Another pod meet! Where are the pictures?


DIS Veteran
Jun 22, 2006
Hey guys another pod meet has went by and I think I have only saw one new picture! Can someone please post some more pics for all of the poor people who weren't able to go?!?!:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
I didn't take a *single* photo while I was there.... but I can tell you what I was thinking and what I saw......

When we were on the elevator, on the way up to the hospitality suite, my dh (not a Dis'er) said.... "Lemme get this straight, you don't know ANY of these people we're going to see???" :confused3

This was such a warm, inviting space, gently lit, nothing harsh or glaring to show off the slight sunburn I'd gotten that day, or my less than fresh clothes.... when we signed in at the table by the door, there was a lovely woman with "Corey's sister" on her name tag.... set the tone for the whole evening, slightly whimsical and fun.

While signing in, we were given a lanyard with a nametag pouch, and a Dis podcast pin,.... (way cool, I'll do photos when I get home) which was a really nice present.

When I finished signing in, i heard some familiar voices.... saw Bawb, bravely poked out my hand and said "You're Bawb!" Sheesh.... like he didn't know who he was. Mercy. Thank goodness he put me at ease.... I don't think I sounded *nearly* so idiotic when greeting the others. Heard Kevin next, then Julie and Corey, and then John. I honestly felt like I'd popped over to some friends' house for an impromptu get together.... there was even a fireplace on the big flatscreen in the second room! Warm and inviting.

Food? Yummy little nibbles that were *dramatically* better than the supper we went to later..... refreshing drinks and a terrific view made this a really special evening spent with some new friends. We were genuinely welcomed, not that fake "oh, it's soooo nice to meet you" kinda thing.... if you EVER get a chance to meet this crew, do it. You'll feel all the genuine sincerity that this gang has.

Thanks to all, and a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

(From the soaplady):love:


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