Anyone ever surprised their kids?


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Apr 26, 2000
We're making a short trip (3 days) to WDW at the end of the month on our way to our normal vacation in southern Florida. Since the kids know we go to Florida every summer, we can easily keep this a secret until we're actually on the plane.

The kids are ages 6 and 3 and have been to WDW before, although the 3yo wouldn't remember it. In order to keep it a secret we wouldn't bring some of our normal stuff such as autograph books, etc., which might slightly disappoint the 6yo.

My question is, has anyone ever kept a visit a secret for kids that young, and if so, was it successful? Kids that age don't always like surprises, even good ones, and I'm a trifle apprehensive about this. On the other hand, if it works out well, I think it could be a wonderful surprise for them. It would also keep me from being driven crazy with the "How many more days" questions.

Whaddya think?
We took our kids at Christmas (DD age 15 & DS age 9). We told them 2 days before we left.

My kids would have flipped if we had waited until the day of the trip, but that's because they are old enough to pack themselves and have certain things they like to bring.

If they were younger, I would have waited until later.

Bring the autograph books. You can find a place to hide them
I completly understand your dilema! I have a 4 and 8 year old.... The 8 year old is a really planner and introvert. She needs time to process information. We sprung a trip to Cedar Point on her one moring 2 weeks ago and she kept saying she was just too tired to go, until she worked the whole thing out in her head on the 2 hour trip down and had fun. My 4 year old on the other hand is an extrovert who's little mind never stop looking for things to do! She will go anywhere at the drop of a dime, but tell her even a day before what you are going to do and she obsesses over every detail. Our first trip to Cedar Point (an overnighter) this summer we told them the day before and she was up until 11 pm, getting out of bed every few minutes to ask when are we going, how are we getting there, are you sure we don't need to take a plane, is daddy going, is sister going, are you sure we don't need to go on a plane......(Then repeat the sequence 2 more times!:rolleyes: )

You know your kids best! I think a surprise would be really neat! I'm trying to figure out how do do it with our next DW trip. For us I think I have decided to surprise the 8 year old a couple of days ahead. Give her her plane bag (I always make a new one to fill with activities) and a copy of WDW with Kids to look over so she can plan what she would like to do. I know she can keep a secret for a few days so the 4 yr old will have no clue until we tell her at the airport!! I can't wait to see her face!!!!!

If you need to tell them well before because they aren't "I like surprises" kids, have them make some sort of count down chart so they know how many days are left. We've used paper chains to count down the days until a big event before. That works pretty well. When they ask, when are we going....refer them to the chain;)

I've heard (I'm sure here somewhere) other people have counted down with small disney items for their kids each day. A count down toy as it were.

One thing that works for my planner is doing something trip related everyday, like I'll say, "Ok, today make me a list of the shirts you want packed for the trip". Just a small 5 minute thing if you are short on time (aren't we all). So they feel like they are getting prepared.

Since they aready know you're going on vacation, you could give them a copy of WDW with kids on the plane so they could look at all the pictures and get excited then.

How ever you do it HAVE A BLAST!!!!!!
Thanks for the input. I'm still debating, but I'm sure both kids wouldn't need more than a couple of days' notice so I have another 2 weeks to decide. Perhaps at that point I'll be too excited to keep it a secret anyway!
We're planning a surprise trip in August for our son (almost 8). We're driving down and aren't planning on telling him until lunch time on the second day as we'll be arriving at Disney that night (very late). This will be his 3rd trip, but the first time that we have stayed onsite (ASMu). We're going to give him Disney with Kids at lunch on that second day to surprise him. I can't wait.;) It has been very hard to keep the secret, but I'm determined to do it. We have even got Cindy's and an Illuminations cruise booked, which we're keeping as a surprise until we actually go there on the day, too. Hope it works for all of us planning surprises.:D
I think that because both kids know already that they are going on vacation that a last minute WDW surprise would be wonderful. They will have already gotten used to the idea of the plane ride and being away from home so the shock of WDW should be a good surprise.
I think I would try to wait until I was heading toward WDW and until they realize where you are. What a memory that will be. As for taking the autograph book etc, bet you could slip it in your suitcase and they would never know until you pull it out. Hey, they might even be an idea for telling them. When you land at the airport pull out the book and ask them if they want to stop by WDW and get a few autographs.
Have a blast!

