Anyone ever started their own website?

To create a website not even the most difficult part here. Get some traffic on your website is another difficult task.

I agree. Are you planning to post content/blogs/recipes/pictures/videos that you want others to see? Are you trying to sell something? Do you want it to be interactive where others can posts things? I would first try to figure out the intended use since likely the different website creation tools are more suited for one application then another. If you launch a website and no one ever looks at it since they have no idea it exists not sure what you have accomplished. If I was trying to run a business and have ongoing sales, I would be more inclined to use Amazon or some existing platform since they already have traffic coming to their site and have setup how to handle billing/etc. Ebay seems to be used for a lot of one-time sales so that is another option. I am sure there are hundreds of others many of which are organized around what exactly is being sold.
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You can create a good website yourself by using a website builder or pay a fixed amount to the specialist, who will do it for you in a couple of days. Here comes the difficult part - how do you find clients or drive traffic to your page? I think it is a good idea to invest in a ranking strategy and let professionals like rank engineаged-outreach-links/ do this job for you, instead of wasting for that the precious time.
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You can find endless options for templates on Etsy. Once you decide on a platform, such as Wordpress, search travel Wordpress website on Etsy and you'll undoubtedly find a plethora of options that only require some basic customization and your info. Much easier than starting from scratch.
I've tried both Wix and WordPress, and Wix is definitely the easier option for beginners. I'm excited about Wix's new AI Site Generator tool, but I know it's still under development. Furthermore, I hope they release it soon and that it's free or at least affordable.
If the point of having a website is to sell something, the key aspect is how to get potential customers to actually find your site. Think you would be FAR better off to join an existing site selling similar products where they already have a large following of people looking to buy the type of things you want to sell. Building a following from scratch could take years and would take away time from actually designing/making whatever it is you plan to sell.

Doing this as a way to run a business is a lot different from doing something as a hobby in your spare time.
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