And I think to myself: "It's a wonderful World!" UPDATED: (post 238 & 239)

Hi Lee

Glad you both enjoyed Typhoon and it is our fav waterpark bar none. :yay:
I could quite easily go to sleep on the lazy river!
HOB - we have never been too sure about this, but I think that you have made our mind up - we will def pay a visit on our next trip.
The next time that you go, you will be able to finish off the rest of the menu that you missed this time :rotfl2:
Looks like Tove has got the camera bug - I can see an DSLR on someones christmas list :rolleyes1
Looking forward to the next installment. :thumbsup2
Charming report of a memorable vacation. Enjoying your photos as well as your words. You shouldn't hesitate to allow your daughter to handle the illustrations for your report. She's got a good eye for composition and subject matter. Her skillful shot of the candy counter looked so inviting it made me get up and head to the Halloween basket for a Reese's peanut butter cup, which though good, didn't measure up to the beautiful candy in her photo. I look forward to reading about the rest of your trip.
Just caught up with your TR Lee:thumbsup2

Really enjoying reading it along with the pics, especially DD's, bless her:lmao:

Thank you. She asked today if anyone had commented on her pictures but I hadn't checked the replies yet. She will be thrilled.

I'm hooked! You're doing a great job, Lee.

Bring on Day 4!

Thank you. I have been minus a laptop for several hours courtesy of a school project :rolleyes1 but I want to start the next chapter this evening. :)

Great update Lee, really enjoying this report, and great to put a face to a name, lovely photos:goodvibes

Great report. Looking forward to more. Nice to see what you look like.

Thanks. I generally run away from the business end of a camera, but DD's infectious enthusiasm and comical way of making people pose, wave, make a face .... makes it hard to refuse her requests. ;)

Hi Lee

Glad you both enjoyed Typhoon and it is our fav waterpark bar none. :yay:
I could quite easily go to sleep on the lazy river!
HOB - we have never been too sure about this, but I think that you have made our mind up - we will def pay a visit on our next trip.
The next time that you go, you will be able to finish off the rest of the menu that you missed this time :rotfl2:
Looks like Tove has got the camera bug - I can see an DSLR on someones christmas list :rolleyes1
Looking forward to the next installment. :thumbsup2

We loved Typhoon Lagoon! If I didn't have to feel responsible for a minor, I would easily have a snooze in those Lazy River tubes myself.

Oh we will be back at HoB. Sadly I had my camera on the wrong setting in the restaurant. I must have bumped it as the first few pictures of DD at the table were great. But yes, the food was amazing and the service was really good too. I wonder what it would be like dining at dinner time when it is busier. I imagine it would have an amazing atmosphere.

DSLR for DD? :rotfl:Don't put ideas into her head. I suspect she would put me to shame getting the knack of the menu before I do - I dont want to be humiliated! ;)

very relaxed day

Just what the doctor ordered!

Charming report of a memorable vacation. Enjoying your photos as well as your words. You shouldn't hesitate to allow your daughter to handle the illustrations for your report. She's got a good eye for composition and subject matter. Her skillful shot of the candy counter looked so inviting it made me get up and head to the Halloween basket for a Reese's peanut butter cup, which though good, didn't measure up to the beautiful candy in her photo. I look forward to reading about the rest of your trip.

Thank you so much. :goodvibes My daughter is actually incredibly creative so I suppose it is not surprising if she shows a bit of an eye for photography. She had such a unique approach to her subjects too. I liked the picture she took as we got off the boat and entered DTD. I have no idea how she managed it as it was so busy on the dock but imagine my surprise when I uploaded the pics onto the laptop that night. :) She was most indignant when we were walking in Main Street USA one morning and I stepped in front of her while she was taking a shot of the fire engine! Oh was she mad! :mad: I will be making a start on day four this evening. I wanted it posted by now. I shall have to put some extra effort into it to make up for the delay. ;)
just catching up, really enjoying your report and great piccies :thumbsup2
Another great report :)

I haven't been to Typhoon Lagoon for ages and now you've made me pine!It's my favorite of the 2 water parks so I really must get back there next trip. What did you think as it was your first time?

Loving your pictures and report so far and DD has a great eye for a picture that I enjoy, especially the Happy Hour one - good girl! ;)
Great trip report so far. can't wait to read more days. oh and thanks for the fab photo of you, so we know who you are lol

Another great report :)

I haven't been to Typhoon Lagoon for ages and now you've made me pine!It's my favorite of the 2 water parks so I really must get back there next trip. What did you think as it was your first time?

