**An Open Letter to You All with a Slinkyman Update***


<font color=royal blue>One day at a time.<br>Yeste
May 6, 2003
To all our dear friends and acquaintances,

Ink and I wanted to share some exciting news with you. Many of you have been with us since last summer when my world fell apart. So many of you have been there from the start of all this with a shoulder to lean on, ears to listen and words of encouragement. I would not have gotten through many nights if not for the wonderful people on the Dis. You all have done so much for us, there will never be a way to really thank you all.

We wanted to share with you the best day we have had in a year. Today Ink had an appointment with his Cancer doctor for his 6 month post treatment check up. This was a biggie-they were doing a cat scan today and blood work. I would be lying if I said that I was not nervous. In my heart I knew all would be good but there is always that sliver of doubt-can only imagine how poor Ink must have felt this week.

Well the doctor saw us after all the tests. She walked in with a smile from ear to ear and the first thing she said was “ALL CLEAR”. His cat scan was perfectly normal as well as his thyroid tests. I could not help myself I just jumped up and hugged him so tight. She is so confident that we have conquered this for good that she wants Ink to have his surgery this month to remove his port. This is the last step and in my eyes will finally put closure on it. Ink agreed to have it removed. They are so comfortable with his outcome that instead of seeing the cancer doctor 4 times a year he will see them 2 times and his regular pediatrician 2 times-lot less driving for us.

So today was a HUGE milestone for us. One we wanted to share all of you, long time friends, new friends, old friends and those who I may not know well but know of our story. You all are to be applauded for helping a family get through one of the worst times of their lives. We have now come full circle. It is amazing what has happened in a year. This time last year I thought there was no hope-I could not think about the next hour and here I am a year later telling you the best news of our lives. So thank you for being there for the worst news and the best news.

I would like to take a moment to thank a few special people.

Grumpy Gnome- you were our crusader and your jokes gave me a source of relief. You always seemed to show up in my room at the very moment I needed someone or if I sent a message you were there is a flash.

Ant, Tink and Belle- I will be honest here and you 3 know I lost my faith a year ago. You 3 are deep with your beliefs tried to encourage me not to loose faith. You never pushed me or made me feel bad about not thinking like you. I have a long way to go and don’t know if I will ever get back to where you want me to be but thank you for always having uplifting words for me.

Mal- you have been so helpful and caring. You have the patience of a saint putting up with me this past year. In my eyes you are part of the Year of a Million Dreams. You helped me in ways no one else could have. You are very modest and say you did nothing but you will never truly know how much you helped us. Thank you for helping make wishes come true.

DaraAllen- Thank you for you unselfish gift that holds a special place in the boys rooms. You are a shining example of passing on the Disney magic and we will never forget that. Thank you for helping make dreams come true.

My dear friend, Queen. You are a kindred spirit to both Ink and I. Your friendship has meant the world to us. Thank you for being the fun caring person you are and for coming into our lives.

Smalld, Marcm, Spongeblair- you 3 are fine remarkable young men. You are all very caring towards a friend and towards me. Spongeblair and Marcm you always asked how Ink was. When ever you saw me in game or on MSN you were right there asking about him. You are amazing, kind virtual friends-thank you so much for caring. Smalld what can I say-we would have never made it through with out your help. You were thrown on this rollercoaster without being asked but you held on tight and rode it with us and never complained. True friends are very hard to find so thank you for being a true friend.

My dear Bearz…you are simply AMAZING. When we got the news today YOU were the first person we called not the 2 sets of grand parents but you- why? Because you deserved to know first! You are ALWAYS there. I can’t even imagine this past year without you. I would have not made it. You never gave up hope; your guidance was so needed. You gave me the strength I needed to be strong for my son. You gave your friendship and heart freely to me, Ink and Small and never asked for anything in return. You were there for us more then our family was. You were sent to me through VMK because someone knew I would need a rock in my life-a strong stable soul to guide me to the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you for being my guiding light and never giving up on us. We love you dearly.

To the rest of you-so many of you, thank you for caring. Thank you for the hats, letters you wrote, the pm’s, cards and the words of encouragement here and in game. So many of you have touched our lives. When my spirits were down reading your posts helped bring them back up. Thank you all for caring.

A special message to dlandchick and her family. NEVER give up. Keep the hope. When we started we could not imagine the end yet here we are. Someday you will be where Ink and I are and it will be a victory for you all as it is for us. We all will be stronger people in the end. Land you and Ink are special kids-here for a reason to help others see the success they can achieve. You both are here to remind us to never take a day for granted and live life to the fullest. We hope your victory comes quickly for you-we are always thinking about you. You can do it!!

Thank you all with all our hearts,

Bug and Ink
What incredible news for you and your family!!!! So glad to hear that he has gotten the "All Clear" from the Doctor and now he can go back to being a young man footloose and carefree...
YaY! That is so good to hear Bug and Ink that you have the all clear. And Bug, for the many times you have said I encouraged you, you too have encouraged me with your strength. Even though you don't think you are, you are a strong, loving, caring mother and Ink is very grateful for your love and support.

Ink, I am so glad you have a bright and healthy future ahead of you. Just relax and enjoy your first year of high school. Face the world with your new courage and strength that comes to you so naturally.

Woot to you Bug and Ink. :yay: :yay: :yay: :hug: :hug: :hug:
This is a truly inspirational story. I cannot imagine how much strength and effort it took to go through this, but it certainly proves that you are an amazing family. Your endurance and optimistic outlook are an inspiration to us all.


This is amazing news! I recently found out a good friend of mine has the disease, but news like this brings hope and joy, and proves that the strong minded and good hearted have the courage to overcome it. Congrats Ink, you bring hope to those who have and are affected by this disease.
Bug and Ink, I'm so beyond happy for you. Anyone who reads your story cannot help but be moved and inspired beyond any mere words I could write. This is truly amazing news!
Wow that is so wonderful. I'm so happy for both of you. I'm sure I can't imagine how much suffering you all went through but to hear this is just phenomenal. I think it also shows that God is watching out for you two - He definitely proved it just now! And one of my friends from high school has lymphoma too (not sure if it's the same as Inkers's or not) so to hear this gives me hope for him as well.

I know this is off topic, but it seems every time I think of the in-game tiki guest room I think of Inkers..no idea why though XD

I would really like to ask more questions about the both of you but I know how busy you must be and anyways it sounds kind of rude I think @_@. I will keep the both of you in my prayers. God bless!
Awesome news! It is wonderful to hear that things are in the clear
I remember sitting in your room talking with you 6 months ago, Ace, offering an ear and anything I could to encourage you to NEVER lose hope. 6 months later, there could not be better news for you and your family. Yay!

Ink - The spirit to fight is a HUGE factor in beating cancer. You are quite the fighter and I wish you all the best in whatever the future holds for you. Congratulations on such wonderful news! :dance3:
I just love happy endings :goodvibes
Thank you for sharing this remarkable story with us.
I believe God sends us angels to help us through the bad times
and it looks like you have had many :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:


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