Adventures by Disney?

I was tempted, but just cannot justify the prices they want. For that much money, I want more than a run through at all the photo ops. It doesn't look like a lot of time to just sit and relax and absorb it all. I could sit in Piazza Navona for days and not be bored! LOL! I don't think they schedule that in to the plan, LOL!

I guess I'm spoiled. I got to spend 3 weeks in Italy twice in the past couple years and it cost me next to nothing. I stayed with my cousin, and only got hotel rooms a couple nights here and there for sidetrips. We had our own personal tour guide since my cousin, her hubby and kids had lived there for a few years and knew their way around (one of their friends works Vatican Security so we got to skip the lines and get in for free - I was even allowed to take pics of the Sistine Chapel with my SLR - no flash of course) And on top of the tourist spots, they took us to places most tourists never see. So I spent probably under $1000 (including airfare) for a few weeks and I can't imagine that what Disney does would top our trips.

Maybe if I had more discretionary income it wouldn't be so painful to think about the cost in comparison to my previous trips, but I'm a recent college grad - I'm next to broke! LOL!
I will give one major plug for hotels in Rome via ABD. Two years ago we spent a week in Rome - paid very high prices (think $250+ per nite, breakfast corn flakes & tang each day, no elevator and no airconditioning!and we had ckd out over 200 hotels on the internet b4 booking this one!!) Some are fortunate enough to have friends/relatives to escort them around, but we didn't, so if I were ever to go back, it would certainly be with a group that got decent hotel for the money. Meals in Rome were horrendously expensive too. One cafe charged $18 USD for a bowl of soup, and the Hardrock Cafe wanted $9 USD for a coca cola. I think I would much prefer knowing 'up front' what it was all going to cost and then would have had a better time. Loved Tuscany though, and even if pricey, was certainly worth the visit.
Hi All,

Have to say that this trip exceeded my expectations. We got to see and experience things we never thought we'd get to see.

I also have to let you know that, yes, these trips are expensive, but you are getting the extra "Disney" magic. There are things involved in this trip that are not avialble to anyone but Disney.

Our hotel in Rome was the Westin Excelsior. It's in an excellent location and offered every ammenity you could hope for. While having breakfast one morning, we ran into Roy Scheider (of Jaws fame). He was in Rome filming and was staying at our hotel

The first two days of our adventure were very, very strenuous. We did an amazing amount of walking, but during those walks we saw the Trevi fountain, the Borghese Gardens, the Spanish Steps, the Forum, the Colliseum, the Vatican Museum, the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basillica, St Peter's Square and had time to venture out for dinner on our own. It was a very busy two days but worth every step.

After reading several guidebooks and hearing about the reaction to the Pope's statements (not suggesting he was right our wrong, just acknowleding that there was an adverse reaction) safety was a concern. Our Adventure guides made us feel very safe. Each stop on your Adventure includes a 3rd guide. They are refered to as "step on" guides or "city" guides. They are local experts that relay the history and "color" of the places you are visiting. They also added a layer of interest and safety.

At the end of our days in Rome, we left our luggage outside our door and ABD took care of it. We never touched it again until we checked into our hotel in Tuscany. We watched other tourists dragging their luggage through the streets. It felt luxurious to not have to do that.

This was the same throughout our adventure. The guides went above and beyond in order to make everything easy.

Our stay in Tuscany involved day trips to Orvieto, Sienna and Florence. Guide books, maps and literature were made available while traveling on the bus. It made bring your own guidebooks unneccesary. Bottled water was also always available on the bus and was offered as you departed for the days activities.

Our guides proved invaluable while visiting Florence. as one of the highlights of this trip was getting to view Michaelangelo's statue of David. As we arrived at the musuem, we found that the museum workers had decided to strike that morning. We had tickets for entry at 10:30am amd the folks with 9:00am tickets had not yet been allowed to enter. Our itinerary was altered and we toured the city of Florence. Later that afternoon, one of our guides received a phone call that we should rreturn to the museum as the other guide had pulled some strings and gotten other people involved and that the ABD group would be allowed into the museum. As we approached the entrance, there were hundreds , if not thousands, of people trying to gain entrance. The Adventures By Disney group was allowed in, while others remained outside.

We also had a private pasta making class in a castle, a private mask making class where every member got to create their own Venetian Carnivale mask and private 4 hour moonlight dinner cruise through the Venice lagoon on a 16th century pirate galleon. Please trust me that there were a great many questions and looks of envy when we boarded that ship docked along the Grand Canal.