Loving your pictures and report so far and DD has a great eye for a picture that I enjoy, especially the Happy Hour one - good girl! ;)

We enjoyed TL. We actually went there twice. We had a lot more chill out time in the first week and packed things in more the following week - a reverse of how it has been in the past. I think of the two I prefer Blizzard Beach, but that may be down to the fact that we have done more in terms of waters slides, etc there. Ideally I would like to do a day at each next time. I do think that TL seemed to be slightly more family friendly. Whether others will agree would depend on what they like to do together but I certainly enjoyed it and would definitely go back. It is hand down DD's fave water park.

I will tell her about the pics. :) I found the Happy Hour one so funny. I was obviously not paying attention so I only saw it when I put the piccies onto the laptop late that night. When I asked her what she liked about the sign she told me Disney is a happy place so it seemed like a good picture ... followed by a request: "Can we go to happy hour one day?" :rotfl:

Great trip report so far. can't wait to read more days. oh and thanks for the fab photo of you, so we know who you are lol


Thanks Susan. That pic was courtesy of my daughter. She actually took me by surprise, as you can see. :upsidedow

just catching up, really enjoying your report and great piccies :thumbsup2

Thank you! :goodvibes

Just subbing . . . will be back to read later!!!

Thanks Sonya. I was on your foodie report last night, also catching up. I love TR's - they are great for helping shuffle time along to a next trip, as well as a partial cure for post Disney Blues. ;)

I have almost finished typing the next day. I seem to have fallen behind. From Wednesday the week went crazy and I spent the whole day today so far giving the house a much needed clean :rolleyes: (still not all done).

I can also account for a couple of hours last night sorting the first batch of my photos prints I ordered. I wish that Tesco would get their system sorted so that the prints come out in the same order in which you place them. I had over 500 pics and they are all completely mixed up. I may be strange, but I like the memo photo albums so I want the photos to flow in sequence.
Lee when I saw that you had posted I got all excited for a new update but alas you were just teasing me :rotfl:

Hoping to read more soon !! Yes my life really is that busy :rotfl2:
We were up at 6 am. We had a reservation for 8.05 am at the Crystal Palace – our favourite character breakfast. In our house, you just can’t go wrong with the characters from the 100 Acre Wood and as far as buffets go, you can’t go wrong with CP in my opinion.

We were on the bus and on our way to the Magic Kingdom just before 7 am. I wanted a few quick pictures of Main Street before the crowds descended on the park, forcing me to play dodge with bodies in bopping in and out of my camera’s frame.

We were first at the turnstiles, ready and waiting.



We knew we would have to wait some time yet before they let us in, but about 30 minutes after we arrived they let us through. They then held us at the entrance until just before 8 am.


Not wanting to be late for our ADR, we took a few quick photos and went straight to CP to check in.


t was a sail up to the podium to collect our beeper which went off before we could even move out of the way to go and wait. We were seated immediately and Pooh and Eeyore came to the table before we could think about getting any food. This suits me fine. The one drawback about the non family style buffets is the constant stress about missing characters while you are getting your food.


The restaurant was by no means full but for some reason the queue at the buffet was incredibly slow moving, making it feel somewhat busy, when it was far from it. Despite our prompt seating and having seen all the characters within the first 15 minutes, it was 9.10 am before we got out of there. I can only think it may have been down to how long it took to get our food. I do wish there were two lines – one for hot food and one for the cereals, fruit, yogurt, etc. Most people don’t mix the offerings from those two sections on the same plate so it seemed silly to have to wait through the line at the cereal bar to go and get 2 sausages for DD. I don’t recall this being the case in the past so it may just have been the way everyone started out that morning and all the others followed like sheep.

Once we left we proceeded straight to Tomorrowland to ride Space Mountain. We saw Chip & Dale and stopped for autographs.


They were on top form that morning, full of their usual antics. We walked onto Space Mountain and ended up in the back row. My neck really took the brunt of that ride. I kept wondering if I was suddenly getting old, but the theory holds true, I am convinced of it: the roughest ride is in the back. Time for a quick walk-on for the Indy Speedway.


We decided to do what we could in Fantasyland as that tends to get crowded really early. First stop was Peter Pan’s Flight to grab a FP. The wait was already 30 minutes and the park had only been open for 30 minutes. I won’t wait that long for a 1 minute ride so DD, who was the self appointed FP collector for the trip and took her role very seriously, was delighted when 2 surprise Philharmagic FP’s popped out along with the others.


