An idiots outburst at Magic Kingdom

i can hope you taped the inbred idiots so if anything happens in the future you can hang them in the town square.

oh yeah we need film of you throwing him out on his butt.

My wife and I will use a rainbow business if we can find it versus the little fishie. So business owners please show us the flag so we can find you..not the finger:goodvibes
stupid is as stupid does...

we were in TN mountains camping for a while, we're outdoors like that... with a bunch of other red neck bubba bears. We drove into town to get some stuff, and i was wearing my t shirt that sez, "iPLOW" with the camo shorts and ball cap with a fish hook, well worn hiking boots, and a dude asked me if that was the new john deer logo. I told him, nope... I'm the tractor.

As for my neighbors, I do have security on my house. I also have cameras on the gates. I am the only one in a community of 600 that feels the need for that (sad huh?). Luckily I live next to a police officer (other side) who we really like and my cousin is one of the local police officers. We did pick here to live and in a way i think we needed to. How else can we start to change things if no one knows us?

The customer....well he has not come back in yet. There are many cameras in the shop but no sound. : ( PA does not allow that.
I am a religious Catholic, and though the gay/lesbian lifestyle is not for me, I do feel that this is the 21st century and that type of rude behavior should be a thing of the past. You would think that we could at least learn a little tolerance and acceptance. I may not have to love the lifestyle, but I would hope that I can love the person.
I may not have to love the lifestyle, but I would hope that I can love the person.

Trust me, I don't love my lifestyle either!:rolleyes:

I mean, I work hard, pay taxes, have to fight with my employer to get my partner coverage on our group insurance, serve on jury duty, make sure the dog gets to the vet and is up to date on all of his vaccines, do my own shopping and contribute to the enconomy, do lots of chores around the house in order to have a nice home in which to live.

I wish that I got to lead the "lifestyle" of carefree, high-income, partying that people assume that gays have.

In reality our lifestyle is much closer to my parent's lifestyle, or that of my siblings than anything terribly hedonistic. We're so "average" it's kind of boring. :laughing:
Boring? You called? :teeth:

Will someone please tell me about this "lifestyle" that my wife and I seem to be missing out on?

We get up, go to work, pay the mortgage, pay the taxes, pay the insurance, pay the utilities, buy groceries, help her aging mother and aunt every weekend, keep the lawn and garden looking nice, the pool clean, the car running...

WHAT flipping lifestyle is there to "not agree" with? I have never, ever understood that comment.
I am a religious Catholic, and though the gay/lesbian lifestyle is not for me, I do feel that this is the 21st century and that type of rude behavior should be a thing of the past. You would think that we could at least learn a little tolerance and acceptance. I may not have to love the lifestyle, but I would hope that I can love the person.
OK. I'm quoting your entire msg to not take anything out of context.

If someone could describe the lifestyle I'm supposed to be living, I'll be happy to follow instructions (being the goody-two-shoes that I've always been). I have a mortgage, a partner of 13 years, a stepson, stepdaughter and two grandsons from partner's previous marriage (he was raised Catholic as well at a time when the priests at St. Al's made it clear that a man's only options within the faith were priesthood or marriage). We support our extended family as we can, both financially and emotionally (I won't go into details about my challenges in my personal life other than to say my stepson is raising his two nephews as an unemployed single father because my stepdaughter is severely ADHD and bi-polar...everyone's path is different and everyone has challenges...I wouldn't trade mine for anyone else's).

Being promiscous (if that's what you're referring to as the gay lifestyle) is hardly limited to gays (Have you seen the news about elected officials recently?). Publicly celebrating sexuality is hardly new (Madison Ave discovered it decades it's OK if it's straight sexuality, but not gay?!)

I think you need to know that your understanding of the gay "lifestyle" is as accurate as my understanding of the Roman Catholic lifestyle if I believed that every RC mother lived like Prudy Pingleton from Hairspray and that John Kennedy would take his marching orders from the Pope.

I don't live my world in your shoes and your body with your soul, so I shouldn't put myself in a position of judging you. Tolerance and acceptance should be practiced more than a "little" and in my opinion and the next step after that is understanding.

If you believe same-gender sexual relations are morally wrong, then say so, and don't hide behind the word "lifestyle" (which can mean anything). Having read people's stories about how their lives have been changed because of the intolerance and bigotry forced on them fills me with rage but it's an anger that we all process in our way.

