Anyone have a smash book?

OMG, I love this idea! Maybe I will embellish one of these and my dd can use it as her autograph book?!?!?

By the way, I'm new here! Hi :wave2:
OMG, I love this idea! Maybe I will embellish one of these and my dd can use it as her autograph book?!?!?

By the way, I'm new here! Hi :wave2:


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So glad that this is a trend that is starting to catch on! I saw these online this summer when I was reading a scrapping blog and knew that I had to have one. I got one for my birthday in december and it came with a bunch of the was a bundle pack from a scrapping site my husband buys from for me. I purchased the fuji instax 210 around christmas and took both on my trip to dis two weeks ago and took some disney stickers and my bff took a bunch of stuff along with her smash book and camera and we would smash each evening in her room. It was perfect b/c we were both at blt and one floor from each other. I def recommend these books...they are awesome and I can't say enough good things about them as well as the fuji instax! I'll have to post some pics when I get a moment.
I'm getting stranger. I'm starting to see just how much stuff I am saving due to this "memories" craze. Combine that with keeping way too much paper in filing cabinets.

I'm going digital whereever possible. Scanning & shredding. Taking pics with cell phone. I use Evernote on desktop, iphone & ipad, and its got version for mac & all other phones. If I want a Smashbook, I don't see why I couldn't create on in Evernote as its all set up as notes & notebooks anyway.

We might have to move in a few years & I see we have accumulated soooooo much stuff since living here for 17 years. I am terrified to think what a LIFETIME of photo albums, scrapbooks & keeping every single memory will look like and how big of a house one would need.

I am drawing the line a lot closer than I used to.

Not to mention the $ that the scrapbook industry gets out of us. Evernote = free. There may even be other digital journal methods, I just use Evernote for everything.

Whoa. Gotta go check out Evernote! I have already given up traditional scrapbooking in favor of digital, but I like this idea of journaling on the go! Thanks!

(BTW, the Smashbooks do tempt me at the store, but I'm trying to have less clutter so I'm resisting them!)
I've just found I can get one postage-free for £15:goodvibes Might get it for my summer vacation - I always write a trip journal and save stuff for scrapping, but I end up chucking stuff because it doesn't fit my layout - I might be a biyt less precious with this:rolleyes1
Here are some pages I made in a sample book I made for my Michaels store. The book, tape, tags, journalling papers and pockets are all things sold at Michaels. The books at Michaels have different colored spines and each color has a different style of papers in the book. They gave me the black book which is the Mod style. I didn't have a specific theme for the book as I was showing a variety of ways to use it.

I decorated the cover because I thought it was boring looking:



On this page, I used actual leaves I picked up on a hike my DH and I took one morning. The pocket on the right holds a map for the park we were at.

This is the only page that has an actual photo on it.




This book has a calendar page in it and I was trying to figure out a way to use that. I decided to use it as a recipe page. I'm always wanting to make different cookies at Christmas, but when the time comes I don't want to try something new incase it doesn't work and I don't have time to make something else. So, my plan is to try out a different recipe each month. This page shows a photo and the title of the recipe I did for January. The recipe card for all the recipes will be in these pockets at the back of the book.

I love it!!!!!! So much for me saving some pennies for my new storage:rolleyes1:rotfl2:
Had them in my M's cart last week, and then found something else i really needed - next time i get a gift card though......
IOne is for my oldest son. I wanted to do a book for his high school years. Nothing terribly fancy. Just pictures, school programs, ect. This is perfect. I got it started tonight, and showed it to him. He gave me a teenage grunt. It must be ok.

The second will be for my day to day life. Things we do as a family.

I'm finding the comment about the grunting teenager a little humorous. DD is a HS senior - and we are working hard to complete a scrapbook for her HS years before her grad party. THe project is coming along nicely and while technically - we are about 1/2 way done - it will be officially complete with whatever pages are done by her party.

But back to the grunting - I can raise you a grunt with an eye-roll!:rotfl:

Thank you for posting the sample you did DisneyisTerrific! I love what you did with the tape!

And - DD was commenting that she wants to scrapbook her college years too. I suggested the smash books might be a fun way to do that. Not worrying about it until the HS book is done;) DD is definitely interested in those for college. So I may start to get her some of the stuff if I need birthday ideas for her.
Assuming DS(18) does enough work to get the grades he needs:rolleyes1 I wonder what the chances are of him completing one of these during Uni?:confused3 I'm guessing 0
Okay friends! I finally finished my homemade version of a Smash book for DD to take to Costa Rica with her next week. I used a spiral bound notebook I bought at Target.... I liked the cover and the pages and discovered that it was made of banana leaf paper from Costa Rica! So it was a slam dunk (despite the very lightweight pages).

I bought some legit "Smash book" pieces, plus a bunch of other odds and ends. I tried to make every page have a slightly different feel.... some are "travel-y" some are vintage, some are "teen-ish". I left room for some photos later plus journaling to go with the photos. I used some pockets for "travel treasures". I tried to use a few prompts to get her to talk about more than just "today we went to see.....".

She LOVED IT! I did take photos and will try to get them uploaded later today............P
pjlla~ that sounds awesome! Can't wait to see.. Good luck to your DD.. Hope she enjoys Costa Rica... tell her to stay safe!!

PJ made one of these for her econ project.... she really liked it... I want to grab a book this weekend to make for her lyric book to take to college.
Okay..... I'll share some pictures here. Some of the pages only contain a rubber stamp or two for fun..... some have stickers, journaling boxes and prompts, pockets, trinkets, etc.

First up is the cover..... left it pretty much as-is.... added a rubber stamp of DD first initial and some pretty tropical ribbons to the binding.


Inside front cover just a few travel stickers plus a real Smash book sticker on page one.


A few of the inside pages..... including pages for photos and little notes, etc.






Inside back cover I included part of the label that came with the notebook stating its origins in CR.


Back cover.... just has a fun looking name label.

Anyhow...... that isn't every page, but you get the idea. It looks pretty blank now, but I'm HOPING that it will be full of notes and sketches and scribbles and STUFF when DD returns from CR. ..........................P
My mum gave me a "ladies journal" for Christmas - its really just a notebook with pictures of Regency ladies on the front, but I might use that for my trip in July - good idea to customise the pages in advance :thumbsup2
At the last scrapbooking night two friends were talking about this and one had hers with her. She made her own after watching a few youtube videos. We are in the process of building a house. Although I'll probably do a mini album of the house building process, it won't be elaborate. The next day after scrapbooking I dragged out all my stuff and put one together for our house building. It is a great place to tack all the pamphlets and snipets of things that I have been collecting. I will add pictures to it here or there, but it's more about a gathering place for all the things I wouldn't put in my scrapbook, but is relavent to our building.


This is it in pieces. I have it put together with binder rings.

Plan on doing one for Disney for sure! :)
That's what I want :thumbsup2 - a place for all those bits and pieces I collect along the way that end up in a folder as I don't want to lose them :rolleyes1:goodvibes
these are really nice to do with the kids, you really don't have to worry about messing up.
How heavy should the paper be, do you think? Ordinary notebook (not a cheap one!) OK?
How heavy should the paper be, do you think? Ordinary notebook (not a cheap one!) OK?

That was my biggest concern with the notebook I bought. The paper seemed really flimsy and I was concerned that it wouldn't hold up to the heavy stuff I was sticking to it. I ended up doubling up some of the pages. I used permanent adhesive and stuck two pages together. It was a bit of "fussy" work, making sure that the pages lined up properly and didn't look strange. But I think it worked. I didn't do it with every page, just the ones where I had stuck something heavy.

Good luck.......................P


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