In Venice, we stayed at the Westin Europa and Regina. Our hotel window overlooked the Grand Canal. Each morning we had breakfast on the terrace along the canal. One of group priced the breakfast should you just be a customer walking in and the price to eat in this location was 75 euros. Trust me whan I tell you that this was not due to the buffet being any more lavish than most, it was ALL due to LOCATION.

Others have mentioned that there are ways to take this trip in a less exepnsive way and I have to disagree. You might be able to plan a less expensive trip, but it would not be THIS trip.

Boarding a gondola at the Venice train station for a ride down the Grand Canal and being delivered directly to our hotel is an experience that I would not trade for anything. Having our luggage in our room by the time we arrived....well, as the commercial says....priceless.

This is a busy, hectic, active trip. Looking back, I feel like I have memories that will last my lifetime. I also come away with some understanding of a different culture and the desire to know and see more.

I guess the best compliment I can give Adventures By Disney is that we have rebooked another trip for next year. Next October, we are off to London and Paris. I cant imagine doing it any way but the Disney way.

If you have questions about our trip, our would like further information, please feel free to contact me at

I will be happy to help in any way I can.

Wow, your trip sounds magical in every sense! Thanks so much for posting your report here and, yes, the fact that you have booked again speaks volumes. When the time is right to take our son abroad we will look closely at ABD literature to see what choices they offer.

I was wondering, do you know what they will do to assist a guest with food allergies? My significant allergy is to eggs and that encompasses a great deal of food items so I am wondering if they could at least help to accomodate that? Did anyone in your group have an issue like that?
To Weluvdis: Yes, food allergies were addressed in our ABD trip. We were asked prior to leaving the states to advise them of any food concerns. Also, the guides asked again the first night of the trip
To DisneyKevin: GREAT trip report!!! You are much more fluent than I was! We did the London/Paris trip this August and had many of the same favorable comments that you did. We had previously visited Italy (twice) on our own and our trip was no where NEAR as great as yours appeared to be! I am tempted to go back and do it the 'right' way!! For example, in Venice we took a gondola to the train station and 80 euros later we were there in 10 minutes - BUT we schlepped our own luggage, had a surly driver etc. In every tour we had with ABD, we had the BEST guides, saw the most we could ever see and yes, I WILL take them again! I sure wish they would have a forum for these tours, it would be so much easier to find first hand information.
Hi there,

I agree with allergies were discussed at every turn. We were asked many, many times if there was anything that we needed or if there any special accommodations that needed to be met

We had an 9 amd 11 year old on our trip and the ABD guides had a special way of making sure that they were involved and excited at each and every location.

At one point in our adventure, "Marco Polo" met us in one of the Campos (squares) and explained that he was just a bit older than they were when he first accompanied his father on a trip to the far East. You could see that these kids were mesmerized.

Their aid was enlisted at every turn "to hel make sure things ran smoothly". There Mom spoke at the end our trip and thanked us all for all of the extra eyes that made sure that her kids were safe and secure and involved in every aspect of their vacation.

Thanks to you both for the info! I also agree that if you priced out the segments on your own for the same hotels it would be very close or more than what ABD is charging. Plus you get the priceless aspect of getting into the tourist sights more easily that if you tried on your own.

Now I just gotta sell my DH on this!
great trip report and you sure did build beautiful memories.

I was in Italy about 25 years ago with Perillo Tours and it was great and we covered most of what you covered with the exceptio of the "special Disney" excursions. But I was disappointed that we did not have too much time to ourself. That is the one reason why I don't prefer tour groups although I agree basically they are the best way to go when you are going to foreign countries.

I was wondering when you visited the Vatican were you allowed to visit Pope John Pau's gravesite? I really want to return to Rome for that specific reason but of course while there would take in some more sites.

Thanks again and glad to hear you had a great time. Oh, one more thing, did you take any photos (stupid question of the day!!!!!!!!!) could you post some.

