anyone here do WW without meetings or online?

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet. But the WW yogurt is very tasty - I try to have one for lunch or a snack everyday. 1 point!
I've tried both ww online and meetings. I've found the meetings to be best for me. I am planning on going back in Jan. I'm hooked on carbs..especially the sweet ones! A trick my ww leader gave us was to take any type of boxed cake mix and add only a can of room temp diet coke. Sounds weird, I know. But, you can't tell the difference. It's a lot less points because you are leaving out the eggs, and oil. If you like sweets, try it.
I love the yogurt too.

Don't forget, an 8oz (1 cup) skim milk is 2 pts. If you put milk in coffee or otmeal you need to count it.

welcome mousemgr2, JJ&JSMOM and harleyquin, Daisy D and KimRaye! I think there's abouot 10 of us to start! Wahoo!

Happy New Year!
Can I join in, too? I just bought the WW At Home kit, and am set to get going on Jan. 1! :thumbsup2
What a great thread this is, as I said before support is key and whether you get it online, in a forum like this or at meetings it doesn't matter, it is the support that is the bottom line. KimRaye is a great person to help you all on the way, she has always been such an inspiration to me. Even though I go to the meetings I find some of the links posted in this thread to be of great value, so thanks for sharing. Good luck everyone, we can do this!!! Onward and downward indeed.
My plan is to weigh in on Mondays since we are starting on Monday. I will post my weight loss here and hopefully so will others to keep us motivated!

I want to go to ticker and get a Weight loss tracker too! I think that will help with seeing progress when we are discouraged.:banana:

UOTE=JJ&JSMOM;16141844]I'd love to join you all too! I've joined the exercise challenge for January and would like to continue on my WW w/you guys. I've lost 30 lbs in the last year and still have 15 lbs to go. The month of December I strayed off the WW and gained about 3 lbs but I guess thats not bad considering all the food around!

Anyway I'd love to join you all. Are we going to post our weight loss as we go? Are Mondays (since 1/1/07 is a Monday) the weigh in day or does everyone just pick there own weigh in day and report weekly? I'm really ready to get going - thanks for the motivation.

natenapril: I rec'd your PM a couple weeks back - sorry I didn't respond. I put it on my to do list for that day as I didn't have time at the moment to respond and I just forgot. But would love to join in.[/QUOTE]
My plan is to weigh in on Mondays since we are starting on Monday. I will post my weight loss here and hopefully so will others to keep us motivated!

I want to go to ticker and get a Weight loss tracker too! I think that will help with seeing progress when we are discouraged.:banana:

UOTE=JJ&JSMOM;16141844]I'd love to join you all too! I've joined the exercise challenge for January and would like to continue on my WW w/you guys. I've lost 30 lbs in the last year and still have 15 lbs to go. The month of December I strayed off the WW and gained about 3 lbs but I guess thats not bad considering all the food around!

Anyway I'd love to join you all. Are we going to post our weight loss as we go? Are Mondays (since 1/1/07 is a Monday) the weigh in day or does everyone just pick there own weigh in day and report weekly? I'm really ready to get going - thanks for the motivation.

natenapril: I rec'd your PM a couple weeks back - sorry I didn't respond. I put it on my to do list for that day as I didn't have time at the moment to respond and I just forgot. But would love to join in.

I will too! I'll weigh in tomorrow and every Monday and post my weight loss/gain each week. The tickers are fun although I'm having a tough time changing my weight - I actually gained a few pounds and need to change my current weight.

Onward and downward (love that phrase)!!! Good luck everyone!
Well I weighed in this morning. I was right I gained 3 lbs in December so instead of 15 lbs I need to lose 18 lbs. Once I reach that goal we'll see about setting another one.

So today I weighed 183 lbs. w/18lbs to lose hopefully by May. Good luck to everyone. I had my usual breakfast and used 5 of my 24 pts - ughhh! Now to get on the treadmill sometime today!

Happy New Year, everyone!
I weighed in this morning and have 25 lbs. to lose. I'd like to lose it all by June. I 'd like to lose about 10 or so by March 3 when I have to be in a wedding.
I am living by the mantra: Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

I am allowed 20-22 pts. per day. For breakfast I had an egg (2 pts.) and one slice of whole wheat toast (1 pt.) for a total of 3 pts. I've been drinking water and going over my list of 0 pts. foods to stock up on.

