...And Then Scotty Happened. A Hawaiian Adventure (CHAPTER 32 Added 5/23--THE END)

You ever feel like you're that kid in high school that come running through the classroom door, dropping half your stuff along the way, go skidding up row of desks and crash into yours just as the bell rings? Well, I'm certainly running late, but since I got here before the first real chapter, I'm still on time.

Now, has anyone seen my TI-85 graphing calculator? I have all my notes and formulas saved on it for today's test....
Congrats on the news!!! :cheer2: You do realize there are easier ways to delay future trips long enough for your budget to recover from the just completed one, right??? :scratchin :confused3

And as if I have room to talk, I just have to add.............

popcorn:: :surfweb:
I would gladly take a Grand Mariner Slush in the place of the Dole Whip. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I was going to say this is a family board, but then Rob already brought in his rum.

and then Scott subscribed to the TR! :thumbsup2


:welcome: Scott! No generalizations about people named Scott are intended in this TR.

You ever feel like you're that kid in high school that come running through the classroom door, dropping half your stuff along the way, go skidding up row of desks and crash into yours just as the bell rings? Well, I'm certainly running late, but since I got here before the first real chapter, I'm still on time.

Now, has anyone seen my TI-85 graphing calculator? I have all my notes and formulas saved on it for today's test....

:welcome: Barry! Don't worry, I have that dream all the time.

There's a test today?!? :sad: Nobody told me there was a test! I sure hope it's true or false...

What is the average air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Congrats on the news!!! :cheer2: You do realize there are easier ways to delay future trips long enough for your budget to recover from the just completed one, right??? :scratchin :confused3

And as if I have room to talk, I just have to add.............

popcorn:: :surfweb:

Thanks Marv! And if the goal was making the budget recover, this was definitely not the way to do it.

I'm trying to find the time to start the first chapter of the TR, but I've been getting slammed at work since I got back. The state was hit with 6+ inches of rain in one day last Friday and people seem shocked that there was some flooding as a result.
You ever feel like you're that kid in high school that come running through the classroom door, dropping half your stuff along the way, go skidding up row of desks and crash into yours just as the bell rings? Well, I'm certainly running late, but since I got here before the first real chapter, I'm still on time.

Now, has anyone seen my TI-85 graphing calculator? I have all my notes and formulas saved on it for today's test....

Yes. And oh.. I just got here.
Julie sent me to Target to buy a pregnancy test. I think she was punishing me.

It was 3 weeks before we left for Hawaii. This was not part of the plan. But there I was crouching in The Dreaded Aisle, the one where you get the knowing looks from passers-by while you try and determine if you need the Name-Brand Urinate-On-A –Stick, the Target brand, the digital readout, the one that makes blue parallel lines, the one that makes a + sign…

This is all located right next to the items you buy in order to keep from having to buy a pregnancy test later (take it from me: they're only 97% effective), which earns you even more knowing looks. I hate this aisle.

Anyway, I grabbed the $5.98 Target brand (nothing’s too good for my baby). In an effort to camouflage it at the register and avoid more knowing looks from the cashier, I grabbed some sunscreen for our trip and a toilet brush. I’m not even sure we needed a toilet brush. I also got some baseball cards for the kids. Then I decided I was being ridiculous and that I should just own it. So I put it all back except for the pregnancy test and sunscreen.

The test says you should wait several minutes for a result, but we only had to wait about 4 seconds.


Just like that, we had a stowaway on our trip. Needless to say, this threw our lives into chaos. Julie had worked hard to get back into teaching and had spent the past year as a long-term substitute at my kids’ school. They loved her and were on the cusp of offering her a permanent position. We thought we’d have a second income and would finally be able to turn a financial corner, and now…this. Back to square one. There were a few tears, not necessarily joyful ones, as we mourned the loss of our plans for the future. You've heard of the 5 Stages of Grief. With unexpected pregnancies, it's more like the 10 Stages of Numbing Shock. I can't name all of the stages, but here they are in emoticon form:


But eventually we understood the phrase “Man plans, God laughs” and began to embrace our little stowaway. The only right attitude is a positive one, and this little guy/gal just means we’ll have some more adventures. And lots of Baby Cletus stories.

On top of all this, I had an interview for a promotion right before we left for Hawaii. It was literally the last thing I did at work. So after all that, you could say that we needed a vacation.

