Another Stroller question....

Bear Necessities

<font color=CC0066>Mom to my three little angels!<
Jul 14, 2002
Hoping someone can tell me what they did or lead me in a better direction. We are goiing in August with a 2.5 and 5 and 11 yr old. I know 11 will be ok, so now onto the littles. I have read several threads about the park strollers vs. renting one from ABBF vs. bringing your own. Have asked a few questions, and decided a few months ago to rent a double front to back from ABBF. Now I am second guessing myself. We are flying so bringing our own isnt an option to me, I will already have enough to keep track of. LOL I keep imagining that one of the kids wont be able to see anything because the will be in the back, so then I think well just get a side by side instead. So then in my head I envision people getting mad at me for taking up so much space walking in the parks, or trying to get onto the monorail or buses. Uggggggg I am at my wits end. Then my dear mother says why dont you just rent 2 singles then both you and DH will have own stroller !! Gee thanks Mom now another facet to my problem. :eek: What do you think???
Personally, I wouldn't get a front and back, the seats aren't really all that big, and I don't think a 5 year old would be comfortable in one. We saw loads of people with side to side doubles, so if you want a double then I think that would be ok, but personally I would bring your own single for the 2.5 year old - you will want it in the airport.

I would see how the 5 year old does, and maybe rent for her if she needs it, or perhaps she could have the occasional ride in the single while the 2.5 yr old has a walk?

I agree with BevS97. I also would bring your own stroller, whether double or single, especially for the airport. Airports are big places, and with carry-ons and stuff, MUCH easier to keep track of little ones when they are strapped in. Bringing a stroller on a plane is a breeze. You just get a gate check tag from the FA at the gate, and wheel it down the jetway. You just leave it right outside the plane door, and it is stowed underneath the plane. It will be waiting for you right outside the plane, when you land at your destination. This is also important if you have connecting flights. If you have to rush to your next gate, MUCH easier than having a lagging toddler and carryons to deal with!!! Also, if you do decide to rent, go with the side by side. The front to backs will be too small for the 5 year old, and I personally think the side by side will be also. My 5 year old, isn't all that tall, and she outgrew our side by side by the time she was 4. It was just too uncomfortable for her to ride in anymore, her feet either were dragging, or her knees were up at chin level. I'd bring a single for the 2 1/2 year old, and rent as necessary for the 5 year old. Trust me, they can walk a lot more than you think!!!
We always bring our own strollers. I have two incredibly lightweight McLaren Volo strollers which are ideal. I have a 4 yo and a 2 yo and we find it much easier to get where we're going if both are in the stroller. We check it at the gate at the airport and it's usually there when we get off the plane. If you can get this model on rental, I can't recommend it enough. It folds flat, and is made of lightweight mesh nylon so it doesn't get too hot and sweaty. The only downside is that it doesn't recline, but both of my kids sleep in them no problem.

We also found having two strollers great for splitting up- if one of the kids gets overtired and needs to go back to the hotel for a nap, the other can stay with mom or dad and you don't have the hassle of having to cart around a half empty double stroller, or have one kid walking. This also works if one of you wants to take one of the kids on a ride while the other wants to go get refreshments, or stake out a parade spot.

Good luck with the decision
Also, ABBF has a Sit N Stand. We just got back last week and brought our own Sit n Stand for our 2 yo DS and 5 1/2 yo DS. The older DS loved it. He hates to walk. This way he only had to walk when we split up. That was the price he had to pay for riding the 'big boy' rides that his brother could not. Little bit heavy for busses, but if one adult can handle the kids one can carry the stroller.
What are your dates in August? I happen to have some open dates for the Stroller Swap that is located on the Budget Board. It's a nice Eddie Bauer stroller with only Disney miles on it. Check out the thread and let me know if I can help.

I agree with taking a stroller. It will be invaluable in the airport. Don't forget that you don't have to have carry on luggage-you can check it all and won't have to worry about hauling alot through the airport. Heck, then you could take 2 strollers! :rolleyes: They could be folded up and DH can hang both on one arm, hold 5yo's hand with his other free arm! But if DH can take luggage and you can push a stroller and 5yo can walk next to the stroller that would be another option.

In August it will be warm, so only you will know best if your son would rather walk or ride. If he likes to walk, you don't have much to worry about. Maybe the little one could ride on Dad's shoulders when big brother needs a rest. But if he's like my 4yo DS, he'll be on warp-speed for a week and won't need a stroller that much!

I'd agree with everyone, though, and say no to the double-stroller.
Thank you everyone for your replies, you were all helpful and after much thinking......I have come to a decision. You all have been very persuasive about brining my own stroller. We will be bringing one of our own single strollers for the 2 yr old. Im not convinced that sitting him in a double parks rented stroller is a good idea. Im sure he will get out. So with that info we will have him in a secure belted stroller of his own. :) We are going to wing it witht the 5 yr old. Let her walk as long as she is comfortable, if we need to rent a single park stroller by mid day so be it. At least she will be happy. Thanks everyone again. I think this will be a good solution to our problem. LOL Sure hope so anyway. :cool:
Originally posted by mom2of2
What are your dates in August? I happen to have some open dates for the Stroller Swap that is located on the Budget Board. It's a nice Eddie Bauer stroller with only Disney miles on it. Check out the thread and let me know if I can help.


