Anyone dissappointed in star wars land


DIS Veteran
Aug 7, 2016
Just from watching you tube videos I have been a little dissappointed in star wars land. Not a big fan of he grimy dirty look. Also wonderin for a casual star wars fan does this land have enough to do. If you dont want a 200 dollar light saber or a 100 dollar droid or want to drink in a overcrowded bar. The shops look interesting but not that big. I dont know havent been there but just wonderin if anyone feels like this? There are so many gushing reviews from star wars fanatics but I dont think the casual fan or non fan would find it so interesting. Plus is there a lack of entertainment? Maybe its different in person but i guess i was hopin for a more futuristic look and not a morrocon marketplace.
I think that’s the same as anything really, if you aren’t a Star Wars fan then yes you aren’t going to ‘understand’ it. I’m the same with Marvel, I’m not bothered about the whole new area in DCA or when I visit Universal Orlando in the Spider-Man ride for instance.

Doesn’t mean others aren’t fans and can appreciate it.
Just from watching you tube videos I have been a little dissappointed in star wars land. Not a big fan of he grimy dirty look. Also wonderin for a casual star wars fan does this land have enough to do. If you dont want a 200 dollar light saber or a 100 dollar droid or want to drink in a overcrowded bar. The shops look interesting but not that big. I dont know havent been there but just wonderin if anyone feels like this? There are so many gushing reviews from star wars fanatics but I dont think the casual fan or non fan would find it so interesting. Plus is there a lack of entertainment? Maybe its different in person but i guess i was hopin for a more futuristic look and not a morrocon marketplace.

It seems to carry the atmosphere of the movies, so I am excited to see it next week. I didn't like Avatar (the film), but can't deny that FOP is incredibly well done. You probably need to be immersed in the land to appreciate the detail. That being said, nothing says you have to like it. It is okay if you prefer other lands.
Star Wars is set a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, not in the future. It was revolutionary at the time for showing a sci-fi world that was dirty and lived-in and where things broke down. My dad always talks about what a revelation it was to see C-3PO with dents and grime and ships that weren't slick and shiny. The Millennium Falcon is literally a "hunk of junk." Only the Bad Guys have pristine, futuristic ships and star bases. They built a land that fits that aesthetic perfectly. I'm so excited to explore it soon!
Star Wars is set a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, not in the future. It was revolutionary at the time for showing a sci-fi world that was dirty and lived-in and where things broke down. My dad always talks about what a revelation it was to see C-3PO with dents and grime and ships that weren't slick and shiny. The Millennium Falcon is literally a "hunk of junk." Only the Bad Guys have pristine, futuristic ships and star bases. They built a land that fits that aesthetic perfectly. I'm so excited to explore it soon!

All of this! If you are disappointed that the land looks worn out and dirty, then you don't really get what is unique about Star Wars and/or you wish it was something else, like Harry Potter or Star Trek.
I mean, I sort of get where you're coming from OP, but I'm not disappointed and I don't wish SWGE was more futuristic; I just realize I'm not their target audience. I LOVE the bright cheerfulness of Diagon Alley and the Hogwarts Express, and the snow-topped Hogsmeade buildings... but then again, I'm a die-hard Potterhead. The grimy-and-cluttered Batuu doesn't really appeal, but I also don't know a Sith from a Resistance (or whatever). I do appreciate SWGE for the intricacy, detail, and immersiveness though, and I'm sure I'll have a great time there even if I don't "get" all of it. I'm also excited for the ride(s), because who doesn't appreciate a well done theme park ride? My DH, who is a lifelong Star Wars fan, was drooling over a DIS video on YouTube about Oga's Cantina and is sooo excited. He discovered that he absolutely MUST have the $75 monster teeth beer flight. Which he will drink all the beer out of for the rest of his life, forever 😝
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Were you looking for something more futuristic? Like say.... the death star? Do you work for the dark side? Lol just kidding! This land is a dream come true for super star wars fans , like myself. Id suggest to go rewatch the trilogy. I hope when you see it , youll love it! May the Force be with you.
Also to realize that the ones who were there the past few days and make all the videos and write the reviews are the people who are either massive fans, those who thrive on being the first, and the websites dedicated to DL/Disney. This is why you should look at the videos and reviews from your perspective, not the authors. If you are not a massive fan, and the author is, take it with a grain of salt.

Also crowds the past few days won't (hopefully) be reflecctive how it will be in the long run. I am sure that after a while the crowds in the bars will be more reasonable.

I have never seen a Star Wars movie in my life, I wouldn't be able to tell you a single plotline, and the only characters I recognize are Princess Leia and Darth Vader. The rest I have no idea about. But I am more than curious to see the scale and the immersiveness, the new tricks in imagineering, the details (some might probably escape me). Will it be my favourite land? Unlikely, as I know myself to be a Disney Renaissance girl, but who knows! Anything can happen :)

Don't make too many assumptions till you are there.
Were you looking for something more futuristic? Like say.... the death star? Do you work for the dark side? Lol just kidding! This land is a dream come true for super star wars fans , like myself. Id suggest to go rewatch the trilogy. I hope when you see it , youll love it! May the Force be with you.

The dark side has cookies and the resistance has wookies. It's a no brainers really 🙃

I personally think the land looks plucked right out of a star wars movie. I have an entire floor of my house dedicated to star wars. I never thought I would get a whole 'land' lol. It's so overwhelming and a bit unreal still to me.