Tuesday, June 18

Note: I took along a series of guidebooks by Andrew Doughty called the Hawaii Revealed series. They printed one for each island we visited: Oahu, Maui, Hawaii, and Kauai and were absolutely worth buying. Not only are they well-written and entertaining, but they have excellent maps, which proved to be vital. Many local restaurant reviews as well. Highly recommended.

Note 2: Nobody likes that guy who comes back from foreign travel and starts using foreign words you don't understand just to prove how cultured he is. So I'll try not to be That Guy, and give the English translation for Hawaiian words whenever I have it, like this: Aloha ("hello" or "goodbye"), Mahalo ("thank you"), and Humuhumunukunukuapua'a ("I fell on the keyboard").

We had driven down to my aunt and uncle’s house in the D.C. area the night before, as we were flying out on an early plane out of Washington Dulles International Airport. How early? Well, we had to get up at 4:00 a.m.

This wasn’t as hard as you’d think. Next to Christmas Eve, we never sleep very well the night before a vacation anyway. There’s just too much excitement. Also I probably shouldn’t have had all that coffee.

In any case, my parents dropped us off (avoiding long, long-term parking fees) and we hauled our bags to the check-in desk. Here, I must acknowledge my wife as the Packing Goddess. We were spending approximately 2.5 weeks in Hawaii and somehow she managed to do it with 2 checked bags. And they were both under the 50-lb. limit. I don’t know how she does it (I'm pretty sure it involves voodoo curses), but yeah…she’s good.

We had our first overpriced meal of the trip at the airport Dunkin’ Donuts. As we waited at the gate, I noticed our seat assignments on the 2nd leg of the flight (San Francisco to Honolulu) were different from what I remembered on our reservations. I had originally reserved 2 seats in one row and 3 seats directly behind, both with window seats on the left side of the plane so we could get glorious aerial pictures of Oahu as we made our final approach. Our new seat assignments had us in the middle aisle of the plane.

I went up to the gate agent and asked about the seat assignments. She apologized, but said there was nothing that could be done—there weren’t any available seats to re-assign. She said it happens sometimes when they cancel other flights, or change the assigned plane, etc., etc. I asked why the airline lets me choose my seat if they have no intention of letting me sit in it, but she just shrugged and apologized. I didn’t give her too hard of a time because it wasn’t her fault. But it was still annoying, and I was frustrated that I wouldn’t get my glorious pictures of Oahu.

The disappointment didn’t last long. We were headed to Hawaii!


Our chariot awaited.


There isn’t much to report from the flight to San Francisco. I mean, I guess I could describe the vomit bag for you if you’d like, but that's about it. I sat with Scotty while Julie took the two older kids. This particular flight charged us for movies and I'm too cheap for that, so we just read our books.

At one point, the kid behind Scotty started kicking his seat. So Scotty started heaving himself backwards into his seat in retaliation. Made me kinda proud, actually.

When we got over California, I thought I might have spotted Yosemite National Park. It looked like there were two peaks overlooking a valley like El Capitan and Half-Dome. But looking at the pictures now, I'm not so sure. So, here are two possibly random peaks in the Sierra Nevada!



And I also thought I might have seen the abandoned air base that the Mythbusters use near the San Francisco Bay.


After 5 excruciating hours wedged into a coach airline seat...we were halfway there.

We landed in San Francisco and had a very tight layover: 40 minutes. Naturally, the plane sat on the runway after landing for a while. Then we finally pulled into the gate...and sat again. Nobody opened the doors. Then, an announcement: "Folks, we're about 6 inches short of the gate and they'd like us to pull forward. Please stay seated with your seat belts on..."

They finally started letting us off and by the time we got off the plane, we had 20 minutes to spare. We got off at Gate 75, and our next plane was at Gate 62...naturally, all the way down a different wing of the airport.

I'm not proud of this, but I made a pregnant woman sprint. So she made me carry her bag. Seemed like a fair trade.

We were the last people on the plane, but we made it. We settled into our middle-aisle seats for yet another 5 hour flight.

This one had free movies. But nothing good except for Monsters, Inc. Our kids watched that and then became fascinated by the map showing the plane's position, airspeed, distance to Hawaii, altitude, etc. Ok, fine: I was kind of enthralled by it too.


And considering the lady in front of me racked her seat so far back I could have given her a dental exam, I pretty much had no choice but to be enthralled by the screen.

