Any water feature experience?


<font color=blue>DVC-Trivia Contest, Apr-2006: Hon
Nov 22, 2000
I want to put some sort of water feature in our turn around area. This will be a rock garden type area in some parts and is basically tear drop shaped and about 20 feet across. I also want to use grasses and flowers here, but could use some advice on a water feature. I am not sure if I want a pond or a fountain or a water fall. Any suggestions? I also need some maintenance advice. We get pretty cold here, so I am not sure of the best material for lining etc.
Diane, is the area where you're thinking of putting a water feature, sloped?

I have no idea how big you would like it to be, but I think a waterfall feature would look great (they're my favourite :))! Something like the following pic perhaps, but maybe with more smaller stones added for a more casual look. A streambed would be nice also.


You might like to check out the following link. There are lots of ideas for different types of water features, plus info on water garden winterizing.

~HGTV~Water Features~

We only have a small overflowing pot type water feature, but I've included a couple of pics that I've seen on garden tours, just for ideas. :)

The following pic is a huge water feature! Things can always be scaled way down! ;) They even have a few 'permanent' herons visiting. ;)




How about a small steam with a wooden bridge? Something along this line...

Please place my adirondack chair in close proximity to the water feature, Diane.

Thanks in advance.
I love my mini waterfall and pond. So do the golfish and cat. I have multicolored pond lights in it that look lovely on a summer evening, and the moving water sounds soothing. I sometimes sit and just watch the fish swim around. They had a baby fish last summer which I called Nemo.
I made the pond and waterfall myself. The pump was the most expensive part followed by the rocks I had to buy. Maintenance...Now thats the stinky part. Cleaning the pond pump and pond out is messy. Yuk. :D
Welcome back, magicmouse2! :flower3:

I've heard that the maintenance part of a pond can be...yuck! ;) :) It sounds like you're really enjoying yours! :)
:blush: :blush: (Insert jealous me here!)

A water feature of any kind is so pretty and relaxing, I think they add so much to a garden! Especially if you have a natural slope or hill to work with and can make the pond look like it naturally belongs, so nice! ::yes:: ::yes:: :fish: :fish:

I'm thinking about adding one of those pre-fabbed pond kit things in my shade garden by the lanai this spring. No fish, but maybe an aquatic plant or two. With some ferns and cyclamen around the pond, I think it could be quite nice, and hopefully low maintenance! :tilt:

MAGICMOUSE2 - PICS! We need pics! :flower1:
Hubby is planning on a water feature coming down next to our stone steps and our stone wall.
I love the look of them but I'm kind of eh about the upkeep.

magicmouse, the colored lights sound nice.
I thought the picture of the wooden bridge and the bench had a giant tortoise in it as well! But no, it's a table.

I would start small, whatever you do! I spent years looking at water feature books, and in the end my little pond is enough for me. This summer I had lots of trouble trying to get the water clear, it never did come up to snuff.

Also, mine is enclosed in our house gate, I worry too much, but I wouldn't want just anyone to have access to the pond.

Bobbi :flower1:
At the moment I have a pre-fabbed pond. It is black plastic and so is the mini waterfall, though I have tried to blend it in using bamboos, ferns, bergenias and hardy palms planted around it. I dont like it now but it was my first attempt. The pond is also too small (although looked huge when I bought it). This summer I am taking the pre formed pond out and making the pond bigger using pond liners, which I am going to cover with stones and rocks. I also want to get the waterfall bit more natural looking and found a great site to copy ideas from Yes they are all here in the UK but they look so natural. It also gives a few pictures of some ponds that have gone wrong! though thankfully mine is not that bad.
I will post a picture of my pond in the summer as it is a bit yukky looking at the minute, and I have the waterfall switched off for the winter. My pond is also enclosed in my garden which is fenced off for safety reasons. :flower1: :flower1: :wave:
we have a prefab kit that we expanded into a waterfall, stream and pond currently out of commision because i wasnt able to clean it during the fall and i just turned it off till spring after the winter, will probably have to reline the stream,waterfall etc, but its cool:) i'll trty and get a few pics tommorrow if weather permits.
Kim I DO want something similar to your photos, but I was thinking of that for the long range future plan in back of the house. The front turnaround area is probably too small for something of that scale. I am leaning toward a small rock pond with one small fall going into it to recirculate the water.

Any sugestions about using the black vinyl fabric or concrete?
FroggyinArk, we would always have to drain them here, because of the freezing temps. It has been below zero so many days lately, that our septic drain field froze up and backed up into the house! :earseek:
I have 3 small ponds in my gardens and find a screen over them in the fall will help keep the leaves out... As for the pumps I have never had any problems (now I have done it) so far with winter weather and they are all a few years old.

I love to hear the water running while I am out in the yard.
We have 3 small preform ponds with waterways connecting 2. Small waterfalls & fountains. Makes a nice trickling sound. Lots of plants & fish in 2, frogs in all. We're not fenced so we do get the stray cat. It's a safe haven for birds in the winter and butterflies in the summer. Here's a pic of a butterfly on the beach grass around the pond.


This year we had baby fish! I wouldn't want anything larger. They're enough for me to take care of. I keep 1 pump going ( now I've said it too) and a deicer for the fish. I can see the fish under the ice from my kitchen window.


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