Anyone participating in the "Give a Day, Get a Day" ?

What have we gotten ourselves into? We're volunteering to work one of many aid stations during our local Habitat for Humanity's marathon next Saturday (Jan. 23rd). However, things are not as they were proposed. We were told, via email when we signed up, that it would be a 3-4 hour commitment, handing water to runners, offering Bandaids, registering runners, passing out t-shirts, etc. At the mandatory meeting we attended Saturday, we were told it's an 8-10 hour commitment. The runners will race around our local reservoir, plus a few miles have been added to make up for the shortage in the lake's perimeter. Because the course is out in the hills, once you are bused to your aid station at 6 a.m., you have to stay there until the bus comes to pick you up after 3 p.m. They have promised Port-o-lets, but no shelter (EZ Ups) unless you bring one yourself (it will be storming and muddy up there after the week's worth of rain we're going to be pounded with). The organizers told us at the mandatory meeting that the marathon will go on, "rain or shine," and that they expect many people to drop off the volunteer list because of the heavy rains, "but we're counting on you." Also, they asked us to pick up the trash the runners drop -- NOT A PROBLEM until they mentioned not to wander too far off because there are mountain lions and other wildlife up there (...and no radios to call for help, and no phone number of someone in charge if and when I need someone to scare the mountain lion away?!?). "Pack your lunches and your medications, if you need any, because you're going to be there all day." It keeps echoing through my head, and it doesn't make this a "fun" thing to do anymore.

Let me add that the meeting was an organizational nightmare! They knew how many people to expect, due to the emails, and they should have known to plan on others showing up. That being said, they ran out of the liability waivers for people to sign. The organizers kept talking over one another, and the sequence of items to talk about left many people confused (one lady talked about how to mix the Gatorade and how to hold the cups out for runners to grab before we even heard what time to meet and where).

In order to volunteer, we need to purchase rain gear. We live in Southern California, and according to the song, "it never rains in Southern California." We have tiny umbrellas, but not so much as a waterproof jacket, let alone rain boots. In the end, it would be cheaper to buy 2 Disney park passes! Yes, I know the principle behind the whole promotion is to give of yourself to help others, but this seems beyond the ideals of the Give a Day promo.

Sooo...what would YOU do? Would you follow through with what you said you'd do, or would you try to find another opportunity? To the OP, sorry to have hijacked your post, but this seemed like a good place to ask for help. Thanks for your insights!

Honestly I would pick another volunteer opportunity. Risking getting sick in the rain and the threat of Mountain Lions :scared1: is not worth it.

I volunteered this weekend sorting clothing/household items and helping those in need pick items and was treated so well. There was a bathroom and even food for the volunteers. The organizers were so pleasant and good to us. We are even going back next weekend, it was great. So I think you can do better.
I showed interest in two different areas. I received two e-mails, each of which said to follow the link. Which link? Is it the link in the original Give A Day website or the link within the e-mail?
I just finished 4 blankets for the Linus Project (2 for me and 2 for my husband). We turn them in next month and trip is in April. It cost about $40, took about 2 hours of time and made me feel good too.
I just finished 4 blankets for the Linus Project (2 for me and 2 for my husband). We turn them in next month and trip is in April. It cost about $40, took about 2 hours of time and made me feel good too.

We were strictly told when we signed up that we EACH had to make OUR OWN blanket. There is 5 in our family and each of us made our own... even the kids made their own blanket. And when we dropped them off on Saturday the kids were questioned on it to.
According to my wife, we are blessed enough with good enough jobs that we will just pay for our tickets as always...
I could not find an opportunity in my area for kids under the ages of 14. When I looked at the other things offered, Project Linus was not one of them. I will keep looking, our trip is not until late April.
I just signed my kids and myself up for harvesting some veggies in May. I hope they don't run out of tickets before then...
Oh well, we volunteer for the feeling and not the kick backs...although this is a pretty nice kick back...
I'm going to move this to the Promotions thread. Thanks Rich
What have we gotten ourselves into? We're volunteering to work one of many aid stations during our local Habitat for Humanity's marathon next Saturday (Jan. 23rd). However, things are not as they were proposed. We were told, via email when we signed up, that it would be a 3-4 hour commitment, handing water to runners, offering Bandaids, registering runners, passing out t-shirts, etc. At the mandatory meeting we attended Saturday, we were told it's an 8-10 hour commitment. The runners will race around our local reservoir, plus a few miles have been added to make up for the shortage in the lake's perimeter. Because the course is out in the hills, once you are bused to your aid station at 6 a.m., you have to stay there until the bus comes to pick you up after 3 p.m. They have promised Port-o-lets, but no shelter (EZ Ups) unless you bring one yourself (it will be storming and muddy up there after the week's worth of rain we're going to be pounded with). The organizers told us at the mandatory meeting that the marathon will go on, "rain or shine," and that they expect many people to drop off the volunteer list because of the heavy rains, "but we're counting on you." Also, they asked us to pick up the trash the runners drop -- NOT A PROBLEM until they mentioned not to wander too far off because there are mountain lions and other wildlife up there (...and no radios to call for help, and no phone number of someone in charge if and when I need someone to scare the mountain lion away?!?). "Pack your lunches and your medications, if you need any, because you're going to be there all day." It keeps echoing through my head, and it doesn't make this a "fun" thing to do anymore.

