Anyone Ever Drive From Ohio The Buckeye State

We used to drive every year with 4 children. It took us about 20.5 hours from Lansing Michigan. We have done 3 different routes 65, 95, and 75. I like the 65 and the 95 if we are headed to hh Island then to Vero Beach. We always packed 2 picinics and snacks and drinks for them on the way down. They always decided what was in the picinics and snacks. When traveling we leave at night and they sleep for alot of it. Make the trip a game like someone else suggested. All of them can read a map now becuase each was given a lamanated one so they could keep track of where we are. This was a really fun time they loved driving because they got to play on I-75 twice because of a accident had closed the express way. We also let them decide where and when we would stop. We never ate at resteraunts because they new every time we stopped was more time in the car away from wdw. All of the kids want to take the trip this summer know that they are older but no one has a big enough vechile now.

They grow up so fast enjoy them as much as possible.

We have over 18 inches of 'fresh' snow. I wouldn't miss Ohio too much right now.:lmao:

We drive down the 77 route every year and it takes us about 18 hours not including stops. We drive about 16 hours the first day and then the rest the next day. This allows us to do at least 1/2 a day at a park when we arrive and we are well rested! Our 3 kids have never flown and do not want to. They love the tunnels and mountains on 77.:goodvibes
We just spent 2.5 weeks in FL. We spent 5 days at Disney then drove over to Bradenton. My husband flew home from there, I stayed with our 2 kids (6 and 4) and our daughters service dog.

I drove home yesterday from Bradenton. Its 13.5 hrs and we did it in 14 hrs, stopping 3 times to gas up, potty, walk dog and get food.

Wasn't bad at all. I had books on tape that were family friendly and suprisingly the kids enjoyed them.

Where are you from in Ohio? We're from columbus and I would looove to find a route that takes 14hrs to Bradenton. For us it takes 17-18hrs. We are also planning a trip that routes us from Bradenton to WDW this year and I've been debating whether to fly or drive. Personally, after driving for Christmas this year I don't know if I can handle another 17 hr drive.:eek:

GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!:yay:
I am about 45 minutes east of Cleveland. I take the I-77 route. We usually stop in Columbia on the way down. I like to break it up into two days. On the way home I like to stay in Charlotte or Statesville.

Allegiant airlines flies out of Youngstown. They have direct flights to Sanford. The prices are very cheap. I have seen flights as low as $59 each way. Unfortunately they don't book nearly as far in advance as some of the other airlines. They are also more expensive near to holidays.
Hey. Had to reply to your post. My entire family has driven to the Disney area from Marion every year for about 10 years now. We take around 12-15 people in a caravan of 3 cars/suvs. It has taken us anywhere from 16-20 hours to get there depending on what route we took and how many stops we had to make. Granted last year it took about 20 hours but we made a lot of stops because we had a 3 year old and an 85 year old. We always have a good time(family bonding) we stop at cracker barrels not only because it is nice to go potty there but it is cheaper than most places. It is so funny to have stumbled upon someone from my area. :) However, this year we are flying down instead because it was so much cheaper.
We did our first drive to Orlando, in Aug 08'. I have two boys, 14 & 10. We are from Delawarne. I found a great tip for the kids to keep them somewhat entertained on the trip. We made up goody bags. They were a surprise for the kids. The bags had 1 treat, a new DVD, Wal-mart has 2 for $10.00 (we have a player in our vehicle), new DS game, new puzzle books. Also, we printed out a list of the states and marked when we saw that state on the passing vehicles license plates.
We did our first drive to Orlando, in Aug 08'. I have two boys, 14 & 10. We are from Delawarne. I found a great tip for the kids to keep them somewhat entertained on the trip. We made up goody bags. They were a surprise for the kids. The bags had 1 treat, a new DVD, Wal-mart has 2 for $10.00 (we have a player in our vehicle), new DS game, new puzzle books. Also, we printed out a list of the states and marked when we saw that state on the passing vehicles license plates.

That's a GREAT idea! I am going to do that....but I have to wait until closer to when we go because I'm not very good at keeping surprises! LOL :lmao:
I am about 45 minutes east of Cleveland. I take the I-77 route. We usually stop in Columbia on the way down. I like to break it up into two days. On the way home I like to stay in Charlotte or Statesville.

Allegiant airlines flies out of Youngstown. They have direct flights to Sanford. The prices are very cheap. I have seen flights as low as $59 each way. Unfortunately they don't book nearly as far in advance as some of the other airlines. They are also more expensive near to holidays.

GOOOO HILLTOPPERS!! We're in Mentor, but Im a Chardon grad!
An inexpensive (or less expensive) way to fly as an alternative to Hopkins is to go out of Akron/Canton with Airtran. My wife went a few years ago and saved doing that. This time, we're just taking Continental from Hopkins.
So far Airtran seems to be the cheapest flights around. Never heard of them until Kayak. How are they?