Not that you need them; you just have to time it right for the shows, but after a short wait for Snow White’s Scary Adventures, that was next on our itinerary anyway so when we saw the wait was 5 minutes we simply walked through the standby entrance, keeping the FPs for scrapbook material. I love watching DD during 3D shows. Last year our first show was ITTBAB and I had to be escorted to the nearest exit by a CM less than 10 minutes into the show so there were no more shows last trip – including Philharmagic. No need to worry this time though. DD loved every moment of it and it was so cute watching her trying to catch the musical instruments and reaching out a helping hand to try and save Donald when he was begging for help. She chuckled with glee through the entire show as if she had never seen it before and I felt a wave of contentment come over me as I kept glancing at her sitting perched at the front edge of her seat as if she was waiting for her cue to jump right into the show. :flower3:

By the time we left the show we were ready to ride Peter Pan and enjoy the very quick ride before moving through to Frontierland, stopping briefly on our way past Splash Mountain to collect a Fast Pass and moving straight to BTMR, which fortunately only had a 15 minute wait by this time. By the time we had exited BTMR we only had a five minute wait for Splash so we stuck around waiting for our time to show up above the FP queue. We were entertained while waiting by a family who had return times exactly the same time as ours, pleading their cause with the CM, convinced that five minutes wasn’t going to make a difference and couldn’t understand why they were being made to wait. :confused: It was so funny because they spent the whole time ‘discussing’ it and every minute the CM would interject with ‘BTW folks, it’s only 4 minutes now’, etc until it was time for them to go in.

We had our preferred Illuminations viewing booked for Epcot that night and since it’s may favourite fireworks show I wanted to make a real evening out of it. DD was very keen to get her swim at the resort first so I made it clear that we should be making our way out of the park no later than 1.15 pm. We walked around the hub and Main Street, stopping for some Photopass pictures on the way and then stopped to enjoy the fabulous Dapper Dans on the way out.


They really are brilliant. I so wish they made a little DVD – my family would love it! Again we benefited from a little more civilian entertainment as I was trying to take a picture of them and there was a guy standing on the other side of the Dapper Dans, signalling his disapproval that I might get him in my picture. Trust me sunshine, I don’t want you in my pic if I can help it, but unless you move – you’ve been framed!! :rolleyes1 I didn’t say anything by the way, except to shrug as though I had no idea what he meant, lined my camera up, smiled at him nicely by way of a courteous message that I was going to take a shot ;) - and he then moved right out of the frame. It does amuse me though, when in a park with tens of thousands of other people, most hoping NOT to get anyone else in their photo, and then you get one who takes exception to being caught in the background. :confused3

We were on the POFQ bus and en route to the resort at 1.20 pm. Good timing! :thumbsup2

We needed to eat lunch and decided to drop the park bag in the room and grab our mugs to go and check out the foodcourt at Riverside for our meal. There were CMs beating tambourines to lively children’s music, surrounded by a group of children dancing and singing. I found it a little odd that they were doing this in the middle of the foodcourt, however it was very quiet so perhaps they had carefully chosen their moment. DD wasn’t interested in bopping about to If You’re Happy and You Know It, but when the hoola hoops came out, she was in there and spent about 10 minutes having fun.

We ordered a turkey sandwich to share, which came with chips and a fruit bowl for dessert. There was a lot of filling in the sandwich and we struggled to finish it, even between the two of us, leaving a good portion of the chips and taking the fruit with us.


We stopped at Fultons quickly and then made our way back to our resort for our swim. It was very hot in the sun that afternoon and we wasted no time getting changed and plunging into the water.

Epcot evening coming up!
:yay: Yay an update :yay:

I love your description of dd watching 3d shows gave me goosebumps !! I too watch my kids more than I watch the show :love:
:yay: Yay an update :yay:

I love your description of dd watching 3d shows gave me goosebumps !! I too watch my kids more than I watch the show :love:

Thanks Louise. Sorry about the delay, but the last few days turned into something else :scared1: and I really had to sort the house out today. For some reason I struggled more than ever coming home this year. I think all the anticipation of this trip threw me in on a different emotional level, if that makes sense, and I just didn't want to get stuck into anything when I got back, aside from my photos, trip reports and planning another :rotfl:

