Airport Packing Experiences


Mar 4, 2003
Hello. This will be our first time to travel by plane in 6 years. Lots of changes since the tragedy of 9-11. I’m trying to keep up with the details of what is and isn’t permitted on the plane, but things seem to change weekly. We are trying to keep our bags limited to carry on. Right now we each have one small pull-type suitcase and a child size backpack. My biggest concern is what they will allow in the suitcases. My friend says to just bring clothes and buy the rest when we get to Orlando. I really don’t want to spend my first hours on vacation shopping for shaving cream, curling irons, hair dryers, etc. My question to you all is: Are there certain daily items that are not permitted on the plane, and has anyone experienced a problem with things such as metal hair spray cans, glass bottles, etc.? We respect the need for the intense searches; we’re just trying to save ourselves some airport time by not bringing any items that may cause a problem. Any suggestions, or personal experiences you have to share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.:bounce:
Hi and welcome to the DIS.
Consult your airlines for sizes of suitcases allowed and what you pack in them. Each airline has a site with a pretty comprehensive list of what is allowed.
Be aware that they are really cracking down on carry on luggage.
You might want to rethink carry on and check it instead. Much easier, most especially at MCO, it is a large airport and dragging stuff can be..., well, a drag. :)
Airlines are much stricter about size and contents of carry-on. Just plan to check it and carry on only the backpack with your essentials (valuables, medicines, entertainment for the trip).

Hairspray is a flammable liquid so they may have problems with that in your carry on. Anything remotely pointed or sharp is not allowed (small scissors, etc).

Good luck.
I flew 2 weeks ago on SW and I had my curling iron and hairdryer in my carryon. It went through the x-ray without any problems. My sister was stopped after setting the buzzer off. She had to take her shoes off and they passed a wand over her. Another airport just had her take her shoes off and run them through the xray. It turns out they had a metal shank in them and she was told this combined with the other metal she was wearing-zipper, rivets in jeans, underwire-to set the buzzer off.
Also check the TSA (Transportation Security Administration)website for a detailed list of items not allowed. It will tell you whether an item is allowed in checked luggage or carryon bags.
You can always call the airline and ask, too! We brought back a box of fruit after asking if we could. Checked it as luggage.
We flew with carry-ons only a couple of weeks ago. I also had electric curlers, a curling iron, and travel sized cans of hairspray, DH's shaving cream, etc.... Did not have any problems at all.

I made sure to wear any pins or jewelry that might look like a problem to TSA instead of packing it.
I haven't had any problems carrying on all of my toiletries, including razor, hairspray, nail clipper, tweezers, blowdryer, plus my jewelry, Disney pins, you name it. I do put my corckscrew in my checked bag though :)

I have heard that the scanners are very sensitive. Will they be set off by gold jewelery (rings, earrings necklaces etc) or just
by metal rings and studs/piercings?
We flew from Boston to Orlando last month and my husband and I each had a carry-on bag and our daughter had a backpack. My husband also had a laptop in a case, and he had to take the laptop out of the case and have it go through security by itself. He travels frequently for business and he has said that sometimes security even asks him to turn the laptop on. Also, this last trip, he had to remove his shoes, and his belt because he kept setting off the alarm. His pants pockets had been emptied so they couldn't figure out what was setting off the alarm. It turned out that the foil in a roll of lifesavers that was in his shirt pocket was causing the alarm to go off! The woman going through security right behind me had a tiny pair of cuticle scissors in her carry-on and the security person confiscated them. He explained that they were not allowed on the plane, and the woman had to hand them over. She gladly did so, remarking that she was happy to see that security was doing its job and making it safer for everyone to fly.
Originally posted by mom_rules
I have heard that the scanners are very sensitive. Will they be set off by gold jewelery (rings, earrings necklaces etc) or just
by metal rings and studs/piercings?

I've never set it off by gold jewelery. I usually wear earrings, rings, bracelet, watch. I've heard underwires can set them off but I don't wear them.

I flew a couple of weeks ago and wore ankle high boots with a small metal buckle. In Pittsburgh, they made me take them off and put them through the scanner. In Hartford, they didn't say anything so I left them on and they did not beep. They did however empty my purse out and examined everything. Turns out my key chain is metal and that's what they were looking for. They took it somewhere and tested it and then gave it back.
Check your carrier, but carry on is limited to one bag per person, plus a personel item, pocketbook, etc. Food carried on board does not count.
I am a pre-board screener here in Calgary so I am going to try to help you out a bit with some info.

