ankle pain & disney too?


Disability is a matter of perception. If you can d
Feb 8, 2001
I need some advise. We will be blessed with our next trip to wdw in june but i am having a flare up with large cysts(2) around my left ankle joint because of ankle sprains x7. I have seen a doc before who says the only way to get rid of it is to have surgery. I never have because of the time needed to be off my feet for recovery. 6 kids with one gtube dependant and wheelchair bound makes this so hard. I have been learning to live with this but recently I am having a huge flare up. I am in pain when on my feet for more than a few hours and am questioning how I can walk disney. I cannot rent a motorized chair because i push our lil kelsey in her chair. Any ideas? Does anyone else have this problem?:worried:
I guess the only answer is some questions to you.

How old are the children? How old is the one who is wc bound? How many adults will be going with you? Answers to these might allow for some more useful suggestions.

With your physical condition the only thing I can see would be rental of an ECV from an off-site company. If you cannot get around without pain it will ruin EVERYONE's vacation.
6 children ages 5, 7 (wheelchair), 9,12,16,18 and my husband.
Originally posted by alohacousin
6 children ages 5, 7 (wheelchair), 9,12,16,18 and my husband.

Ok you answered your own question you have plenty of other wheelchair pushers there. Rent the scooter.
For the 5yo you may need a stroller. Whether the 9yo can be a pusher is problematical. Between the 12, 16, 18 and DH you should easily have wc pushers (and stroller pushers if necessary).

You should be in an ECV and let the others do the work. However, you can handle "Sherpa" duties in the ECV with the basket, handlebars and floorboards.
I have to agree with the others about the ecv.
You may want to and feel you need to push your DD's wheelchair, but on this trip, that's just not possible or realistic. Since you do have other people who could push the wheelchair, you shouldn't need to cancel your trip, but you will need to rely on others for some help.
I am so use to being the caretaker that I have dreaded the solution of the evc, I am terriefied of running into someone. I have heard so many complaints on the other boards about this. I did map out a plan on routes in the parks to cut down on walk time. Taking advantage of the MK train, the boats at EP/boardwalk, and only going to the park in the morning and swimming in the afternoon with kelsey while the others travel on foot. I am a disney veteran so I don't need to go on every ride. I am not familiar with AK's best paths/rides so any info would be great. we are also going to blizzard beach and i was told there is a lift/elevator for wheelchairs to ride the tubes down. Anyone experienced this? As far as the older ones helping out they were wanting to go off on their own and meet up for eats.::MickeyMo
Hello! I strongly suggest that you rent from an off-site vendor. The off-site rental ECVs are 3 wheels and the WDW ones (if you can snag one at all) are 4 wheel style ECVs. The 3 wheel design is far, far easier to manage. In fact, they are super easy to drive, back up, park at rides, etc. Really!!! By the time you drive around your resort a bit, you will be feeling great. I also suggest going to Epcot or MGM your first day just to give you that extra boost of confidence. There's more room and less crowds. This is not to suggest that it's hard, just that you may feel more confident and realize that ECVs are indeed easy to drive.

And as anyone here would tell you, I was far from intrepid before I tried one. I was terrified I was going to crash into someone or something. I am now a huge fan. My biggest tip is that the dial has a rabbit for fast and a turtle for slow. You can adjust it anywhere between. If you are backing up or otherwise dealing with a tight space, go to turtle. You will get better control.

Have fun on your trip! Really, it does sound like the ECV will make you have a happier trip and you will be right there for your DD.

I'm sorry you are having a flare up. Here's pixie dust for your feet and a super trip!!!!

:wave: Cupcake
first i've heard of this---is it true about lifts for those of us who are otherwise unable to get to the tops of slides at the water parks??? if anyone has info i'd appreciate it.
Someone posted a long time ago about using an elevator to get up some of the water slides. I don't remember what WDW water park it was, so I hope someone else knows.
I have nvewr been able to find anything about it on the official Disney site.
Hi, i appreciate that your older ones want some time to themselves but I assume that you (and your DH) are paying for the trip. Why not offer a compromise, some days they have to stay with you and be wheelchair pushers and then other days they can do what they want to and either your DH can push or you could leave the ECV behind that day and have a not walking much day.


Hope you have a wonderful time despite the ankle.
Hi, i appreciate that your older ones want some time to themselves but I assume that you (and your DH) are paying for the trip. Why not offer a compromise, some days they have to stay with you and be wheelchair pushers and then other days they can do what they want to and either your DH can push or you could leave the ECV behind that day and have a not walking much day.


Hope you have a wonderful time despite the ankle.
hey so you get too excited to sleep before a disney trip too? I thought i was alone! Last time me and hubby fell asleep at 10:30 pm and awoke at midnight and said lets go.... we are worse than the kids:hyper: the older kids just roll their eyes at us.:rolleyes:


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