A Very Magical Dream for DH and Me - **photo of DH with goodies pg 4

WOW! What a great story! Thank you so much for sharing, and your DH definitely looks like a kid at Christmas.

Wishing him a safe return and the two of you a joyful reunion as soon as possible.
This had me in tears!!! Thank you for sharing, and thank you both for the sacrifice you are making for all of us! :hug:
soooo here I am at work, DISsing while on the phone and reading your story and now I am crying. No one better call right now!!!!!

No matter where our loved ones are while deployed, we all need some pixie dust now and again. You got the biggest dose ever. :grouphug:
I am so glad that your husband was able to get a little of that Disney Magic.

I told the story to DF, and we would both like to extend our thanks to your husband for serving and to you and your family for the sacrifices you are making as well.

Pixie dust is being sent your way for a safe return and a joyous welcome home trip to Disney!!!!
As others have said, please say THANK YOU to your husband for his service to our country....and a huge THANK YOU and hugs to you for your service too.

I know firsthand how difficult such a deployment can be. In Feb. of this year my DH returned from 15 month deployment to Afg (3 months stateside, 12 months there) and it was never very easy. My DH was also gone for 9 months in the Gulf War....that time I had no children, this time I had 3!

Something I want to remind you of....when you return to WDW with DH, make sure you get him to be Veteran of the Day in the MK. He can be there when they lower the flag at town square and they give him little trinkets to remember the event. My DH did that in March on his birthday when we went for our reunion trip. It was definitely the highlight of our trip!

Please PM me if you ever need to talk. I think I know how you are feeling and I'd love to help. Also, if it's not too much to ask, could you PM me his name, address, and list of any items he & the unit could use? My girls would love to put together a care package for him like so many others did for their daddy.

Take care!
My husband and I were married in 1990 a month before the Gulf War. Because our wedding had been planned for over a year, the Air Force let my husband fly out for the ceremony and then fly right back because his Squadron was deployed to Iraq. The opening night of the war, his Squadron expected 50% losses. They all came back safe. He came home to a heros welcome and even a ticker tape parade in NYC. I look at todays reception that our men and women get when they return from Iraq/Afghanistan and I weep. Hearing your story has made my day and my husbands day. Disney has renewed the magic for me---what an awesome CM to make such a difference in your day/life. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your husband. Keep safe and keep the faith!

ArmyWife3-4--what a wonderful story. Congratulations and thank you to both you and your husband. Godspeed. Churchpilot--also a great story. I was teary eyed after reading the OP, after reading your story I passed teary eyed and cried. A thank you to you and your husband, also. And to all of the families sacrificing so much.
I can't seem to stop the tears thinking of the love of my life who gave up his acceptance at Julliard to volunteer to serve his country, as generations of men in his family had done before him. After two years of honorable and decorated service in Vietnam, just doing the job our country asked him to do, he came home and was spit on and worse. A terrible wound to him that can never really heal.
I am so thankful everyday that your husbands and all of our troops are receiving the thanks they are so due. It is so wonderful that WDW helped say thank you.
When I can stop crying I will share your stories with my Vet. My prayers for a safe return, Armywife3-4.
That is the most heartwarming thing that I have heard that a Dream Team has done.Thank your husband for serving our great country.My husband is a Viet Nam veteran.While at Magic Kingdom two weeks ago my husband got stopped by a cast member who presented my husband with a card thanking him for having served our great country.My husband was wearing his Viet Nam veterans cap.Another day he was wearing his Purple Heart cap and another cast member stopped and talked to him and thanked him for serving our country.We were celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary and wearing the anniversary pins.We also got lots of anniversary wishes as well.What a magical place to be.
How wonderful!!!!! Your story brought tears to my eyes and has inspired me to go out of my way for someone today. :lovestruc

Thank you for the sharing and sacrifice that your family is making. :flower3:
ArmyWife3-4--what a wonderful story. Congratulations and thank you to both you and your husband. Godspeed. Churchpilot--also a great story. I was teary eyed after reading the OP, after reading your story I passed teary eyed and cried. A thank you to you and your husband, also. And to all of the families sacrificing so much.
I can't seem to stop the tears thinking of the love of my life who gave up his acceptance at Julliard to volunteer to serve his country, as generations of men in his family had done before him. After two years of honorable and decorated service in Vietnam, just doing the job our country asked him to do, he came home and was spit on and worse. A terrible wound to him that can never really heal.
I am so thankful everyday that your husbands and all of our troops are receiving the thanks they are so due. It is so wonderful that WDW helped say thank you.
When I can stop crying I will share your stories with my Vet. My prayers for a safe return, Armywife3-4.

Although Vietnam was not during my time (I know I'm a youngin'!), I am shocked by the stories I hear from veterans of that time. I am so grateful that people are so caring and so concerned about my DH and his service. I am so thankful that people realize that the war and the soldiers fighting it are two different things. Regardless of your feelings about the war, it is so important to support the soldiers there so that our loved ones here aren't forced to do it.
Again, thank you allllll so much for your kind words, thoughts and prayers. I wish I could just give all of you a big hug!!! :hug: I had no idea when I posted this the response I would receive. When I get down about DH being gone, I return to this site to put a smile on my face. I have even copied and pasted you posts to send to DH in emails since the DIS is blocked over there for him.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I truly believe, as I've said before, that everyone's prayers and thoughts are what keep DH and his soldiers safe until they return. So far, they have not had any incidents or casualties, and I hope and pray that this continues until his return.

You are all his angels :angel: and I truly believe that! I know there are other military spouses/veterans past and present lurking around the boards and I want to give them all a big hug too! You rock! :thumbsup2 :flower3:
Ok- I am crying!! This is what I love about Disney! If I don't receive any dreams on my upcoming trip I will think that your husband who truly deserved it got one instead!
Tell Your husband THANK YOU for all he's doing for everyone in America from my whole family. I have two friends who are about to head back over to Iraq, and I try to tell them how thanful I am, but you just can't it into words. So, thank you also for sacrificing your time with him for everyone in THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!!!:worship:
What a wonderful story! THANK YOU to you and your DH HUGS :grouphug:

and YAY Disney for being so magical!
thanks for posting your story and the follow up. Both made me cry. My DH is Air Force and is deployed also. He is a huge Disney fan and I try to send him a little magic in evey box or letter.
Is this your first deployment? If it is let me tell you that it does get easier. DH has been in 16 years (been married to him the same amount of time) and I think we have only been in the same country for 8 or 9 of those years. I am not saying that I like it but you get used to it and I am so proud of what he does that I would not trade his job for anything in the world. Hang in there and hopefully this deployment will pass quickly. :goodvibes .

Just found this thread... was teary reading the initial post and then even more so when I saw a photo of your DH with his goodies... I hope sent this photo to the cast member at WDW as well. This has to be one of the best dreams ever. We have received fast passes and then a special extra hour at AK but I would give them all back for more dreams like this one..... Thank you for sharing. I know your 1st anniversary was not as planned but there will be many more in your life... and those will be extra special becasue your DH will be home.....
That is exactly why I keep going back. There is nothing like the magic that you experience in Disney. The story gave me goosebumps and reminded me that there are still wonderful people in this world. Tell your husband I said thank you for what he is doing for all of us!:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
Other posters have summed it up quite eloquently, so I will say a simple Thank you, to you and your husband. And a Thank you to that blessing of a CM for helping us all express our gratitude.


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