Another example of Disney raising prices 50%


<font color=deeppink>Thanks very much for the extr
May 12, 2000
Okay I love disney but enough is enough. I ended up buying the DDP for my last trip because of the 'Holiday Surcharge" but this is just to much. The Wonderland Tea Party price has increased by over 50%.

Here is another example of Disney milking each cent out of popular activities. When we were there in December my daughter did both the Grand Adventures in Cooking and the Wonderland Tea Party. They were both the same price, $28.17 plus tax.

Now I see that Disney has increased the price of the Wonderland Tea Party by more than 50% to $42.60. That is 50% in a month.:eek: :eek:

After listening to Pete's rant over the holiday surcharge I just had to chim in. My daughter has done the Tea Party twice and loved it, but I am not going to pay $42.60 for this event. "I'm mad and I'm not going to take it anymore!!" Are you listening Disney!! (I'm not really mad just find it sad that the Disney I love is changing.)

With all this nickel and diming I am going to have to forget about a trip to WDW and go on the Podcast cruise....where is that link for a quote...
Make sure you send a letter. And if enough people start doing so maybe they will begin to listen.
That is really too bad. This is something my daughter was really looking foward to. It is also a tradition for us to eat at Cinderella's Royal Table for breakfast every trip. I'm glad we could experience that while they were little, because no more. I just can't justify it anymore, and I do believe that I will be writing a letter.
I really think Disney is banking on foreign visitors that come from countries with currency more valuable than ours. Because of this, they are going to keep increasing the prices on everything until the market will no longer bear it.

We've got quite a few friends across the pond that join this board on a regular basis, what are your thoughts on this: Do you still feel like WDW is a bargain compared to vacationing closer to home?

Visiting the World from the UK is obviously a great deal at the moment. We were over for the holidays and got the best exchange rate for our Uk pounds that I have had in 20 years coming to the States. I think the figures from 2005 were about 1.1 million UK visitors to Orlando for that year. I can only imagine it went up in 2006, 2007. But, I am pretty sure that is only a small percentage if compared to American visitors.

The fact is that the vast majority of UK visitors come to WDW on a package with a UK tour operator and really know nothing about events like the one being discussed. Disney is simply ripping anyone who is prepared to pay....mainly you guys

Don't get me wrong. I love the place and suspect that won't change. But the more I visit, the more things change that annoy me. By the way, my biggest complaint - my 12 year old daughter is classed as an adult at a Disney buffet! Ridiculous...I really do wonder what Walt would say.

Thanks for responding Rich! I wondered if people outside the US also thought some of the prices charged @ WDW were high compared to the value received. I'll give them credit though...they've certainly thought of every angle possible to shake some more change out of our pockets!
Makes you wonder how things will be when there isn't a "Disney" on the board. Roy is the only one right?
Well I am Canadian and during our visit in December our dollar was worth more than the US$. I still travelled to WDW when our dollar was only .67 so it was really fun that I did not have to add an extra 20% to the price of everything.

...but raising the price of an event by 50% is over the top. I am sure this will only affect the repeat visitors who know that the price use to be a lot less.

As a shareholder I guess I should be happy...but all of these added expenses start to add up and make it hard to go on a trip to WDW every year. Events like the Wonderland Tea Party made the trip special for repeat visitors.
I just saw this.....goes along with everything else.

A photo package will be included for ALL reservations made for April 27, 2008 and beyond for Princess Storybook Dining at the Akershus Royal Banquet Hall in Epcot. Prices are as follows:

Breakfast: $28.99 ages 10 and older; $12.99 ages 3-9
Lunch: $30.99 ages 10 and older; $13.99 ages 3-9
Dinner: $35.99 ages 10 and older; $14.99 ages 3-9

Holiday Pricing will be:

Breakfast: $32.99 ages 10 and older; $14.99 ages 3-9
Lunch: $34.99 ages 10 and older; $15.99 ages 3-9
Dinner: $39.99 ages 10 and older; $16.99 ages 3-9

Price includes non-specialty, non-alcoholic drinks (sodas, coffee, tea, iced tea, lemonade, punch, milk). Tax and gratuity are NOT included.
well, same arguement...I bet if you guys would stop and remember back when you were kids and your parents were taking you to Disney World, I'm sure they were saying the same thing about prices back then.
"$25 to get in to the park? That's ridiculous. They're just trying to get another couple of bucks out of me now."
I'm sure that was said back then and in 10-15 years when your kids will be taking their kids to the parks they'll be saying the same thing....
and you can say "you remember going to the parks when it still cost less than $75 a day".

Times change and sorry, but so do prices (but so do costs)
Again I don't want to pay more but it's the same arguement people say about gas prices. Too High. We'll what's the cost of gas in England right now? I know i visited Europe in 1990 and they were paying $3.00 a gallon back then, I can only imagine what they are paying today.
That's why I always find the compaining funny, generally Americans have it the best and we still gripe.

