Airmiles Armchair Chatter

I'm going to guess that you followed the crowd and went left instead of right when you got off. The trams meet in the middle (basically a V) and the outside are the exits. The middle part is open and you can go back and forth.

All they have at 70-99 is Nathans, Auntie Annies, Starbs (which has half of the usual food options and are always out of most of it) and an ice cream place. Then there are two table service places but who has time for that? If those don't work you can always grab a gross packaged sandwich or sushi :crazy2: We much prefer to just buy on the plane. I really miss flying Southwest or Jetblue...they use the good gates. OMG....the Southwest gates at BWI have a place that makes fresh crab cakes.
We got on the more outside tram and you could only get off and go left, if we had taken the other one you could still stay in the secure area, makes no sense to me. Luckily we had enough time. I would have just gotten starbucks myself. Kiddo doesn't usually eat before we fly but he wanted to have something small, if I had known that I would have eaten before we went through security the first time. At least he didn't throw up this time. And he made up for the kids meal when we got home, he had two adult meals from McD at home.
I was looking for some more fabric today. Thought I would check out and see what Joann Fabrics has. We could make a quick trip to Ogdensburg (1hr away). Much to my dismay I found out that the Ogdensburg store closed sometime in the last 3 years. I guess they did a lot more Canadian business than I realized. No more quick trips to the US for that "fabric emergency".:sad1:
I was looking for some more fabric today. Thought I would check out and see what Joann Fabrics has. We could make a quick trip to Ogdensburg (1hr away). Much to my dismay I found out that the Ogdensburg store closed sometime in the last 3 years. I guess they did a lot more Canadian business than I realized. No more quick trips to the US for that "fabric emergency".:sad1:
That's too bad for you. We didn't cross over and shop in Ogdensberg but we have crossed over and shopped at stores in Watertown and the Christmas Tree Shop is closing there. I think there is still a Joann Fabric there and some other shops but we don't have any shopping trips planned.
That's too bad for you. We didn't cross over and shop in Ogdensberg but we have crossed over and shopped at stores in Watertown and the Christmas Tree Shop is closing there. I think there is still a Joann Fabric there and some other shops but we don't have any shopping trips planned.
Not the Christmas Tree Shop. I loved going there to pick up seasonal things and travel size stuff. Oh well a sign of the times I guess. I can still order fabric from Joann's in Watertown and have it shipped to the UPS in Ogdensburg if need be. Ogdensburg just used to be an excuse for a quick afternoon trip somewhere. Fabric from Joann's, Ben and Jerry's ice cream from Walmart, Keeble cookies from the grocery store then back home.
I don't know where to put these words, but I consider you my family. I was just served another heavy serving of anticipatory grief. My covid-19 kitty, mocha, is very ill, and the call I had with the vet was eerily similar to the ones I had with my sisters and several doctors about my mom's health before she died in March. The conversations surrounding quality of life and comfort care hurt so deeply when it involves a person, and luckily, here in Canada, finances aren't taken into the equation so the decisions are solely based on what's best for the person who is dying. To be faced with similar decisions with the extra financial burden is gutting me tonight. It's breaking my heart to watch her struggle 💔
here's what happens when you feel like crap, mom gives you yummy treats while you're lying down AKA kibble soaked in boiling water
Jacqueline, I am so sorry to hear that Mocha is not doing well. I remember crying in the vet's office when our Pheobe was so ill that they gave her just a couple of days. I knew that I couldn't financially afford all of the tests that they were offering on the off chance that they could figure out what was wrong. The vet was compassionate and never made me feel that I was prioritizing $$$$$ over the cat. We brought her home and she spent a night with each of us who'd been her Mom over the years. After 3 days, the silly cat rebounded and lived another 4½ years. Then we were in the same position this past December. I wish that I hadn't waited so long and I trust that she died knowing that she was well-loved, and we were not prolonging her pain and suffering.
Ah sweetie I am so sorry, As Andrew (middle son) just said to me it tears your heart out when it's a loved animal.
I've been through this before with a very loved 17 year old kitty *Luna*, Bowel out pouching and 2 operations later it happened a 3rd time. 3 kids in College and University and a 2000 $ vet bill with another 2000 $ possibly more vet bill to look forward to.
You have given Mocha a wonderful life and I know it's not easy to say good bye but you will know when the time is right.
The Spruce has a good article /information for Pet owners going through this difficult time.
Sending you a giant hug. 🐾
I too have been in that position. It is so much harder than you every imagine it to be. For me, looking back on the last time I now think we kept little Max alive longer than we should have and that is what breaks my heart. I think he may have suffered in silence because we weren’t ready. He was eating, drinking and acting normally but when I look at pics from his last month or two he does not look right. That dog got DD through the very traumatic illness and death of a her friend at only 16. Max was literally her lifeline which was why I think we held on to him. We had a horrible, judgemental vet who did not help matters. Sometimes now I look at our Kona and I cry thinking that someday she won’t be with us. After Max I was never getting another dog and yet here we are with a dog that we love far more than she wants. No matter how long she lives it will crush me the day I have to go home to an empty house again.
Just add, on the subject of cost…
Call around. Not all vets charge an arm and a leg. With Max our vet was going to charge us $700 to put him to sleep and that was with basic cremation. $1000 if we wanted his ashes returned.

Thankfully I was hating them due to the way they had treated me. I called a few other vets and found a vet through a coworker that only charged us $129. They only charge the fee that they are charged for cremation. They don’t want to make it any worse for the families. I went there having never met them and they treated us like we had been life long clients. They were so kind and compassionate. They even lit a candle for Max. They offered to wash his blanket (he had an accident on the way in) and return it to us. This is the vet that we go to now. Kona needed dental surgery…they quoted me $1100-1500. The final cost was $900 and they decided to make it easier for Kona and did it in two parts spread out over two months. The additional charge for the second surgery was $25 only for the painkillers. If this is helpful they are in Burlington but have other clinics…maybe one closer to you. I will give the name if you want it.
Losing a pet is hard, no matter how it happens. The decision is not easy. I feel it coming with one of my cats who is getting older and do not look forward to that decision. My parents won't get another pet because they have a hard time saying goodbye. Know that whatever you decide to do is right for you and Mocha.
So sorry, Jacqueline. It never gets easier, especially if they truly a part of the family.

When we put our Bruno down in June 2021, he had a huge mass on one of his organs, which they would not operate on (too big). Who knows how long he was suffering as he hadn't been eating much and when he did, he threw it up, and was always sitting in a corner facing the wall...That's when I knew he wasn't well.
Oh Jacqueline, I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. It really is so difficult when we have to make decisions like when to let a pet go.

My sister (who is also a Jacqueline!) had to let go of her pug, Tallulah, in the summer of 2021 and I actually grabbed a last minute ticket to fly from Victoria to Ottawa to be with her when she did.

Just remember that you have given Mocha the best life possible and she knows that she has been very loved.


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