Mary Margaret
Kevin your trip brings back memories of my trip to FLorence and Rome last year. We stayed across the street from teh Westin at the Regina Baglioni but we spent a good 4 hours one night in the W bar at the Westin. :lol

I loved the walking tours through Rome and Florence. We had local guides and it sound very much like what you experienced with ABD. I'm glad to hear they do a good job. I actually got some 2007 ABD brochures in the mail yesterday and haven't had a chance to look at them yet.
1) We did the Yellowstone trip during the trial run.
2) I know others who taloked about Italy and England during trial runs.
3) The consensus opinions are
. . . the trips are well designed
. . . travelers are taken care of nicely
. . . it is very expensive
. . . other tour brokers do as good a job, and for much less
. . . comparisons were Perillo, Globus, Trafalgar
4) With this said, it is not a condemnation of ABD.
5) Simply a comparison.

NOTE: The comparisons were made by people who are seasoned travelers. The comparisons were also made against the upscale tours offered, and not just the typical bus-tour. As far a easy entry into popular attractions, most well known tour operators have the same ability as ABD.
for DisneyKevin
here is a copy of my trip report (don't know if you have read it or not) from our London/Paris trip this summer. Posted on other boards - but who knows where is the best spot! If you have seen it, sorry about the duplicate post.

We took the ABD London & Paris last month -grandma (me), daughter age 41, granddaughter age 9 . Here is the 'lowdown.' First of all, a backpack was sent to us prior to departure. We took it with us and used it a LOT. Don't sweat the wardrobe. Everyone dressed in jeans or khakis every day and backpacked a windbreaker type jacket. Two evenings were sort of dressy, but suits for men were not ever required. I did see a few sport coats but that is all. Comfortable shoes are a 'must' as there is a LOT of walking.

Hotel VERY nice (especially by European standards - LARGE room). I would say comparable to a Marriott, Hilton or Hyatt in the US. Room had a 'Welcome" tote from ABD with a water bottle, deck of cards, bandanas, wrist bands (don't know what for as no one ever wore them), journal and pen for kids, umbrellas (used every day! ) There was an ATM and Underground access within a block of the hotel.
Evening reception had chips, pretzels, champagne, wine, and sodas. Guides gave an overview and passed out the lanyards and first of seven daily pins to all.
Dinner was multiple hors d'oeuvres size portions of a multitude of British dishes - pork pies, fish 'n chips, trifle, shepherds pie etc. A duo of singers performed and it was a lot of fun.

Buffet breakfast at hotel each day. Had a lot of stuff. Fresh fruit, yogurt, American dry cereals, scrambled eggs, sausage and cheese, bagels, muffins, etc. For touring, we used a 50 year old antique red double decker bus! Really neat. Had a British Blue Badge professional guide for all sites within London. Visited Westminster (very crowded). Walked past Buckingham Palace but didn't see changing of guard as it was raining and they didn't do it. Went for late lunch/tea at Savoy hotel. It was so so. Kids not too enthralled although there was plenty they could eat, ie. ham and cheese sandwiches, scones,salad, dessert, etc.
At Westminster the kids had their own tour guide. Saw the same things we did but projected in a kid friendly manner.
Night was a really highlight! Saw Mary Poppins (with GREAT seats!!) and were able to walk on the stage and talk to the stage manager afterwards. Everyone loved it!
Before seeing Mary Poppins there was a bag with a CD in it featuring the stage cast! Nice touch! Mickey shaped cookies were in our room at night. Also they gave the kids an alarm clock the first night and a one-eyed monocle to have on the London Eye. Have to admit though, the first day the journal was used and then put away! Too much other stuff going on!

Went to the London Eye. Didn't think I would attempt it because I do not like heights, but it was really great and moved very slowly. Kids got a simple plastic backpack that worked really well. Had a great view of London in every direction. We then took a short cruise on the Thames to Tower of London. Tower/crown jewels was pretty much on our own without a professional guide but it was very easy and waits were minimal. Saw the Crown Jewels, Beefeater Guards, execution locations, etc.

Cruise down Regents Canal in kind of a shabby canal boat, but it was interesting and fun. Donuts/croissants/coffee were served on board and then we went to Camden Market and shopped in and out of all of the funky shops. Then to Waterloo Station and the Eurostar. And this is THE BEST FOR ME!!! They took ALL our luggage from the hotel - brought it to Paris - and it appeared in our rooms within an hour of arrival!!!!