And yes I'm taking my family to Disney World this June so I'm in the same boat and face the same prices. It's all about what you can afford and can't afford. I'd love to stay the WL but can't afford it so we're doing PC and staying longer, give and take.
But good for those who can afford it, and as long as demand is up for things so will the prices go.
well, same arguement...I bet if you guys would stop and remember back when you were kids and your parents were taking you to Disney World, I'm sure they were saying the same thing about prices back then.
"$25 to get in to the park? That's ridiculous. They're just trying to get another couple of bucks out of me now."
I'm sure that was said back then and in 10-15 years when your kids will be taking their kids to the parks they'll be saying the same thing....
and you can say "you remember going to the parks when it still cost less than $75 a day".

Times change and sorry, but so do prices (but so do costs)
Again I don't want to pay more but it's the same arguement people say about gas prices. Too High. We'll what's the cost of gas in England right now? I know i visited Europe in 1990 and they were paying $3.00 a gallon back then, I can only imagine what they are paying today.
That's why I always find the compaining funny, generally Americans have it the best and we still gripe.

And yes I'm taking my family to Disney World this June so I'm in the same boat and face the same prices. It's all about what you can afford and can't afford. I'd love to stay the WL but can't afford it so we're doing PC and staying longer, give and take.
But good for those who can afford it, and as long as demand is up for things so will the prices go.
That's beside the point! There's a difference between inflation & let's nail the tourists!:eek:
"That's beside the point! There's a difference between inflation & let's nail the tourists."

sorry to be the anti here but that is exactly the point.
That's exactly why prices are what they are.
In Dec. families are not going to Disney, they are buying xmas presents, kids are in school.
Disney, like any other co. reduces prices, hotels, meals, events whatever to bring people in because they are open every day.
Go to Chicago in the summer you pay $300 for a hotel room on Michigan Ave. Go in Jan it's less than $99.
Go to a Broadway Play during weekday mattinee it's cheaper than a Friday night.
That's what companies do to bring in tourists. ALL companies and cities, you only are noticing the Disney changes because that's what you like and experienced lately. And that's the Difference between Disney in December, their slowest time of the year and July or even Jan/Feb.

During the summer Disney is packed and demand is high so, so are the costs.
Again, look at the hotel rates. Same thing. It's business but that doesn't mean guest satifaction is changed your still treated the same by the cast aren't you?

Did you enjoy your trip or not? When you think back on your trip and answer that you don't consider if it cost you $500 more for the week but if demand for something is that, then that's what they'll charge.
well, same arguement...I bet if you guys would stop and remember back when you were kids and your parents were taking you to Disney World, I'm sure they were saying the same thing about prices back then.
"$25 to get in to the park? That's ridiculous. They're just trying to get another couple of bucks out of me now."
I'm sure that was said back then and in 10-15 years when your kids will be taking their kids to the parks they'll be saying the same thing....
and you can say "you remember going to the parks when it still cost less than $75 a day".

Times change and sorry, but so do prices (but so do costs)
Again I don't want to pay more but it's the same arguement people say about gas prices. Too High. We'll what's the cost of gas in England right now? I know i visited Europe in 1990 and they were paying $3.00 a gallon back then, I can only imagine what they are paying today.
That's why I always find the compaining funny, generally Americans have it the best and we still gripe.

And yes I'm taking my family to Disney World this June so I'm in the same boat and face the same prices. It's all about what you can afford and can't afford. I'd love to stay the WL but can't afford it so we're doing PC and staying longer, give and take.
But good for those who can afford it, and as long as demand is up for things so will the prices go.

I understand your point but we are not talking about prices increasing over 20 years. We talking about huge price increases overnight. These price increases are not linked to inflation or increased cost of Disney. These specific increases are linked to pure profit.

If we apply the 50% price increase to the one day ticket you mentioned it would cost you $113.43 instead of $75.62 and then in 2009 it would cost you $170.

When you look at the additional cost for a person who spend a weeks in WDW and eat at the buffets, during regular season March 15th it would be $195.93 plus tax and tip for seven buffet dinners. If they ate at the same seven buffets on March 16th it would cost $230.93 on average. And remember that the tip and tax become more too. That is $35 more pre tax/tip for each person...which now there are more adults due to the age set by Disney. A faimly of four is spending now an additonal $140 dollars($175 with tip/tax)...add that to the increased price of the hotel on the weekend and the added cost of special events.

Is it going to stop me from going to WDW...No. Is it going to make me eat less at the restaurants/special activities....yes. If I did not own DVC I would for sure be staying off site at a vacation home....that private pool and hot tub is amazing. Look at the great prices John and Kevin have for their Dream Villa, plus they give you a $50 Sam's card.
"That's beside the point! There's a difference between inflation & let's nail the tourists."

sorry to be the anti here but that is exactly the point.
That's exactly why prices are what they are.
In Dec. families are not going to Disney, they are buying xmas presents, kids are in school.
Disney, like any other co. reduces prices, hotels, meals, events whatever to bring people in because they are open every day.Hotel prices increase, meals do not in most major tourist areas.