I agree, watching the kids is priceless. Every time is different. DD is so funny now as she has learnt where all the cameras are on the rides and puts on such a dramatic face for the photos. :lmao: So checking ride photos has also become a form of entertainment for me.
Chatting to a couple on the boat we mentioned our HoB reservation and they suggested we took that water taxi across to the West Side and were horrified when I told them that we had actually opted to walk.:rolleyes:Someone nearby even queried whether we were aware of the distance. :lmao: It’s such a lovely walk and granted, we had pushed our time a little so we had to keep up the pace, but I think you miss so much otherwise. . :)

Ha h!! Just catching up with all your report. I never fail to be amazed and stunned by some people's laziness!!!!! I remember a thread I read about a week before we went away when someone was asking whether anyone had ever "dared" to do the walk between POR and POFQ!!!! Its like a 5 minute stroll!!!!!! And they wonder why there is an obesity problem in the world . . . anyway, off my high-horse now and on with the reading!!!
I'm back and completely caught up!! Really enjoying your report - I want to start mine but am trying to do the food one first!!

We found the crowds about as light as May, which is when we usually go, with the exception on MK in the evenings. It made me absolutely curse the MNSHP's being on so often that everyone had to crowd in the parks about one evening per week! I'm hoping it got me prepared for Christmas crowds though!!

By the way, I have a cornbread recipe I make all the time, that tastes just like HOB's - just say if you would like it :goodvibes
Ha h!! Just catching up with all your report. I never fail to be amazed and stunned by some people's laziness!!!!! I remember a thread I read about a week before we went away when someone was asking whether anyone had ever "dared" to do the walk between POR and POFQ!!!! Its like a 5 minute stroll!!!!!! And they wonder why there is an obesity problem in the world . . . anyway, off my high-horse now and on with the reading!!!

:lmao: You know, we walk everywhere and DD was always one of those toddlers who wanted to walk, not sit in a buggy. I made a point of commending her at the end of the trip when it occurred to me that we sometimes walk twice around the world showcase, backtrack to FW, zig zag for Touring Plans .... not once did she ever even mention the walking to me. I think it's what you are used to. Despite the fact that we walk a LOT every day at home, I could actually feel the muscles had been working when we got back, but not a hint of a gripe from my 8 year old. She was the same at 6 and 7.

Just trying to load the piccies from the evening of Day 4. Firefox keeps crashing this weekend for some reason. One of the neighbours was saying the same thing so not sure what's up. Should be posted before teatime though.

We got to Epcot around 5 pm and after a walk about and some Photopass pictures we went to ride Figment, stopping to play on the Melody Makers and browse the store on our way out.

And a little bit of magic:

Last year DD had bought one of those Tinkerbell light pins which she attached to her camera case before we left that afternoon. It had a safety pin which was fastened securely to the fabric of the case, as well as a chain which was looped through the belt loop and properly closed. Well after a picture at the F&W display on the way to the World Showcase I suddenly heard the wail: “Mum, my Tinkerbell’s gone!” through streams of tears. We retraced our steps, but after about 5 minutes I realised we were in for the long haul on this one and chances of finding it where it dropped were slim. We strode over to the nearest CM and asked where to find lost and found. She wanted to know what we had lost and we began to describe Tink, but she knew immediately what it was. She asked if we remembered what it cost and I told her $9.95, but that was last year. She scribbled something down, produced a slip of paper and told DD whenever she found one on a cart, to hand over the paper and they would give her a new one. I was stunned. I had told DD I would get her a new one. Now my little angel is unbelievably sentimental and was lamenting the loss of a souvenir from last year, but she soon cheered up. Thanks Disney. The magic is alive and well!

Although we had only eaten lunch after 2 pm I was getting a bit hungry and also keeping an eye on the time not wanting to waste the usable time we had before Illuminations. I had been itching to try the new Cantina San Angel so that’s where we went. We ordered the chicken tacos with a melon popsicle and a bottle of Sidral (a Mexican apple beverage which was amazing). When we went to stand at the counter to collect our order we were immediately presented with the popsicle. After a few minutes watching the condensation rapidly forming on the wrapper I opened it and passed it to DD to make a start on it. It was delicious but I made a mental note that we should get one again, but ask them if we can collect it after our meal next time. Again, we had the table hunt challenge! The problem with the birds seems to have been resolved – or at least there weren’t any gulls giving guests a hard time that we saw. The food was great, but way too much and DD was no help at all making a dent into it. She picked a bit of chicken out of one of the tacos and that was it but I really enjoyed the meal.


We stopped in at the Mexican Pavillion to visit the Kidcot stop for a mask before a little cruise on the Grand Fiesta Tour.