Paris. Great tour of Notre Dame. The adventurous climbed the bell tower - me I sat in a sidewalk cafe and had cappuccino. Lots of time to wander around the gardens, etc. After ND came my least favorite part of the trip. We went to Montmartre and to Sacre Coeur. Very crowded! Think parade time at the MK on Easter Sunday! We went for lunch and it took 2 hours! Could NOT hurry the waiter AT ALL. Kids ordered French Onion Soup (Appetizer) and some adults orders normal 'adult' entrees. Asked to have the appetizers and entrees delivered to table together and were told 'NO' in no uncertain terms!! It was funny! Food was good though. Wine tasting wasn't much. Only working vineyard in Paris and it is sort of a tourist attraction thing. Artist who drew caricatures of the kids though was really great. Each child got to keep theirs. Lucked out and saw a parade to the church with Priests and parishioners carrying a statue of the Virgin Mary. Sacre Coeur was jammed with people. We took a cog tram to the top as it is VERY steep. We did walk down though. Any deficiencies during the afternoon were made up with our night dinner at the Eiffel Tower - a big WOW on this one! Those who wanted to could climb to the top (not me!) but my daughter and granddaughter did it! It is enormous! Dinner was quite good too.

Louvre day was much much better than I anticipated. For me the Mona Lisa was a let down, but the buildings themselves were awesome! I was totally impressed with I.M. Pei's pyramid both above and below ground. Kids went together with their own guide and filled out a book as 'Art Detectives.' They loved it!! In the PM we had free time. Lunch was at Tuileries Gardens. Some then went on a Seine Cruise and ABD reimbursed them for taxi fare and for tickets as the cruise was not on the agenda anymore. Some others stayed at the Louvre or went shopping. Rest of day was free time.

Versailles complete with tour. Each of us had head phones for the tour. Kids got to 'solve' their Art Detectives question from the Louvre on the previous day. Tour didn't include the Petit Trianon but oh well can't have everything. Rains held off so biking was able to be done. Those who went had a great time. Lots of trails etc. Very nice lunch right on the grounds of Versailles near the gardens and fountain. Night dinner was at a French cafe and we had the entire building! Musician playing and everything! Small bags with 'goodies' were given to all attending. The guides showed a video of all the photos they had taken of everyone during the week - really nice! They said they were mailing one to each of us after the tour.

Here was a surprise for us - as we were going to Disneyland Paris for 2 days they actually had a van to take us (and another couple) directly from the hotel to the resort! Super! Didn't have to haul baggage unto a train or anything! Very nice surprise!

Prices also included all tips except gratuities to the guides, of which there were two. Porters, all baggage handling, meals, entrance fees to attractions, transportation to and from, etc. included tipping.

The guides were very good and had a huge responsibility. Roads (especially in London) have very heavy traffic and it would be easy for someone to get into an accident. We Americans tend to 'follow the crowd' and not pay close attention to changing lights etc. Often the entire group could not cross together so it was important to keep looking out for yourselves as well as the tour group.

The hotels were much better than I expected - London was better than Paris, but both were beautiful, spacious, and quite large by European standards. First Class on the Chunnel is the only way to go! Loved it! None of the meals were Michelin star calibre but all were very good. Guides were extremely attentive to everyone at all times.

Yes, this was an expensive trip _BUT everything was First Class and would do it that way again in a heart beat. There is one group loved it so much their entire 40 people are going on another one together next year!! Guess that is a testament to a quality product.
wdwlovers5 said:
I was wondering when you visited the Vatican were you allowed to visit Pope John Pau's gravesite? I really want to return to Rome for that specific reason but of course while there would take in some more sites.

I need to go find my pics - you may be interested in them. We were in Rome when the Pope passed away and were in St. Peters Square that night. I'm not Catholic, but it was definitely a memorable experience.
We were given ample time within St. Peter's Basillaca and you were free to wander. I believe that Pope John Paul's grave site was one of the many that you were able to view and pay your respects..

Two couples on our Adventure had toured with other tour groups (Cosmos, Trafalgar) and found that while they offered some similarities, that they did not compare favorably to the Disney tour. There are special "hand crafted" (Disney's word) experiences that other groups have not been able to offer.

In Siena, our group was allowed into a local museum that is only open to the folks involved. It would be very difficult for me to explain this, as it took our local guide quite a while, but it all has to do with the 17 seperate neighborhoods (Contradas) that are involved in the twice yearly Palio race in the Piazza. I have to tell you...had I been told about this prior to getting there, I wouldn't have been all that interested, but it turned out to be one of the highlights of our trip. Disney is the only tour group that has been able to manage getting into one of these neighborhood museums. I understand that this is not something any other tour group can recreate.

