrals are right on Disneyland Drive, the road between the Grand Californian (pictured) and Paradise Pier. That had to suck for anyone staying at those resorts who wasn’t doing this race!



I heard someone call my name as soon as I got into the corral - it was @ZellyB and @Chris-Mo! The B Party had begun! I hadn’t seen them since the 2015 marathon and it was SO fun to chat with them that morning!

At one point, the announcers were making it sound like Tink was going to come out - Peter came out instead. It was weird. They were also telling really, really bad jokes.


Disneyland Drive was starting to fill up…


Corral A got their start at 5:30 (no fireworks at these Disneyland races due to the neighborhoods close by, and probably the resorts too!). It was our turn to go 4 minutes later!


We were off! I waved good-bye to Gisele and Chris (they run different intervals than I do) - my plan was to get through the first 2 miles quickly, since those were largely non-park miles.



Mile Marker 1 (again, a step down from last year):



Right after MM1, we headed into Disneyland Park where I saw the first character of the day - a selfie stop with a Lost Boy in Toon Town. Sigh. So runDisney was following through and we were just getting selfie stops. Whatever!

Chris and Gisele were there taking a picture too (this was hilarious to me - we leap-frogged each other for most of this race and the half, and we stopped for all of the same photo-ops. My people!!) - I ran up to them and just gave them a big thumbs down in regards to the fact that we were indeed getting a selfie stop. They concurred!

It’s nothing personal, sir...I just don’t want to selfie!


We ran past pretty Small World before heading out of the park…


Mile 2 done…



And back in the park! Yay!!

We got a quick little jaunt down Main Street before heading back out yet again, but this time it was very brief…
2017 Tinker Bell 10K! Part 2

I ran into Chris and Gisele again - there was a character projected onto one of the buildings (Tink? Hook?) and Gisele was taking a picture, saying this may be the one character photo-op of the race! Sigh.

Back into the park through Tomorrowland!


I think I look fast in this picture (I think because of how my hair is whipping around)...the magic of tricky photography!


Just about halfway...can you spot @ZellyB and @Chris-Mo?


We were coming up to Small World, and wait a minute...can it be?

It WAS! A character line! A real photo stop!! I actually yelled “YES!!” before hopping in line!

Everyone in line with me (including Gisele and Chris, of course - when I said we were around eachother pretty much the whole time, I wasn’t kidding - from now on just assume that if I mention stopping for a photo, they were also there/nearby!) was SO happy! Save for the girl behind me, who was still angry about the 5K. She said this was her first Disneyland race weekend and she was DONE after this and sticking to Florida. Seriously, girl was pissed.

Not me!! I was now 1000% more excited for this race, wondering if anyone else was out!




Feet off the ground! Must be pixie dust. :tinker:




We went through the hub and into New Orleans Square…


...and back out to Main Street!


“I don’t know what to do with my arms!”


OH. EM. SQUEEEE. It’s Donald! A classic character in an outfit themed to the race...that's the dream, people.


And more Lost Boys on my way out of the park. I’d been so annoyed to see that first one back in Toon Town, but now that I knew they weren’t the only on-course entertainment, I was happy to see these guys!

Speaking on on-course entertainment…”Following the Leader” was playing on a loop the whole. Entire. Time. :headache:

If I never hear that song again, I will die happy.
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2017 Tinker Bell 10K! Part 3

Moving on...time to journey across the esplanade and into California Adventure!



Thinking that there would be no characters out made me so much more excited to see the ones that WERE there. Mile 4 was a great one!


Back to the Pier...hello, Lost Boys!


And then back to Rte 66!




I’m really not a fan of “Cars,” but at this point, after the malarkey runDisney had pulled yesterday, I was stopping for allll of the character pics!






One last stop...oh Tower, what have they done to you?! :sad:


I think technically this stop was supposed to be a selfie thing (there was no CM taking photos and no PhotoPass), but by the time I got there, a line had formed and runners were taking photos for one another. Runners uniting to beat the system! It’s a beautiful thing.


Time to finish ‘er up!





And done! What a fun race!


This race was 10000 times better than the 5K - more room to run, more PhotoPass Photographers, more characters, more entertainment. It never, ever felt crowded (what a difference proper corralling can make!). THIS is what I expect from a runDisney race (and I feel really bad for anyone who didn’t do any other races besides the 5K that weekend, because they didn’t get a proper Disney race experience). It was a blast!

Up next - another DIS-meet! :yay:
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I love the mile marker signs for the 10k. Not nearly as large or exciting as last year but I like that they had different lost boys on them. It looks like you got a lot of good pictures! Also, "Following the Leader" will forever haunt my dreams from last year's 5k. I can't imagine 3.1 more miles of that song. At least it informed you what to do I guess?
I love the mile marker signs for the 10k. Not nearly as large or exciting as last year but I like that they had different lost boys on them. It looks like you got a lot of good pictures! Also, "Following the Leader" will forever haunt my dreams from last year's 5k. I can't imagine 3.1 more miles of that song. At least it informed you what to do I guess?
Yeah, I mean - the mile markers were definitely themed to the race, which I appreciated, but the ones from last year were so pretty. That was literally the only thing I noticed about that race that made me stop and go "hmmm" though, so it was a really great race.

