Age of child for her first trip to WDW


Apr 28, 2001
My daughter will be 34 mos old (almost 3 yrs.) when we are planning our next trip to WDW.

What is your opinion? Is that too young? DH and I have been to WDW 5 times before children.

I would appreciate your input!:D
No, that's not too young, as long as you're willing to work around her schedule. That shouldn't be too much of problem since you've been before. I wouldn't consider any age too young, provided it was a baby who was old enough to be in crowds without getting sick and it wasn't too hot. If you were planning on only going once, it might be good to wait a little while, but as long as you plan on going every few years or so, she'll have a blast every time. She may not remember most of it, but there will be pictures of her having a good time, and she'll enjoy looking at them.
3 is a PERFECT age for a first trip, as long as it is a first trip and not the ONLY trip. My DD will be 3 next time we go. They are old enough at 3 to really enjoy themselves and even to remember it, with help from pictures and videos. And they're young enough that everything is magical.

Just be sure to keep your expectations reasonable. She may or may not like the characters. Mine was terrified of them at 23mo, and I'm curious to see how she'll do at 3. And there are some rides she won't be able to go on unless she's very tall. But you can always baby swap on those if you and your DH really want to go on them.

My big kids have been often enough (every year or two) that I've told them that this is the 3yo's special trip. Not that they won't have fun, but if it comes to a choice of pleasing her or pleasing them, we'll do what she wants. We'll split up some, too.
We waited untill my DS was school age for that first big trip thinking it would be a once or twice thing. I now regret not taking him there as a toddler. We now try to go every other year but I can't get those toddler years back. GO and have a blast with your little one.

Jordan's mom
When my husband and I went down for our honeymoon, I watched a two year old girl interact with the characters at the character breakfast. It was so charming. Then and there I decided that we were going while my kids were still little - for me, not for them.

My daughter was 2 1/2 and my son 3 1/2 when we went down. We had a wonderful time (and my daughter was charming with the characters - my son was much more wary, but it was still cute).

I agree with Jordan's Mom, however, only do this if it will be your first trip - if this will be an only trip, you may want to wait until they can remember it better.
Well, I took my DD at 5 mo., and she will be going back again at 11 mo. (both trips planned before her birth) so I think a child is never to young to enjoy a vacation with her family.

I have also gone in the oast witha a 3 y.o. nephew, and he had a fabulous time. We will be going on our next trip with another nephew who is 3, and I think he will have agreat time.
We went when DS was two and we had a blast. I just had to keep remembering that this was definately a "new" kind of Disney trip for us, Of course, previously it was just two of us and we went nonstop for the whole vacation. It was definately a more relaxed and "non-planned" type of vacation.

We go back this October with now DS (now four!!!!)
We're taking our DS in Feb when he'll be 27mo. Lots of people think we're crazy cos he is too young, but we know he'll have a great time and we can't wait to see his face light up when he sees all his fav. characters.

Just go with your own gut feel and ENJOY!!!
My youngest DD's first trip was at 3months then she's been at 14m, 21m, 3 1/4, 3 3/4, 4 3/4 and she will be 5 1/4 on our next trip for Halloween....ALL of her trips have been at the perfect time.....The memories for my DH and I have been priceless. And she talks about things that have happened to her on the trips from about 3 1/4 on ....but i wouldn't trade the 3 trips prior to her 3 for anything.....The memories are mine....
We took DD last year when she was 14 months and she is now 2 and we are headed back early Nov. WDW has so many things for the toddler/preschool age that even at a young age, Disney is perfect! Our trip last year was very relaxed and laid back and we took our cues from DD. She turned out to be a commando Diser!!!!!! :) She wanted to be on the go all day!! She adored all the characters and just loved being there.

You'll love seeing the look on your child's face as everything is new to them!

I think anytime after 2 is safe. I've been varying times when at least one child was 11 mos. old (never again), 2 1/2 year old (perfect) and 3 1/2 year old (good, but expressed more fears).

I still remember going to the world's fair when I was 3. I adored It's a Small World. When I see people make fun of It's a Small World on the boards, I think they just don't understand how magical it is to small children.
It's the perfect age. She will remember everything and most important she will be free for admission and some meals. That in itself if reason to take her.

My oldest DD was 20 mos her first time because she was scared of the characters we didn't go back until she was 7. Her sister is 8 years younger then she is and now at age 4 has been 3 times and loves it.
We took our son who was 3.5 then and our daughter who turned 1 while we were there back in July and just had the most enchanted time!! My son is autistic so we weren't sure how he would do so prepared ourselves for the worst and it couldn't have been any better. Before we left, we put ourselves into the mind set that this trip was theirs and not ours and we would work around their schedules and not force anything on them that they did not want (no matter how cute that picture would've been! lol~) and it was for the best. We expected the worst and it was great! In fact we're taking them back in November!

We took our oldest dd for the first time right before her 2nd birthday. she was very easy going that trip, content to sit in the stroller and didn't have much of an opinion about what to do next! she loved seeing the characters too. took her the 2nd time at 3 1/2. still really cute with the characters but a little more "opinionated." took her again at 5 1/2 and then the 4th trip at almost 8. by that trip the characters were more "people in costumes" by that trip, though, we also took our youngest and it was RIGHT before her 3rd birthday. that's a great time to go because you really have the magic that only younger kids have (where the characters are TRULY characters and they're definitely "star struck" when they see them) PLUS...she was FREE into the parks and character meals! so going right before their 3rd birthday is a GREAT time to go, IMHO! we're going again in december and this will be the first time we have to pay for 2 kids. i think we'll get one more trip in after this before the older one becomes an "adult" in disney's eyes.
We are going this October with our 3 year old dd and 15 month old ds. I think any age is perfect for a WDW vacation, as long as you work around their naptimes, mealtimes, etc. ( We took our dd to DL when she was 13 mos old, and she had a wonderful time - the best was riding Dumbo with her and watching her as we went up and down. She was clapping her hands and had an ear to ear grin. it was priceless!)

I would definitely take your daughter and have fun!!!!!!
My DD was 3 last year for her first trip and she absolutely loved it! My DS was only 1 and he also enjoyed it (we spent a good part of the trip chasing him down). However, I doubt that he'll remember that trip in his growing years.

We are going again this year and DS will be 2.5 yo and DD will be almost 5 and we expect to have an even GREATER time this year. But, in response to your initial question the trip is well worth it with a 3 year old!
My son was 12 months on his first visit to WDW. His 2nd trip he will be 2 years old.
My DD was 9 mo old on her first trip and is now almost 5 and has been every year since! At 3yo she can remember the whole trip. But at that age she was afraid of some of the characters. It is a great age to take your child and I hope you have a great trip!


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