A Very Chit-Chat Thread

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Checking in from work on my iPhone!!

Laurie - I'll have to pass on joining you all for any of the meals. I'll be driving down Sunday after work so I don't really know what time I'll be there so I don't want to commit to anything for sure. The rest of the days I want to stay away from TS eating since it's a real quick there and back for me.

Eek! Today is flying by so darn fast for me!
Checking in from work on my iPhone!!

Laurie - I'll have to pass on joining you all for any of the meals. I'll be driving down Sunday after work so I don't really know what time I'll be there so I don't want to commit to anything for sure. The rest of the days I want to stay away from TS eating since it's a real quick there and back for me.

Eek! Today is flying by so darn fast for me!

Totally understand & no worries....just wanted the invite to be out there!!!
:cool1: Ty's coming home!!!!!!!!!! :cool1:

Mike's gonna drive down to Medford tomorrow to help him get his stuff home!!!! Shyann is gonna be so excited to see him. She asks for him at least 5 times a day!!!!

Oh how nice for you!! And what a happy time for Shyann too!!

Checking in from work on my iPhone!!

Laurie - I'll have to pass on joining you all for any of the meals. I'll be driving down Sunday after work so I don't really know what time I'll be there so I don't want to commit to anything for sure. The rest of the days I want to stay away from TS eating since it's a real quick there and back for me.

Eek! Today is flying by so darn fast for me!

That's so great that Ty decided to come home Laurie! It will be so nice to have that extra help and company around the house! And it's a bonus for him that he gets to go on the trip!
Hey guys! How was everyone's weekend? We are technically still on ours, as it's a long weekend. Which is kinda why we wanted to get back last night. It's nice to have an extra day to relax at home! Especially after a slightly scary drive home in a lightening storm!

It's good to see Jillian made it safely to Disneyland! Hope she is having a good time!

2 weeks from today we will be there as well!! I am still having trouble grasping that we are going! I think it will take being on the road before I really believe it!

We are about to make our first homemade poutine! We found out that our walmart sells cheese curds, so we decided to give it a try. We are kind of cheating on the gravy and fries though. Frozen fries that we heat up and a packet of poutine gravy, lol. Oh well, should still be good!
Hey guys! How was everyone's weekend? We are technically still on ours, as it's a long weekend. Which is kinda why we wanted to get back last night. It's nice to have an extra day to relax at home! Especially after a slightly scary drive home in a lightening storm!

It's good to see Jillian made it safely to Disneyland! Hope she is having a good time!

2 weeks from today we will be there as well!! I am still having trouble grasping that we are going! I think it will take being on the road before I really believe it!

We are about to make our first homemade poutine! We found out that our walmart sells cheese curds, so we decided to give it a try. We are kind of cheating on the gravy and fries though. Frozen fries that we heat up and a packet of poutine gravy, lol. Oh well, should still be good!

Sounds so good Andrea! I loved Poutine when we drove through Canada. Is it just brown gravy? Or is there something special about it?
That's going to be so sweet!!

That's so great that Ty decided to come home Laurie! It will be so nice to have that extra help and company around the house! And it's a bonus for him that he gets to go on the trip!

Hey guys! How was everyone's weekend? We are technically still on ours, as it's a long weekend. Which is kinda why we wanted to get back last night. It's nice to have an extra day to relax at home! Especially after a slightly scary drive home in a lightening storm!

It's good to see Jillian made it safely to Disneyland! Hope she is having a good time!

2 weeks from today we will be there as well!! I am still having trouble grasping that we are going! I think it will take being on the road before I really believe it!

We are about to make our first homemade poutine! We found out that our walmart sells cheese curds, so we decided to give it a try. We are kind of cheating on the gravy and fries though. Frozen fries that we heat up and a packet of poutine gravy, lol. Oh well, should still be good!

I know Shy will be so happy to have him home & of course, so will I!!!! Really have missed having him around to talk to!!!

Andrea I saw the lightening pics.....yikes!!! Glad you made it home safely!!
2 weeks!!!!!! Man, that's almost here!!!! Jillian will get back & share her trip with us & then you'll get back & share you're trip with us.....then Jessica & then me!!!!! Woo Hoo for all the back to back to back trips!!!!!!

Never have had poutine.....but love fries, squeeky cheese (cheese curds), but not sure about the gravy.....but I'd do it with chili!!! lol
Sounds so good Andrea! I loved Poutine when we drove through Canada. Is it just brown gravy? Or is there something special about it?

I believe normal brown gravy would work just fine. There might be a few different spices they use in the poutine gravy packet, but otherwise it looks like just normal brown gravy.
I know Shy will be so happy to have him home & of course, so will I!!!! Really have missed having him around to talk to!!!