Just keep in mind that EVERY airport is different. Even each guard will be different as you are allowed to use your judgement with every passenger. I wish that it was consistent everywhere, unfortunately things are different with each manager, company, supervisor and sometimes, the guard you deal with.

Don't pack anything sharp! Nothing! Pack as little metal as possible in your carry-on. You are allowed a certain amount of personal aerosols, 2 is the max here. You are NOT allowed aerosols of non-personal nature (ex: Lysol, Static Guard, Insect repellent)(pack those in your checked luggage as most airlines allow them). Just remember, if the guard cannot recognize it on the screen, it will be checked. If you have anything metal that is very dense (ex:lots of coins, bundle of keys, jewelry) it will more than likely be checked.

If you don't wish to beep going through the walk through metal detector, wear runners or sandals and sweats with very little jewelry. MOST shoes have metal shanks in them and will cause you to beep. If you beep, you could and should be asked to remove your footwear. Remember, it is a total of ALL the metal you are wearing. Foil makes you beep too so if you have gum in the foil pack or sanitary wipes in the pack, remove them from your pockets beforehand.

However, even if you don't beep, the guard can subject you to random wanding, which is mandatory in most airports.

Film, up to 800 speed will not be affected by the x-rays, in fact you will get more radiation on your flight than your film gets going thru the x-ray machine! If you ask the guard NICELY, they should be able to hand inspect it for you. All cameras etc must go through the x-ray.

Natural medicines (naturopathy) should not be passed through the x-ray mahines (it CAN affect the composition) and neither should Nitroglycerin for heart patients. Make sure these items are in the original container and you shouldn't have any problems.

And PLEASE remember folks, these guards are only doing their jobs and they are there for YOUR safety!

Happy travelling!
We appreciate all your hard work in keeping everyone safe!!
I asked this previously but...
Can you define jewelery? For example does gold set off the detectors?
If you are wearing small gold earrings and maybe a watch, you should be fine. But if you add to that: metal shanks in shoes or rivets on your jeans etc, you might beep. Just remember that the detectors are set pretty high and while you may get through at one airport, you may not get through at another. The settings are different in each airport, depending on the manufacturer.

Big flashy jewelry almost always beeps. It seems that the cheaper the jewelry is, the more it beeps.

Hope that helps a little!
Thank you all for the replies and great suggestions. I’m glad we won’t have to do a big shopping excursion after leaving the airport. Feel much better about arriving at the airports now, and how to pack. Never thought about beeping with things like unwires, foil wrappers and shoe eyelets. Those who haven’t checked out the suggested web sites, should. Lots of good info. Thanks again.
As I approach the screening area, I take off my watch, bracelet, rings except wedding band, earrings, everything. I also take off my shoes and put them through, because they always set off the machine.

I disagree with the idea of wearing sandals on a plane. In the event of a problem requiring emergency evacuation, they will offer no protection to your feet. Rather, wear shoes that will stay on your feet, preferably lace ups.

Originally posted by ducklite
I disagree with the idea of wearing sandals on a plane. In the event of a problem requiring emergency evacuation, they will offer no protection to your feet. Rather, wear shoes that will stay on your feet, preferably lace ups.


That's a very good point, Anne. I'll sometimes even have 2 pairs of shoes, ones I KNOW will go through security like sandles with plastic buckles, and then I'll change into more sturdy shoes once I'm at the gate.

My friend just got back from Denver. She wore flip flop shoes (thongs as we used to call them) on the plane. As she entered the plane, her right flip flop broke between her toes. She had to limp onto the plane trying to keep her shoe on. Then had to walk through the airport with a broken shoe, wait for her suitcase to arrive, find her shoes, etc. She said it was terrible. Next time she'll take her shoes off and run them through the detector.
and found that security was tougher leaving FLA then when I left ABE (PA). I had everything in ziplocs and I mean everything!!! When we got to WDW and I opened my suitcase only one ziploc was open and missing was my hair gel. I thought maybe I had forgotten to close the bag and that it might be floating around in my suitcase but I couldn't find it.


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