An alternative to the goofy fanny pack...


DIS Veteran
Mar 11, 2005
If you are like me, you'll refuse to wear a fanny pack. I think they are so practical, but I won't be caught dead wearing one. I know some people adore the fanny pack...and hey, more power to 'em, but not this girl!

I carry a backpack when I got to WDW and always feel uncomfortable having things like ID, credit cards, park passes, etc. in my backpack or pockets. I wanted something similar to a fanny pack, but without the look and I found a really good solution!

In the luggage section at Target I found something called a "Security Waist Belt". It is a very thin, tan color fanny pack, but it is meant to be worn UNDERNEATH your shirt, around your waist. Hallelujuah! So now we can literally keep our valuables close by and not be worried! They also had another one that you wear under your shirt, sort of like a messenger style bag, but again, VERY thin that it wouldn't be bulky. Check it out!
I saw a character wearing that in the movie Eurotrip. It looks uncomfortable and weird, lol, not to offend you though. Its definatly not the fashion statement of the year. lol
I know, they may look uncomfortable, but it really isn't. It's made of really soft materials. I guess the only thing that would be uncomfortable would be if it was too tight, but it can expand to a pretty nice size. Just to be a dork, I totally tested it out today and I love it. I know...I'm a dork. :laughing:
That may have a few qualifying factors of "dorkdom," but believe me, it's much better than wearing a fanny pack... ever... under any circumstances....
I really like that movie... :rotfl:

I just like carrying a small (waterproof) backpack around, they have sport like ones that are rather small. Whatever works for you though. :)
I'll plead guilty to wearing a fanny pack, but only when I'm at work and need to carry my rain gear.

(We don't have lockers, so if we want to have the rain jacket available in case of sudden downpours which tend to happen pretty frequently, the fanny pack is the only way to go)

(In my defense, the fanny pack is company-issued, so lots of others are wearing them as well, and for most of my day I'm driving so it's not visible anyways)
I carry a purse...or shove things in my mother's ;)

If I'm with friends at any park, whether it be Disney or Six Flags, we take one of those Nike drawstring "gym" bags and ALL throw our stuff in there. Cameras, wallets, phones...we just take turns carrying it around.

I always keep some extra money in my sock or pocket though, god forbid anything happen to the backpack.

You'd have to pay me to wear anything other than the purse or the Nike bag. I'm an accessories snob
SyracuseWolvrine said:
I'll plead guilty to wearing a fanny pack, but only when I'm at work and need to carry my rain gear.

(We don't have lockers, so if we want to have the rain jacket available in case of sudden downpours which tend to happen pretty frequently, the fanny pack is the only way to go)

(In my defense, the fanny pack is company-issued, so lots of others are wearing them as well, and for most of my day I'm driving so it's not visible anyways)

Sounds like the WDW raingear/fanny pack I had to wear :sad2: .... Where do you work? I was at the TTC/MK Main Entrance... AP, Trams, and Lots...
Well, I have used fanny packs, but not around my waist. I adjust the strap and carry it across my back. I also use other backpacks, but I tend to take many stuff along, so a fanny pack makes me take less.
We just use my DH's wallet for cards/cash (in front pocket) and carry around our camera bag (about the size of a soda can, or an ipod - one tall, two deep) and a bottle of water. Oh, and I make him carry my lip gloss... we are really light in the parks!

:banana: :banana: :banana:
Don't tell scotty!
Evil Princess said:
I carry a purse...or shove things in my mother's ;)

If I'm with friends at any park, whether it be Disney or Six Flags, we take one of those Nike drawstring "gym" bags and ALL throw our stuff in there. Cameras, wallets, phones...we just take turns carrying it around.

I always keep some extra money in my sock or pocket though, god forbid anything happen to the backpack.

You'd have to pay me to wear anything other than the purse or the Nike bag. I'm an accessories snob

Thats what I meant! The nike Thanks. :earboy2:
I love my small backpack. It looks so much better than the fanny pack and I can fit so much more in it. I ususally carry my tickets, mickey rain coat, my video camera, and any other item I might need. I have also started bringing individual kool-aid packets with me. They already have sugar in them and you can add them to a glass of water(which you can get free in any disney park). It really came in handy. :mickeybar
I think i'd feel weird lifting up my shirt to get something out of it, but that's just me. I was uncomfortable with the idea of putting my wallet in my sling bag, so I sewed on a pouch on the back of it so I could put the wallet where it would be against my back. I was just worried about someone being clever enough to take it out while I was standing in line or something. I'm just paranoid I guess.
If you go to the Mall of America and then inside David And Goliath Stupid Factory :crazy: they sell tiny backpacks that are perfect or park walking. They say What ever! and Boys are stupid. throw rocks at them!

Hope I helped!! :p Have a great trip! :sunny: And for the 15,000th time you are probably sick of hearing this, but I'll just be nice and say it anyway,

:wizard: Have a magical day :wizard:


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