Anxiety Disorders? Information request?


<font color=blue>Meredith College Class of '06<br>
Mar 9, 2001
Hi, I am looking for good information online about Anxiety Disorders and treatment? So, I thought with all of the information that is here maybe someone could direct me to sites that they know of which have been found to be helpful.
Thanks in advance. :flower:

Edit to add:
Just got on Zoloft yesterday to deal with anxiety disorder and was wondering what information online has helped others the most?
As it is my son who is dealing with general anxiety disorder most of the site I frequent are gear for children.

This is one site that has pretty good info.

My son did take Zoloft for 8 months. It was used as a treatment, that if it did what the doctor wanted after that time he should have been able to cope without medication. Unforunately, it didn't work that way for him and he is now on Prozac. He was great on the Zoloft and is also doing fine Prozac. If I can help with nay other site referrals, let me know.

Prayers go out to you for good results.
Thank you for the website, just checked it out and wow does it have a lot of information. Thanks for the prayers I appreciate it. I had been having problems for maybe two years and recently talked to my doctor about it so I am happy to know that there is good information out there to read and study. Thanks for the information on Zoloft, I go back in a month to see if we need to adjust the meds.
Thanks again, these boards are heaven sent. :flower:
I found that the NMHA site (and links) had most of the info about anxiety and mental health that I needed. For specific medications, I usually go to the manufacterer's site or the PDR (Physicians Desk Reference). Both will list side effects and interactions.

The Paxil I have taken for several years made me feel at first like I had drank a whole pot of coffee, but after a few weeks I tolerated it well and it has almost eliminated my panic attacks.

I know that anxiety, by it's nature, makes it hard to wait for results so its good you are hanging in there with the Zoloft. I found that it also helps to redirect your thinking to something you have to concentrate on if the anxiety is overwhelming. (I have been known to do math problems on airplanes)

Hang in there. :earsgirl:
Thanks for the information. Yeah, last night was the worst yet. They told me to stop taking Elavil for the pain control, so I haven't slept 8 hours straight in three days. Then, the anxiety disorder kicked in about 7am when I woke up in tears wondering if something had happened to my mom in Florida, which is totally irrational. Long weekend. Normally, I count or do the "worry bead" fingering thing. Thanks for the support. I am hoping the Zoloft will kick in.
They did put me back on the ELavil this evening so at least I can sleep.

Thanks again.... :)
FAEFLORA - I used to have MAJOR panic attacks and went through a phase a few years ago where it was just continuous panic and anxiety that never left me. I tried Zoloft and a couple of other meds that my primary care dr. prescribed, but actually they made it worse for me. I went to see a psychiatrist and I was told by him that people with anxiety disorders are usually much more sensitive to medicines in general. (totally true for me for all meds)

I read a really good book called "The Anxiety Disease" many years ago and that really helped me understand what was going on with my body when I was going through this. Just a suggestion. I saw it is still at B&

Make sure you can get enough sleep. I find if I don't, I am feeling on the verge of panic attacks much more easily and have a harder time fighting them off. Another book that helped me was a book on the glycemic index in foods. I can't remember what it is called, but it is very important that you eat the right things so that your blood sugar doesn't drop & spike rapidly.

Just know that you're not alone and that there is hope. My problem with the constant anxiety has actually passed on it's own. I still have a tendency to have panic attacks, but I learned how to control them as soon as I feel them creeping up on me.

Good luck - I hope some of these suggestions can help you & if you need more ideas you can PM me. I have struggled with panic disorder for 20 years now, but it can be controlled.

Lives4Disney :earsgirl:
Thanks for the information. I notice that I carry a snack with me every where I go lately, something healthy so that if I get a little tired I can get a quick energy boost. This is the first time in 3 years that we are going back to the WDW Parks, in March my mom and I went to WDW but we went to a baseball game and avoided the parks so I am a little concerned.
I notice that some of the panic sets in when I am at a place with a lot of noise and activity mostly restaurants so I am pre-planning how to deal with it.
We are going to do mostly counter service where I can maybe sit outside.
I am hoping the Zoloft helps some, guess I will have to wait and see.

Thanks again. :flower:
FAEFLORA - If you start to feel panic creeping up on you, just do some deep breathing, breathe in for 8 counts and hold it in for 8 counts and then let it out slowly & repeat. Tell yourself to STOP the panic and try and really focus in on your immediate surroundings (family, what you are eating, something pleasing near you) I sometimes ask myself what is the worst thing that can happen?? It won't happen. Nobody needs to know what is going through your mind or that you are doing breathing exercises. They probably won't know..... :rolleyes1

As a routine, I forgot to mention daily exercise. Try and walk daily if nothing else. When I am at WDW, of course I walk a lot, but then I worry about fatigue, because that can bring it on, too. (for me it can be any uncomfortable feeling in my body - dizzy, tired, thirsty, achy...) Stop and rest, snack and drink and take your time as you go.