Jordan's mom
We surprised our girls on our last trip. We picked my DD up from the bus stop after school with the car packed. After a few minutes she saw all the luggage in the back. She asked why it was there - Dad said "We can't very well go to Disney World without our suitcases" or something like that. For the next 20 minutes my 2 DDs screamed with excitement. My 5 year old wasn't sure if she believed her dad or not. She asked if we were kidding. We drove all night and arrived at DW in the early AM.
I think the hardest part of the surprise was for me. It was hard to plan, pack, etc without DD (5) seeing. It was hard not to share the excitement with her but it was fun to surprise her. She usually doesn't like a change in routine but this one was accepted well. She did ask if we remember to pack a variety of items for her - including her special things that she sleeps with. It was a great trip!
We managed to pull off the HUGEST surprise!:Pinkbounc :bounce:

DH and I are lucky enough to be able to get away for a few days every 6 months or so....Grandma comes and stays with the kids! We told our kids that we had to go to Miami for a *business conference*.....and that because we were leaving on a Sat. morning, Grandma said they could come with her to drop us off at the airport. We walked up to the gate, and told them "say Good-bye to Grandma". Our middle DS turned and said "Goodbye Mom and Dad"....and we emphasized, "no, say goodbye to GRANDMA"! I tell you, they were SHOCKED! They flipped out and did a whoop and hollar and got on the plane.

I had all of their backpacks, etc. packed in one LARGE carry-on (really too large to carry on, actually we emptied it and Grandma took it home :D ). I had secretly collected school work from their teachers, and packed mostly while they were at school, finishing after they went to bed.

My friends and family couldn't believe that I kept it a secret....I even managed to get the oh-so-coveted Cindy's reservations without spilling the beans! :D
Well, if you can pull that off then you have a lot more self control than I do. That probably isnt saying much though:)
Since you are apprehensive about your children not liking the surprise, why not just tell them right before you get on the plane. Until then just talk about your "Boring Old Annual Florida Vacation" Or you could tell them first thing in the morning the day you leave by handing them a goodie bag filled with autograph books, pens, stickers, and pins on a lanyard.

We surprised our kids once, but they were 2 and 5 yo at the time. They thought we were going on a business trip for my dh (well, we were, but we made a side trip first to WDW!) So we drove down and stayed the night (off-site) The next morning we got them dressed and put them in the truck. We told them (oh we lied at this point) that we had to go with Daddy to his business trip and that the girls had to be on their best behavior *or else* (ok, so that part was an idle threat) When we drove under the WDW sign our oldest's eyes got huge and she looked at dh, "You have a business meeting with MICKEY MOUSE?!?!?!" ;)

Thanks for the encouraging words and the link. gills' kids are the same age as mine, which makes me feel better about springing this on the kids. I'm pretty sure they'll be pleasantly surprised, but I just wanted to get some backup encouragement for my plan.

Wish me luck - the problem now will be to hold off telling them for another 2 weeks!
Originally posted by crusoemom
In order to keep it a secret we wouldn't bring some of our normal stuff such as autograph books, etc., which might slightly disappoint the 6yo.

Well, if you know what hotel you are planning on staying at, you can ship down a package of stuff to your resort to be held until check-in. I have heard lots of people say that this works well. Have a great vacation! Mickey
We pulled it off in February!! We're frequent Disney'ers, so our kids have been a couple of time already (ages 2 & 4). We hid the suitcases in the back of our explorer and told them we were going out for dinner. Our four year old said, "Hey, this is the airport!!" But we just said we thought we would go to the airport for dinner for a change. She bought it... We checked in and went to the restaurant next to the gate for dinner, just like we said (dinner at the airport, right?) Then we asked her if she would like to go look inside of the planes. Of course, she said yes...Once we sat down we told her and she was cheering....It was really fun.

The only downside is now she always wants to go eat at the airport!!!

Lee & Jill
I would love to hear how the surprise turned out...

We are planning the same thing with our kids (ages 6 & 4) in October. We are not sure when to spring it on them. My DH wants to wait until we are driving along the highway and they see all the billboards showing the rides etc. I am not sure if we should wait that long (or if I can wait that long!!)

Let us know what happens...Good Luck!!!
My sister in law and her husband did this in april. When the kids came down the stairs for breakfast, they told them they had bad news, they couldn't go to school. My nephew questioned why and Dad told him they were going to Disney. He didn't believe them until he saw the plane tickets! They had a wonderful trip and the kids were fine about everything. Although my nephew said he wondered why clothes were missing from his drawers! My sister in law said it was very nerve wracking, trying to keep everything quiet. Good luck with your decision!!


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