I got regular updates from the boys about how close we were to Hawaii. After another 5 hours or so, we finally flew into Honolulu. I'm sure the view was glorious from the window seats.


Travel tip: If you're a Costco member, use Costco for your car rental. When I originally booked a car, it was through Avis, and they wanted $140 for 4 days/3 nights. As our travel dates got closer, the companies kept dropping their rates and Costco's deals kept getting better and better. I wound up with a car on Oahu through Enterprise for $72. Using the same strategy on all of the islands, I saved about $500 total for the trip.

We got a Chevy Impala (yes, our bags fit in the trunk) and piled in. Amazingly, our bags had made the flight in San Francisco, which was a minor miracle. We then discovered the First Rule of Driving in Honolulu:

Rule #1: You can't get there from here.

There was not a single sign directing us to the airport exit. There were plenty of signs for places like "Auolele St.", which was as helpful as posting signs in Klingon. The interstate highway, H-1, was above us. We just couldn't find a way up there.

Side note: why are there interstate highways in Hawaii? Because, as the guidebook says, otherwise they'd have to pay for it.

We circled the airport roads for a bit (possibly driving on a runway as well) before finally finding a ramp to the highway. We were finally on our way! Where do you think this family of Disney nuts wanted to go first?

A bonus point for you if you guessed: the donut truck. Hey, we were hungry.

We'd wanted to eat one of the famous malasadas (Portuguese donuts) from Leonard's Bakery in Honolulu. But we didn't want to drive into Waikiki Beach. Fortunately, they had a truck located on the way to Aulani in the parking lot of a shopping mall.

Yes, we got lost. I had looked up the location a couple of months before but hadn't had time to refresh my memory before we left. But as I drove, I was confident I'd find it even without asking for directions for the following reasons:

1. I'm a guy.

After 15 minutes of aimless wandering, we'd given up and gotten back on the highway, only for Julie to spot the donut truck--

...as we sped past the exit. No problem, we'd get off at the next exit--

...only to find that it wasn't as easy to get back on H-1 in the opposite direction. 5 more minutes of wandering and illegal turns got us back on track. With all the effort we expended, these had better be the Greatest Donuts Ever. By the way, the correct exit is Exit 7, in case you're taking notes.



We finally got to the truck. Malasadas are puffier than normal donuts and are best served hot, since they don't re-heat well and get chewy and doughy later. But man, they're good when they're fresh. We got cinnamon, sugar, and chocolate-filled. After 10 hours of flying, they didn't last long.


So, our first food experiment was a success. It was finally time for these Disney nuts to head to...

Costco. You didn't expect us to pay for Ama-Ama, did you? We're the pigs-in-a-blanket family, remember?

At this point, it was getting close to 3:30 p.m. local time. We'd been up for 17.5 straight hours and we were getting grumpy, tired and snippy with each other. Grocery shopping with the family is annoying on the best of days, and we were not at our best. But we got our shopping done, and piled back into the car. We may or may not have needed to pack the food on the kids' laps.

We were on our way. We rounded the turn at Kapolei and headed up the west coast. We climbed the hill as the resorts of Ko Olina began to come into view. And then, like a shining beacon on a hill, we finally laid our eyes for the first time on...

Coming Up Next: Aulani. Duh.
Here, I must acknowledge my wife as the Packing Goddess. We were spending approximately 2.5 weeks in Hawaii and somehow she managed to do it with 2 checked bags. And they were both under the 50-lb. limit. I don’t know how she does it (I'm pretty sure it involves voodoo curses), but yeah…she’s good.

You told me you wanted two bags so I made it happen.

We had our first overpriced meal of the trip at the airport Dunkin’ Donuts.

Slightly offset by teacher appreciation week gift cards.

And I also thought I might have seen the abandoned air base that the Mythbusters use near the San Francisco Bay.


Which would be really cool if that's what it was.

I'm not proud of this, but I made a pregnant woman sprint. So she made me carry her bag. Seemed like a fair trade.

Mark had my carry-on (thankfully) but I was also stuck holding Scotty's hand. Let me rephrase....I was DRAGGING Scotty by the hand through the airport to our gate.

We got a Chevy Impala (yes, our bags fit in the trunk) and piled in.

Surprisingly roomy!

We may or may not have needed to pack the food on the kids' laps.