What's even more exciting is meeting even more fans like me.
I'm super-duper excited to see SWGE, and I'm only a casual fan. How casual? I've watched the one from 1977, and the rest of my SW knowledge comes from listening to construction videos by Fresh Baked on Youtube. So, the majority will go right over my head! But, you can look find beauty in the details whether you know the background or not. I've heard over and over again how immersive the land is, and I'm excited to find myself in a new land that is said to feel 99.9% removed from the park at large.

From another side, my grandson is obsessed with (wrong name for it, I know) Harry Potter Land at Universal. Me? It took me 3 months to finish the first book, starting and stopping it multiple times. I know so little it about it that I remember that flying game with the gold golf ball and that's about it. Oh, and that you don't choose your wand, it chooses you. All that being said, Harry Potter Land looks AMAZING. I can see the details that matter to people, and the immersiveness, and the excitement from the super-fans, and I can appreciate it for that.
Just from watching you tube videos I have been a little dissappointed in star wars land. Not a big fan of he grimy dirty look. Also wonderin for a casual star wars fan does this land have enough to do. If you dont want a 200 dollar light saber or a 100 dollar droid or want to drink in a overcrowded bar. The shops look interesting but not that big. I dont know havent been there but just wonderin if anyone feels like this? There are so many gushing reviews from star wars fanatics but I dont think the casual fan or non fan would find it so interesting. Plus is there a lack of entertainment? Maybe its different in person but i guess i was hopin for a more futuristic look and not a morrocon marketplace.
Disney knows, and knew all along during the planning and construction phases, that not everyone who visits is a SW fan. They also know that not everyone has even seen the movies or knows the story lines or characters. They built this land to be fun for everyone, fan and non-fan, SW PhD. and SW newbie, and everyone else who visits. They know that not all guests will speak English and not all guests will be able to experience GE the same way (e.g. we know blind friends who are so looking forward to "seeing" GE!). My point is that GE may be SW themed, but it is totally Disney through and through -- it is a new land in Walt's original park and it's for everyone to enjoy. You won't have to be a SW fanatic to find things to do or things to like or things to entertain you in GE -- you'll just find ways to enjoy the land your way. And while it may not end up being your favorite land in DL, that doesn't mean you should write it off before you even see it for the first time. Keep an open mind and give it a fair chance! After all, since when can you not have fun and be entertained anywhere inside DL?
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No not at all disappointed, they got the look down pat as far as I’m concerned. Very reminiscent of several places in the Star Wars universe. The X Wings, A Wings, Droids, blasters, Shuttles and Tie Eschelon looked pretty futuristic to me as well. Not to mention the Falcon. Plus remember the futuristic elements will be in the rides themselves.
All the best.
Ive been saying this from the start, Star Wars Galaxys Edge target audience is not the regular Disney AP holder or family. The prices and quality of the light sabers, the Jedi robes, the fact that alcohol is available, all the tiny details from the films. Even the fact that the land is Batuu and not all shiny futuristic space just shows that Disney have put a huge amount of market research into this.

They know exactly who they are building this for, they know and understand the needs, wants and expectations of the Star Wars Fan community.

If you want to buy your kid a light saber and jedi robe, go to Star Traders in Tomorrowland. If you have Star Wars themed merchandise in your home, or go to Star Wars conventions, or are a member of a Star Wars website, then you will appreciate the experience of the build your own light saber and think it good value.

So yes, if you have never seen a Star Wars film, never really go on Star Tours, only know characters such as Darth Vadar, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker, and think $200 is outrageous and over priced for a light saber or droid or robe, then you are not the target audience and you will have a negative view of Star Wars Galaxys Edge.
Just from watching you tube videos I have been a little dissappointed in star wars land. Not a big fan of he grimy dirty look. Also wonderin for a casual star wars fan does this land have enough to do. If you dont want a 200 dollar light saber or a 100 dollar droid or want to drink in a overcrowded bar. The shops look interesting but not that big. I dont know havent been there but just wonderin if anyone feels like this? There are so many gushing reviews from star wars fanatics but I dont think the casual fan or non fan would find it so interesting. Plus is there a lack of entertainment? Maybe its different in person but i guess i was hopin for a more futuristic look and not a morrocon marketplace.
The whole revolution of Star Wars was and is the fact that it’s a lived-in, used universe. The only adequately sci-fi looking place in Star Wars would maybe be Coruscant, a planet-sized city that can’t realistically be made into a theme park.
I am not disappointed by Star Wars land at all. It’s bold, detailed, and the next level of theme park design and environmental storytelling.
Here’s the thing... they designed it in such a way that you can gladly ignore it as you enjoy the rest of Disneyland. It’s not part of the original wheel, so if it’s really not your jam then you can bypass like it doesn’t even exist! But, personally, I’d give the old “Moroccan marketplace” a shot before you wrinkle your nose.
It looks very great -- perfectly Star Wars'ish. The only thing that will probably disappoint moi is that it looks like it'll be really hot. I haven't heard anyone mention this, but it seems like a lot of heat-catching rock work and it looks like it could lack good air flow. We've had a crazy long winter this year, so it hasn't been an issue yet, but So Cal gets hot.
Maybe that'll be a good thing -- people won't hang around for a long time, so more can get in to see the area. Looking forward to more trip reports!


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