An Invasion of a "STRANGER" Kind.... NEW THREAD IS UP!! Go Thee NOW!

Well if we're confessing, I've seen you around lots and always meant to start following your stuff. It was the camel. No one else has one. It's just taken me some time to get around to it.

Diamond really is one of my nicknames but it was already taken when I tried to sign up. It's my birthstone. It was my Dh who thought of Diamondintheruff. Only he likes to tease me about changing the "r" to a "b".

So if you're already following and you've just admitted it, I guess you'll have to come out of lurkdom and post.

"Diamond in the buff" Oh, that's rich!! :lmao: Sounds like a title to a red light district flick.

Have you ever followed that camel link?? It's to my blog- and that's where I play around with my writing more. If you want to read all about life on the Silk Road, that's the place to go.

HA! Yep, it's just about time I did that! :hippie:
Hello new thread!!!

It's quite a party already!

Glad you found us, Heather! I was going to go back and put out a few more personal invitations today, but you beat me to it. YAY!! Hopefully, we can keep adding stuff that will still be fun and fresh. But honestly, the time has gone so quickly and I thought I'd even be further along in our series of info posts. I guess it's true- time flies when you're having fun!
I am here. :flower3: I have to go and finish reading the other thread. I got behind when they blocked the Dis at work but then they fixed it so I can read at work again. (I am alowed to read between calls.) I love your new title.
I am here. :flower3: I have to go and finish reading the other thread. I got behind when they blocked the Dis at work but then they fixed it so I can read at work again. (I am alowed to read between calls.) I love your new title.

I'd love to have a whole lunch hour and other snippets of time to read up on stuff!! Fun! I don't know how much more you have to read on the other thread, but there is a recap towards the end that might be helpful. Either way, welcome back!

I'm taking suggestions now for a game we could play in a month or so. Maybe something having to do with our itineraries or meals that we'll stick in, or such?? Any thoughts??
WOW... there are quite a few 'new' people on this thread. This looks like it is going to be some party till 9/10!

Oh HI Liesa!!!:wave2:

Just checking in after a long day snowboarding and then guys night out!:surfweb:
WOW... there are quite a few 'new' people on this thread. This looks like it is going to be some party till 9/10!

Oh HI Liesa!!!:wave2:

Just checking in after a long day snowboarding and then guys night out!:surfweb:

I know, I know!! Isn't it fun??! I hope they'll post often so we can get to know them better. :thumbsup2 There are some really fun, interesting and creative people here.

Oh! Hi Tim! :wave2:

I think if I went snowboarding, I'd not be able to stand up for about a week! Shall I even dare to ask what guy's nite out consisted of?? :confused3:rolleyes1

Haha, it was weird being in class that late!

I just think it's funny that they wouldn't schedule it until a more straight up time like, ummm...I don't know... 10:00? :confused3:rotfl2:

I go to bed and the whole thing jumps to 5 pages!! of chitter-chatter!!


I'd love to have a whole lunch hour and other snippets of time to read up on stuff!! Fun! I don't know how much more you have to read on the other thread, but there is a recap towards the end that might be helpful. Either way, welcome back!

I'm taking suggestions now for a game we could play in a month or so. Maybe something having to do with our itineraries or meals that we'll stick in, or such?? Any thoughts??

Maybe you could describe a menu item and let everyone guess which restaurant it is from?
Maybe you could describe a menu item and let everyone guess which restaurant it is from?

Hey Tammy, that's a great idea! I'm also, like Jordan, mulling around some fun photo themes for us to go with. Finding some couples doing PDAs would be interesting to capture! All within reason of course! ;)
Great start and Great pictures! I love your potato head. He's coming along for the ride, right?;)
Too cool that your DD is a DISER too.

I had multi quoted but lost it !!! My Cats continue !!! Blame Winkers !!!
I may not be on to much as time is running out !! Keep my thread alive while I'm gone Please Liessa !!:worship:

For all of you who have been praying for Baby Bree keep them coming ..sheis doing better !! Praise the Lord !!!
Hey, Cynthia did a nice job on your new siggie thingie. :thumbsup2

You beat me to, Glenn!! I had a serious tamale making Fest for the entire afternoon, so wasn't on a lot of the time, so am behind on "maintenance" things.

The first and most important thing being: To thank Cynthia profusely and abundantly (how's that for classic redundancy??) for the fantabulous new siggie link! THANKS! I love it!! :thumbsup2

Secondly, I need to get a post up tonight, but haven't written it yet. Hopefully later (like in a few hours) there will be something new to think on.

you do like to talk

It's an affliction.

Great start and Great pictures! I love your potato head. He's coming along for the ride, right?;)
Too cool that your DD is a DISER too.

Thanks, Barbara! It's been fun to make new friends along the way. I like TV Potato Head too. I don't know, if he's coming or not. He's kinda bulky, but he might like to go to DTD with me to pick out hisher new clothes and accessories??!! :confused3 She's a great DISer, that's for sure!


I had multi quoted but lost it !!! My Cats continue !!! Blame Winkers !!!
I may not be on to much as time is running out !! Keep my thread alive while I'm gone Please Liessa !!:worship:

For all of you who have been praying for Baby Bree keep them coming ..sheis doing better !! Praise the Lord !!!

