AKV DISboard Ownership Chart

100 pts., October, unit 35

Well, we haven't actually signed the paperwork yet. The addendum required for our state (saying that is really a 'long term lease') hasn't been changed since before SSR started selling. It had our use ending 31 Jan 2042 (not 2052 as SSR should be or 2057 for VAKL). I called and it was 'oops, I can't believe no one has caught that before'. Legal has made the correction and the new addendum is on its way here.
Hey, where did greenban go?
Contract .012- September use year, 200 points, unit 33.

Contract .011- September use year, 100 points, unit unknown (still waiting for paperwork).

can i ask, what r units? is AKV assigning specific rooms like other timeshares?
can i ask, what r units? is AKV assigning specific rooms like other timeshares?
No, it's just the way DVC breaks down the sections of the resort. There is no such villa labled "33". The number stands for a group of rooms/villas, not just one room. :)

I need to bump this up so the person who's guide claimed she couldn't add on less than 100 points at AKV can see that there are plenty here who have added on less than 100.

My papers haven't come yet for my 69, but I'll come back and post the unit number when I get them.
Our box of papers came today! We own part of unit 27 SO...
March....69 points...27
Contract .012- September use year, 200 points, unit 33.

Contract .011- September use year, 100 points, unit unknown (still waiting for paperwork).


Paperwork has arrived for .011, and it's unit 33.

Indeed the unit must be tied to use year. Can't remember who figured that one out, but it seems to hold true. :)

Looking back over this thread, I first thought it was tied to the number of points each purchased, but I think you are right about use year.
I need to bump this up so the person who's guide claimed she couldn't add on less than 100 points at AKV can see that there are plenty here who have added on less than 100.....

Isn't 100 the minimum for the incentive? Maybe that is what the guide was thinking.


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