I have plans to ride the exercise bike or go for a walk today.

Good luck to everyone! I can't wait for next week's weigh-in.


I have 15 left over for dinner but I estimate that dinner will be about 16pts. so I guess I can use a flex point for that. It's roasted chicken with bacon and mushrooms and I'm making green beans and roasted red potatoes to go along with it.

Already looking forward to tomorrow. :)

How many points is roasted chicken? That's what we had for supper - with green beans and salad. I'm not sure how many points I had for supper, but seeing as I missed lunch (unintentionally) I'm sure I'm alright. I plan on having some SF jello later.

Hi ladies!

I haven't posted here since the first page of the thread, but since I've been PMing with some of you I thought I'd hop back in.

I weighed at my parents' house this morning, and it looks like I managed to maintain during the holidays. I'll officially weigh in on my own scale tomorrow morning.

I've got a lot to lose but won't post my specifics until tomorrow when I have a definite number.

Good luck to us all! I'm looking forward to great things from this thread in the coming year. :thumbsup2
Princess Michelle looks like we are the same weight. Man I gainded 2.5 lbs over the holidays:sad2: So much for maintaining:scared1:
Anybody else's eyeballs floating from too much water:upsidedow ?

Okay ladies let's get this going!
I am four hours behind everybody on the east coast so I will post later than most of you.

I like the saying that was posted
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!!!!!
Since everyone is posting particulars...... I'm 180-182 and have 30-35lbs to lose. Ultimately, I'd love to be 140 but I know there's no way I'll ever be that small again and still be sane. :rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

I got in 3 liters of water today and did 60 mins on the TM. I got a :headache: and was so :confused: trying to look up points today so I didn't do a good job counting. I have a plan for tomorrow though and have all my points for breakfast and lunch calculated.

I have a group that weighs in on Fri, but I generally spot check myself 3 times a week so Mondays will be good also. It will also be good motivation to not let go and have an off day on the weekend.

Sounds like everyone had a great attitude starting out, let's keep it up. I found some really neat poems that were written to keep dieters motivated, I'll post links from time to time so we can all keep our spirits up. Remember ladies, baby steps! We're going to get discouraged if we try to do too much all at once and feel like we're failing. We'll all occasionallly fall, we just need to pick ourselves up and keep going. Most of us have been down this road before, we can do it again!
Hello again everyone!!!

Make my goal 10-15 lbs, OUCH! :headache: :sad2:

Onward and DOWNward!!! :thumbsup2 :cheer2: LET'S LOSE!!!!!!!!!!! :cool1: :banana:
I did great yesterday. I didn't use all of my points and I rode the bike for 20 min. I drank LOTS of water. My eyeballs were swimming. :upsidedow

So far I'm doing great today. I used 5 pts. for breakfast and I'm drinking my water. I plan to ride the bike again tonight.

We all just have to take it one day at a time. If we can do that long enough it will become habit.

Since everyone else is posting specifics I'll do the same. I weigh 150 lbs., but I'm not very tall so that's a lot for me. My goal is to lose 25 lbs. by June with 10 or so gone by March. My plan for now is to keep myself busy so I don't eat. There is always something to clean :laundy: and I can get caught up with my scrapbooking. I get into trouble when I sit and watch TV :happytv: and eat popcorn:: for no reason.

Keep up the good work. Take it one day at a time, and remember: Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. :cheer2:
So I stepped on the scale this morning. :scared: I hate doing that! My current weight is 230.5, and I want to drop 75 pounds.

I read somewhere that you should pick the date you'd like to reach your goal (realistically speaking) and divide the weight you need to lose by the number of weeks between now and your goal. Then, you break that time down into quarters and have mini-goals along the way. I'm so anal retentive that I've done this with two different deadlines. Ideally, I'd like to hit my goal by July, which is doable if I bust my tush on the treadmill and lose 3 pounds a week. :rotfl: However, I'm sane enough to know that I'm going to have slower periods, and in the past I've been more consistent with losing 2 pounds per week. That still gets me to goal by the end of August, so I'm fine with that. Either way, by the time summer gets here I'll be weighing less than I've weighed since before having DD almost 8 years ago. :crazy:

Have any of you tried the Lean Cuisine paninis? They're huge...fantastic...and 6-7 points, depending on which one you buy. When DH works late, this is often my dinner. You're full for hours after eating one! :thumbsup2


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