I know!! You are getting sooooo close!! You all are going to have so much fun!! I"ll do my best to keep everyone in line over at your place while you're gone. But they're an unruly bunch- we'll see.... :rotfl2:

Excellent news about Bree! I was hoping she'd turn the corner soon! :cheer2:
The timing of a military campaign is probably one of the most important factors in determining the outcome of success. Remember the surprise attack made by General G. Washington at Christmas, when he crossed the Delaware and defeated the Hessians at Trenton?? It was a resounding victory because its timing was cunningly planned at a time it was least expected. Can the timing of a Quest for Freedom be any different, my friends?? Certainly NOT! Very important factors must come into play. Whereas an army might be concerned with numbers of enemy troops, their weaponry capability and strategic advantages, The Belle Battalion must consider crowds, personal schedules, weather and even special events.

Let’s examine the situation as it stands today. As of right now, our dates are Sept 5- Sept 13th. You all know we are booked at the Port Orleans Riverside for the first 4 days, and the Poly for the last 4 days. 8 nights total. Additionally, Soldier #1 would give her firstborn son and a couple cups of coffee to stay on 3 more nights to score some solo time. That may or may not happen, and is really not super relavent to this treatise. Bear with me; I am going somewhere with this.

I have been doing a lot of thinking. A lot. Given our family’s current circumstances of basically not having a solid clue about when we are returning, I am in a total state of flux. Complete uncertainty. It tears at my obsessive planning nature and renders me a completely inefficient war strategist. All my DH will tell me for certain is that we “will return to the States by the end of the summer”. That is a rather large margin when one is trying to nail down dates for a trip


Does he NOT understand this?? Apparently NOT! I have tried to press, but he’s the kind of guy that the more you press, the more he digs his heels in won’t make a decision. It’s one of those marriage dances that most couples engage in in one form or another.

For my own sanity, I am assuming what he means is that we’ll be back around August 20th. He does know when my dates are scheduled, and knows that I want this trip to work out more than Jafar wants the Genie. However, that puts us dangerously close to the trip and brings a large set of issues with it.

Maybe for the sake of simplicity, I should just list out what I’m thinking for each scenario, and get your feedback that way. Here we go:



~~~~ Our resorts/rooms have been reserved! This is obviously BIG. If FD comes out, we’ll have the POR portion already in the bag.
~~~~ Also very big: This whole trip in the first place was timed around helping my son get settled into University for the first time. You know, see the campus, meet his roomie, help him move in a little, hug him goodbye, tell him we won’t be ponying up if he blows it- all the usual. His start date is Aug. 30th, so the dates work out well.
~~~~ We can go ahead and start the all-important fine tuning of our itinerary because we can make our ADRs a whole month sooner.
~~~~ It won’t be F & W yet, so I think the crowds will be lower- esp. at EPCOT.
~~~~ We still get in the MNSSHP
~~~~ Both maroo and LeeAnn will have the holiday as an extra day off, allowing them to stay an extra day in Orlando.


~~~~ The weather will still be HOT!
~~~~ This cuts it awfully close to our return at the very least. Say, just for thinking this through, we return around Aug. 20th. That would give me only about 5 days to get jet lag ironed out, and then have to say good-bye to the still settling in family for 2 ½ weeks!! Ouch!! I’d say either: We have to return no later than August 10th or I won’t be able to go during these dates. I just can’t do a proper Victory Tour when my body is saying it’s day when it really is night.
~~~~ No F & W



~~~~ We would have a lot more wiggle room in our return date, and I would have jet lag all worked out, and not have to stress quite as much as leaving the kids and DH so soon after we get back.
~~~~ Not quite as hot. (This is a very small item. Both LeeAnn and I LOVE the hot)
~~~~ We still get MNSSHP
~~~~ F&W will be started.


~~~~ One more month in flux.
~~~~ Possible higher crowds due to F&W
~~~~ We may lose our rooms for FD.
~~~~ I won’t get to see my son before he starts classes. Once he starts he won’t have a lot of time to just hang out- if any.
~~~~ No extra day for maroo and LeeAnn as there is no holiday in there.

So, here’s your assignment comrades: Give me your feedback on what you’d do. Tell me about F & W crowds!
Lots of de-lurking going on! How exciting! However this may be detrimental to my never-ending quest to stay caught up on this thread.

As for dates, I really don't have an opinion one way or another though I do agree that if you can't get back to the states in early August then it would probably be best to postpone. I wouldn't worry about weather - I was there in mid-Nov in 2008 and it was very cold and I was there late Oct - early Nov in 2009 and it was very hot - so you never know what central FL is going to throw your way. We were there during F&W last year and I did not find Epcot to be overly crowded. I think if you avoid Epcot on Food and Wine weekend evenings you are okay.
Oh dear me...coming out of lurkdom too. :thumbsup2

First, I cannot remember if I stopped by yet to say hey and lovin' hey, lovein' the TR! :goodvibes

For now, I have just one thing to say...glad you like it hot because when we've been there early October it's been hotter than August! We went July or August every yr for 10 yrs...then the kids had the nerve to grow up, so I've been scrounging for friends who would go with me since then (a very long 'ain't' easy ya know, when your everyday friends want nothing to do with anything Disney)...anyhoo...sooo...since the '90's I've been a few times mid to late August and end September into early was SO much hotter I could not believe it! Whereas the end of October was gorgeous weather, as was late November and early December.

Other than that...I've got nothing useful to offer your sounds like the best option for you - if you do not mind missing helping your son get settled in (a biggie) is October. If your friends do not mind the lack of the extra day due to the holiday.

We've attended F&W the first day and late October - the beginning is mobbed evenings and weekends, very long lines for the food samples - darn busy. It depends on what you can tolerate - it was over 100 everyday and very high humidity, so add the crowds to that and it was definitely much so that I'd prefer not to do it again, especially since later in the month was so much nicer...although still long lines on the weekend. MNSSHP was fabulous! I'd be sure to be there for that, if possible(it starts in August now?).

If you go earlier in August, will you be able to see/help your son?


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