Go to Chicago in the summer you pay $300 for a hotel room on Michigan Ave. Go in Jan it's less than $99.
Go to a Broadway Play during weekday mattinee it's cheaper than a Friday night. This is the same principal as the hotel room...

That's what companies do to bring in tourists. ALL companies and cities, you only are noticing the Disney changes because that's what you like and experienced lately. And that's the Difference between Disney in December, their slowest time of the year and July or even Jan/Feb. I worked in the tourist industry in Bermuda. During low season the prices of hotels when down, the food remained the same as did activities such as the Dolphin Swim. The prices did not increase for the Dolphin Programs in the high season they were just offered more and with more choices.

During the summer Disney is packed and demand is high so, so are the costs.
Again, look at the hotel rates. Same thing. It's business but that doesn't mean guest satifaction is changed your still treated the same by the cast aren't you?But guest satifaction is impacted...not the new guest but the returning ones. How many complaints have been posted about the size of portions at Le Cellier. I think we as Disney lovers can overlook a lot more than the casual traveller. Instead of getting repeat travellers Disney will soon be making themselves a once in a lifetime vacation for the masses.
Did you enjoy your trip or not? When you think back on your trip and answer that you don't consider if it cost you $500 more for the week but if demand for something is that, then that's what they'll charge.[/QUOTE]Yes I had a wonderful three week trip in December. When I add up the additonal cost for me to repeat that trip again next year it would cost an addional $1000 for exactly the same trip. That is alot of addional money with no added value.
Sorry but I still say it's because of when you go.
Pete was going during Christmas week (I think)
Sorry, but that's THE busiest week of the year for Disney.
Go two week's earlier, it's cheaper because they are trying to bring in guestes.
Same with the Tea Party I'm sure.

If your willing to go when the prices are highest, and they sell out or really popular at least, Do you really expect them to say, "no we shouldn't make money, we'll drop the price as if it's not popular."
Is that how YOU would run your business? Work harder and make less money?
If it's popular, then people are still liking it, enjoying it and leaving happy.

Again, sorry it's business and people sometimes have unrealistic expectations and forget it is a business.
Sorry but I still say it's because of when you go.
Pete was going during Christmas week (I think)
Sorry, but that's THE busiest week of the year for Disney.
Go two week's earlier, it's cheaper because they are trying to bring in guestes.The holiday surcharge started before Christmas week ...a not very busy time.
Same with the Tea Party I'm sure.I paid $28 for the Tea Party on Dec 26th...if you book if for tomorrow during low season it will cost $42...

If your willing to go when the prices are highest, and they sell out or really popular at least, Do you really expect them to say, "no we shouldn't make money, we'll drop the price as if it's not popular."[COLOR="Magenta Ithink you miss understand what we are saying..we not indicating that they should drop prices. The way busy times usually work in a cyclical industries like tourism is that you make the addition money buy filling all seat...for Disney that is hotels, and restaurants. [COLOR]
Is that how YOU would run your business? Work harder and make less money?[COLOR="magenta"]That is not a fair question as I chose to be an elementary school teacher over a business career...working hard and making less money is what teachers do.:) [/COLOR]
If it's popular, then people are still liking it, enjoying it and leaving happy.CRT is full every day of the year. They charge an extra $5 during certain season. There is no added cost to them to run the restaurant for staff or food. Where is that extra $5 going? Are people leaving happy...not so much anymore

Again, sorry it's business and people sometimes have unrealistic expectations and forget it is a businessI think what Disney is forgetting, or perhaps trying to push, is that in economics all markets have a point - the price point when demand is reduced due to increased price. Disney is a master buisness ...Magical Express is the greatest business move on Disney's part...trap people on property. People really don't even realize that Disney is taking money out of their pockets. I think we are all use to the impressive buisness initiatives that Disney has undertaken in the past few years. This blatent money grabbing is not what we expect from Disney...the is much more Six Flags. [COLOR].

The question really is how good for business are these increases if it ends up erroding their loyal customer base? Only time will tell.

Its me from the UK again:) . I think there's 2 seperate issues being mixed up here. Issue one involves price rises at particular times of the year. Same thing happens in the UK.... a lunch on Xmas Day at a restaurant will cost more than the same lunch on any other day. Issue two, as raised by OP is that Disney have chosen to hike a price for a particular event overnight by 50%...nothing to do with the time of year you visit.

I think the hike is because of time of year.
earlier it was cheaper because it was the slow time of year.
now it's more pricey because they are out of the slowest time of year.
That's how it became the two issues.

Either way, it comes down to if Disney hikes prices too much people won't go. If it still sells then it's just like anyone else using supply and demand to justify prices.


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