This type of thing happened several times during our trip. As Ppiew has said in her trip report, their group was able to see the West End prodution of Mary Poppins. This is available to anyone that can afford a ticket. The opportunity to walk the sets and meet the production crew is something only Disney can offer. While this might not be something that appeals to you, it's an exclusive that other tours can recreate.

Again, I am fresh off the trip of a lifetime, so I am very excited, but I am a true believer in traveling with Disney. Their theme parks are the best, their cruise ships make each guest a fan for life and I think they have now begun to conquer the tour market.

Just as DCL fans wear their early cruises as a badge of honor (I was on one of the first 7 night sailings) I believe years from now. those that take these first ABD tours will look back and say "I was there when.....".

DisneyKevin said:
We are taking the Italy trip with Adventures by Disney at the end of September. :banana: :banana:

We have researched every aspect of their itinerary and find that the hotels we will be staying at are 5 star hotels. The guidebooks list them by dollar signs (referring to price). All of our hotels are $$$$$ hotels. (Consider the price of a deluxe Disney resort.)

We spend 3 nights in Rome, 3 nights in Tuscany and 2 nights in Venice.

As first time travelers to Itally, we made lists of the things that we would like to see and this itinerary covers almost all of our list.

We have also read that there can be super long lines at some of the major sights in Italy and that being part of a tour group allows you access to things (like the Sistine Chapel) much faster as you are bypassing the lines.

We did some research on airfare to see if we could get a better deal on our own. We fly from JFK to Rome and and return to JFK from Venice. The airfare through ABD was the best deal out there based on there being different arrival and departure cities.

Keeping in mind that most of our meals (including gratuities) are included, admission to everything on our itinerary, all hotels, ground transportation and flights for about $9400.00, we feel that this is a good deal.

It's comparable to a "top of the line" Disney vacation and less expensive than a Disney Mediterranean cruise.

We can't wait.


Oh cool i reserved a trip for Italy for sept 30th to by Adventures by Disney for next year! :) Maybe i should see what they for Boston airfares then!
DisneyKevin said:
Hi All,

Have to say that this trip exceeded my expectations. We got to see and experience things we never thought we'd get to see.

I also have to let you know that, yes, these trips are expensive, but you are getting the extra "Disney" magic. There are things involved in this trip that are not avialble to anyone but Disney.

Our hotel in Rome was the Westin Excelsior. It's in an excellent location and offered every ammenity you could hope for. While having breakfast one morning, we ran into Roy Scheider (of Jaws fame). He was in Rome filming and was staying at our hotel

The first two days of our adventure were very, very strenuous. We did an amazing amount of walking, but during those walks we saw the Trevi fountain, the Borghese Gardens, the Spanish Steps, the Forum, the Colliseum, the Vatican Museum, the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basillica, St Peter's Square and had time to venture out for dinner on our own. It was a very busy two days but worth every step.

After reading several guidebooks and hearing about the reaction to the Pope's statements (not suggesting he was right our wrong, just acknowleding that there was an adverse reaction) safety was a concern. Our Adventure guides made us feel very safe. Each stop on your Adventure includes a 3rd guide. They are refered to as "step on" guides or "city" guides. They are local experts that relay the history and "color" of the places you are visiting. They also added a layer of interest and safety.

At the end of our days in Rome, we left our luggage outside our door and ABD took care of it. We never touched it again until we checked into our hotel in Tuscany. We watched other tourists dragging their luggage through the streets. It felt luxurious to not have to do that.

This was the same throughout our adventure. The guides went above and beyond in order to make everything easy.

Our stay in Tuscany involved day trips to Orvieto, Sienna and Florence. Guide books, maps and literature were made available while traveling on the bus. It made bring your own guidebooks unneccesary. Bottled water was also always available on the bus and was offered as you departed for the days activities.

Our guides proved invaluable while visiting Florence. as one of the highlights of this trip was getting to view Michaelangelo's statue of David. As we arrived at the musuem, we found that the museum workers had decided to strike that morning. We had tickets for entry at 10:30am amd the folks with 9:00am tickets had not yet been allowed to enter. Our itinerary was altered and we toured the city of Florence. Later that afternoon, one of our guides received a phone call that we should rreturn to the museum as the other guide had pulled some strings and gotten other people involved and that the ABD group would be allowed into the museum. As we approached the entrance, there were hundreds , if not thousands, of people trying to gain entrance. The Adventures By Disney group was allowed in, while others remained outside.

