I don't mind cooking at all but I hate getting home and having to decide what to cook. By the end of the workday, I just can't make another decision. So I try to decide on Sundays what we'll be eating for the rest of the week. We usually go out to eat once a week on the weekend, either Friday or Saturday. The rest of the week, I cook. DH and I both take leftovers for lunch. I can leave work for lunch but he can't so if I don't cook, he doesn't have lunch.
That's why I stopped using the vegetable crisper in the fridge, they were just turning into compost bins :laughing:

LMAO this is so relateable. We really should stop fooling ourselves and stop buying all the vegetables we'll never eat but buy because it looks good to have good intentions..er..vegetables in them.
LMAO this is so relateable. We really should stop fooling ourselves and stop buying all the vegetables we'll never eat but buy because it looks good to have good intentions..er..vegetables in them.

The main part of "meal planning" for me is determining which piece of produce is going to go bad first. That's what I'll be having for dinner tonight. ;)
This totally looks like my meal planning though I'm starting to get more realistic. I started this week with BLTs and Breakfast for dinner planned for two nights and leftovers of the lasagna DH is making planned for a third night. I think there is only one night that I was planning on making something that was going to take more than 20 minutes of total prep.
One of my favorites is to stop and grab salmon on the way home. Preheat to 425 degrees, line the baking sheet with foil, and brush the top of the fish with a mixture of olive oil, balsamic dressing (I use Olde Cape Cod because it's lower sodium) and a little lemon juice if I have it on hand. It only take 22 minutes in the oven, and I do frozen veggies and rice in the microwave. (My DS loves the minute rice cups, but you can use plain, too - just not the bag/box mixes if you're watching salt.) It's yummy, and the best thing is very little clean-up!

In the summer, I'll grill a big package of chicken, and use it for several meals - plain the first night, sandwiches another, cut up in sauce with pasta another, etc. (Silver palate makes a low sodium marinara if you don't like to make your own.)

If you like salads, you can also buy the premade in a bag and top it with leftover salmon or chicken for really quick nights.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll give them a try.


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