Also, to OP how long did it take you?
:rotfl: Hey everyone. I'm from Toledo and we drive down w/a caravan of three cars. We don't drive straight thru because my FIL drives and he needs to rest. So we usually stay overnight somewhere around Macon/Warner Robbins areas. We usually leave around 3am and get there about 5pm and then we leave about 7am and get to Disney about 2-3pm. I don't know why that is seeming soo much longer of a time than the rest of you:confused3 , but oh well. We have a blast though:cool1: :cool1: !!! We are getting a CB this year because my FIL and BIL have one and they're always talking on it:rotfl: !! We always have Disney trivia questions going:thumbsup2

Also, we bring alot of our Disney movies for my DS(6) to watch. He loves it!!! We play the ABC game where we have to spot something that starts with that letter. And, whoever gets to Z first, wins!!! I smacked that pants off my DF last trip!!!:rotfl2: :rotfl2: He was so mad at me!!!! :rotfl: But, it was alot of fun though. I love driving because of all the scenery you see and those sunrises and sunsets!!! To each his own....but I have alot of fun!!:hippie:

But, those are a good idea about the goodies bag!!! I might have to do that on our next trip!!!!:yay: :yay: :rolleyes1
HEY!!! HI!! I'm west of Toledo in the Swanton area.
We did the CB's a couple of times when we used to drive too. It was so fun. I loved listening to the truckers.
You sound like you do it in around 21 hours. Not bad at all. I assume you take 75. Thats what we have always taken and I would say it takes us that long as well. It sounds like those who take a different route make it a bit faster. Alot of times we were going somewhere else first, so we had to take 75. I never really even knew of hte other way till here. (I guess I knew, but didn't think many took it). My firend did take it once and didn't care for that route, so we never took it. and it kind of left my mind after that.
So, I have been getting little items for the "goodie bags" for my kids, and I came across something really cute at the Disney Store. They have these little travel size pillows called Travel Buddies on sale now for $3! I got DD14 an Eeyore one, DS11 a Dory one (he LOVES fish!), DS8 a LGM one, and DS5 a Stitch one. I am going to give them to them right before we start our trip.:thumbsup2
We've driven three times and are from the Lima area. It takes us between 18 and 20 hours since we drive straight through and make extra stops. Last year it took us 22 hours to get there since we were thoroughly exhausted and had to make a stop for a cat nap. We found tickets for 7 at $180 each (with no lay-overs) out of Indy this year and are going that route. With gas being what it is and how tired we would be upon arrival I think it's going to work out to our advantage.
HEY!!! HI!! I'm west of Toledo in the Swanton area.
Hey, I graduated from Swanton and I am currently living in Delta! :)
We take the 75 route when we drive to Florida because we are nearly in Michigan and that seems to be the fastest route for us. We don't take any of the bypasses around Cincy or Atlanta because they seem to add time to the trip. Besides, Atlanta is beautiful at night when it is all lit up. So is Cincy. :) On a return trip once, we travelled up 95 just for something different. That was fun. The 75 drive usually takes about 17 - 18 hours. It's possible we have lead feet but I don't think so. :confused3 When we were making regular trips to Orlando, we actually drove to Apopka where my Dad had a house and it was about 1100 miles from driveway to driveway. I have done the trip with three kids under the age of 4, one of which was a newborn. That was an exhausting trip. :eek: The kids got along fine though and entertained themselves with the things toddlers do. :rotfl2: Next summer we will drive straight through with all ten of us, only stopping for gas, food and bathrooms. Preferably all three at the same time. The kids will range from 7 - 18 by the time we leave. I would do the goody bag thing for them but the older ones would probably expect new Ipods, cell phones, etc. :) We always have fun on the our trips. The kids like to sing, listen to books on tape/cd, talk, etc. Fighting is banned on my bus, but you know with eight kids the "he's/she's touching/looking/sitting at/by me" thing comes up every now and then. ;) Assigned seats are a must in order to avoid anarchy! :rolleyes1
What a small world! I grew up North of Delta, right down the road from the Country Dip. (You can see my parenst house if stand behind the Dip). I now live North of Swanton on 64 on the Dairy Farm,(if you are familiar with that area) near Assumption.
I didn't go to either highschool though. I was in Evergreen District, but was sent to Notre Dame Academy.
I am from Bucyrus, and I think it took us 16-18 hours straight through with potty breaks and stopping to eat, that is coming home from WDW. Going down we stopped over night.

We plan on driving down for our next trip, but right now that is all going to depend on what the gas prices are looking like.

Amtrak sounds like a great way to go, but I don't think there are any routes that go straight down to FL from OH. I just can't see changing trains with 3 kids. :scared1:

We still have a while until our trip, so we shall see. I have everything crossed that once we have a new president that maybe we might see gas prices go down. A girl can dream can't she?! LOL!!!
I know the Dairy Farm. :) My Dad, aunts, uncles went to school in Assumption (or AI as they always called it). Very small world indeed because as you know, lots of people even from around here don't know where Assumption is! I know a couple of people who graduated from ND also.


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