Anyone want to show off your BBB pages/layouts/ideas?


DIS Veteran
Jan 24, 2010
I am scrapbooking an autograph book for our September trip (loving the way it's turning out, btw! :cheer2:) and I'm going ahead and making scrapbook pages for some of the things we plan to do.....Pirate's League pirate:, BBB, pages for group pics at the restaurants we have ressies for.

But I'm LOST on what to do for BBB! DD will do it twice, once with the princess bun princess: and once with the crazier hairdo (not sure the name of it) :crazy2:. DS will do the knight's package or whatever it is. So, I'm needing ideas/inspiration for page layouts for each of those. Anyone want to share what you've done/plan on doing/would do? :) I'm doing chipboard books that are 8x8 and my pages are 7.5x7.5, so I'd like to do one page for each kid per BBB visit.

Pirate's League was easy, as there's pirate paper and embellishments readily available everywhere, but not so much with BBB.


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