We also had a private pasta making class in a castle, a private mask making class where every member got to create their own Venetian Carnivale mask and private 4 hour moonlight dinner cruise through the Venice lagoon on a 16th century pirate galleon. Please trust me that there were a great many questions and looks of envy when we boarded that ship docked along the Grand Canal.

In Venice, we stayed at the Westin Europa and Regina. Our hotel window overlooked the Grand Canal. Each morning we had breakfast on the terrace along the canal. One of group priced the breakfast should you just be a customer walking in and the price to eat in this location was 75 euros. Trust me whan I tell you that this was not due to the buffet being any more lavish than most, it was ALL due to LOCATION.

Others have mentioned that there are ways to take this trip in a less exepnsive way and I have to disagree. You might be able to plan a less expensive trip, but it would not be THIS trip.

Boarding a gondola at the Venice train station for a ride down the Grand Canal and being delivered directly to our hotel is an experience that I would not trade for anything. Having our luggage in our room by the time we arrived....well, as the commercial says....priceless.

This is a busy, hectic, active trip. Looking back, I feel like I have memories that will last my lifetime. I also come away with some understanding of a different culture and the desire to know and see more.

I guess the best compliment I can give Adventures By Disney is that we have rebooked another trip for next year. Next October, we are off to London and Paris. I cant imagine doing it any way but the Disney way.

If you have questions about our trip, our would like further information, please feel free to contact me at

I will be happy to help in any way I can.


Wow, Kevin this is the tour i am reserving. I wonder if the pasta and mask making class is still for everyone. According to the new brochure, they are listed for junior adventurers now.
Kevin-This tour sounds wonderful, but our DD (8) uses a wheelchair. What are your thoughts on the accessibility of the places you visited in Italy? Is a wheelchair on a trip like this even feasible? By the way, she is small enough and light enough that one of us is able to carry her and the other one carry her wheelchair up a flight of stairs, etc.
Not Kevin, but hope you don't mind me jumping in.

Italy isn't nearly as handicapped accessable as we are here. Most of the buildings are hundreds (some thousands) of years old, and many haven't overhauled enough for wheelchairs. It isn't impossible, and there are hotels with elevators - just make absolutely sure before you book a hotel that it is accessable. Our hotel had an elevator, but there were steps down to get to our room, and another step once inside the room. Major tourist spots have adapted - such as the Vatican Museums. There are alternate routes to get to certain areas that they will direct you through, but even with a stroller for my cousin's little girl it seemed a little difficult so we'd end up with one person in front and back lifting and carrying it up and down steps. So if she's small and light, it may be easier to carry her like you said than being rerouted through hallways. The Colosseum would be pretty easy, there is an elevator to take you from level to level and each level is flat so that wouldn't be a problem. But remember there are a LOT of cobblestone roads, so make sure she doesn't mind being bounced around.

And keep in mind that Italians LOVE kids. Kids can get away with anything there, LOL! The little ones inherit lots of "nonnas" while they are there, so I wouldn't be surprised if you had lots of help offered to you to help maneuver her around.
Thanks so much for the quick reply! We figured it probably wouldn't be easy, but we were hoping that it wouldn't be impossible. Going to Italy is something we would love to do in a couple years, and we would feel a lot more comfortable going with a Disney tour. At the rate DD is growing (or not growing!), we anticipate being able to lift and carry her for quite some time yet. LOL!
I would call the ABD people and ask them. I am sure you would get the information you need.
Mumph39 said:
We are doing the Italy trip on August 3. We are a family of 5 and are very excited as well. We were lucky enough to do the Wyoming trip last summer. It was awesome. I was hoping that anyone doing the July 6 trip would have posted something by now. I will write up a full report when we get back.

I would love to hear about your experience. How old are your kids? We also have 3 kids and I was very excited to get the brochure on the ABD. Then I noticed that they have basically no options for more than a family of 4. When I called to talk to them about booking, they said we would have to pay for 2 rooms of 2 adults and add the 3rd child to one of the rooms. They also said there really isn't any option of connecting rooms, etc. So since I consider my kids too young to stay in a hotel room by themselves which may or may not even be near my room, I gave up on this company.
How did you book for your family of 5? I love the idea of using a Disney company for other travel opportunities, but it just didn't seem possible with 3 kids.


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