Any other Curves for women members here?

NHMomx2 - I asked for details regarding Pelham, they didn't know. Again check with the 800#

Tiffany - I asked and they said there are a lot of people who are 50 and over who are members!

My checkin I joined 8/16/01 I have lost 9lbs and 9 inches!!

I agree with Cherylp3 about the types of members. All ages and sizes. But we are all there to be healthier - so check it out.

I joined on Tuesday, after trying it the Friday before. The location I go it is working on adding a new machine. When I tried it last week it said 36 member needed until new machine.... yesterday it said 18 members. I am suprised at how fast that number has been dropping. I met another newbie last night. We are both slightly sore, but really enjoying the workout.

Its great, you can go at your own pace and judge how hard you are working.
I am curious other Curves members, do you workout beyond the 30 min. session? Should I add on a little cardio at home to help shed some pounds?
Danica - which machine is the new machine??

I don't go beyond my 30 min workout. Sometimes I walk my dog around my condo for extra exercise but nothing major.

Tiffany, just go in a check it out! I don't think you would feel out of place at all! I just joined, and did my second workout today. I love it! There were women there of all ages and sizes. Actually, I would say the average age was around 40 or so. There were a couple of women who I would say were at least 60 and quite over weight! It really is quite comfortable!
the "new" machine is an Oblique machine. Am I spelling that right.
I don't know if it is actually new or if we just don't have it yet.

I stumbled across the website for the company who makes this equipment last week and now I can't find it. But, it would be neat to see what the whole line up looks like.
Thanks ladies for all the encouragement. Yesterday I called and made an appointment to see what Curves for Women was all about. Ended up signing a 1 year contract and now have to make sure that I keep the committment that I made. Had my initial session yesterday and it seems like a program that will work for me. I will combine it with Weight Watchers and will aim for a new me when I make my first visit in over 11 years to WDW in June.
I signed up on Friday evening too. I start my workout tomorrow night!!! I'm actually excited about this....another lady from work is doing it to so I won't be going alone. And the owners were very nice people!!!
We have one in the area too - it is about a 15 minute drive from my place. I'd like to check it out - but, I just don't know about the drive and all???? I probably would have time 2 or 3 nights/days a week - but, with winter coming along I hate to put out too much money and not get there often enough.

Maybe I will treat myself as a Christmas Gift - and go after the holidays!

Funny story I had to share though.....
This 'Curves for Woman' opened in the mall about 2 years ago - I never heard of it before, and up until about 6 months ago I thought it was some sort of 'breast enhancement' place!! Oh my!!:rolleyes:
Hi Woven - It is recommended that you go at least 3 times a week.

Everyone else, How are you doing?

Last night was my second workout and I'm planning on going every night if I can...sometimes my schedule won't let me do that but if I can go...I'm going!!! I felt better last night working out...was able to push it a little harder...kept my heartrate about mid level which is fine for me...didn't sweat until I stopped!!!!! LOL Now I just have to stop drinking water early enough so I don't have to stop in the middle of my workout to pee!!!!!! ROFL
Hi everyone! I am loving Curves! I have been going 3x per week, and am going to try to up it to 4. I even went when we were in Indianapolis over Thanksgiving! Keep up all the hard work!
I wondered how it worked when you are traveling...if you can go somewhere where there is one. I should have asked, I could have gone last week in MN I'm sure!!!
December99, you can use any Curves, anywhere. You do have to get a travel pass from your Curves to prove you are a member.
OK, I'm still a little clueless. Here's a link to a picture on their website, and some info...

Are a group of women starting their 30 minutes at the same time, and you all move around together? Or are you moving independently?

And has anyone belonged long enough to know if they offer a New Year's Resolution special in January? :D
You begin your workout when YOU get there. You can start at any "station" that is open. There is a voice prompt that tells you to change stations, approx. every 30 seconds. You go around the circuit three times, and this takes 30 minutes from the time you start. Within that 1/2 hours many different women can begin and end their workout. You do not have to wait for anyone.

I do not know if they offer any New Years specials. I do believe that each store can offer their own specials since they are franchises. You may want to call your local Curves and ask!

Not Yet :D

Yes since each curves is independantly owned they can set their own "specials"
Congrats December 99! I saw the post on the Community board.

Congrats on all your weight loss!!

I'm so glad I happened to see this thread. I have seen ads for Curves in our local paper and had dismissed it as a "fad". Thanks to all your positive feedback, I will definately check it out. Thanks!


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