Any Dis'ers into clay?


DIS Veteran
Jun 3, 2008
I've got a little ceramics studio in my basement sitting idle. I really need some inspiration to get back into it. Anybody out there also do ceramics? What are you working on?
Yeah! Another 'mud bud'!

What kind of ceramic molds do you have? Do you ever use clay or just slip? What material - earthenware?

I don't get to work on my projects often, so I have already given up on any Halloween projects by this time of year. I've just gotten started on making ornaments for holiday gifts and for keeping children busy while they are visiting. (I can give them a plain round ornament and some crayons or markers and they can have something to bring home when they are done.)

Vases, bowls, and plates are also fun last minute Christmas gifts to fill and use as a hostess gift. I like to write 'Christmas Crumbs but once a year' on my cookie plates.

For some DIS inspiration, how about:
- a vase that has Mickey Mouse's sorcerer hat pattern on it?
- Minnie Mouse polka-dotted items?
- sketch Mickey head silhouettes onto a bisqued piece & paint in colors with underglaze then cloat with clear glaze? (use MM head paint chips if you need a pattern)
- a cup/vase/planter/pencil holder (or other container) thats painted like Mickey Mouse shorts?

Do you have any favorite characters or hobbies you could center some pieces around? Would you show us your pieces when they are completed? Have fun!
Hey - a response! Sorry I just checked. I guess we don't have any other potters, just me and you runskyhy!

I don't have any molds, I've never done that. I have a wheel (Shimpo electric) and a skutt kiln. I've been doing some handbuilding lately, but I need to get back on that wheel. I've had some requests for spaniel bowls, so I may do some other pet themed items. I just came back from an art fair, and that always gets me motivated.

I would like to work some kind of Disney theme into something but I'm always at a loss for how to do that without making something look cheesy and commercial.

I'm thinking of selling on Etsy, have you ever done that?
Hey again. I've noticed one or two others on the Disboards work with the polymer clay (in the oven) but haven't seen any other kiln-ers so far. Too bad. Of course, it takes me months to finish a piece amongst everything else I'm doing in life, so as you mentioned, it is easy to step away for periods of time. But I have fun with it!

Nope, I've never sold on Etsy. My family and friends get stuck with my stuff on holidays!! :lmao: I usually prefer to use the word 'kitschy' on my 'cheesy' stuff!! :rotfl: Yes, it is very easy for a piece to quickly turn into a 'dollar store' item!!

If you were still looking to design something with a Disney flair, could you incorporate 'Hidden Mickeys' into your design - whether you paint or sculpt them into it? Then it might not be so obvious. It would be fun to see what you come up with! Please stop back in to offer updates, if you can!
If you were still looking to design something with a Disney flair, could you incorporate 'Hidden Mickeys' into your design - whether you paint or sculpt them into it? Then it might not be so obvious. It would be fun to see what you come up with! Please stop back in to offer updates, if you can!

That's a good idea. I'm going to clean up my studio today and get all the kids junk out of there, so I think that'll motivate me to create!
I do clay work, both ceramic clay and polymer clay. Not really traditional ceramics though I did go through my local community college's ceramic program. I then transferred to the local Art school and majored in sculpture. Plenty of studio experience, mold experience as well, but since I relied heavily on the school's equipment and staff I never learned how to operate a kiln :sad2:. Created a few glazes, but didn't really brush up on that either.

I don't really need glazes for my work, but a kiln would be nice. Once I'm set up and have a little extra money to spend I'd like to buy a small test kiln since I don't really need anything larger. Going up to bisque ware is enough for me, and I've got loads and loads of clay that I "borrowed" from school :cool2:.

Real clay is a lot nicer, but polymer clay has proved to be a good alternative. I also sell on Etsy, but at the moment I don't currently sell sculptures - I use to sell small ones on eBay.

Here's a link to my work:

The majority of the work is ceramic clay with mixed media, the stuff in the "Various Sculpture Work" folder is polymer.
I thought it was Mud Hen?:rotfl: I like Mud Bud though! I do a little clay work but mostly right now, painting. Many of my artist friends do ceramics and fire things. My hats off to your guys that fire becuase I can't take the unexpected results and the chances that your stuff could just break...*poof*. You have to have so much patience for ceramics! :worship: And people think I have patience to work w/ oils. :rotfl: not even close! :rolleyes1


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