Any ROFR news?

congrats are in order for Kim and her soon to be addition to the DVC family.

Congrats to dis-happy for your add-on, and to lacee for passing ROFR for the VWL.

We received a call yesterday from TCS, Inc. indicating we will receive our closing docs on Tuesday. Nice way to start the weekend.

Disney Ron

Tons of congrats and pixie dust on your news! And.... since you love Disney so much and because my name is Mickey too, I think I know what we should be naming the little buddle of joy!

If it's a boy that is......

Congrats again!!!:D


PS. I may close on Monday or Tuesday!!!
I don't know about Mickey, but my DF's name is Donald so I might be able to pull that one least for a middlename.

Would Tinkerbell be too odd for a girl?;)

Congratulations on your wonderful news. I am a female and just spell it a little differently.
Congratulations Kim, Thats just great. Hey and Donald is a perfect name for a boy. Of course since your kim possible I guess Ron is not a far leap either. just what you needed a little Ron "un"stoppable wreaking havoc on your lives there is nothing like it. Ok so now we have your boys names and one vote for micki if its a girl. I hope you don't mind us voicing our opinions its the first ROFR bambino.

Tink might work but she might get teased, you might be better off calling her belle, hey wait that works to, we named my daughter Katherine (Katie) but my son calles her beauty anyway. He informed us when my wife was pregnant he wanted her named Aurora Briarose Cummins but we thought the initial ABC might be to much LOL

Congrats again
Hey guys and gals

whats the deal with FITS or Fun in the Sun Passes, they seem like a real deal if your not sure AP's will be used a second time

Has anyone had any dealings with these


(also had to get us back to the top, y'all have been getting tooo quiet)
Hey Don,

I think they are a FL resident only pass...but, I am not TOTALLY sure on that. I remember reading about them a while back, and thinking, "Too bad I can't use those".


No not florida, they are marketed in europe and australia but can be gotten here in the U.S. The prices are really good

Just sent in the signed paperwork and our final payment for our VWL resale. Very exciting.

I know this is off topic, but I just had to tell my friends in this ROFR thread, my daughter is a college freshman and applied for the WDW College Program where she would work at WDW for 8 months while living in a dorm on property. This is done, because WDW employees are so well trained, and when one participates in this program, it's looked at as a positive on one's resume when applying for employment, after college.

Well 20,000 college students applied for this 2 weeks ago and we found out yesterday that my daughter has been selected. She leaves for WDW on 1/24/05 and comes home 8/19/05. She's ecstatic.

So now our first stay in DVC will be during school vacation(my son is a soph in HS)in April at our first home SSR. Then we our going again in August to pick her up and will be staying at our 2nd home VWL, for the first time.

Sorry for the length, but we just wanted to share this with our friends here.

Disney Ron
Congrats!!! I have a former student who is there right now. She went initially in the college program (she was hired as a character performer) and had so much fun, that she has decided to take a year off from college, and has moved to FL to work as a performer for WDW...she is having a BLAST!!! I cannot wait to go see her when we are there!!!

Congrats...that is SOO cool!!



That's great. Out of the 20,000 how many did they select?


Ps. Still can't say OKW Mike because we still haven't CLOSED!!!
They keep telling me any day any day!
My DW and I just put an offer in for BWV. After reading a number of posts here we are getting a little down. How often does Disney snag these resales? We are at BWV@ $72 per. Am I getting my hopes up for nothing? Should I start looking again? We'll see.......:rolleyes:
Being new at this, we are paying closing costs. There are no points for '04.
Sorry about that, there are 37 points available and we are responsible for MF for these points
gja, we just passed rofr, 250 VWL points at 75$ a point. The TTS told us that anything 73$ per point or less would probably NOT pass, but I don't know if that is just VWL or if it would apply elsewhere. HOWEVER, I have not read on here about anyone losing to rofr in quite a while so I would not give up hope if I were you. I hope you hear either way real soon.....Lacee
Just sent deposit check today for:
OKW 230 points
115 banked
buyer pays closing and 2004 maintenance

DH gave me the go-ahead to make an even 1000 points and we have wanted to get OKW, since all of our current points are BWV. This contract is same use year (easy for a memory-challenged retiree) as our BWV points. The wait begins. I am resigned to the outcome one way or the other. We are using home equity money (have always paid cash before), but recently 3 of our friends have been diagnosed with cancer and we decided that we need to squeeze in as many family and friend trips as possible before it's too late. Do I sound like I'm still mentally justifying this financed deal? I could use a little pixie dust on this one.
jekjones.....WOW 1000 POINTS!!!!!! Pixie dust to you, I hope you get all the family and friend time you want! BTW, we used home equity for our first purchase, sold that house and moved to a large one, and are using home equity again for our VWL add-on. Things here are going through the roof pricewise so I think we will be okay, plus we don't plan to move again any time soon (I hope!)
Good to know that we are not alone in the home equity financing. We are not into borrowing, as we are of modest means, live in a not-so-great neighborhood, are living on pensions. But we are not destitute and DVC is our one luxury. (Still not 100% comfortable about a loan, can you tell?) DVC has brought us great joy, albeit at a cost of many points to bring family and friends. So here's hoping that the add-on fairy is sprinkling a little magic our way. This will have to be our LAST add-on. Maintenance fees will eat us alive! Thanks for pixie dust!
Yea, Jean!!! Congrats!!! We will have to add you to the "1000 point club"!!!

I wouldn't worry too much about your contract, I think you will pass. I just called DVC today to check about adding on at OKW (heehee..I am SOOO spoiled....but, we haven't bought yet). My guide said there were 1200 points available in Aug, and 1000 points in Sept....and, that's just the two UY's I was checking on. So, they certainly have enough OKW inventory.

gja and Jean, I think Disney has really backed off on ROFR since the hurricanes. We passed at VWL at $72 per point, and not too much before that (and AFTER the price increase) RuthnPaul passed at VWL at $71.XX per point (a 370 point contract with 370 banked points, and all current ones). So, there is definitely hope!!

I think you both will be fine.

Good luck, and pixie dust to you both,




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