Except for "Following the Leader" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over....:faint:

OMG. This purse is perfect. Seriously. (I actually just went to the Harvey's website to see if it's still available ... sold out :( And out of my price range (I'm too cheap to actually spend money on purses), but mostly ... sold out).

I decided I wanted to have lunch at Cove Bar today (my #1 favorite counter service spot) and since the line is always huge, it seemed like a good idea to “rope drop Cove Bar”! I took a quick spin on the Little Mermaid ride before lining up at Cove Bar at about 10:40. I was not the only one who had this idea (I was the 10-15th person in line).

Okay, I know that Cove Bar is a big deal, but ... rope dropping a meal may be both the scariest and greatest thing I've ever heard of. Where else but Disney (and that place that made the original cronut) would you line up to get food before the place even opens??

This put a HUGE damper on my day. I had been so excited to run the 10K - the course looked awesome and I was excited for character stops - but now I was just angry. I felt like I’d been ripped off!

Ugh ... stupid runDisney. I can't believe that they thought people wouldn't have a problem with this. With all the money that we pay for these races, it's definitely a bit of a vacation dampener when a big part of the experience disappears with no warning.

I drowned my sorrows in a Never Land Tea from the Secret menu (peach schnapps, pineapple juice, Sprite, vodka, gin and rum). It was good!

At least you had one good Neverland experience that day! Almost makes up for the 5K ... maybe.

As you can see...I got photobombed. The guy that did was so proud of himself and yelled, “photobomb!” Yes, that is a photobomb. Kudos to you, sir.

Okay then. Does this guy not understand that photobombs are funnier when you don't scream "photobomb"? It's funny when the person looks at the picture and realizes they were photobombed. It's not funny when someone screams.

How about them Cavs, though?! 8-)

You Clevelanders are very proud of your basketball...
(Don't mind me, I'm still upset about hockey and mostly ignoring other sports)

I headed back to the room to grab my I Did It shirt for the half...planning on taking it to the expo to return it (somehow it made me feel a bit better that runDisney would be getting a little less money from me since I was displeased with them). Once I did that, I returned to the runDisney booth (the same employee that I’d talked to the previous day was there and didn’t seem as happy to see me this time). I told the other employee first and foremost that I understood that she and this other guy don't make the decisions, but that I wanted to register a complaint. Basically I just said that I was unhappy that there were no characters on the course. I was sort of expecting her to just say, “we understand and we’ll take it up to management” and have that be that - really, that’s all I WANTED her to say, because I just wanted to feel like someone heard my dissatisfaction, but I was surprised when she gave me pushback on it, saying that there WERE in fact characters on the course. She did confirm that it was to “alleviate course congestion - safety is our #1 priority!” and that it would be the same way at the 10K. (BTW, here’s a way to alleviate course congestion: DON’T START THE 5K IN DISNEYLAND PARK!!)

I understand that you were probably not the first person to complain about it, and they were probably getting sick of it, but ... dude, there's no reason to start criticizing people for complaining. You registered a complaint. The proper response is something like "I'm sorry that you're disappointed, we felt that this was the best way to do it, but we understand that you're dissatisfied and we'll take note of your complaint, I hope you can enjoy the rest of your weekend." The whole point of testing something is to see if it works - there's no reason to fight someone just for saying that it didn't work for them. Ugh.

I took a quick spin through World of Disney...ended up buying this perfect keychain later!

I officially need to be on the lookout for this keychain next time I go to Disneyland. I collect keychains and I only have like 12 from Disneyland (I have like 30 from WDW), so clearly I need more, and this is perfect.

We ran past pretty Small World before heading out of the park…

I love this picture!!! They do a really good job of making IASW look pretty at Disneyland.

It WAS! A character line! A real photo stop!! I actually yelled “YES!!” before hopping in line!

Seriously, when I turned on my computer on Saturday night and started seeing character pictures, I was so excited for you guys!!
This picture is 1000% better than the 5K Hook picture ... because it's not a selfie. (Not that I have a problem with selfies, I just feel like they should be a choice, not the only option)

Feet off the ground! Must be pixie dust. :tinker:

You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!

“I don’t know what to do with my arms!”

If you ever write an autobiography, I feel like that should be the title...

I’m really not a fan of “Cars,” but at this point, after the malarkey runDisney had pulled yesterday, I was stopping for allll of the character pics!

Totally understandable game plan (the second part ... I don't understand not liking Cars).
(That was basically my approach back in my last rD race eons ago when there were no characters out in the first half due to rain ... once the characters started showing up, I stopped for everyone ... including Phineas and Ferb)

This race was 10000 times better than the 5K - more room to run, more PhotoPass Photographers, more characters, more entertainment. It never, ever felt crowded (what a difference proper corralling can make!). THIS is what I expect from a runDisney race (and I feel really bad for anyone who didn’t do any other races besides the 5K that weekend, because they didn’t get a proper Disney race experience). It was a blast!

Yay! I'm so glad this was a better experience than the 5K!!