Andrea I saw the lightening pics.....yikes!!! Glad you made it home safely!!
2 weeks!!!!!! Man, that's almost here!!!! Jillian will get back & share her trip with us & then you'll get back & share you're trip with us.....then Jessica & then me!!!!! Woo Hoo for all the back to back to back trips!!!!!!

Never have had poutine.....but love fries, squeeky cheese (cheese curds), but not sure about the gravy.....but I'd do it with chili!!! lol

All the back to back trips are exciting!

And you should try a poutine, they are very yummy! I know gravy is different in the states. When Dillon asked for gravy for his fries at a restaurant there, it looked like ranch sauce. Not sure what kind that is. You want to use a brown or beef based gravy.
I believe normal brown gravy would work just fine. There might be a few different spices they use in the poutine gravy packet, but otherwise it looks like just normal brown gravy.

All the back to back trips are exciting!

And you should try a poutine, they are very yummy! I know gravy is different in the states. When Dillon asked for gravy for his fries at a restaurant there, it looked like ranch sauce. Not sure what kind that is. You want to use a brown or beef based gravy.

They gave him country gravy.......people here probably don't tend to use the brown gravy for fries much!!
They gave him country gravy.......people here probably don't tend to use the brown gravy for fries much!!

Hm, that is the first time we have had country gravy I think. It was good, just not what we are used to. For fries we usually have a brown gravy. Unless it's KFC or chicken. Then of course it's chicken gravy.

So on friday I have booked Seth in to get some photos done! This lady does amazing photos. It's not your typical backdrop type photos, she takes your child outside (as long as it's warm of course) and does different types of shots. I am so looking forward to it. She made my friend Sarah look like a model. She is a pretty girl anyways, but she for some reason has a few self esteem issues and I think this girl has helped her with that a lot, cause she looks amazing in the photos. Anyways, she was advertising a special for kid photos for the month of August, so I jumped on that. So excited!
They've really come up with cute ways to take baby pictures. I've seen where they put them in a chef's hat with a bowl & wooden spoon (even a little flour on the face), I've seen them with paint cans & painbrush on a splattered backdrop, I've seen where they kinda do the Anne Geddes sort of thing.....so cute!!!! Wish they would have done that stuff when my kids were little. I couldn't do it with the twins, they wouldn't have tolerated it.

Can't wait to see what they come up with!!!!!

The country gravy is what they do "biscuits & gravy" for breakfasts, they also put them with chicken strips, chicken fried steak & mashed potatoes. I can only handle a small dose of it...but it is tasty!
I am excited to see what she will do as well. It's a little pricy, but I think it's a really good deal still. She normally charges $250, plus a $150 sitting fee for a one hour shoot, but she is waving the sitting fee for the month of August for the child photos. You get the one hour shoot and you end up with 30 edited shots in both black and white and colour. She told me to bring a few items of his like blankets and stuffies to incorporate into some photos. So of course there may be a Mickey in a few shots! Lol

I love gravy, but only in small amounts as well. It's so tasty, but very rich, so I can't have too much at once.
I am excited to see what she will do as well. It's a little pricy, but I think it's a really good deal still. She normally charges $250, plus a $150 sitting fee for a one hour shoot, but she is waving the sitting fee for the month of August for the child photos. You get the one hour shoot and you end up with 30 edited shots in both black and white and colour. She told me to bring a few items of his like blankets and stuffies to incorporate into some photos. So of course there may be a Mickey in a few shots! Lol

I love gravy, but only in small amounts as well. It's so tasty, but very rich, so I can't have too much at once.

The pics will be awesome & worth every penny!!
Home from work and my day is slwoly going from fantastic to dumb. I had to spend the last 30 minutes of my shift freezing my tush off in one of our new meat lockers and then when I get home I find out that I can't pull up my waiver and stuff for the 5K next month because I entered my birthday in wrong when I registered. Hw the heck did I not realize that at the time?! I put in 1996 instead of 1986 and now I'm hoping it reflects the change on it's own or I have to call them tomorrow to get it sorted out. I sent an email since they 'close' at 5p EST which was about an hour ago. If I can't donwload it tomorrow I'll give them a call when I'm home from work. Grr. This kind of throws a damper on everything to be honest.
Oops....you would think they would have caught that too since it would make you a minor & you'd think you'd have to have parental permission. Hopefully this can be fixed easily!!!!!
Eh, it's the family race so the age restrictions are a little different I think. I have no idea. I just know that when I tried to pull up my waiver/bib number it worked if I entered 1996. I am not 14 gosh darnit!! I really hope there is a way to fix this. There has to be, right? I'm just going to stress about it. Hopefully they get back to me promptly because I just realized that I wont be home from work before 3 tomorrow so I can't call.
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