We needed to keep in mind that our preferred viewing for Illuminations was at the Morocco boat landing. It made little difference which way we proceeded around WS to get there and we opted to go anti clockwise, starting with Canada since we never seem to see much if anything at all, of the countries on that side as Mexico is always the starting point. It was getting dark now, which was a pity as I really wanted some photos and I wasn’t doing too well with my settings on my camera in low light situations. I decided not to worry about it, put the camera safely in its case into my backpack and went on to enjoy the evening. One thing you need to keep in mind if you like lots of pictures and video, especially if you are the one doing all or most of it, is that you do miss out on a fair amount by experiencing the parks through a lens or LCD display so it wasn’t a bad thing. I love WS at night. It looks so different with all the lights on. :) DD no wanted something to eat but didn’t know what and the last thing I wanted was for her to be miserable and hungry during the fireworks so she got a lamb slider from the New Zealand kiosk. She had it without the chutney and didn’t eat the roll so she really ate a piece of minced lamb, but said it was delicious. :thumbsup2

Time to move along. We popped into the UK gift shop and I had to take a photo of these prices. I never pay attention to the UK merchandise as I want to experience all the different things but wow! :scared1:


We spent some more time in the other pavilions, winding our way across to Morocco. DD now wanted something else to eat and hinted that ‘Sushi would be nice if we can find some ....’ Note ‘we’. So along we went, bypassing Morocco to Japan for her sushi.


She ate one of the three and a bit of another one and declared she was full up. I finished the half eaten one and put the other into a Ziploc bag for later. It was now about 8.15 pm and crowds were thickening as people were standing 2 or 3 deep already for the fireworks. We wanted to sit down so we went to our preferred viewing spot. There were only a few others there. As we arrived a little girl about DD’s age smiled and greeted us. :flower3: They introduced themselves and spent the next 45 minutes playing around and chatting. Just before 9 pm I decided to stand up and was taken aback when I looked around and saw that the boat landing was jam packed with people. I didn’t expect it to be full.

I love Illuminations. :lovestruc As the beat started for the intro I could already feel the goosebumps rising on my arms. It is amazing how, no matter how often I watch it, every time is just as breathtaking as the first. After the show the little girl’s parents and I sat and chatted while the girls enjoyed their own. What lovely people! Eventually a CM came to politely ask us if we could move along. The girls had already planned the evening – we were spending EMH together. No problem. :cheer2:

We rode TT together although the other mum decided to site that one out and then made our way to Soarin. They left the park after that while DD and I went for a couple of rounds through Figment. :rotfl:

All in all a lovely evening. We sat outside the Imagination centre all on our own under the stars sipping juices and chatting until there seemed to be nobody else about and then made our way to wait for our bus. We were back at POFQ by about 1.20 pm.

Got it right:
Leaving MK when we did. It gave us plenty of time for a break and we were refreshed and ready for our night out.

Could have done differently: :upsidedow

We really needed to pay attention to co-ordinating our meal times. I know it’s a holiday but I noticed today we wasted a lot of time by eating one at a time and each time you have to order, wait for your food, eat and get back to where you want to be. No serious negative impact on the day, but it could have been if it was busier.

Next up: Day 5 – Premium Mall and Fantasmic,
Just catching up......................lovely photos again :thumbsup2
Great news with Tinks badge........Disney to the rescue :yay::yay::yay:
Chicken Tacos look good - could just eat them now :)
We love EMH at EPCOT - it is such a great way to chill out
Bring on the next day ! :thumbsup2
Just catching up......................lovely photos again :thumbsup2
Great news with Tinks badge........Disney to the rescue :yay::yay::yay:
Chicken Tacos look good - could just eat them now :)
We love EMH at EPCOT - it is such a great way to chill out
Bring on the next day ! :thumbsup2

Thanks Nigel

Yum, I could eat some of those tacos now too, now that you mention it :rotfl:

I was totally taken aback at the Tink badge story. I mean it's not like there was a fault with it - we lost it!

Agreed, Epcot is awesome!!
Wow, what a great trip report so far. Loving the detail, and your enthusiasm showing through. Enjoying seeing your daughter's photos - we enjoyed looking at the photos our DS took last trip, it's really nice to look at WDW from their perspective.

I also love IllumiNations. One of our best nights at Epcot was a really wet August night, where the park had virtually cleared. We got chips from the UK, and ate them overlooking the lagoon. It was so deserted, it felt as if they were putting on IllumiNations just for us. Amazing. :goodvibes

Looking forward to more of your trippie. :thumbsup2


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