Side note: You always get really good character pictures. I'm kinda jealous, because half of mine tend to include me looking complete awkward and/or having my eyes closed. But yours are always awesome!
Yay for a great 10K! You are seriously one of the most photogenic runners! All of your pictures look great and you have such a great smile! I love the one with both feet off the ground at the castle! All of your character pics are awesome like always, but I really love the one with Hook and Smee, because you can see the relief and happiness on your face!

Love that you, @ZellyB, and @Chris-Mo were leap frogging the whole race- how fun!
OMG. This purse is perfect. Seriously. (I actually just went to the Harvey's website to see if it's still available ... sold out :( And out of my price range (I'm too cheap to actually spend money on purses), but mostly ... sold out).
I'm so happy with it! I had been thinking about getting it before the trip, but thought I'd wait to see it in person. I love it!!
Okay, I know that Cove Bar is a big deal, but ... rope dropping a meal may be both the scariest and greatest thing I've ever heard of. Where else but Disney (and that place that made the original cronut) would you line up to get food before the place even opens??
Yes, I fully acknowledge how ridiculous it is to rope drop a meal. I regret nothing! 8-) Disney makes me do strange things (alternate title for my autobiography that you mentioned below, although what you said is basically perfection).
Ugh ... stupid runDisney. I can't believe that they thought people wouldn't have a problem with this. With all the money that we pay for these races, it's definitely a bit of a vacation dampener when a big part of the experience disappears with no warning.
YES, it was like the rug had been pulled out from under us! BOO!
At least you had one good Neverland experience that day! Almost makes up for the 5K ... maybe.
Almost...almost. ::yes::
Okay then. Does this guy not understand that photobombs are funnier when you don't scream "photobomb"? It's funny when the person looks at the picture and realizes they were photobombed. It's not funny when someone screams.
Exactly!! He just seemed so proud of himself, I didn't have the heart to tell him that he'd sort of screwed it up.
You Clevelanders are very proud of your basketball...
(Don't mind me, I'm still upset about hockey and mostly ignoring other sports)
Um...not after last night. :sad2: Sigh. My condolences for the hockey situation, I'm still upset about the World Series.
I understand that you were probably not the first person to complain about it, and they were probably getting sick of it, but ... dude, there's no reason to start criticizing people for complaining. You registered a complaint. The proper response is something like "I'm sorry that you're disappointed, we felt that this was the best way to do it, but we understand that you're dissatisfied and we'll take note of your complaint, I hope you can enjoy the rest of your weekend." The whole point of testing something is to see if it works - there's no reason to fight someone just for saying that it didn't work for them. Ugh.
Can you please run runDisney Customer Service? Because that's really all I was looking for. And I swear I was being nice when I was talking to them, not mean!!
I officially need to be on the lookout for this keychain next time I go to Disneyland. I collect keychains and I only have like 12 from Disneyland (I have like 30 from WDW), so clearly I need more, and this is perfect.
It IS perfect!! It cost like $12, so obviously a lot for a keychain, but that was sort of my main souvenir from the parks.
I love this picture!!! They do a really good job of making IASW look pretty at Disneyland.
They do! It puts WDW's to shame!
Seriously, when I turned on my computer on Saturday night and started seeing character pictures, I was so excited for you guys!!
:yay: Best news ever!
This picture is 1000% better than the 5K Hook picture ... because it's not a selfie. (Not that I have a problem with selfies, I just feel like they should be a choice, not the only option)
"Selfies should be a choice, not an option" - I LOL'd. :rotfl2: You are speaking* so much truth today. :worship:

*by "speaking" i mean "typing" but you know what I mean.
You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!
If you ever write an autobiography, I feel like that should be the title...
Next race report, at the very least - but yeah, this will go on my short list of titles for sure. ::yes::
Totally understandable game plan (the second part ... I don't understand not liking Cars).
I think I need to give "Cars" another shot since I love Cars Land so much!
(That was basically my approach back in my last rD race eons ago when there were no characters out in the first half due to rain ... once the characters started showing up, I stopped for everyone ... including Phineas and Ferb)
I totally would have done the same thing!! ::yes::
Yay! I'm so glad this was a better experience than the 5K!!
Me too! It was awesome!
Side note: You always get really good character pictures. I'm kinda jealous, because half of mine tend to include me looking complete awkward and/or having my eyes closed. But yours are always awesome!
Thanks!! That's nice of you to say! :goodvibes
Yay for a great 10K! You are seriously one of the most photogenic runners! All of your pictures look great and you have such a great smile! I love the one with both feet off the ground at the castle! All of your character pics are awesome like always, but I really love the one with Hook and Smee, because you can see the relief and happiness on your face!
Thanks!! :goodvibes I think PhotoPass must be sort of magical, I look way better in these pics compared to what I used to get from MarathonFoto!

And I WAS relieved and happy to see Smee and Hook, that is for sure!! I had totally lost faith in runDisney and it was restored in that moment! :wizard:
Love that you, @ZellyB, and @Chris-Mo were leap frogging the whole race- how fun!
:rotfl2: It was so funny. And really fun to see familiar faces on the course!


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