Let me add that the meeting was an organizational nightmare! They knew how many people to expect, due to the emails, and they should have known to plan on others showing up. That being said, they ran out of the liability waivers for people to sign. The organizers kept talking over one another, and the sequence of items to talk about left many people confused (one lady talked about how to mix the Gatorade and how to hold the cups out for runners to grab before we even heard what time to meet and where).

In order to volunteer, we need to purchase rain gear. We live in Southern California, and according to the song, "it never rains in Southern California." We have tiny umbrellas, but not so much as a waterproof jacket, let alone rain boots. In the end, it would be cheaper to buy 2 Disney park passes! Yes, I know the principle behind the whole promotion is to give of yourself to help others, but this seems beyond the ideals of the Give a Day promo.

Sooo...what would YOU do? Would you follow through with what you said you'd do, or would you try to find another opportunity? To the OP, sorry to have hijacked your post, but this seemed like a good place to ask for help. Thanks for your insights!

Ouch...I might want to look for another opportunity. Volunteering is one thing, but personal safety could be an issue here.:laughing:
We helped with a Dog Rescue/Meet and Greet Adoption. Overall, a good experience - but felt it was chaotic and perhaps too many volunteers for the amount for dogs that were there. But the kids loved it and we're happy to have found something for the whole family.

I wish there had been something with animals in our area. I am very happy to be going to the Food Bank, but as you can tell from my Avatar, I love the puppies ! :lovestruc
You know when I thought of the Canadian Cancer Society and volunteering..I thought it meant going door to door...but we signed up and they were totally open to whatever we could come up with. So we went to a highschool basketball tournament that is held every year in honour of a highschool basketball player who died of brain cancer. We sold food and drinks and made a profit of close to 400 dollars for the Canadian Cancer society and over 3000 dollars for the Mike Fitz Scholarship....that is all from the GAD idea....we wouldn't have been organizing it without GAD program.
I'm really wanting to do this, but my area has very few opportunities and the ones we do have...well they are almost all full. I do a lot of volunteer and charity work throughout the year as well as raising awareness for several causes so getting a ticket to Disney would be awesome as a little reward. Just hope I am able to find something!

Edit: And of course right after I posted and went on the site I saw they added more opportunities! One of which fits with my future career so it all works out :)
I'm really wanting to do this, but my area has very few opportunities and the ones we do have...well they are almost all full.

If you're not planning to go to WDW until after this spring, I'd try back in a little while. JMHO, but I would expect the initial hubbub to die down after a couple of months and more volunteer opportunities to open up.
I just signed up to do a Habitat for Humanity construction day in March. I still have to register it on the Disney site, though, as it can't be done until 60 days out.
If you're not planning to go to WDW until after this spring, I'd try back in a little while. JMHO, but I would expect the initial hubbub to die down after a couple of months and more volunteer opportunities to open up.

Thanks :) I did see more were added since the beginning of the month and have found a few that I am able to do!
Our family is participating. We registered just 2 days ago and we already received confirmation from our charity. We are doing a fund drive for the foster kids of NJ. My kids are learning a valuable lesson and helping at the same time. This is a great promotion.:thumbsup2
I signed up with a church in their clothing room, distrubing clothes to the needy and cleaning up but they had no availability until May 2. My trip is May 15 so hopefully I will get the voucher before I leave. I'm still searching for other opportunities, maybe something earlier, but still intend to keep my commitment in May. I like the idea of volunteering and used to do it while I was in high school. I think its a wonderful promotion and have asked my nieces to join me if I find something they can participate in.
I signed up with a church in their clothing room, distrubing clothes to the needy and cleaning up but they had no availability until May 2. My trip is May 15 so hopefully I will get the voucher before I leave. I'm still searching for other opportunities, maybe something earlier, but still intend to keep my commitment in May. I like the idea of volunteering and used to do it while I was in high school. I think its a wonderful promotion and have asked my nieces to join me if I find something they can participate in.

The kids and I did our service on Monday, January 18th. I got an e-mail from the organization on Tuesday, Jan.19th saying they had e-mailed Disney that our service was completed. I then got the e-mail from Disney on Friday, January 22nd where I was able to print my vouchers. So, it was only a 4 DAY wait period which I thought was great! I think the key is the organization notifying Disney quickly. So, while I know there are no guarantees, I would think you should be O.K.:goodvibes
Quick turnaround here too! Our volunteer date was 1/20, we were "confirmed 1/22 and got our voucher email 1/24. :)


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