We did not. Remember....you're married to the Packing Goddess. It all fit in the trunk. Room to spare. Give me a challenge. (Oh wait.....that's repacking the bags on the way home....)
Hmmm...I don't think I ever sent my husband to the store for my pregnancy test. Never thought of that fun idea. So, did you tell the kids before you went to Hawaii? What was their reaction?

Too bad about the seats on the plane...I hate when that happens (and it's happened to us once or twice).

The reason I don't go to Hawaii again (we went for our honeymoon) is that long flight...I hate flying and 10 hours on a plane is more than I can handle.

Those donuts look yummy...I am drooling here.

Julie is SUPERMOM and SUPERWIFE...never doubt her abilities.
Julie sent me to Target to buy a pregnancy test. I think she was punishing me.

Right on for Julie sending you.... :lmao:

Glad to see you processed it all. Congrats again. May not be the way you thought but all that shock will give way to joy and the world will be right again.

On top of all this, I had an interview for a promotion right before we left for Hawaii. It was literally the last thing I did at work. So after all that, you could say that we needed a vacation.

Hope that went well.

Note 2:

Good notes - I will remember them.::yes::

Here, I must acknowledge my wife as the Packing Goddess.

She is good. :worship:

They finally started letting us off and by the time we got off the plane, we had 20 minutes to spare. We got off at Gate 75, and our next plane was at Gate 62...naturally, all the way down a different wing of the airport.

Of course. :sad2:

And considering the lady in front of me racked her seat so far back I could have given her a dental exam, I pretty much had no choice but to be enthralled by the screen.

At least she was not behind you????? That would have been a different exam. :eek: :rotfl2:

Rule #1: You can't get there from here.
Ahhh the first tour.... of the airport. :sad2:

We'd wanted to eat one of the famous malasadas (Portuguese donuts) from Leonard's Bakery in Honolulu. But we didn't want to drive into Waikiki Beach. Fortunately, they had a truck located on the way to Aulani in the parking lot of a shopping mall.

Yes, we got lost. I had looked up the location a couple of months before but hadn't had time to refresh my memory before we left. But as I drove, I was confident I'd find it even without asking for directions for the following reasons:

1. I'm a guy.

After 15 minutes of aimless wandering, we'd given up and gotten back on the highway, only for Julie to spot the donut truck--

...as we sped past the exit. No problem, we'd get off at the next exit--

...only to find that it wasn't as easy to get back on H-1 in the opposite direction. 5 more minutes of wandering and illegal turns got us back on track. With all the effort we expended, these had better be the Greatest Donuts Ever. By the way, the correct exit is Exit 7, in case you're taking notes.

Location noted. Lucky 7. Even in Hawaii roads still a maze.

So, our first food experiment was a success. It was finally time for these Disney nuts to head to...

Costco. You didn't expect us to pay for Ama-Ama, did you? We're the pigs-in-a-blanket family, remember?

Donuts ---check- Costco or Safeway( from Cynthia) for food. check.

At this point, it was getting close to 3:30 p.m. local time. We'd been up for 17.5 straight hours and we were getting grumpy, tired and snippy with each other.

But you are in Hawaii so you survived.

You told me you wanted two bags so I made it happen.

You are Magic!!! :worship:

Slightly offset by teacher appreciation week gift cards.

One of the perks of being a teacher.

Mark had my carry-on (thankfully) but I was also stuck holding Scotty's hand. Let me rephrase....I was DRAGGING Scotty by the hand through the airport to our gate.

Of course you were. At least he was not running ahead when he did not know where he was going. Oh wait that was me that happened to.
:thumbsup2 Great update and congrats on the new cash vacuum. :goodvibes

When DH found out I was pregnant with our third, he sat in shock in front of the TV watching ESPN for 2 days. :laughing:
Great update and congrats!!!

When we were trying for #2, I hated going in that dreaded aisle. I always felt like I was a bad kid and I was "in trouble". :lmao:

I see someone has been watching his Octonauts, right? That's the only way I know how to pronounce humuhumunukunukuapua'a...or for short, Hank.

I'd be a little annoyed about not getting the window seats that I had booked. There's a huge difference between the stinky middle aisle and the window, especially on that long of a flight.