I know what you mean about too much noise and stimulation. ;) If you start to panic, just go with it if you can't STOP yourself and get control. It will just pass with no one the worse for wear.

Good luck & have a safe, healthy trip!!

Lives4Disney :earsgirl:
I, too, know what you mean about just being aware and connecting with your surroundings when the panic begins. If you can focus on something ordinary, like a plant, a picture on the wall or even your purse, sometimes the panic won't progress.

The crowds for parades sometimes get to me at Disney and I just have to find an escape route to somewhere calmer. I even had to tell a cast member once "I HAVE to find a way out of here" I think she recognized my situation and though I couldn't get to the main entrance, I was able to go back to the nearly deserted fantasyland. I bought some ice cream, regained my composure and waited until the crowd dispersed.

Alot of the things I enjoy best are AWAY from the crowd. :wizard:
I have had anxiety disorder my whole life - of course when I was a little kid nobody knew that's what it was, but after I was diagnosed as an adult my mother realized why I'd been such a "touchy" child. Celexa helps me tremendously; there is a marked difference in my personality when I am not taking it versus when I am. I also learned coping mechanisms from a therapist I saw a few years ago - they are still useful to me. Instead of becoming paralyzed, I am able to identify when I am having a panic attack and communicate that I need to be "helped down."

Crowds are a big issue for me too - I am frequently on edge at concerts or plays, but oddly enough theme parks have not been an issue as much. WDW will be the biggest theme park I have been to though (haven't been yet!) so I anticipate that I may indeed find it overwhelming.

Anxiety disorder is a really tough thing to have because few people understand what it's like. It's nice to find other people who "get it!"
make sure that what you have in anxiety disorder and not mitral value pro-lapse.

It can fool lots of people (including doctors).

I use to things I was nuts.But now I am on Atenolol and I can cope with most things.
ETOILE I totally understand the concert and play anxiety. I feel it too sometimes. I think for me it is because it is such an enclosed, confined area and if I want to/need to get up and leave, it may make a scene. (THAT is the last thing I would want to have happen!) Also, I know different lighting bothers me and can make me feel panicky. wierd, huh? I KNOW for a fact florescent lighting can bring that panic feeling on - I can't tell you how many times I have been at the grocery store or Costco and felt it coming.

Walt Disney World is not much of a problem for me as it is so open and there are lots of outside spaces. I am not really claustrophobic, just part of my thing is I don't want to put anyone out and I don't want to make any kind of
scene!! I did actually start to get panicky in the rope line inside The Great Movie Ride on my last visit. I just felt like if I needed to leave, I couldn't!! Just got it under control and was fine. I love the ride, so I just focused on the movie preshow and thought about the ride scenery.

SPICEYCAT What is that?? What does it feel like??? How did you get diagnosed?? Now I am probably going to be a hypochondriac!! :earboy2:

Yeah, lots of people have anxiety disorders - I find more everyday!! :grouphug:

Hang in there, guys!!

Lives4Disney :earsgirl:
Thanks for the encouragement. As a child I was always a little shy but I did not like being in crowded places and did not feel comfortable around strangers. Still don't.

I actually have MVP caused by Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, but when I discussed all the symptoms with my doctor and psychologist they both agreed that it was an Anxiety Disorder. You are correct about some of the symptoms of MVP and Panic Attacks being very much alike. I also seem to have some of the Anxiety Disorder traits of OCD and Social phobia.

Thanks again for all of the advice. I will post a report when I get back. :flower: :flower:
i am new here so hope this will help. so yes you have read right,disney has and will again help me face my fears and phobias. i suffer from anxiety and panic disorder and menieres disease. lights,closed in places,crowds and motion causes problems. also xanax is my best friend but i always work very hard to control the attacks myself. its been 2 yrs since i have been to disney and so i'm going in oct. its my bd month but its also the big black hole month (depression). disney makes me face my fears and phobias and the end result is heaven plus gives me back my independence and raises my confidence. have read about alot of people with various problems that goes to disney for the like to hear about them.
lives4disney thats how i feel about disney my health depends on disney. since i had a relapse and the anxiety is so bad that tellin myself mentally to take deep breaths doesn't help. i have to yell at myself and say diane take a chill pill and then i its my way of telling my body i mean business and then i can do the breathing. walking the floor all night helped but then you are tired thus more intense attacks. i also have menieres disease so having to conditions to focus on can take its toll. in fact i am on disability so no more work. so i'm going to disney in oct the (big black hole month) ,i'm sure you've had to deal with depression to. disney helped me face my fears and phobias in the past and i know i can get my independece and life back again. also another thing that helped me was never play the what if game that leads to attacks. i now see i am not alone and all your stories will help me more to win this fight.
I am clostrophobic, along the same lines of what you are describing, my problems are usually in enclosed spaces with doors shut. Can't do certain rides anymore. But what helps me somewhat while I'm in the parks is one of those mini-fans that you can wear around your neck, I have serveral of them and bring lots of batteries. You can get them at Disney or just about anywhere for alot cheaper during the summer months. :cool1:


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