Any Husbands here do all the planning?

This is the first trip they my husband is doing all of the planning. We go over few years but I was in Paris a year ago and then he and and I went to wdw and dl in the winter. When he declared that he wanted to go for thanksgiving I actually suggested we go to a tropical all inclusive. He said he wanted to go to wdw and I said only if he planned it. I don't think he has any clue how much work planning it is. Well, this has blown up in my face. He is obsessed with planning. Currently he had a adr for every meal for all 10 days. There is a spreadsheet and all. will either be the best or the worst trip ever. I bet it will be the best!
I do the planning in our family as well. I have almost as much fun planning as actually going.
Oh yeah, that's me. DW doesn't like to plan so it's on me (I also don't like to but am more willing to), even when I go w/ relatives they don't like planning either so I always plan it out to optimize everything
Though my wife and I are both... shall we say... a tad bit type A, I am the ridiculous planner. I confess. I once scheduled a 10 day New England tenting trip hour by hour. We saw everything major that CT, MA, ME, NH, and VT had to offer. It was amazingly perfect, and yet not relaxing at all. :)

I have to pull way back when planning our Disney trips, especially with all the wealth of information out there. Recently I was talking to my dad about our upcoming trip and he asked me how much gas was going to cost us. I grabbed the laptop and made the mistake of saying, "let me pull up the cost analysis spreadsheet"..... couldn't hear anything over the laughter after that.

Truth is, I find planning to be the fun part, as it gets me out of the real world and puts me in such a great mood.
When we went in December I did pretty much all the planning with some input on ADR's and fast passes but scheduling was all my deal. I had a great time spreadsheeting it all out!
Though my wife and I are both... shall we say... a tad bit type A, I am the ridiculous planner. I confess. I once scheduled a 10 day New England tenting trip hour by hour. We saw everything major that CT, MA, ME, NH, and VT had to offer. It was amazingly perfect, and yet not relaxing at all. :)

I have to pull way back when planning our Disney trips, especially with all the wealth of information out there. Recently I was talking to my dad about our upcoming trip and he asked me how much gas was going to cost us. I grabbed the laptop and made the mistake of saying, "let me pull up the cost analysis spreadsheet"..... couldn't hear anything over the laughter after that.

Truth is, I find planning to be the fun part, as it gets me out of the real world and puts me in such a great mood.

I've added my gas cost analysis sheets to my long road trips. Even use the average cost of gas in places we would likely fill up. I have been teased mercilessly too.

Thanks for the laugh.
I do all the planning as well. I run everything by the rest of the family, but I make all the reservations. Wouldn't have it any other way...
I am the DH and I have done all of the planning for our upcoming trip. 7 adults and my 19 month old daughter, for ten days at OKW. My grandparents will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary, my wife and I will be celebrating our 8 year anniversary. Both grandparents will have ecv's and neither one of them has been to Disney since the mid 80's. Should be a very memorable trip. Most of the group has never flown, so there are going to be plenty of first on this trip. Should be one truly interesting and fun experience. Wish us luck and happy travels!
Yep. Dave Ramsey says that in many marriages one person's the "nerd" and the other person's the "free spirit." In ours, I'm the nerd (planner) and DW is the free spirit. She prefers me to do the planning, run through it with her and she gives the final OK.
Count me in as another DH that does all the planning and makes all the ADR's and figures out all the FP+ stuff. I make sure to run everything by the family and get their input on what they want before finalizing anything, but all the organizing and work comes from me, (which is fine, since I like doing it). And once we are there, I become the tour guide as well!
I do 100% of the planning. Vacation planning has become a hobby unto itself. I love it. I try to throw in a mix of good restaurants and down time so as not to make it a completely 100% kid-centric vacation.

I'd be curious how many dads that plan these also went to WDW as children - I did at least twice, the first time was around 1975 staying at the Poly. Great memories and a great tradition to pass on to my kids. Someday, maybe even take the grandkids! But that's quite a ways off...
I do all the planning. I love it and have really enjoyed becoming a Disney World "expert" over the past 3 years. The planning and research is a lot of fun for me and just helps build excitement for the actual trip making the whole experience seem longer.

I also like keeping track of little things my wife or kids seem interested in so I can surprise them with it next time.
I do all the planning. My wife doesn't like to plan out so far ahead. But with disney you have too
Another DD planner here. DW could care less about it. DD is a planner in training... I plan all vacations (I enjoy it and enjoy looking for deals). When it comes to Disney, I just love it. We have "winged it" once or twice on vacation (DW suggestion)... yeah that's not happening again.
I HAD a spreadsheet, but then I found the "Add a Note" feature under the "Add Plans" in MDE while logged into the Disney site and put everything there. Now it shows up under My Plans in MDE on my iPhone - all in order by time mixed in with my ADRs and FPs.
I've planned every one of our Disney vacations and most of all the others too. I also researched DVC and helped make that a reality for us.

Every trip I make a calendar and spend lots of time developing our plan of action and making our reservations. We have many talks as a family during these times to help determine our goals but in the end I'm behind it all. DW loves that and appreciates all I do. At least thats what she tells me. She sets some parameters, and I know the things she likes so that helps. I'm always open to suggestions.

I've also helped many friends with plans or at least advice to get them started. As others have said its like a hobby!
If you call what we do planning then yes I do the planning. However it's only myself and my adult daughter that visit. If I don't "plan", then we'd literally just be showing up and winging it even more than we already do.


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