I can't wait to hear about Aulani! (By the way, we love Costco Travel! Cheapest rental cars we've found anywhere)
Just what I have come to expect and love about a Captain Oblivious trip report. Action, adventure, entertainment, bad jokes, puns, plot twists. Of course, plot twists usually happen well into the story, but you got it out of the way first thing! Nice job! :thumbsup2

I’m also glad to see that the story moderator is on board with this one as well to make sure that you get it right (and to make sure that the embarrassing stories aren’t left out). Hi Mrs. Knowitall! :wave2:

2.5 weeks with only two checked bags?? Always good to have a packing goddess along for the trip! Aren't wives great? princess:

Off to a great start. Can’t wait to hear more about Aulani! :beach:
Good to see Mark's trip report living up to his usual standards.

(Pretty daggone funny).
Upon further review via Google Earth, the airfield I saw from the plane is NOT the abandoned Alameda air base used by the Mythbusters. Instead, it is Moffet Federal Airfield. Looks like we flew into SFO from the south.

This airfield does house the NASA Ames Research Center and their wind tunnels, which coincidentally have also been featured on Mythbusters. :thumbsup2
Julie sent me to Target to buy a pregnancy test. I think she was punishing me.
Nah........she was just giving you the opportunity to continue contributing fully in this process........ :rolleyes1

It was 3 weeks before we left for Hawaii. This was not part of the plan. But there I was crouching in The Dreaded Aisle,
Nah again.......the dreaded aisle is the one you WON'T have a reason to visit for at least the next few months........ :rotfl:

In an effort to camouflage it at the register and avoid more knowing looks from the cashier, I grabbed some sunscreen for our trip and a toilet brush. I’m not even sure we needed a toilet brush. I also got some baseball cards for the kids.
Okay, I see the lie here.......those baseball cards were really meant for you!!! ::yes::

Then I decided I was being ridiculous and that I should just own it.
You? Being ridiculous?? A new "spot the obvious" contest maybe??? :confused:

With unexpected pregnancies, it's more like the 10 Stages of Numbing Shock. I can't name all of the stages, but here they are in emoticon form:

:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :laughing:
(That's the Four Stages of "Glad it's You and not Me".......in emoticon form)

On top of all this, I had an interview for a promotion right before we left for Hawaii. It was literally the last thing I did at work. So after all that, you could say that we needed a vacation.
Hope the interview went well!!!

Note 2: Nobody likes that guy who comes back from foreign travel and starts using foreign words you don't understand just to prove how cultured he is. So I'll try not to be That Guy, and give the English translation for Hawaiian words whenever I have it, like this: Aloha ("hello" or "goodbye"), Mahalo ("thank you"), and Humuhumunukunukuapua'a ("I fell on the keyboard").

Uh, does that make this a "sticky note?" :rolleyes2

Here, I must acknowledge my wife as the Packing Goddess. We were spending approximately 2.5 weeks in Hawaii and somehow she managed to do it with 2 checked bags. And they were both under the 50-lb. limit. I don’t know how she does it (I'm pretty sure it involves voodoo curses), but yeah…she’s good.

The disappointment didn’t last long. We were headed to Hawaii!
Glad you found the silver lining in there somewhere...........

They finally started letting us off and by the time we got off the plane, we had 20 minutes to spare. We got off at Gate 75, and our next plane was at Gate 62...naturally, all the way down a different wing of the airport.
This happens way too often to just be a random occurrence............has to be meticulous planning!

Travel tip: If you're a Costco member, use Costco for your car rental. When I originally booked a car, it was through Avis, and they wanted $140 for 4 days/3 nights. As our travel dates got closer, the companies kept dropping their rates and Costco's deals kept getting better and better. I wound up with a car on Oahu through Enterprise for $72. Using the same strategy on all of the islands, I saved about $500 total for the trip.
Well dang, you could have taken me along.......... I would have carried Julie's bag! .............and yours too!!!

We finally got to the truck. Malasadas are puffier than normal donuts and are best served hot, since they don't re-heat well and get chewy and doughy later. But man, they're good when they're fresh. We got cinnamon, sugar, and chocolate-filled. After 10 hours of flying, they didn't last long.

Yum!!! :banana:

Upon further review via Google Earth, the airfield I saw from the plane is NOT the abandoned Alameda air base used by the Mythbusters. Instead, it is Moffet Federal Airfield. Looks like we flew into SFO from the south.

This airfield does house the NASA Ames Research Center and their wind tunnels, which coincidentally have also been featured on Mythbusters. :thumbsup2
So you're saying your Truth Check Diva has fallen down on her job already??? :confused3


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