Thanks for letting me rant. I'll put on the flame-retardent suit now.
I just read all of the posts and feel so bad for all of you. I'm a straight married woman with 2 sons. I would welcome any of you into my neighborhood as long as you kept your dogs in your yard, kept up your yard and home in a presentable manner. I have straight neighbors that I would love to get rid of. Thier dog is always crapping in my yard, the lawn is never mowed and they say really ignorant things.
As for the PDA in public, my only problem is, I don't maul my husband in public so I would appreciate everyone else not doing that. But hand holding, looking loving in one anothers eyes, light kisses.... I don't care if you are gay or straight, that would be acceptable in public. I just don't like when couples make out in public and start getting carried on. I've seen it happen at MK several times by gay and straight couples and didn't like any time I saw it. I always comment, "get a room".
But if you want to hold hands, by all means hold away, my husband and I do, so should you.
Lifestyle? :rolleyes:

Hey is like a Cher special held on the set of a
Federico Fellini film with a little Barbarella thrown in
for good measure around here! ::yes::

Not :sad2:
hehehehe lifestyle yeah right . Our glbt friends live the most boring lives ever. They ask us where we went on vacation.
. I would welcome any of you into my neighborhood as long as you kept your dogs in your yard, kept up your yard and home in a presentable manner.

I keep all 4 (yes 4!!) in a gated fully fenced yard and ...I do not want to toot my own horn but I think that I have one of the nicest yards in town. So I could move in.....if only we could do something about that hockey team.....:scared1: Sorry I had too! ;)
Frankly, I don't see anything wrong with using the word "lifestyle". The poster was being civil and respectful, while communicating that he thinks people should be understanding, tolerant and accepting. What's wrong with that? Like I've said before, tolerance should go both ways.
Frankly, I don't see anything wrong with using the word "lifestyle". The poster was being civil and respectful, while communicating that he thinks people should be understanding, tolerant and accepting. What's wrong with that? Like I've said before, tolerance should go both ways.
OK. Then you tell what the definition of the "gay lifestyle" is, because I really don't know.
Straight people who use the word "lifestyle" and "tolerate" know that those words tick gays off, that's why they always use them. It's kind of like when people say, "Oh I'm not racist, but...."
Frankly, I don't see anything wrong with using the word "lifestyle". The poster was being civil and respectful, while communicating that he thinks people should be understanding, tolerant and accepting. What's wrong with that? Like I've said before, tolerance should go both ways.

I'm sorry. I don't find the words "gay lifestyle" to be respectful even if the other person thinks that they are being so. Several posters have now shown that our lifestyle isn't that different from what mainstream America would think of as "normal". The only difference is that my spouse is a man instead of a woman. Saying that you "don't agree with the gay lifestyle" is absurd. We're living the American lifestyle the same as everyone else (well, except that we've got legal roadblocks that prevent us from achieving equal treatment.)

Using terms like "gay lifestyle" makes it seem like we chose to be the way that god made us. We didn't. We were born this way. There's no depraved cult brainwashing us into bizarre behaviors that would constitute a "lifestyle" that's any different from that which might be lived by any other American.

Do I think that RNtheRN meant to be disrespectful, no, not really. I was simply trying to demonstrate the fact that we're the same as everyone else. I don't see how that was being intolerant of his/her post. I merely responded to it.

I agree, tolerance should be practiced by all. But things like "I don't agree with the gay lifestyle" and other terms like it have been used against our community to belittle and diminish us for so long and by so many that we are likely to react strongly to them.
I try to be tolerent of the Oklahoma lifestyle.
I try to be tolerent of the Oklahoma lifestyle.

:lmao: Me Too! Anyways, I had no idea that "lifestyle" was a derogatory term, till I googled it. If a gay person told me that I live a "straight lifestyle", I would assume that it meant I married, live with, and had children with a person of the opposite sex. So I take "gay lifestyle" to mean "gay marriage". Anyways, I don't mean to offend, and I apologize to those that I have. And Wally, no offense taken (even though I know you were trying, I don't fault you for it:goodvibes)
People use the word lifestyle when they mean "sex"!

One of the fundamental reasons people judge gays is because, (by default, because of the same sex partner you have chosen,) they think they are privy to what you do in the bedroom AND THEY JUDGE THAT!!

As if any straight man or woman would want what they do in the bedroom to be judged by others!!! It pisses me off!!!


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