I forgot to add, our dates are for August 17 thru August 23, so unfortunately it looked like those dates were already booked. But Thank you for the kind offer, it was very sweet and thoughtful of you. :)
Well I actually just had an opening for at least a few of your days, so if you'd like use of the stroller just let me know.
I am also considering bringing my own stroller. I wonder how accessible it will be to get the stroller to the theme park. I will be relying solely on Disney Transportation. Can you take a stroller on the Monorail? How about the bus? Any info would be appreciated.

Dizzy Laura
Originally posted by mom2of2
Well I actually just had an opening for at least a few of your days, so if you'd like use of the stroller just let me know.

Aww Thank you very much!! I would hate to use it for only 2 days and take it from someone who would benefit for the whole week you have available. Thank you for thinking of us though :)
Originally posted by DizzyLaura
I am also considering bringing my own stroller. I wonder how accessible it will be to get the stroller to the theme park. I will be relying solely on Disney Transportation. Can you take a stroller on the Monorail? How about the bus? Any info would be appreciated.

Dizzy Laura

These are all great questions I have been worried about also. ie breaking down the stroller every time im boarding a bus, monorail or boat? We will be relying solely on Disney Transportation also Laura. The last time we were at WDW was for our honeymoon and to be honest I dont remember anything about strollers. Guess I was a little distracted. ;) I hope you get some of your answers here, the Dis'ers here have been wonderful!
you can take the stroller on the monorail and the boats without collapsing it. It will need folding for the bus.

we tried to have everything in one bag whcih we kept under the stroller, when we got on a bus, we would pull the bag out, and one person would carry bag and baby and the other would collapse the stroller, it definitely helps if your stroller is easy to collapse, I have had one that was a nightmare to fold and it's no fun struggling with it while people are waiting to board the bus behind you

We try to take an umbrella stroller instead of our big, bulky one. It's easier and faster to take down in a hurry, and takes up less room on the bus.

Whenever possible, try to have your stroller already folded while you're waiting for the bus. Then when it arrives you'll be ready to board. If the bus is not that full, let others go in front of you to board and you can fold it down while they're boarding.

All the guests and CM at WDW are very nice and understanding when it comes to strollers and kids. We go out of our way to make sure we're not inconveniencing other guests with our stroller situation, and they recognize that and are very understanding. As long as you're not one of those "tearing through a crowd bumping everyone's ankles from behind" kind of moms (and yes, you all know who I mean because we all see at least one while we're there!) then you'll be fine.

After the first day you'll have it down pat.
You can roll all single strollers onto the monorail as well as front to back doubles, if you have a side by side, if a handicapped car is open and not being used, you can roll it into that car, otherwise you have to fold up the double stroller. You can only roll a stroller onto the ferry to/from the TTC and the boat that goes to MK from the WL. The boats that run between the WL/CR/FW and GF/Poly and MK are too small and require all strollers to be folded up. Also the boat the runs between the Epcot resorts and Epcot/MGM also requires all strollers to be folded up and parked in the back of the boat. You obviously need to fold up strollers for use on the bus. My stroller collapses in seconds, so it doesn't take us long. We usually have it folded up before a bus/boat would come, unless DS is sleeping. Then we wait until the last minute, and you usually see the bus/boat coming. One of us will take baby and bag and the other will fold up the stroller.
Originally posted by jel0511
Also the boat the runs between the Epcot resorts and Epcot/MGM also requires all strollers to be folded up and parked in the back of the boat. You obviously need to fold up strollers for use on the bus.

hum, when we were there in March 2003 we strolled our DD right on the boats a number of times. If she was walking or we were holding her we just parked it in the back of the boat, they didn't ask us to fold them up, or take her out. (we did put the locks in it when the boat was moving. ) Many times we just left her sleeping the in stoller and sat right next to her.

Maybe it is differnt during very busy times, but then it was pretty busy when we were there.

BTW our next trip is Aug 13 to 22 too.
Another vote for bringing your own stroller, especially for the airport. Here are some other thoughts:

1. One person suggested a buggy board for the older child -- could work really well, just be sure to get one that will work with your stroller.

2. Umbrella strollers are great, but you'll want to balance convenience with comfort -- some don't look terribly comfortable for little ones. I specifically chose an Inglesina Swift because it had more padding than any other umbrella I'd seen.

3. If you go the umbrella route, you might want to bring 2. You can buy a connector bar to use 2 umbrellas like a side-by-side double, but disconnect them when you need to. This might be a cheaper and more comfortable solution than the buggy board.

4. IME, we were able to roll a stroller right on to all boats except the resort launch from the Magic Kingdom to the Grand Floridian, and onto the monorail.

Hope this helps -- have a great trip!
One thing about strollers & the monorails...several of us folded our strollers when there were a lot of people waiting. This is just considerate, as folding your stroller generally allows more people in the car. No one will ask you to, but it's nice. This was usually only in the mornings. :)


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